VicChu 发表于 2004-10-11 22:59:50

最初由[红 树 林]发布


Chu Sir.


VicChu 发表于 2004-10-11 23:49:13



  (1)All night long: 整夜

Some stores stay open all night long.

  (2)Call it a day: 一天工作完畢

Every day, we have class from 9am and will call it a day at 4.30pm.

  (3)Day after day: 每天

Schooling could be very boring, as the students do the same things day after day.

  (4)Day in day out: 一天又一天

Henry wears the same old jeans day in day out. Isn't he going to buy some new clothes ?

  (5)For a rainy day: 為困難的日子作准備

When a person gets older, he will realise the importance of saving for a rainy day.

  ( 6 )In this day and age: 在現在這時代

In this day and age, no one can expect to get something out of nothing.

  (7)Have an off day: 不大成功或順利的一天

Tom did not do well in yesterday's test.He considered him unlucky euough to have an off day.

  ( 8 )The order of the day: 一般的慣例

In a petroleum station here, payment by credit card is the order of the day.

  (9)The other day: 几天前

I bumped into an old friend the other day.

  (10)To this day: (指日期)准確地

It is 40 years to this day that I left university.

  (11)Have seen better days: 曾經歷過好日子

Palmer was departmental head in that university before he came here. He has seen better days.

  (12)Some day: 將來

Everyone hopes to be great some day.

  (13)One's days are numbered: 末日將臨:

Under computerisation, unskilled workers become redundant. Their days in a company are numbered.

  (14)Carry the day: 勝利的一天

Our team lost at first, but later, it carried the day with two goals to one.

  (15)Someone's day: 幸運的一天

Jim was promoted. Furthermore, he was given a performance bonus yesterday. It was his day.

  (16)Take a day off: 休息一天

Janet was unwell and took a day off.

  (17)Have a night out: 夜間出去消遣

It's time to have a change. We must have a night out at the weekend.

  (18)A night owl: 遲遲不睡者

The moment Jack entered the university, he was a night owl.

  (19)At the dead of night: 深夜

Our managerial officers attended the emergency meeting at the dead of night.

  (20) Save the day: 使情況變佳.

Frank saved the day by kicking in a goal during the last five minutes of the match.

  (21)Every dog has its day: 凡人都有得意日

I have seen ordinary people suddenly become important. This is a case of every dog has its day.

  (22)What is done by night appears by day: 若要人不知,除非己莫為”Crime does not pay. Criminals will be found out. That's why we say : What is done by night appears by day.

南山秀才 发表于 2004-10-12 10:43:25

Thanks, I Appreciate

Thank you, Chu Sir.

红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-12 23:43:39


秀 才 , 来 两 句 之 乎 者 也 助 助 丫 。

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-13 07:41:00

最初由[红 树 林]发布

秀 才 , 来 两 句 之 乎 者 也 助 助 丫 。


  Study the VERB MEANINGS in the list, and then fill in each blank with a suitable answer in the correct form.

  distrust ascertain howl cherish
  signal subject terminate pervade
  stir release stream pave
  scatter   endure decay sneak
  resound indulge mingle crumble 
    relish dash flutter cling prowl

  (1) All the new products are ____________ to rigorous inspection or testing.
  (2) Contracts can be renewed or ____________ , depending on workers' performance.
  (3) Put the food in the fridge, as it will ____________ in hot weather.
  (4) I admire those who ____________ pain without making any complaint.
  (5) On hearing the bad news, tears ____________ from the poor girl's eyes.
  ( 6 ) No matter where you keep the durians, their strong odour will still ____________ the air.
  (7) The desperate woman still ____________ the hope that her husband will return safe and sound.
  ( 8 ) We did not believe Tony. In fact, we ____________ him in all matters.
  (9) Have you ever heard a dog ____________ late at night?
  (10) When found not guilty, the suspect was immediately ____________ .
  (11) Jason's constant efforts ____________ the way for his ultimate success.
  (12) The children in the field ____________ when rain suddenly came.
  (13) I ____________ the sugar in the coffee with a silver spoon.
  (14) She got on the taxi, said good-bye to her friend, and ____________ her to go home.
  (15) Can you ____________ that some secret agents were around when the Opposition leader spoke?
  (16) Don't ____________ yourself with alcoholic drink or your health will suffer.
  (17) The loud noise of argument last night ____________ through the whole building.
  (18) Trying not to be seen, the naughty boy ____________ out of the house through the back door.
  (19) In the earthquake, houses ____________ and killed a large number of residents.
  (20) To learn a language, one has to ____________ with those who speak the language well.
  (21) As Tony was late for class, he ____________ to the bus stop without having breakfast.
  (22) Oriental people don't often ____________ eating western food.
  (23) It is interesting to see the window curtains ____________ in the breeze.
  (24) On crossing the road, the boy ____________ to his mother's hand.
  (25) You can hide behind a big tree and see animals’ ____________ in the forest.

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-13 08:30:10


I wonder if不知道…能否……

I wonder if you can help me.


"I wonder if you + 助動詞 + 原形動詞 + ……."
= Can you + V + 原形動詞 +……?

I wonder if I might ask you a question.

I'll keep in touch. 我會保持聯絡。
與友人道別時,為了延續彼此間的友誼,常使用本句。注意句型"keep in touch with +人"表「與某人保持聯絡」,可替換為"keep in contact with +人",此contact亦表「接觸」之意。至於表「與某人失去聯絡」,則使用句型"lose contact/touch with +人"。

I'll stay in touch.  我會保持聯絡。
I'll keep you posted.  我會告知近況。
= I'll keep you informed.

上述句型"keep + 人 + posted"與"keep + 人 + informed"意思相同,均表「告知某人近況」。但inform(告知)亦可使用主動語態,其基本句型為"inform + 人 + of + 事",表「告知某人某事」。

He informed me of his return.

Time sure flies, doesn't it? 時光飛逝,不是嗎?

Time passes very quickly. 時間過得好快。
Time flies like an arrow. 光陰似箭。
Time and tide wait for no man. 歲月不饒人。


Time is precious. Don't goof off you time.

An idle youth, a needy age.

I'd be glad to. 我樂意之至。

I'd be happy to.  我樂意之至。
= I'd be delighted to.
= I'd love to.

上列對話中,"I'd be glad to."是簡答句,完整回答為"I'd be glad to look after your son for you tonight."。此外,"look after"為重要片語,表「照顧」,可等於"take care of",但"take after"則表「相像」,等於及物動詞resemble。

John takes after his father very much.

You're pulling my leg. 你在唬我。
與友人閒聊,若不太相信對方所講的話時,可使用本句。注意本句不可就字面上翻譯為「你在扯我後腿」,英文裡表「扯後腿」,必須用burst one's bubble(戳破某人的泡泡)。

You're putting me on.  你在唬我。
Quit teasing me.  別逗我了。
You're kidding.  你在開玩笑吧。

英文裡表「贏得第幾獎」,使用句型"win + 序數詞 + prize"。注意序數詞前不可加定冠詞the,因為本句型具有專有名詞之意,故"win first prize"表「贏得首獎/冠軍」,而"win the first prize"表「贏得第一個頒發的獎(未必是首獎)」。

There's no one on the first base.
無人在一壘(非the first base)壘包上。

After receiving the first aid, John came to.
在急救(非the first aid)後,約翰甦醒了。

Get a hold of yourself. 冷靜理智點吧。

Get a grip on yourself.  冷靜理智點吧。
= Pull yourself together.

上列對話中,"get over"之後接「人」作受詞,表「忘懷某人」。

Tommy has broken up with Jenny, but he still can't get over her.

另注意"get over"亦可表「克服(困難、難題等)」。

Without your help, I don't think I can get over the difficulty.

I couldn't care less. 我一點都不在乎。
我們對某件事情感到毫不在乎時,可使用本句,其實也就等於I don't care at all.(我毫不在乎)的意思。注意本句中的couldn't是假設語氣用法,千萬不可改為can't。本句與I couldn't agree more.(我極表同意)有異曲同工之妙。

I really don't care.  我真的不在乎。
I'm really not interested.  我真的不感興趣。

上列對話中"to be honest"為副詞片語,通常置於句首,之後置逗點,再接主要子句,表「坦白說,老實說」。

To be honest,       I dislike Tom.
To be frank with you,       
Frankly speaking,       
To tell you the truth,       


红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-13 13:23:41



  Study the VERB MEANINGS in the list, and then fill in each blank with a suitable answer in the correct form.

  distrust ascertain howl cherish
  signal subject terminate pervade
  stir release stream pave
  scatter   endure decay sneak
  resound indulge mingle crumble 
    relish dash flutter cling prowl

  (1) All the new products are ___ascertain ________ to rigorous inspection or testing.
  (2) Contracts can be renewed or _terminate ___________ , depending on workers' performance.
  (3) Put the food in the fridge, as it will __decay __________ in hot weather.
  (4) I admire those who _endure ___________ pain without making any complaint.
  (5) On hearing the bad news, tears _stream ___________ from the poor girl's eyes.
  ( 6 ) No matter where you keep the durians, their strong odour will still _pervade ___________ the air.
  (7) The desperate woman still __cherish __________ the hope that her husband will return safe and sound.
  ( 8 ) We did not believe Tony. In fact, we distrust ________ him in all matters.
  (9) Have you ever heard a dog __]__howl________   late at night?
  (10) When found not guilty, the suspect was immediately _____release_______   .
  (11) Jason's constant efforts ___subject _________ the way for his ultimate success.
  (12) The children in the field _dash[/ COLOR] ___________ when rain suddenly came.
  (13) I __stir__________   the sugar in the coffee with a silver spoon.
  (14) She got on the taxi, said good-bye to her friend, and ____signal ________ her to go home.
  (15) Can you __scatter __________ that some secret agents were around when the Opposition leader spoke?
  (16) Don't __indulge __________ yourself with alcoholic drink or your health will suffer.
  (17) The loud noise of argument last night ____resound ________ through the whole building.
  (18) Trying not to be seen, the naughty boy _sneak ___________ out of the house through the back door.
  (19) In the earthquake, houses _crumble __________ and killed a large number of residents.
  (20) To learn a language, one has to pave ____________ with those who speak the language well.
  (21) As Tony was late for class, he ___mingle _________ to the bus stop without having breakfast.
  (22) Oriental people don't often _relish ___________ eating western food.
  (23) It is interesting to see the window curtains ______flutter ______ in the breeze.
  (24) On crossing the road, the boy _cling ___________ to his mother's hand.
  (25) You can hide behind a big tree and see animals’ ___prowl _________ in the forest.

CHUSIR,我 交 卷 了 , 请 修 改 。:smile:

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-13 20:39:35

最初由[红 树 林]发布

CHUSIR,我 交 卷 了 , 请 修 改 。:smile:

  ANSWERS: (1)subjected (2)terminated (3)decay (4)endure (5)streamed ( 6 )pervade (7)cherishes ( 8 )distrusted (9)howling (10)released (11)paved (12)scattered (13)stirred (14)signaled (15)ascertain (16)indulge (17)resounded (18)sneaked (19)crumbled (20)mingle (21)dashed (22)relish (23)fluttering (24)clung (25)prowling.

红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-13 21:29:06


  ANSWERS: (1)subjected (2)terminated (3)decay (4)endure (5)streamed ( 6 )pervade (7)cherishes ( 8 )distrusted (9)howling (10)released (11)paved (12)scattered (13)stirred (14)signaled (15)ascertain (16)indulge (17)resounded (18)sneaked (19)crumbled (20)mingle (21)dashed (22)relish (23)fluttering (24)clung (25)prowling.

没 有 一 定 的 功 底 肯 定 错 漏 百 出 , 竟 然 完 全 忘 记 时 态 。 谢 谢 老 师 有 教 无 类 。:o

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-13 21:48:43

測驗( 2 )

  In the CONTEXTUAL VOCABULARY below, first read each sentence to understand the meaning of the underlined word and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to match it.
1.As a methodical administrator, David has done his work in an organized and logical way.
  A. dull B. straightforward
  C. factual D. orderly
2. My elder brother's phobia about long-distance journey is that he will feel giddy if he travels by air.
  A. virtue B. headache
  C. concern D. fear
3. A worker may be ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support their movement.
  A. expelled B. criticized
  C. excluded D. exported
4. It is learnt that chronic illness forced the actress to retire from acting at an early life.
  A. severe B. constant
  C. deadly D. irregular
5. Two chemical elements can often be synthesized to produce another effective product.
  A. created B. controlled
  C. combined D. realized
6. I find it strange to see my friend's mania for eating unconventional animal meat.
  A. special entertainment B. odd behavior
  C. extreme excitement D. great cheerfulness 
7. When a country is badly run, it will be thrown into an anarchic condition.
  A. lawless B. frozen
  C. amazing D. stringent
8. The implementation of strict law and order is the best guarantee against illegal activities.
  A. effective practice B. proposal
  C. system D. ideal slogan
9. Politicians may be idealistic and ambitious, but it is important that they adopt a pragmatic approach to problems.
  A. productive B. practical
  C. individualistic D. systematic
10. Some countries have been in trouble; can their governments find a panacea for their multiple problems?
  A. magic B. savoir
  C. formula D. cure-all
11. It is not wrong to think that every leader is afraid of being usurped the role of leadership.
  A. bullied B. denied
  C. seized D. suspected
12. Pupils are often advised not to repeat their misdemeanor, which should be pointed out and corrected, if any.
  A. minor wrongdoing B. misunderstanding
  C. dishonesty D. strange behavior

红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-13 22:36:43

CHU SIR, Iwonderif   you   can   tellme   whichareunderlinewords?thankyou.

And   alsocouldyouplease   correct   this   sentenceif   it   was   wrong?(from

   Don't   approach   the   dog,thestranger   dog   can   nip   you.

thanksagain. :smile::smile:

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-13 22:41:44

最初由[红 树 林]发布
CHU SIR, Iwonderif   you   can   tellme   whichareunderlinewords?thankyou.

And   alsocouldyouplease   correct   this   sentenceif   it   was   wrong?(from

   Don't   approach   the   dog,thestranger   dog   can   nip   you.

thanksagain. :smile::smile:


红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-13 22:49:18

测 验 (2)which   are   underline      words? please.

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-13 22:53:07

最初由[红 树 林]发布
测 验 (2)which   are   underline      words? please.


VicChu 发表于 2004-10-14 20:18:04


  “Fifteen years teaching experienced qualified full time tutor - Available for all levels Chinese subjects.”
  這段文字雖然措詞凌亂,但是并不難理解講的是什么﹔真的是“ 只有其意,不見其形”或是“有意無形”。稍微分析一下,不難斷定問題所在。
1. 構詞法不對:fifteen years→fifteen years of /15-year ﹔all levels→all levels of.
2. 名詞形式不對:experienced→ experience.
3. 標點符號被忽略:full time→full-time.
  A qualified full-time tutor with 15 years of teaching experience is available for all levels of Chinese.
  “All materials are good quality with latest design and guaranteed.”
1. 形容詞詞組不對:good quality→of good quality.
2. 定冠詞被忽略:with latest design→with the latest design.
3. 被動語態中的接系動詞不在場:guaranteed→are guaranteed.
  All materials are of good quality, with the latest design and under permanent guarantee.
  這里三個形容詞詞組,一個接一個,緊緊扣住,符合對句法( parallelism)中每個成分平衡的原理。
  “To sell or to market such a high value asset professionally, you should entrust the job to a true professional in order to optimize your property's full potential to secure the highest price and the shortest period of time.”
1. high value→highly valued/ highly valuable.
2. your property's full potential→the full potential of your property.
3. and→at。
4.前面有“optimize”(盡量提高)這字,“potential ”里面的“full”便多余了,應該除去。同樣的道理,下面這句里的 “widely”和“in more than 100 countries”,也互相抵觸,要除去其中一個:
  “...prepare students for the Royal School of Music Examination which is widely recognized in more than 100 countries.”
  改正之后,可以是“which is widely recognized”或“which is recognized in more than 100 countries”.
  此外,這句的形容詞分句“which...”是非限定的( non-restrictive adjective clause),其前面要加逗號,把分句和先行詞分開,才符合用法:
  ...prepare students for the Royal School of Music Examination, which is widely recognized
  ...prepare students for the Royal School of Music Examination, which is recognized in more than 100 countries.
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