VicChu 发表于 2004-10-25 11:47:56


1. Abandon oneself to something
  ─ allow onself to be completely controlled by something, especially passions or impulses.
  ─ 完全屈服于……﹔陷入……
  Example: Tom tried and tried but failed again and again. Finally, he abandoned himself to despair.

2. Abase oneself
  ─ make oneself humble.
  ─ 降低自己的身分
  Example: In ancient times, people of low social status often abased themselves in the presence of an influential or powerful person.

3. Abide by something
  ─ observe or follow something.
  ─ 遵守某事
  Example: When you play a game, you must abide by the rules and regulations concerned.

4. Back a/the wrong horse
  ─ put one's faith in someone who later loses or something which fails.
  ─ 下錯了賭注﹔支持輸家
  Example: The manager backed a wrong horse by giving the much-coveted job to Jack, who turned out to have a criminal record.

5. Back away (from doing something)
  ─ move away (from doing something) because of dislike or fear.
  ─ 因害怕或厭惡而后退
  Examples: 1. The cat backed away as the stranger raised his hand to hit it. 2. In the face of strong opposition, the government has backed away from increasing taxes.

6. Call forth/out something
  ─ cause something to be seen or used.
  ─ 使某事物出現﹔引出某事物
  Examples: 1. Lily's outward appearance was so attractive that it called forth admiration from every man in the office. 2. Difficulties in life may call out a person's good qualities not easily seen in good life.

7. Call in someone/something
  ─ ask someone to come.
  ─ 請某人來
  Example: Please call in my family doctor.
  ─ request the return of something.
  ─ 下令收回某物
  Examples: 1. The banks have called in all the old one-dollar notes. 2. A Japanese car maker has called in some cars with engine faults.

8. Dab hand at (doing) something, a
  ─ clever at (doing) something.
  ─ (做)某事的能手
  Example: As Susan is a dab hand at interior design, let her decorate the new apartment for you.

9. Dabble in something
  ─ play with water by moving one's hands and feet about.
  ─ 涉水
  Example: The children enjoyed dabbling in the river water after the rain.
  ─ do things in a half-serious manner.
  ─ 涉獵﹔淺嘗輒止
  Example: Sean does not like stamp-collection but only dabbles in it at his leisure.

10. Had better
  ─ it would be wise to.
  ─ 最好
  Example: You had better go home before rain comes.

11. Haggle over/about something
  ─ argue in an attempt to fix a price on something.
  ─ 討價還價
  Examples: 1.Mrs Li haggled with the storekeeper over the goods she was buying. 2. I seldom haggled about the food price when I found it reasonable.

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-25 12:00:44


1. I beg to differ

  ─ I don't agree with you.

  ─ 恕我不能贊同

  Example: You may think that John should be offered the job, but I beg to differ. John has no practical experience and is not highly motivated.

2. I/You bet

  ─ I am/ you are sure.

  ─ 我敢肯定﹔你可確信

  Examples: 1.The weather is fine. I bet it won't rain.

       2. You bet I'll arrive at the airport before everyone else.

3. Jack-in-the-box, a

  ─ a person who fidgets or does not sit still.

  ─ 盒中的玩偶﹔比喻一個人靜不下來

  Example: “Boy! Sit properly! Don't jump up and down like a jack-in-the-box.”

4. Jack of all trades is master of none, a

  ─ person who can do many different kinds of work may not be good at any of them.

  ─ 博而不精的人

  Example: This chap repaired the television and installed the air-conditioner all in one day, but none of the work he did seemed reliable. Isn't he a jack of all trades master of none?

5. Oblivious of/to something

  ─ unaware of something; not noticing something.

  ─ 未覺察某事﹔不注意某事

  Example: What is wrong with James? He seems completely oblivious of what has happened here.

6. Odd man/one out, an

  ─ a person or thing different from a group or left out of it.

  ─ 與眾不同的人或物

  Examples: 1. You had better learn to use a computer if you don't want to be an odd man out.       2. Look at the watch on the dining table! It is an odd one out.

7. Pack of lies, a

  ─ something that is completely untrue.

  ─ 一派胡言

  Example: Don't listen to him! His story is a pack of lies.

8. Pack someone off (to some place)

  ─ send someone away, usually quickly and without wasting time.

  ─ 迅速打發某人

  Example: The mother could not allow the children to sleep late, so she packed them off to bed at about 10p.m.

9. Qualify as someone/for something

  ─ show that one is suitable for a profession, reaches a a standard, etc.

  ─ 具……的資格﹔合格于……

  Examples: 1. After years of hard work, Judie has qualified as a dentist.

       2. Our school is sure to qualify for the regional English debating competition.

10. Quarrel with one's bread and butter

  ─ dislike the work by which one earns one's living.

  ─ 和自己的生計過不去

  Example: If you are against the authorities, you are quarrelling with your bread and butter and your family will be in trouble.

11. Race against time/a race against time

  ─ hurry to do something before a certain time.

  ─ 盡快工作,按時完成

  Examples: 1. Being late, you have to race against time to finish the work by 5 p.m.

       2. I try to get this assignment done by Monday, but it will be a race against time.

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-26 13:24:53

Test (4)

  Study the meaning of each CONFUSING WORD and then fill in each blank with a correct answer.  

甲. mend: a. free from faults;      b. simple repairing work  
乙. repair: repairing work which requires special skill or equipment
(1) My telephone set stopped functioning. It will have to be sent for _____________.
(2) The ill-behaved boy has ____________ his ways and has changed for the better.
(3) It took quite some time for a damaged car to be properly _____________.
(4) Please send for an experienced technician to _____________ the leakage in the roof.
(5) You can ask your mother to _____________ the hole in the pocket.
( 6 ) It is never too late to turn and never too late to _____________.  

甲. able to: actual ability after some efforts (always commendable in meaning)  
乙. capable of: potential ability (mostly derogatory in meaning)
(7) An evil-doer is _____________ all kinds of tricks and undesirable acts.
( 8 ) I hope I shall be _____________ return you the kindness shown to me.
(9) At the age of three, Jaclyn is _____________ read and write simple words.
(10) Are you _____________ predict what will happen in the years ahead?
(11) As an administrator of high caliber, David is _____________ deal with any problem.
(12) He is _____________ doing any bad thing if he loses his temper.
(13) With her poor physical condition, is she _____________ long journey?
(14) I don't think that small company is _____________ handling such a big oversea order.  

甲. agree: a. have the same opinion;       b. have a favorable opinion;     c. say 'yes'  
乙. approve (of): a. have a favorable opinion;          b. say 'yes' officially
(15) Do you _____________ to leave for the airport at once?
(16) You are welcome to come along if your parents _____________ it.
(17) The committee hesitated to _____________ the impractical plan.
(18) When Jim suggested that we go out for a walk in the public park, we readily _____________.
(19) Has the Board of Directors _____________ your expansion project?
(20) It is generally _____________ that a person with good qualifications and experience should be given a better job.

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-27 07:21:37




  美國是個繁榮富裕之國,但不是家家戶戶都有錢。不少人還是所入僅足糊口:“live from hand to mouth”。

  有些人善于從事煽動的勾當,喜歡把話語套在別人口里,這就是“putting words into another person's mouth”。還有些人剛好相反,喜歡把別人心中話透露出來:“taking the words out of someone's mouth”。更有些人樂于夸大其詞,因為他們“have a big mouth”。那些好新奇事物的人便會豎起“itching ears”,在“prick up their ears”傾聽之后,自然而然會把聽到的口口相傳:“going from mouth to mouth”,用意不外是在使道聽途說的事能傳播多遠就多遠:“with an eye to spreading the hearsay far and wide”。

  從社會上許多人際關系不好的事件看來,喜歡亂說話O要不得的,因為口無遮攔者一開口:“open his mouth”,就得罪人。莫怪父母親常教導孩子要多聽:“to be all ears”,要多看:“to be all eyes”,更要守口如瓶:“keep one's mouth shut”,才不會出亂子。

  當一個人受人影響或控制時,就是被拉著鼻子走:“led by the nose”。在現代社會里,有些人自視甚高,看輕別人,這種人難免鼻子朝天:“turn their noses up ”,不屑與人為伍。除了輕視他人之外,有些人還喜歡打聽人家的秘密或干涉別人的私事,這些人很“nosy”,愛“nose into others' affairs”。

  如果你在傾聽談話就要“all ears”。如果學生不聽教誨,老師會說他左耳進右耳出:“in at one ear and out at the other”。對一個有鑒賞音樂能力者,可以形容他為“a person who has a good ear for music”﹔音樂悅耳的話,就是“pleasant to the ear”﹔不好聽或聽來刺耳,就叫“harsh/unpleasant to the ear”。

  一個人很忙時會說:“up to my ears in work”。不幸負債累累或債台高筑時,一定會喊說:“over head and ears in debt”。有時,掉入情網,難分難舍時,可形容為:“head over heels in love with him or her”。

  完全同意一個人的看法或意見是“see eye to eye with someone”。當你向一個女人送秋波時,你“make eyes at her”。

  當你不愿意注意一樣東西時,你“close your eyes to it ”。相反的,你要“keep an eye on it ”。如果你要請人認清事實,可叫他“open your eyes to the fact”。

  在英語里,“an eye for an eye”是報仇﹔方法之一是“give him a black eye”(打得眼圈發青)。

  一旦看到不愉快的事,會覺得刺眼,視之為“an eyesore”,而要盡快把它排除在視線之外:“out of eyeshot ”。看到稀奇或可疑的事,我們會瞠目吃驚而“raise our eyebrows”。

红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-28 21:19:10

text 4 jiaojuan

甲 mend2   5    6   乙 repair13   4
甲 able   to   89   11   14   乙 capable710   12   13
甲 agree15   16   20   乙 approve   17   18    19

请 教:smile::o   thanksagain.

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-28 22:12:50

回复:Test (4)

Test (4)

  Study the meaning of each CONFUSING WORD and then fill in each blank with a correct answer.  

甲. mend: a. free from faults;      b. simple repairing work  
乙. repair: repairing work which requires special skill or equipment
(1) My telephone set stopped functioning. It will have to be sent for _____________.
(2) The ill-behaved boy has ____________ his ways and has changed for the better.
(3) It took quite some time for a damaged car to be properly _____________.
(4) Please send for an experienced technician to _____________ the leakage in the roof.
(5) You can ask your mother to _____________ the hole in the pocket.
( 6 ) It is never too late to turn and never too late to _____________.  

甲. able to: actual ability after some efforts (always commendable in meaning)  
乙. capable of: potential ability (mostly derogatory in meaning)
(7) An evil-doer is _____________ all kinds of tricks and undesirable acts.
( 8 ) I hope I shall be _____________ return you the kindness shown to me.
(9) At the age of three, Jaclyn is _____________ read and write simple words.
(10) Are you _____________ predict what will happen in the years ahead?
(11) As an administrator of high caliber, David is _____________ deal with any problem.
(12) He is _____________ doing any bad thing if he loses his temper.
(13) With her poor physical condition, is she _____________ long journey?
(14) I don't think that small company is _____________ handling such a big oversea order.  

甲. agree: a. have the same opinion;       b. have a favorable opinion;     c. say 'yes'  
乙. approve (of): a. have a favorable opinion;          b. say 'yes' officially
(15) Do you _____________ to leave for the airport at once?
(16) You are welcome to come along if your parents _____________ it.
(17) The committee hesitated to _____________ the impractical plan.
(18) When Jim suggested that we go out for a walk in the public park, we readily _____________.
(19) Has the Board of Directors _____________ your expansion project?
(20) It is generally _____________ that a person with good qualifications and experience should be given a better job.

ANSWERS: (1) repairing; (2) mended; (3) repaired; (4) repair; (5) mend; ( 6 ) mend; (7) capable of; ( 8 ) able to; (9) able to; (10) able to; (11) able to; (12) capable of; (13) capable of; (14) capable of; (15) agree; (16) approve of; (17) approve; (18) agreed; (19) approved; (20) agreed

红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-29 12:09:37


THANKYOU. :smile:

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-29 19:37:45




  Ⅰ 現在簡單時態


  ● The plane to Hawaii leaves at 10 tonight.

  ● The British Prime Minister arrives at 8 tomorrow morning.


  □現在簡單時態也可用來取代時間副詞分句(adverb clauses of time)或條件副詞分句(adverb clauses of condition)中的現在未來時態,如:

  ● Let's wait until all the guests come.

  ● If it rains tomorrow, we can't go fishing.

  理論上可以說“until all the guests will come”和“if it will rain tomorrow”,但實際句子里,并不如此。


  ● Alexander Pope says, “A little learning is a dangerous thing.”

  ● The Chinese proverb has it, “God helps those who help themselves.”

  只有在特殊情況下,才用這種時態﹔否則,過去的事, 只好用過去時態,比較妥當。

  Ⅱ 現在進行時態


  ● They are going downtown this afternoon.

  ● I am seeing an old friend tonight.

  □現在進行時態,也和副詞“always, continually, constantly”等連用以表示不斷重復的舉動,言下有不勝其煩之感,如:

  ● Janet is always complaining.

  ● Why are you continually finding fault with our new system?

  ● Strange! The weather here is constantly changing.

  Ⅲ 過去簡單時態


  ● lf I were you, I would join that activity.

  ● I wish I had better luck next time.


  ● Could you tell me how to go to the library?

  ● I would appreciate it if you could help me.

  ● Would you mind lending me your pen for a while?


VicChu 发表于 2004-10-29 22:03:51


談起作“祝酒”解的toast說舉杯祝酒常用raise作動詞。例如宴會中主人舉杯祝酒時說:I would like to raise a toast to our guests。由于toast亦作烤面包片解,曾有個笑話說有人將raise a toast譯作“舉起一塊面包片”。原文說:Mary raised a toast to her guests,竟譯成了:瑪莉向客人們舉起一塊面包片。

  英國人的早餐,將不到一公分厚的切片方面包,放進烤面包的toaster中烤,make a toast in a toaster,有烤得干脆可口者,稱為Melba toast亦即crisp toast。話說在十六世紀中期,人們祝酒干杯,喝的是葡萄酒。當時習俗先將一片烤面包放入杯中,據說可以增加酒的美味并吸去所含雜質。祝酒時干杯,只留下杯中剩下的那片toast,因此toast便成了祝酒干杯的同義詞了。此詞又引伸作“祝詞”解,宴會中舉杯祝詞者稱為toast master,又引伸作司儀解。此外Toast又作“名人”解:Joan's new book has made her the toast of the city。阿瓊的新作令她成為本市名人。烤面包片的toast音譯作吐司,土斯或者多士。

    貪杯的朋友每逢宴飲,借“敬酒”和席上客人們“干杯”,愛用英語說“bottoms up!”,話中的bottoms指的是酒杯之底。杯底向上,正是“干杯”。他說我們“干杯”,先要各人杯中有酒,因此主人提議干杯前會問:Has everyone been served ?然后說:All right, then, bottoms up。

  這個 bottoms up 更常聽到的說法是:cheers!三五知己或者一般朋友有人提議干杯,只要說:bottoms up或者cheers,是為正式的宴會。為了表示對人或事的慶賀祝酒,提議“干杯”時用:I propose a toast to...的說法。例如為合資事業成功祝酒:I propose a toast to the success of our joint venture 是對事的祝酒。祝賀新婚夫婦:I propose a toast to the happy couple。通常有起立舉杯說:I would like to propose a toast ! 不加 to... 的說明,更隨便一點就說:Let's drink to the success of our venture 或者 Let's drink to the happy couple 者。

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-29 22:13:42


  “乳臭未干”譯為英文,英語中有現成的說法曰:Wet behind the ear。青年人涉世未深,言行幼稚,我們說:He is still wet behind the ears,或者:He is hardly dry behind his ears。胎生動物,例如老虎、獅子、熊之類的幼獸出世后,混身濕潤,漸漸干時,耳朵背后還是濕的,用以喻“乳臭未干”,是為not yet dry behind the ear。有個朋友說他少年時愛對國家大事發表言論。但是那時茶館中都有“莫談國事”的戒條。他的英文老師告訴他要用手巾多抹抹耳朵──抹前面,提醒自己多聽少說﹔抹后面,告訴自己“奶臭未干”,不要多說話。

  耳朵聽人說話,有它的選擇。想聽、愛聽的話,全神傾聽,英語作to be all ears。朋友說有話要跟你談,你說:I am all ears。洗耳恭聽也。愛參加派對活動的姑娘,聽你談到要開派對:She is all ears when you mentioned the party。不要聽,聽不進的話,可以不聽,裝聾,to turn a deaf ear。員工怨聲載道,老板充耳不聞:The boss turned a deaf ear to all complaints也。

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-29 22:18:44


動詞promise的過去分詞跟著連詞(conjunction)用的as,成為as promised,常見用者──特別是在商業通信中。一家公司答應寄送樣品給客戶,附函中說:We are sending you the sample, as (we) promised。會話中用以聲明會照辦事先說好的事情。例如你借了朋友一本書,久久未還。朋友偶然問起,你說明天一定奉還:I'll bring the book back tomorrow, as (I) promised,表示當初說了要還,一定會還。

  As加動詞過去分詞,省略as之后的主語和動詞be作為從句,是相當簡潔的表現方式,多見于新聞英語中。要注意的是如果時制和主句不同,be動詞部分不能省略。例如論斯里蘭卡政局者說該國的權力曾經多次証明不是通過勞動階級所能取得:The way to power in Sri Lanka is not through the working class, as has been proved time and time again。主句中用現在時制,從句中非用現在完成時制不可,雖然略去了作為從句主語之it。再看:A spokesman said about ten targets were struck as planned。“一如原定計划”,as planned足矣。

VicChu 发表于 2004-11-2 00:08:42




  The people attacked the practice of making great profits out of college sports from the fact that it had a detrimental influence on college students.


  The people attacked commercialisation of college sports as detrimental to students.

  怎樣使篇章簡短,筆調清新,是件說來話長的事,容后再談。這里只提出一樣使句子簡短生動的方法﹔那就是多多利用狀態副詞(Adverbs of Manner)以取代狀態副詞短語(Adverb Phrases of Manner)。


  □a. As an enthusiastic reader, Peter read many books without paying attention to their differences in quality or subject matter.

   b. As an enthusiastic reader, Peter read many books indiscriminately(不作選擇地)

  □a. Good staff performed their tasks with great care and strong sense of responsibility.

   b. Good staff performed their tasks conscientiously.(誠心誠意地)

  □a. A cheque of □ million dollars was sent to the Kidney Research Centre without indicating the name of the donor.

   b. A cheque of □ million dollars was anonymously donated to the Kidney Research Centre.(匿名地)

  □a. The pharmacist, through an oversight, made a mistake in the prescription.

   b. The pharmacist inadvertently made a mistake in the prescription.(不經心地)

  □a. The new encyclopedia, published regardless of expenses, is now available at a reduced price.

   b. The new encyclopedia, lavishly published, is now available at a reduced price.

  □a. When we read the annual report,we were impressed by the content presented in simple words and sentences.

   b. When we read the annual report, we were impressed by its concisely presented content.


红 树 林 发表于 2004-11-2 13:15:58

very good


VicChu 发表于 2004-11-4 00:54:04




  “We fabricate our products from the best quality materials available and ensure refinement in the finishing works while keeping your cost at the lowest possible prices. ”

  先談同義詞的重復。在“while keeping your cost at the lowest possible prices”中,把“prices”改為“level”即可。如果要品味好些,可把“possible”挪到“level”后頭,即:“ While keeping your cost at the lowest level possible.”


  在“We fabricate our products from the best quality materials available”中,形容詞短語“best quality”漏了介語 “of”:“of best quality”。這樣的短語一定要擺在被修飾的名詞后面,即:“We fabricate our products from the materials of best quality available”﹔不然,就把“quality”去掉,只留住“best”也可:“We... from the best materials available.”


□ Do you know the man who talked to you in a white shirt?

  這里的形容詞短語“in a white shirt”和所修飾的名詞“the man”離開太遠,不妥當,要移前:“Do you know the man in a white shirt who talked to you ?”

□ A dog is a good helper that is well-trained.

  這里的形容詞分句“that is well-trained”修飾名詞“the dog”,不是“a good helper”,因此要和正確的對象靠攏:“A dog that is well-trained is a good helper.”


□ The Board of Directors only has meeting once a month.

  這里的副詞“only”顯然是要修飾“once a month”,那么就應該把它移過去:“The Board of Directors has meeting only once a month.”

□ The man needed a bandage for his wound badly.

  這里的狀態副詞“badly”修飾動詞“needed”。既然如此,它就要移到“needed”之前:“The man badly needed a bandage for his wound.”

□ Though the standard of living is raised, the costs of living are increasing also.

  習慣上,“also”這個位置屬于“too”的﹔“also”可以到“ are increasing”中間去﹔

  “Though the standard of living is raised, the costs of living are increasing, too.”或

  “Though the standard of living is raised, the costs of living are also increasing.”

VicChu 发表于 2004-11-4 01:48:26


下列是學生英文作文中常見拼錯的五十個單字,有此標誌(*)者表示一所位於英國喜利列島(Isles of Scilly)的綜合中學(comprehensive school)的學生也會拼錯,我曾經在該校實習(school attachment),閱讀很多學生的作文而發現的,當時正是英倫四月天,今年年滿百歲的英國女王母后也在此時蒞臨該校參觀。晚上八點,夕陽無限好,仍未近黃昏。海灘慢步,四下無人,喜見天地一沙鷗。

Scilly 與 silly 同音,故英國人戲稱愚人列島。主島名為聖瑪麗 (St. Mary),島民以種植花卉為業,銷往英國大陸。此外,每天有多艘船隻載送觀光客週遊列島,早去晚歸。聖瑪麗無處不飛花,美極了,看她是一種視覺的享受及心靈的慰藉,而且夜不閉戶,路不拾遺,堪稱世外桃源,英國人一生中若未去過喜利列島,均引以為憾。

Misspelled words   Correct spellings
pronounciation         pronunciation

grammer*                  grammar

grammertical               grammatical

begining*                      beginning

truely                              truly

writting                           writing

studing                        studying

studyed                            studied

unforgetable                     unforgettable

cann't                                  can't

goverment*                         government

untill                                       until

deligent                               diligent

diicious                              delicious

experince                           experience

feeled                                    felt

favorate*                                  favorite

teached                                 taught

togather                                    together

befor                                       before

planed*                                 planned

chosed                                    chose

prefered*                              preferred

keeped                                 kept

reconize*                               recognize

(summer) vocation               (summer) vacation

teached                                    taught

themself*                                  themselves

ourself                                    ourselves

regestration                        registration

stoped                                     stopped

losed                                          lost

setted                                          set

enjoied                                  enjoyed

enviroment*                            environment

campas                                  campus

explaination*                        explanation

therefor*                              therefore

pasttime                              pastime

dallor                                        dollar

mathmatics*                     mathematics

unconcious                         unconscious

occured*                               occurred

ninty*                                       ninety

fourty                                       forty

ocassion*                              occasion

writen                                    written

devide                                     divide

talktive                                    talkative

alway                                    always
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