红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-7 21:33:33




VicChu 发表于 2004-10-8 00:03:48





  (1) The monkey climbed up the tree.

  (2) Two boys helped the old man up.

  (3) I can't hear you. Can you please speak up?


  (4) The dog-trainer led the dogs up the street.

  (5) We would like to go up to town.

  ( 6 ) This train is running up north.

  (7) They have driven all the way up to the capital of Malaysia.


  ( 8 )The hungry dog ate up all the leftover food.

  (9)The library staff piled up the books in good order.


  Button up, clear up, dry up, mix up, tie up, wrap up, pack up, tidy up, use up等。


  (10) The road to the school was blocked (up) for some time because of the flood.

  (11) Please fill (up) this form and then give it to me.

  (10) 和 (11) 里的“up”可用可不用,意思都一樣只是加上了“up”感到穩健些。


  close up, divide up, hurry up, polish up, check up, follow up, finish up, seal up等。


  (12) Something surprising has turned up.

  (13) The train picked up speed after a while.

  (14) Where did you pick up that habit?

  (15) Please speed up if you don't want to lag behind.

  常見的含“up”的片語動詞(phrasal verbs)還有:

bring up(撫養長大), brush up(復習), crop up(突然出現), ring up(打電話), give up(放棄), look up(查閱), let up(中止)等。


  (16) Time is up.(時間到了)

  (17) This matter is up to you; I wouldn't mind(由你決定).

  (18) What are you up to?(搞什么鬼?)

  (19) I am up to my ears in work.(忙得不可開交)

  (20) Your mother has been looking for you up and down.(四處尋找)

  (21) Many older people have experienced the ups and downs of life.(盛衰變化)

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-8 00:22:03




  (1) As the new manager of the company, Wilcox assured the staff that he would work for the benefits of the company.

  (2) The scenery here is beautiful as a picture.


  (3) You have performed well. Other students' performance is as good.


南山秀才 发表于 2004-10-8 00:36:53


VicChu 发表于 2004-10-8 07:51:36


  除了片語動詞、動詞短語等之外,這里要介紹一種合體的詞組,我把它們命名為“合體慣用語”,由名詞+名詞、動詞+動詞、形容詞+形容詞以及副詞+副詞合組而成。有時兩個詞之間不用“ and”而用“or”。合體慣用語數目不算多,但已漸漸在增長中,相當配合時尚,可以多加留意,盡量學用。


  1. 名詞+名詞

● rules and regulations(各種條例)
  “One should pay attention to all the rules and regulations of a working place.”

● law and order(法律秩序﹔法紀)
  “The police's job is to maintain law and order of a country.”

● facts and figures(事實和數字)
  “Traditional teaching tends to cram students with facts and figures for memorisation and regurigitation.”

● do's and dont's (應注意的事項)
  “Try to be familiar with the do's and dont's of an organisation.”

● merits and demerits(優缺點)
  “To evaluate a system, one has to take into account both its merits and demerits.”

● bag and baggage(連同全部財物)
  “The rascal was turned out of the room bag and baggage.”

● pros and cons(贊成和反對的理由)
  “It is important to consider the pros and cons of a matter before coming to a decision.”

● doom and gloom(失望與不快)
  “All the reports on world economy are full of doom and gloom.”

● ways and means (各種方法)
  “Some addicts seem to have ways and means of getting the drugs for unending consumption.”

  2. 動詞+動詞

● aid and abet(唆使別人干壞事)
  “Those aiding and abetting terrorists will be severely punished”

● groan and moan(不停地埋怨)
  “When a person is used to groaning and moaning, he won't find life worth living.”

● forgive and forget(寬恕他人)
  “Let's learn to forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones.”

● give and take(互相讓步)
  “To solve a problem, the parties concerned must be prepared to give and take.”

● pick and choose(細心選擇﹔挑剔)
  “Susan picked and chose her dresses, but did not buy any.”

  3. 形容詞+形容詞

● fair and square(公平地)
  “All are advised to play fair and square.”

● safe and sound(安全地)
  “The fishermen managed to escape the storm and returned home safe and sound.”

●□ hale and hearty(健壯活潑地)
  “Though an old man, Jack is still hale and hearty.”

  4. 副詞+副詞

●□ first and foremost(首先)
  “There are many ways of keeping fit. First and foremost, one must live a proper life.”

●□ far and away(遠遠地)
  “Jason is far and away the best teacher in this school.”

●□ here and there(到處)
  “Once you go out, you can see cars here and there.”

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-8 23:48:16

More than的用法

  簡簡單單的“more than”,用法可多呢!


● A. “More than+名詞”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如:

1)  Modern science is more than a large amount of information.

2)  Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.

● B. “More than+數詞”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:

3)   I have known David for more than 20 years.

4)  Let's carry out the test with more than the sample copy.

● C. “More than+形容詞”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如:

5)  In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments.

6 )  I assure you I am more than glad to help you.

● D. 在“More...than...”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,約等于“是……而不是……”如:

7)  The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real.

8 )  This book seems to be more a manual than a text.

9)  Catherine is more diligent than intelli-gent.

10)  Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened.

● E. “More than”或“More...than...”+含“can”的分句時表示“否定意”,如:

11)  That's more than I can do.

12)   Don't bite off more than you can chew.

13)  In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more things than the students can understand.

● F. “No more...than...”表示“不……﹔不如……”,如:

14)   I can no more do that than anyone else.

15)  A learner can no more obtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing.”

  “No more…...than...”的語義,也可用“not any more than...”來取代,因此 15 可以變成 16。

16)  A learner cannot... any more than ...”同樣的, 17可以變成 18:

17)  Dr Hu is no more a poet than Dr Wu is a philosopher.

18)   Dr Hu is not a poet any more than Dr Wu is a philosopher.

  此外,“more than”也在一些慣用語中出現,如:

19)  More offen than not (經常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take rather than what they can give.

20)  All of us are more than a little concerned about(非常關心)the current economic problems.

  總之,“more than”看似簡單,其實很有內涵,味道雋永。

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-8 23:50:45


  英語的數目字慣用語,不多也不少。下面是些和“One, two, three”等有關的慣用語:

(1) A back number(過期書刊,過時的人):

( i ) Mr Lim has left the cabinet and is now a back number.

(ii) Sometimes, a back number costs more than a current number.

(2) Look after number one(照顧私利):

Max is very selfish, often looking after number one.

(3) One's number two(坐第二把交椅的人):

When David could not attend a meeting, he sent his number two to deputise for him.

(4) At one time(從前有個時期):

At one time, a few of us often had lunch together.

(5) Back to square one(打回原形):

Mr Su is not successful in business, so he is almost back to square one.

( 6 ) At one with... (和……看法一樣):Henry and Christine have never been at one with each other, no matter what the subject of discussion is.

(7) One up on... (比……有利):

As your child has a better head start, he is one up on his peers.

( 8 ) It's all one to...(對……都沒什么差別):

To the seaside or to the park? It is all one to me as long as we go out today.

(9) One of these days(最近):

If Harry goes on littering, he will get into trouble one of these days.

(10) In two minds about(對……三心兩意):

Irene is still in two minds about going to her former boy friend's wedding party.

(11) It cuts both ways(有利也有弊):

Jim asked Mary not to go to the party. But it cuts both ways. Mary now expects Jim to stay at home with her.

(12) Put two and two together(根據事實推斷):

Since Susan is neither at home nor at work, Bob puts two and two together and guesses that she should be in the shopping centre.

(13) On all fours(爬著):

Infants are on all fours prior to learning to walk.

(14) At sixes and sevens(亂七八糟):

Tony moved to a new office where everything is still at sixes and sevens.

(15) A nine days' wonder(轟動一時但很快被遺忘的事):

Helen became a popular singer, but suddenly she disappeared. Her singing career was only a nine days' wonder.

(16) Nine times out of ten(多數情況下):

Judith thought that students liked her very much, but nine times out of ten she was wrong.

(17)Ten to one(很可能):

It is about 9 am. Ten to one, Christine will be late again for this morning's meeting.

(18) A nine-to-five job(朝九晚五的工作):

It is hard work to be a salesman but his work is freer than a nine-to-five job.

(19) One of those things(不可避免的不幸事):

During a recession, the inability to get a good job is just one of those things in life

(20) One in a thousand(少有的人才):

He relies a lot on his capable assistant, who is one in a thousand.

南山秀才 发表于 2004-10-9 00:06:25



红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-9 22:29:52




iagreedwhityou. :smile:

红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-9 22:35:50

please C--E:
情 人 眼 里 出 西 施 。

1 beautyisintheeyeof   the   behoder.
2 iagreewithyour   friendthatit 's   timeto   layyourcardsonthetable

THANKS   A    LOT. :smile::smile:

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-9 22:44:40

最初由[红 树 林]发布
please C--E:
情 人 眼 里 出 西 施 。

1 beautyisintheeyeof   the   behoder.
2 iagreewithyour   friendthatit 's   timeto   layyourcardsonthetable

THANKS   A    LOT. :smile::smile:

情 人 眼 里 出 西 施 。
beautyisintheeyeof   the   behoder.
也可譯成Love is blind.


VicChu 发表于 2004-10-10 19:36:54


  情態動詞(Modal Verbs)是說話人用來表示說話的語氣,包括敘述、命令、要求、愿望及不可能的假設。如果是敘述,就是敘事語氣。命令或要求,就是祈使語氣﹔愿望或不可能的假設,就是虛擬語氣。






  (1) If l were you, l would not do such a thing.



  (2) I wish l could do something for you.

  這里的過去時態“could do”表示的是現在的事件、現在的愿望。

  (3) I wish l had not made such a decision.

  這里的過去完成時態“had not made”表示過去的事件,現在的愿望。

  此外,還可用由“as if”引導的副詞從句表示不是真實的事,如:

  (4) The tired worker walked as if he had been drunk.

  最后,可用“but for”或“without”引導的簡單句表示不可能的事,如:

  (5) But for the heavy rain(要不是這陣大雨),we would have done the work.

  ( 6 ) Animals could hardly breathe without air.





  (7) Would you please lock the door behind you?

  ( 8 ) Could l use your telephone for a while?


  (9) lt might rain this afternoon.

  (10) The eyewitness's evidence could be false.




  (11) We insist that the criminal be sent to prison.

  (12) God bless you!

  (13) Who suggested that Tom come early?


  (14)The people demand that the govern-ment (should) put a stop to all forms of corruption.

  (15) The education committee proposed that students (should) be encouraged to think creatively.

  (16) It is important that we (should) keep fit.

  (17) It is essential that work (should) come before pleasure.

  (18) It is recommended that there (should) be equal pay for equal work.

红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-10 21:57:11


情 人 眼 里 出 西 施 。
beautyisintheeyeof   the   behoder.
也可譯成Love is blind.


thanksagain. :Q

当 我 看 到 ‘beautyisintheeyeof   thebehoder'就 有 一 种 直 觉 其 意 是 ‘情 人 眼 里 出 西施 ’。 果 然 是 。

谢 谢 你 , ChuSir. :)

VicChu 发表于 2004-10-11 00:20:20


  Promise作名詞,表示有希望、有前途。不久前聽朋友七歲的女娃娃彈琴,頗有天才。那位鋼琴老師說:She has high promise of a pianist,大有希望成為鋼琴家也。稱一個人大有前途,除high promise外,常以bright, brilliant或者great等詞形容。朋友的男孩子能說善辯,朋友說他:He has a great future to be a statesman。雖然做父親的對政治毫無興趣。

  連日陰雨,忽見天空云隨風散,可知明日將會轉晴:The sky gives promise of fine weather tomorrow。經濟低迷,前者未可樂觀,但是有經濟專家在會議中提出報告,指出“明天”會轉好:The report gives promise of a better tomorrow。這樣的giving promises,即使難免hallow,朋友們都說可以使希望常在。活著有希望,總是好事。

  Promise作動詞用,也有“希望”和“約束”兩意。例如The sky gives promise of fine weather tomorrow可以更簡單地說成:The sky promises a fine weather tomorrow。(

红 树 林 发表于 2004-10-11 22:41:36



Chu Sir.
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