VicChu 发表于 2004-9-12 22:36:28

最初由[红 树 林]发布

(f) 11

Iwasthatfool.Ihada   badday   yesterday.

还 未 想 公 布 谜 底 ?

Tell me why you had a bad day yesterday ( in English).

红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-12 23:01:18

真 的 很 感 谢 v老 师 诲 人 不 倦 。

各 位 真 人 , 分 享 分 享 你 们 如 何 超 越 ‘极 限 ’, 英 文 达 到 由 量 变 到 质 变 的 飞 跃 ?


VicChu 发表于 2004-9-12 23:08:50



1. If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea, what does it become?

2. What do you call two rows of cabbages?

3. What do people do in clock factories?

4. Who earns a living by driving his customers away?

5. What two things can't you have for breakfast?

6. Where do you find giant snails?

7. Why did the cat want to be a nurse?

8. What did the parrot say to the spaniel?


1. wet

2. A dual cabbageway

3. They make faces all day

4. A taxi-driver

5.Lunch and dinner

6.On the ends of their fingers

7.She wanted to be a first-aid kit

8. I'm a cocker too

红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-13 00:57:41


Tell me why you had a bad day yesterday ( in English).

VictoriaDay&   9. 11   werenotmydays.

Thisyear’s   Victoriaday ,Everyonewasonholiday,butI
hadtowork。 Thatday,itwasbusyinstore,irecalled aboutthat
clearly,thereweretwooldladies,theylookedniceandwealth,theyonlybroughttwolittlebottles of pop,gavemea
sure,soputitintothecheck -moneymachine,no bbsound,
iestimatedthatitwasarealmoney,soi   acceptedthat.
afterthaticheckeditagainandagain.mygod,this   isa
reallyfakemoney.youknowwhy?thefakebillisabitsmallerthantherealbills,wheni   put   thatintothemachine,ididn'tmakeit   throughthe    endof   themachine,sonobbsound,(看 似 完 全 推 入 , 因 bill 小 了 一 点 点 。 反 复 check,无 意 中 将 bill推 入 了 一 点
点 , 夺 命 惊 魂 铃 响 起 。i   lost    money)

Ihatethatbadsoulpeople, buti   hatemyself   either.why

didi   not   believemy   feeling.(不 过 , 这 次 还 没 有 怀 疑 那 验 钞 机 , 认 为 自 己 验 钞 经 验 不 足 。 )

Samething   happened   againyesterday 9.11, thistimeiputthat
billallthroughovertheendofthemachine, ithadstillno

Ihavetotellyou,putthat20dallorsintothemachine,thatmachineworkshalfandhalf. HowmadIam !

WhydidI   not   trustmyself? Themachineisareally   trash.BUT

ITHINK   I   am   stupid.

ANYWAY,   Thatisnot   thepointof   WHATI   havetold   you.

Haveyoulearnedsomething   from   here?


bill,pleaseaskme.Iama ‘ professional’now. :O:O

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-13 06:43:21

最初由[红 树 林]发布


VicChu 发表于 2004-9-13 18:48:01


要拒絕別人光是說 "No." 是不夠的, 還得要有充分的理由才行.特別是在對付那些打電話來推銷的人.   此外, 要很客氣又很禮貌地拒絕別人也是一門學問, 例如別人約你出去, 你要如何婉拒他? 這這裏就讓我們來看看怎麼用英語拒絕別人.

1. I am sorry to turn you down.
Turn you down 就是拒絕別人的要求, 例如你要請洋妞去參加一個 party, 她說她很抱歉無法參加, 就是用的這句, "I am sorry to turn you down.", 另外像是男生要追女生, 女生要拒絕他, 也可以用 turn down, 例如, "I am sorry but I have to turn you down."
另外不要忘了, turn down 還有一個解釋就是把音量或是冷氣關小..   以前我也常把 turn you down 和 let you down 搞混了, 這二者是完全不同的意思, turn down 表示拒絕, 而 let down 則表示讓人家失望.

2. I am not interested.
剛來加國, 家裏又有電話的人一定要趕快把這句話學會, 因為很快地就會有電話推銷員找上門來, 這時你要說的就是, "I am not interested." 這樣子對方就不會糾纏太久了.
通常在拒絕別人的時候要注意一下說話的語氣.像這句 "I am not interested." 聽來就不太客氣.   通常要使得拒絕別人的話聽來客氣一點, 只要在句首加上. "I am sorry." 整句話的口氣立刻就不一樣了.   所以禮貌一點的說法應該是, "I am sorry.I am not interested." 聽來是不是客氣很多?

3. I'll think about it.
這句話也是在買東西時候講的, 例如你去百貨公司專櫃買化裝品, 雖然專櫃小姐講了半天妳也覺得還不錯, 但總覺得太貴, 你就可以說, "OK, I'll think about it." 就是我再考慮看看了! 當然你就可以趁機脫身了.

4. I can't afford it
一樣東西太貴你買不起就可以這麼說,"I can't afford it." 你都講明了我沒錢了, 想必人家不會繼續糾纏吧! 其實不然, 我自己就遇到過蠻惡劣的.我說, "I can't afford it." 那個黑人售貨員居然說, "Do you have credit card?" 天啊! 要我借錢買東西, 門都沒有, 我就說, "No." 沒想到他更狠, 說我們有自己的信用卡, 你要不要現場申請一張, 我們可以立刻給你$1,000 的 credit. 天啊! 作生意作成這樣, 也太誇張了.
加國買東西都有所謂的 refund 制度, 就是東西買完之後不滿意都可以拿去退錢.有時候店員會問你 (通常不會問) 為什麼要拿來 refund. 通常你就可以直接了當地說, "I don't like it." 或是 "It's too expensive.I can't afford it."

5. I can't handle it.
這個 handle 跟 afford 的區別要分清楚, handle 指的是事情上應付不來, 而 afford 多半指金錢上無法負擔.像有位學生說, "I took too many courses, I can't afford it." 我就反問她說, "You mean you can't handle it?" 所以很明顯的,handle 這個字和 afford 是不太一樣的.再舉一個例子, 例如工作很多作不完, 你就可以這麼說"There's too much workload here.I can't handle it." 有時中國人一般都會說成"I can't afford it." 是不正確的用法.

6. I am really not in the mood.
Mood 解釋成心情, 沒有心情你可以說成 "I don't have the mood." 或是 "I am not in the mood."比如考試期間, 別人還找你出去玩, 你就可以這麼拒絕他, "I am sorry.I am really not in the mood."

7. There is nothing to talk about.
當別人問你的問題你不想回答或懶得回答時就可以回答, "There is nothing to talk about."例如有人問你考試考幾分? 你自己考得太差而不想講, 就可以說, "There is nothing to talk about." 另外一個類似的用法叫 "No comment." 就是說無可奉告的意思.
在英語 There is nothing to V. 可當作是一個片語來使用, 解釋成沒什麼好怎樣怎樣的, 例如 There is nothing to worry about, 就是說沒什麼好擔心的.記得看某部電影時小孩子問他爸爸, 我們家的錢倒底夠不夠用, 父親就對小孩子說, "There is nothing for you to worry about."

8. I really want to, but I got hundreds of things to do.
我想去, 可是我有好多好多事情要做.
別人邀請你參加他們的活動, 就算你不想去, 也不要直接了當地說 "No, I don't want to." 這樣子別人下次可能就不會找你了.   試著用這種比較好的說法.先說 "I really want to" , 或是 "I really love to", 再來才接著說 "but I got hundreds of things to do".這樣感覺上比較禮貌, 也比較不會讓別人覺得沒面子.

9. I don't want to go and that's that.
我不想去, 就是這樣.
That's that 通常是接在否定句後, 意思是, 就這樣了, 不必再多說了.這樣的語氣是很強烈的, 通常聽的人可能會不太高興.   有時電話推銷員很煩人我也會跟他說 "That's that." 也許一開始你只是很客氣地說, "I am not interested." 可是有些人就會不識相地一直說, "What do you want me to do to change your mind?" 這時我就會不客氣地說, "I don't want it, and that's that." 通常他就會知道你是真的煩了.
"That's that." 這句話跟 "That's it." 不太一樣,"That's it." 的意思是就這樣吧, 就這些吧, 在點餐時會用的到.That's that 則是表示不想再跟對方談下去了, 同樣的情況, 你也可以這麼說, "The conversation is over." 我想這個意思也很明顯了.

10. That's enough, anymore is just overkill.
那就夠了, 再多一點也是多餘的.
Overkill 這個字在北美的口語就是多餘的意思, 它跟 kill 是一點關係也沒有. 在字典上也查不到" 多餘 " 的意思, 所以諸位看倌也不要浪費時間去查字典了, 但我請教過老外, 這字的確是多餘的意思.例如有一次跟一個老外打球, 打了二局之後我問他還要不要再打, 他就說, "That's enough, anymore is just overkill." 或是吃東西時你問別人還要不要再吃, 如果別人吃不下了他就可以說, "No, thanks. That's overkill."

红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-14 20:29:02

最初由[红 树 林]发布

VictoriaDay&   9. 11   werenotmydays.

Thisyear’s   Victoriaday ,Everyonewasonholiday,butI
hadtowork。 Thatday,itwasbusyinstore,irecalled aboutthat
clearly,thereweretwooldladies,theylookedniceandwealth,theyonlybroughttwolittlebottles of pop,gavemea
sure,soputitintothecheck -moneymachine,no bbsound,
iestimatedthatitwasarealmoney,soi   acceptedthat.
afterthaticheckeditagainandagain.mygod,this   isa
reallyfakemoney.youknowwhy?thefakebillisabitsmallerthantherealbills,wheni   put   thatintothemachine,ididn'tmakeit   throughthe    endof   themachine,sonobbsound,(看 似 完 全 推 入 , 因 bill 小 了 一 点 点 。 反 复 check,无 意 中 将 bill推 入 了 一 点
点 , 夺 命 惊 魂 铃 响 起 。i   lost    money)

Ihatethatbadsoulpeople, buti   hatemyself   either.why

didi   not   believemy   feeling.(不 过 , 这 次 还 没 有 怀 疑 那 验 钞 机 , 认 为 自 己 验 钞 经 验 不 足 。 )

Samething   happened   againyesterday 9.11, thistimeiputthat
billallthroughovertheendofthemachine, ithadstillno

Ihavetotellyou,putthat20dallorsintothemachine,thatmachineworkshalfandhalf. HowmadIam !

WhydidI   not   trustmyself? Themachineisareally   trash.BUT

ITHINK   I   am   stupid.

ANYWAY,   Thatisnot   thepointof   WHATI   havetold   you.

Haveyoulearnedsomething   from   here?


bill,pleaseaskme.Iama ‘ professional’now. :O:O

VIC老 师 , I'dlikeyoutocorrectmeifIwaswrong. :)

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-14 21:53:12

最初由[红 树 林]发布

VIC老 师 , I'dlikeyoutocorrectmeifIwaswrong. :)



Both Victoria Day & 911 were not my days.

On this Victoria Day, everyone had the day off except me. I clearly remembered that the day was busy in the store. There were two well-dressed wealthy look old ladies visit the store. They only bought two little bottles of pop, and gave me a 50-dollar bill. At that moment, I had a strange feeling that the 50-dollar bill was smaller than the normal bill, but I was not certain, so I put it into the money checking machine and I got no bb sound, I was sure that it was real money, therefore I accepted it.

After that I checked it again and again. My god, this is a fake one. Do you know why? The fake one is a bit smaller than the real bill. When I put it into the machine, I didn't push it through to the end of the machine, therefore no bb sound was created. I lost!

I hate those bad soul people, but I also hate myself as well. Why didn’t I trust myself at the first place?

Same thing happened again yesterday (911). This time I inserted that bill all the way through the end of the machine, but it had still no sound was made, I could also see some very bright dots, in no doubt I thought it was a good one. I think you could guess what is next. This time was a 20 dollars fake bill.

I have to tell myself to insert the 20 dollars bill into the machine all the way, and god knows that machine works only halfway. How mad can I be?

Why didn’t I trust myself? The machine is a piece of junk. And I felt so stupid.

Anyway, that is not the point I have to tell you.Have you ever learnt something from here?

Whoever wants to learn how to identify fake money bill, please ask me. I am an expert now.

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-15 11:38:40



I.句子的型式(sentence pattern):

(1)主詞+動詞(subject and verb)
The phone rang.
A bird nested in the tree.
Many people swim daily.
以上的主詞和動詞,只有一個,所以也叫做簡單主詞和簡單動詞(simple subject and simple verb)
也可以用連接詞and, or或but等,把簡單主詞、簡單動詞,變成複合主詞和複合動詞(compound subject and compound verb)。也就是,兩個或兩個以上的主詞有共同的動詞,就是複合主詞;兩個或兩個以上的動詞,有共同的主詞,就是複合動詞。
Jim and Amy are brother and sister.
His daughter or Bob will represent the school.
My boss smiles often and frowns occasionally.
The program may succeed or fail within a year.
Mary sings well but dances poorly.

(2)主詞+動詞+直接受詞(direct object)
Mr. Wang sells furniture.
(Mr. Wang是主詞,sells是動詞,furniture是直接受詞)
My wife baked an apple pie.
The audience approved and applauded the school play.
Her father carefully wrote, revised and typed his letter.
(father是主詞;wrote, revised和typed是複合動詞,letter是直接受詞)
也可用連接詞and, or,but等連接,把簡單直接受詞,變成複合直接受詞。
My wife prepared some cookies and green tea.
Mrs. Wang and her daughter cooked eggs, pancakes and sausage.
(Mrs. Wang和daughter是複合主詞;cooked是動詞;eggs, pancakes和sausage是複合直接受詞)

(3)主詞+動詞+ 間接受詞(in-direct object)+ 直接受詞
Mr. A offered her a job.
Teacher handed Mary a dictionary.
Mr. B sent Mary and Lucy his letters.
Mr. Wang and his son washed the truck and the van.
We gave John and Bob some books and pens.

(4)主詞+動詞+直接受詞 +受詞補助語(object complement)
I called Mr. Chang uncle.
(Mr. Chang是直接受詞;uncle是名詞,也是修飾Mr. Chang的補助語)
His father painted his garage yellow.
The teacher appointed Jim captain of the team.
The jury found the defendant guilty.

(5)主詞+聯繫動詞(linking verb) +主詞補助語(subject complement)
(linking verb只是聯繫一個字與主詞的相等關係,並非action verb。)

最常用的聯繫動詞是:be (am, is, are, was, were, been) appear, grow, seem, stay, become, look, smell, taste, feel, remain, sound, get (=become)
Mr. Wang is a computer programmer.
(Mr. Wang是主詞;is是聯繫動詞;programmer是名詞,修飾主詞,也是與主詞相等的關係,故為主詞補助語)
(這種名詞的補助語,也叫predicate noun)
Mr. B was a teacher and an interpreter.
(Mr. B是主詞;teacher和interpreter都是名詞;was是聯繫動詞,與主詞是相等關連的,故為主詞補助語)
The waves seemed powerful and dangerous.
(這種形容詞的補助語,也叫predicate adjective)
The old man looks healthy and happy.
(man 是主詞;looks是聯繫動詞;healthy和happy都是形容詞,修飾主詞,做為主詞補助語)
Many passengers remained calm.

(sentence structure):
談到句子的結構前,先要知道子句(clause)有兩種:獨立子句(independent clause)和附屬子句(subordinate clause)雖然兩者都有主詞和動詞,但獨立子句,能表達完整的思想,可以獨立存在;而附屬子句,不能表達完整的思想,不能獨立存在。獨立子句,也叫主要子句(main clause)
After Mr. Wang left his office……….
He went swimming.
簡單句(simple sentence):
Mary and Lucy both sing and dance.
Mr. Lee passed chemistry but failed English.
A man, two boys, and a girl appeared at my door and asked for a Mr. Chen.
(man, boys和girl是複合主詞;appeared和asked是複合動詞;at my door和for a Mr. Chen是介詞片語)
At supper, Mr. Wang gave us the news about the victory.
(At supper和about the victory都是介詞片語,us是間接受詞,news是直接受詞)
Mr. A went to the baseball game and to the dinner party afterward.
(to the baseball party和to the dinner party都是介詞片語)
Remembering the time, his son ran to school.
(remembering the time是現在分詞片語,修飾主詞son, ran是動詞;to school是介詞片語)
Melting quickly, snow from the mountains flooded the village.
(Melting quickly是現在分詞片語;修飾主詞snow, from the mountains是介詞片語,flooded是動詞,village是直接受詞)
Mr. B produced, directed and sometimes acted in his own play.
(produced, directed和acted是複合動詞;in his own play是介詞片語)
Neither the father nor the son heard or saw the car accident.
(father和son是複合主詞;heard和saw是複合動詞;car accident是直接受詞)
To support Mr. B or not to support him is an issue.
(to support Mr. B和not to support him是不定詞片語,用or 連接,當主詞;is是動詞;issue是主詞補助語)
Destroyed by fire, the store was not rebuilt.
(destroyed by fire是過去分詞片語,修飾主詞store)

(compound sentence):
通常結合句的兩個獨立子句(即兩個簡單句)是由一個逗號(comma)和另一個對等連詞(coordinating conjunction)連接起來。有時也可用分號(semicolon)相連。
常用的對等連詞是:and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet.
The sky became dark, and it began to rain.
(The sky became dark 和it began to rain都是獨立子句。即使不用逗號和對等連詞and,也能各自獨立)
Mr. Chang may visit our college, or he can tour the library.
(Mr. Chang may……和he can tour……都是獨立子句,用逗號及對等連詞or連接)
Mr. B is interested in special education, so he reads many books on the subject.
(Mr. B is interested……和he reads many……都是獨立子句,用逗號和對等連詞so連接起來)
I like to help him, yet I know very little about computer science.
(I like to……和I know very……都是獨立子句,用逗號和對等連詞yet連接)
Your argument is weak, for you have no proof to sup-port your ideas.
(Your argument is……和you have……都是獨立子句,以逗號和對等連詞for連接起來)
如果使用分號,一般是連接兩個意思有關連(related idea)的獨立子句。例如:
I swim often; water relaxes my muscle.
Mrs. Wang wrote cook books; she also illustrated them.
Their team worked hard; however, they lost by a stag-gering margin.

(complex sentence):
Many people who know Mr. Wang admire him.
(Many people admire him是獨立子句;who know Mr. Wang是附屬子句,當形容詞,修飾people。)
This is the university that she described in her letter.
(This is the university是主要子句,也叫獨立子句; that she described…是附屬子句,當形容詞,修飾university。)
The package which I had mailed never arrived.
(The package never arrived是主要子句;which I had mailed是附屬子句,當形容詞,也叫形容詞子句,修飾package。)
Many people do not go to college because it costs too much.
(Many people do not…是主要子句;because it costs…是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞go。)
Mrs. Wang carries a pepper spray wherever she goes.
(Mrs. Wang carries…是主要子句;wherever she goes是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞carries。)
I helped paint the house although Mr. Wang did most of the work.
(I helped…是主要子句;although Mr. Wang...是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞helped。)
Although I helped paint the house, Mr. Wang did most of the work.
(這時Mr. Wang did…變成主要子句;although I helped…變成附屬子句,當副詞,修飾動詞did。)
When the fog lifted, we continued our trip.
=We continued our trip when the fog lifted.
(We continued our trip 是主要子句;when the fog lifted是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞continued。)
If you are unhappy with his work, you may wallpaper the room yourself.
=You may wallpaper the room yourself if you are un-happy with his work.
(you may wallpaper…是主要子句;if you are…是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞w… …
That Miss A wanted to leave this department has both-ered her boss.
(That Miss A wanted to leave this department是名詞子句,當主詞用,動詞是bothered;boss是受詞,所以還是簡單句,不是複合句。)
Mr. Chang is smarter than we think.
(Mr. Chang is smarter是主要子句;than we think是附屬子句,當副詞,修飾形容詞smarter。)
(compound-complex sentence):
混合句裡包括一個compound sentence和一個complex sentence;也就是包括兩個(或兩個以上的)獨立子句,和一個(或一個以上的)附屬子句。
Mr. A planned to drive to work, but he could not do so until the snowplows cleared the streets.
(Mr. A planned to …和he could not…都是獨立子句;until the snowplows…是附屬子句。)
As Mr. B left for office, he remembered to take his lunch, but he forgot the report that he finished last night.
(he remembered to take his lunch和he forgot the re-port都是獨立子句;as Mr. B left for office和that he finished last night都是附屬子句。)
Mr. F was the professor whom I liked best but he no longer teaches since he was sick.
(Mr. F was the professor和he no longer teaches都是獨立子句;whom I liked best和since he was sick都是附屬子句。)
Because Mr. Wang was late from the meeting, he called home, but no one answered.
(he called home和no one answered都是獨立子句;because Mr. Wang was late from the meeting是附屬子句。)
(late from the meeting是指開會超過時間而晚回家;而late for the meeting是指開會時自己遲到)
If you can pack quickly, you may come with me, but I have to leave within an hour.(混合句)
I have to leave within an hour. You may come with me if you can pack quickly.
The game of football is fun, but I prefer basketball be-cause it is safer.(混合句)
The game of football is fun. I prefer basketball because it is safer.
The streets were closed after the storm struck, and they are still dangerous.(混合句)
可以改為complex sentence:
The streets which are still dangerous were closed after the storm struck.

红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-15 22:21:59




Both Victoria Day & 911 were not my days.

On this Victoria Day, everyone had the day off except me. T clearly remembered that the day was busy in the store. There were two well-dressed wealthy look old ladies visit the store. They only bought two little bottles of pop, and gave me a 50-dollar bill. At that moment, I had a strange feeling that the 50-dollar bill was smaller than the normal bill, but I was not certain, so I put it into the money checking machine and I got no bb sound, I was sure that it was real money, therefore I accepted it.

After that I checked it again and again. My god, this is a fake one. Do you know why? The fake one is a bit smaller than the real bill. When I put it into the machine, I didn't push it through to the end of the machine, therefore no bb sound was created. I lost!

I hate those bad soul people, but I also hate myself as well. Why didn’t I trust myself at the first place?

Same thing happened again yesterday (911). This time I inserted that bill all the way through the end of the machine, but it had still no sound was made, I could also see some very bright dots, in no doubt I thought it was a good one. I think you could guess what is next. This time was a 20 dollars fake bill.

I have to tell myself to insert the 20 dollars bill into the machine all the way, and god knows that machine works only halfway. How mad can I be?

Why didn’t I trust myself? The machine is a piece of junk. And I felt so stupid.

Anyway, that is not the point I have to tell you.Have you ever learnt something from here?

Whoever wants to learn how to identify fake money bill, please ask me. I am an expert now.




红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-15 22:58:38




I.句子的型式(sentence pattern):

(1)主詞+動詞(subject and verb)
The phone rang.
A bird nested in the tree.
Many people swim daily.
以上的主詞和動詞,只有一個,所以也叫做簡單主詞和簡單動詞(simple subject and simple verb)
也可以用連接詞and, or或but等,把簡單主詞、簡單動詞,變成複合主詞和複合動詞(compound subject and compound verb)。也就是,兩個或兩個以上的主詞有共同的動詞,就是複合主詞;兩個或兩個以上的動詞,有共同的主詞,就是複合動詞。
Jim and Amy are brother and sister.
His daughter or Bob will represent the school.
My boss smiles often and frowns occasionally.
The program may succeed or fail within a year.
Mary sings well but dances poorly.

(2)主詞+動詞+直接受詞(direct object)
Mr. Wang sells furniture.
(Mr. Wang是主詞,sells是動詞,furniture是直接受詞)
My wife baked an apple pie.
The audience approved and applauded the school play.
Her father carefully wrote, revised and typed his letter.
(father是主詞;wrote, revised和typed是複合動詞,letter是直接受詞)
也可用連接詞and, or,but等連接,把簡單直接受詞,變成複合直接受詞。
My wife prepared some cookies and green tea.
Mrs. Wang and her daughter cooked eggs, pancakes and sausage.
(Mrs. Wang和daughter是複合主詞;cooked是動詞;eggs, pancakes和sausage是複合直接受詞)

(3)主詞+動詞+ 間接受詞(in-direct object)+ 直接受詞
Mr. A offered her a job.
Teacher handed Mary a dictionary.
Mr. B sent Mary and Lucy his letters.
Mr. Wang and his son washed the truck and the van.
We gave John and Bob some books and pens.

(4)主詞+動詞+直接受詞 +受詞補助語(object complement)
I called Mr. Chang uncle.
(Mr. Chang是直接受詞;uncle是名詞,也是修飾Mr. Chang的補助語)
His father painted his garage yellow.
The teacher appointed Jim captain of the team.
The jury found the defendant guilty.

(5)主詞+聯繫動詞(linking verb) +主詞補助語(subject complement)
(linking verb只是聯繫一個字與主詞的相等關係,並非action verb。)

最常用的聯繫動詞是:be (am, is, are, was, were, been) appear, grow, seem, stay, become, look, smell, taste, feel, remain, sound, get (=become)
Mr. Wang is a computer programmer.
(Mr. Wang是主詞;is是聯繫動詞;programmer是名詞,修飾主詞,也是與主詞相等的關係,故為主詞補助語)
(這種名詞的補助語,也叫predicate noun)
Mr. B was a teacher and an interpreter.
(Mr. B是主詞;teacher和interpreter都是名詞;was是聯繫動詞,與主詞是相等關連的,故為主詞補助語)
The waves seemed powerful and dangerous.
(這種形容詞的補助語,也叫predicate adjective)
The old man looks healthy and happy.
(man 是主詞;looks是聯繫動詞;healthy和happy都是形容詞,修飾主詞,做為主詞補助語)
Many passengers remained calm.

(sentence structure):
談到句子的結構前,先要知道子句(clause)有兩種:獨立子句(independent clause)和附屬子句(subordinate clause)雖然兩者都有主詞和動詞,但獨立子句,能表達完整的思想,可以獨立存在;而附屬子句,不能表達完整的思想,不能獨立存在。獨立子句,也叫主要子句(main clause)
After Mr. Wang left his office……….
He went swimming.
簡單句(simple sentence):
Mary and Lucy both sing and dance.
Mr. Lee passed chemistry but failed English.
A man, two boys, and a girl appeared at my door and asked for a Mr. Chen.
(man, boys和girl是複合主詞;appeared和asked是複合動詞;at my door和for a Mr. Chen是介詞片語)
At supper, Mr. Wang gave us the news about the victory.
(At supper和about the victory都是介詞片語,us是間接受詞,news是直接受詞)
Mr. A went to the baseball game and to the dinner party afterward.
(to the baseball party和to the dinner party都是介詞片語)
Remembering the time, his son ran to school.
(remembering the time是現在分詞片語,修飾主詞son, ran是動詞;to school是介詞片語)
Melting quickly, snow from the mountains flooded the village.
(Melting quickly是現在分詞片語;修飾主詞snow, from the mountains是介詞片語,flooded是動詞,village是直接受詞)
Mr. B produced, directed and sometimes acted in his own play.
(produced, directed和acted是複合動詞;in his own play是介詞片語)
Neither the father nor the son heard or saw the car accident.
(father和son是複合主詞;heard和saw是複合動詞;car accident是直接受詞)
To support Mr. B or not to support him is an issue.
(to support Mr. B和not to support him是不定詞片語,用or 連接,當主詞;is是動詞;issue是主詞補助語)
Destroyed by fire, the store was not rebuilt.
(destroyed by fire是過去分詞片語,修飾主詞store)

(compound sentence):
通常結合句的兩個獨立子句(即兩個簡單句)是由一個逗號(comma)和另一個對等連詞(coordinating conjunction)連接起來。有時也可用分號(semicolon)相連。
常用的對等連詞是:and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet.
The sky became dark, and it began to rain.
(The sky became dark 和it began to rain都是獨立子句。即使不用逗號和對等連詞and,也能各自獨立)
Mr. Chang may visit our college, or he can tour the library.
(Mr. Chang may……和he can tour……都是獨立子句,用逗號及對等連詞or連接)
Mr. B is interested in special education, so he reads many books on the subject.
(Mr. B is interested……和he reads many……都是獨立子句,用逗號和對等連詞so連接起來)
I like to help him, yet I know very little about computer science.
(I like to……和I know very……都是獨立子句,用逗號和對等連詞yet連接)
Your argument is weak, for you have no proof to sup-port your ideas.
(Your argument is……和you have……都是獨立子句,以逗號和對等連詞for連接起來)
如果使用分號,一般是連接兩個意思有關連(related idea)的獨立子句。例如:
I swim often; water relaxes my muscle.
Mrs. Wang wrote cook books; she also illustrated them.
Their team worked hard; however, they lost by a stag-gering margin.

(complex sentence):
Many people who know Mr. Wang admire him.
(Many people admire him是獨立子句;who know Mr. Wang是附屬子句,當形容詞,修飾people。)
This is the university that she described in her letter.
(This is the university是主要子句,也叫獨立子句; that she described…是附屬子句,當形容詞,修飾university。)
The package which I had mailed never arrived.
(The package never arrived是主要子句;which I had mailed是附屬子句,當形容詞,也叫形容詞子句,修飾package。)
Many people do not go to college because it costs too much.
(Many people do not…是主要子句;because it costs…是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞go。)
Mrs. Wang carries a pepper spray wherever she goes.
(Mrs. Wang carries…是主要子句;wherever she goes是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞carries。)
I helped paint the house although Mr. Wang did most of the work.
(I helped…是主要子句;although Mr. Wang...是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞helped。)
Although I helped paint the house, Mr. Wang did most of the work.
(這時Mr. Wang did…變成主要子句;although I helped…變成附屬子句,當副詞,修飾動詞did。)
When the fog lifted, we continued our trip.
=We continued our trip when the fog lifted.
(We continued our trip 是主要子句;when the fog lifted是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞continued。)
If you are unhappy with his work, you may wallpaper the room yourself.
=You may wallpaper the room yourself if you are un-happy with his work.
(you may wallpaper…是主要子句;if you are…是附屬子句,當副詞用,修飾動詞w… …
That Miss A wanted to leave this department has both-ered her boss.
(That Miss A wanted to leave this department是名詞子句,當主詞用,動詞是bothered;boss是受詞,所以還是簡單句,不是複合句。)
Mr. Chang is smarter than we think.
(Mr. Chang is smarter是主要子句;than we think是附屬子句,當副詞,修飾形容詞smarter。)
(compound-complex sentence):
混合句裡包括一個compound sentence和一個complex sentence;也就是包括兩個(或兩個以上的)獨立子句,和一個(或一個以上的)附屬子句。
Mr. A planned to drive to work, but he could not do so until the snowplows cleared the streets.
(Mr. A planned to …和he could not…都是獨立子句;until the snowplows…是附屬子句。)
As Mr. B left for office, he remembered to take his lunch, but he forgot the report that he finished last night.
(he remembered to take his lunch和he forgot the re-port都是獨立子句;as Mr. B left for office和that he finished last night都是附屬子句。)
Mr. F was the professor whom I liked best but he no longer teaches since he was sick.
(Mr. F was the professor和he no longer teaches都是獨立子句;whom I liked best和since he was sick都是附屬子句。)
Because Mr. Wang was late from the meeting, he called home, but no one answered.
(he called home和no one answered都是獨立子句;because Mr. Wang was late from the meeting是附屬子句。)
(late from the meeting是指開會超過時間而晚回家;而late for the meeting是指開會時自己遲到)
If you can pack quickly, you may come with me, but I have to leave within an hour.(混合句)
I have to leave within an hour. You may come with me if you can pack quickly.
The game of football is fun, but I prefer basketball be-cause it is safer.(混合句)
The game of football is fun. I prefer basketball because it is safer.
The streets were closed after the storm struck, and they are still dangerous.(混合句)
可以改為complex sentence:
The streets which are still dangerous were closed after the storm struck.

cool (f) 13

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-16 00:10:49


一般人對男生負面的刻板印象是什麼呢? 好色? 不愛乾淨?   這次就以男人為主題, 告訴各位為什麼男人會令人討厭.   或許等下次材料收集充份了, 再來告訴各位為什麼男人怎麼偉大吧!

1. You are such a guy.
如果有一個男生完全符合男人的刻板形象 (stereotype), 例如好色, 不愛乾淨的話, 我們就可以直接說, "You are such a guy." 當然說這句話的時候, 要特別記得強調在 guy 那個字上面.   例如有位比基尼美女從你面前走過, 你就目不轉睛地盯著人家看, 這時別人就可以說你, "You are such a guy." 或是有些男生生活習慣不佳, 衣服丟得滿地都是, 你也可以對他說, "You are such a guy."

2. He is a pervert.
Pervert 指的是色狼的行為, 例如喜歡吃女生豆腐, 或是沒事打電話騷擾人家, 這種人我們就稱之為 pervert. 例如有些人有怪癖, 喜歡偷女生的內衣, 對於這種人我們就可以說, "He is a pervert." 或是 "He is perverted."
要注意一點, 中文裏講的男生很"色". 在英文裏沒有一個很確切的翻法, 例如你可以用 lustful, lewd, lecherous, lascivious 或是 randy.但這些字平常老外自己都蠻少用的.而且中文的 "色" 含意比較廣, 從無傷大雅喜歡看路上的漂亮美眉, 到嚴重一點的喜歡佔女生便宜這種人中文裏都可以說是很 "色", 但在英文中, pervert 通常指的是比較嚴重一點的情節, 例如吃豆腐, 騷擾等等.如果只是在路上看美眉, 或是喜歡看寫真集, 我們只要說, "He is such a guy." 就行了.

3. Are you a stalker?
或許每個女生都會有一兩次這樣的不愉快經驗吧.一個人獨自走在巷子裏, 一回頭卻發現有人在後面跟蹤妳, 於是妳加緊了腳步, 沒想到他也跟著加快了腳步, 追上妳, 只聽見一聲慘叫....... "小姐, 我只是想告訴妳妳的錢包掉了.."   ^__^
至於有些男生是會跟蹤女生回家, 這種人就叫 stalker.   也許是國情不同的關係, 北美的 stalker 可能還不少, 所以我常在電視或電影裏聽到 stalker 這個字.   像是很多的漂亮女明星, 都有許多的瘋狂影迷, 她到哪, 他們就跟到哪, 這種人就叫 crazy stalker fan.

4. I am not a peeping Tom.
話說有一次我跟一群老外在聊天, 他們聊天的主題就是 peeping Tom. 當時他們把這個字說得很快, 以致於在我聽來 peeping Tom 好像是一個人名.結果我心裏就想, 這群人當中好像沒有人叫 Tom 的啊, 他們到底在講誰呢? 是在講另一個叫 Tom 的人嗎?
後來私底下請教他們, 我才知道原來 peeping Tom 兩個字合起來是一個俚語, 指的是喜歡偷窺別人的人 (我想中文應該翻成偷窺狂吧!), 這些人以偷看別人裸體為樂, 或是專門找妳會換衣服或洗澡的時候偷看妳.    至於為什麼用到 Tom 呢? 古時 Coventry 地方的市長要加稅, 老百姓苦不堪言. 就央求市長夫人Lady Godiva 說項. 市長說, 如果夫人肯裸體遊街一圈, 就不加稅. 市長夫人答應了, 但是每家每戶必須關起門窗, 不許偷看.結果, 有一個叫 Tom 的男子忍不住, 就從門上的小洞偷看, 後來眼睛就瞎掉了. 因此, 以後偷窺者就被稱為 peeping Tom, 而門上的偷窺小孔就叫做 peephole.

5. Men are pigs.This is no secret.
男人是豬, 這已經不算是秘密了.
在中文裏我們常用豬來形容一個人不愛乾淨, 但無獨有偶, 在北美我也常聽女士用豬來形容男生呢! 例如兩個女生看到某個男生的房間弄得亂七八糟, 東西丟得到處都是, 妳們就可以這樣說, "Men are pigs, there is no secret."   不過我曾看過一篇報導說, 豬其實是很聰明而且很愛乾淨的動物, 用豬來形容人笨及不愛乾淨, 只不過是大家誤用成俗罷了.

6. He is a male chauvinist pig.
要罵男人, 就不能不學學 (male chauvinist) 大男人主義這個字, 中文裏也有人翻譯成沙文主義, 此乃取其音譯.不過在英語當中, 他們通常不會只說, "He is a male chauvinist." 而會在 male chauvinist   之後加上一個 pig, 而成為 "He is a male chauvinist pig." 所以女性主義者常講的 "沙豬" 其實就是從英文裏的 male chauvinist pig 轉變而來.由此觀之, 似乎男人真的是和"豬" 脫離不了關係了! (註: 如果只當講 chauvinist 則是指一種強烈的愛國主義.)

7. It's macho to score.
學過了 chauvinist 這個字, 就不能不再學學 macho 這個字.   這個字指的是有男子氣概的, (有時候也被拿來指大男人主義的人.)    所以像是有些打鬥血腥或科幻, 通常以男性為中心, 主角多為猛男型, 這類電影英文就叫 macho movie.相反的,   通常女生喜歡的文藝片就被稱為 chick flick, (flick 也是電影的意思!) 因為這類電影多半以女性為中心, 男性則退居配角地位.
那 "It's macho to score." 呢? Score 指的是男女有肉體關係上的進展. 所以 "It's macho to score." 說的就是像是個男人的話, 就要勇於在床上衝鋒陷陣.   我有一個朋友就告訴我, 很多加國的女生都會跟他抱怨她們的男朋友都會覺得 "It's macho to score." 這點對女生其實是蠻困擾的. 所以下次如果妳男朋友想要強迫取分的話, 下次不妨大聲地跟他說, "Do you think it's macho to score?" "You suck." (你覺得這樣子才算是男人嗎? 你這個爛人.)

8. Come on.You are a big boy.
拜託你好不好, 你己經是大人了.
成人這個字正式的講法應該是 adult 或是 grownup. 但在口語中, 用 big boy 會遠比用 adult 或是 grownup 來得傳神.   例如有人二十歲了還在吸手指, 你就可以跟他說, "Come on, you are a big boy now." 或是有人失戀了, 你可以鼓勵他說, "You are a big boy.You will get over it." (你是大人了, 你可以撐過這段時間的.)
Big boy 有時候也不光指人, 像是 IBM, AT&T 這種跨國大企業就可以稱為 big boy. 相較於大公司, 那些比較小的小公司就是 little guy. 例如我在報上看到過這樣的標題, "How can those little guys challenge big boys." (這些小傢伙如何挑戰這些大企業呢?)

9. You are so immature.
由於女生的心智年齡發展得要比男生來的早, 所以很多青春期的女生會覺得跟自己同年紀的男生很不成熟.   這個不成熟英文就是 immature.所以北美的女人就常罵男人, "You are so immature." 男人就會反駁, "No way. I am a mature adult." (不會吧. 我是個成熟的男人.) 或是強調的用法, "I'm twice as mature for my age." (以遠比跟我同年齡的人都要來得成熟.)
記得有一次看電視劇 Roseanne 時, Roseanne 講了一句很毒的話, 跟大家分享一下.就是她的小孩問她, "When will I get mature?" (我什麼時候才算成熟呢?) Roseanne 就回了他一句, "As soon as your father gets there." (你老爸到現在都還不成熟呢! 你急什麼.)

10. You bastard.
Bastard 這個字原意指的是私生子, 或是指這個人的出身不好.   但沿用到後來, bastard 就單純是罵人混帳東西, 而且通常只能用在男人身上.什麼情況下你會想罵人家 bastard 呢? 最近的電影不可能的任務二 (Mission Impossible 2 ) 看過吧? 當湯姆克魯斯最後用炸彈把大壞蛋的房門給炸開時, 大壞蛋就氣得大罵, "You bastard." 另外我看電視發現很多時候老婆都是用 bastard 這個字來稱呼老公的, 特別是二人關係不睦時.不過 bastard 不是很禮貌的話, 除非人家真的是侵犯到你了, 不然不要隨便罵人家 bastard.
另外有一個字 geezer 也是專門用來罵男生的.Geezer 指的是怪物, 例如怪老頭你就可以說他是 old geezer. 不過同樣的, 這也不是很禮貌的用法啦!

缥缈 发表于 2004-9-16 01:45:14



一般人對男生負面的刻板印象是什麼呢? 好色? 不愛乾淨?   這次就以男人為主題, 告訴各位為什麼男人會令人討厭.   或許等下次材料收集充份了, 再來告訴各位為什麼男人怎麼偉大吧!

1. You are such a guy.
如果有一個男生完全符合男人的刻板形象 (stereotype), 例如好色, 不愛乾淨的話, 我們就可以直接說, "You are such a guy." 當然說這句話的時候, 要特別記得強調在 guy 那個字上面.   例如有位比基尼美女從你面前走過, 你就目不轉睛地盯著人家看, 這時別人就可以說你, "You are such a guy." 或是有些男生生活習慣不佳, 衣服丟得滿地都是, 你也可以對他說, "You are such a guy."

2. He is a pervert.
Pervert 指的是色狼的行為, 例如喜歡吃女生豆腐, 或是沒事打電話騷擾人家, 這種人我們就稱之為 pervert. 例如有些人有怪癖, 喜歡偷女生的內衣, 對於這種人我們就可以說, "He is a pervert." 或是 "He is perverted."
要注意一點, 中文裏講的男生很"色". 在英文裏沒有一個很確切的翻法, 例如你可以用 lustful, lewd, lecherous, lascivious 或是 randy.但這些字平常老美自己都蠻少用的.而且中文的 "色" 含意比較廣, 從無傷大雅喜歡看路上的漂亮美眉, 到嚴重一點的喜歡佔女生便宜這種人中文裏都可以說是很 "色", 但在英文中, pervert 通常指的是比較嚴重一點的情節, 例如吃豆腐, 騷擾等等.如果只是在路上看美眉, 或是喜歡看寫真集, 我們只要說, "He is such a guy." 就行了.

3. Are you a stalker?
或許每個女生都會有一兩次這樣的不愉快經驗吧.一個人獨自走在巷子裏, 一回頭卻發現有人在後面跟蹤妳, 於是妳加緊了腳步, 沒想到他也跟著加快了腳步, 追上妳, 只聽見一聲慘叫....... "小姐, 我只是想告訴妳妳的錢包掉了.."   ^__^
至於有些男生是會跟蹤女生回家, 這種人就叫 stalker.   也許是國情不同的關係, 美國的 stalker 可能還不少, 所以我常在電視或電影裏聽到 stalker 這個字.   像是很多的漂亮女明星, 都有許多的瘋狂影迷, 她到哪, 他們就跟到哪, 這種人就叫 crazy stalker fan.

4. I am not a peeping Tom.
話說有一次我跟一群老外在聊天, 他們聊天的主題就是 peeping Tom. 當時他們把這個字說得很快, 以致於在我聽來 peeping Tom 好像是一個人名.結果我心裏就想, 這群人當中好像沒有人叫 Tom 的啊, 他們到底在講誰呢? 是在講另一個叫 Tom 的人嗎?
後來私底下請教他們, 我才知道原來 peeping Tom 兩個字合起來是一個俚語, 指的是喜歡偷窺別人的人 (我想中文應該翻成偷窺狂吧!), 這些人以偷看別人裸體為樂, 或是專門找妳會換衣服或洗澡的時候偷看妳.    至於為什麼用到 Tom 呢? 古時 Coventry 地方的市長要加稅, 老百姓苦不堪言. 就央求市長夫人Lady Godiva 說項. 市長說, 如果夫人肯裸體遊街一圈, 就不加稅. 市長夫人答應了, 但是每家每戶必須關起門窗, 不許偷看.結果, 有一個叫 Tom 的男子忍不住, 就從門上的小洞偷看, 後來眼睛就瞎掉了. 因此, 以後偷窺者就被稱為 peeping Tom, 而門上的偷窺小孔就叫做 peephole.

5. Men are pigs.This is no secret.
男人是豬, 這已經不算是秘密了.
在中文裏我們常用豬來形容一個人不愛乾淨, 但無獨有偶, 在北美我也常聽女士用豬來形容男生呢! 例如兩個女生看到某個男生的房間弄得亂七八糟, 東西丟得到處都是, 妳們就可以這樣說, "Men are pigs, there is no secret."   不過我曾看過一篇報導說, 豬其實是很聰明而且很愛乾淨的動物, 用豬來形容人笨及不愛乾淨, 只不過是大家誤用成俗罷了.

6. He is a male chauvinist pig.
要罵男人, 就不能不學學 (male chauvinist) 大男人主義這個字, 中文裏也有人翻譯成沙文主義, 此乃取其音譯.不過在英語當中, 他們通常不會只說, "He is a male chauvinist." 而會在 male chauvinist   之後加上一個 pig, 而成為 "He is a male chauvinist pig." 所以女性主義者常講的 "沙豬" 其實就是從英文裏的 male chauvinist pig 轉變而來.由此觀之, 似乎男人真的是和"豬" 脫離不了關係了! (註: 如果只當講 chauvinist 則是指一種強烈的愛國主義.)

7. It's macho to score.
學過了 chauvinist 這個字, 就不能不再學學 macho 這個字.   這個字指的是有男子氣概的, (有時候也被拿來指大男人主義的人.)    所以像是有些打鬥血腥或科幻, 通常以男性為中心, 主角多為猛男型, 這類電影英文就叫 macho movie.相反的,   通常女生喜歡的文藝片就被稱為 chick flick, (flick 也是電影的意思!) 因為這類電影多半以女性為中心, 男性則退居配角地位.
那 "It's macho to score." 呢? Score 指的是男女有肉體關係上的進展. 所以 "It's macho to score." 說的就是像是個男人的話, 就要勇於在床上衝鋒陷陣.   我有一個朋友就告訴我, 很多加國的女生都會跟他抱怨她們的男朋友都會覺得 "It's macho to score." 這點對女生其實是蠻困擾的. 所以下次如果妳男朋友想要強迫取分的話, 下次不妨大聲地跟他說, "Do you think it's macho to score?" "You suck." (你覺得這樣子才算是男人嗎? 你這個爛人.)

8. Come on.You are a big boy.
拜託你好不好, 你己經是大人了.
成人這個字正式的講法應該是 adult 或是 grownup. 但在口語中, 用 big boy 會遠比用 adult 或是 grownup 來得傳神.   例如有人二十歲了還在吸手指, 你就可以跟他說, "Come on, you are a big boy now." 或是有人失戀了, 你可以鼓勵他說, "You are a big boy.You will get over it." (你是大人了, 你可以撐過這段時間的.)
Big boy 有時候也不光指人, 像是 IBM, AT&T 這種跨國大企業就可以稱為 big boy. 相較於大公司, 那些比較小的小公司就是 little guy. 例如我在報上看到過這樣的標題, "How can those little guys challenge big boys." (這些小傢伙如何挑戰這些大企業呢?)

9. You are so immature.
由於女生的心智年齡發展得要比男生來的早, 所以很多青春期的女生會覺得跟自己同年紀的男生很不成熟.   這個不成熟英文就是 immature.所以北美的女人就常罵男人, "You are so immature." 男人就會反駁, "No way. I am a mature adult." (不會吧. 我是個成熟的男人.) 或是強調的用法, "I'm twice as mature for my age." (以遠比跟我同年齡的人都要來得成熟.)
記得有一次看電視劇 Roseanne 時, Roseanne 講了一句很毒的話, 跟大家分享一下.就是她的小孩問她, "When will I get mature?" (我什麼時候才算成熟呢?) Roseanne 就回了他一句, "As soon as your father gets there." (你老爸到現在都還不成熟呢! 你急什麼.)

10. You bastard.
Bastard 這個字原意指的是私生子, 或是指這個人的出身不好.   但沿用到後來, bastard 就單純是罵人混帳東西, 而且通常只能用在男人身上.什麼情況下你會想罵人家 bastard 呢? 最近的電影不可能的任務二 (Mission Impossible 2 ) 看過吧? 當湯姆克魯斯最後用炸彈把大壞蛋的房門給炸開時, 大壞蛋就氣得大罵, "You bastard." 另外我看電視發現很多時候老婆都是用 bastard 這個字來稱呼老公的, 特別是二人關係不睦時.不過 bastard 不是很禮貌的話, 除非人家真的是侵犯到你了, 不然不要隨便罵人家 bastard.
另外有一個字 geezer 也是專門用來罵男生的.Geezer 指的是怪物, 例如怪老頭你就可以說他是 old geezer. 不過同樣的, 這也不是很禮貌的用法啦!

谢谢老师,很有用 :p

红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-16 10:32:47


VicChu 发表于 2004-9-16 10:45:34


本地的小孩子說一些童言童語,都是十分道地的, 而且他們所用的句法,是我們新來的移民未必懂得,但是不要小看人家年紀小, 人家懂的英語可是不會比我們少喔!!   這裏收錄的就是一些小孩子常說的話及一些她父母對她說的話.

1. Mom, hold me.
媽媽, 抱我.
全世界媽媽的叫法好像都差不多, 在北美洲的小孩叫媽媽也是用 mom.   小孩都是喜歡人家抱的, 舉世皆然, Hold me 就是抱抱的意思.

2. I want to pee-pee.
Pee-pee 也是小孩才會用的, 一般大人上廁所最常用的是 go to the washroom, use the bathroom 或是 wash my hands.當然你說 I want to pee 也是可以.   有沒有發現, 不論中外, 小孩子講話都很喜歡把同一個字重覆說二次, 例如 pee-pee 他們就不會說成 pee, 連字的說法聽來是不是很可愛?   這跟國內的小孩子說 親-親, 抱-抱, 是不是有異曲同工之妙呢?   另外, 跟 pee-pee 相對的就是 "poo-poo" 也就是兒語中上大號的意思.

3. Do you want to go to the potty?
常見於父母和小孩的對話. 起初我一直以為他們是問他們小孩要不要去 party, 後來才知道他們是說 potty.Potty 就是那種給小孩專用的便壺, 所以小孩子從很小就知道什麼 potty.   他們要去上廁所有時自己也會說 I want to go to the potty.
另外 potty trained 是每個小孩子成長的必經之路.potty trained 就是指小孩子必須被訓練會控制自己的排泄.   曾經有一個學心理的學生跟我說這個時期叫肛門期, 如果 potty trained 訓練的方法不對還會對小孩子日後的成長造成影響.

4. Let go.
有些小孩子也是很有脾氣的.你要抱她, 她不給妳抱, 她就會說, Let go! 這個 let go 就是放開手的意思.   例如你看到別人抓著一根繩子, 你要他鬆手, 也是說 Let go. 不過注意一下這個 let go 和 let's go 是有很大的不同就是了.另外,他們也很喜歡講, leave me alone. 或是 get out of here, 同樣都是別管我, 別煩我的意思.

5. Tell my dad and mom to give me a kiss when they are home.
這是我同學去當babysitter 時 小孩子 跟她說的. 因為每天睡覺之前她爸媽一定都會親她一下她才肯睡, 但是那天她父母剛好有事所以才請我同學去當 babysitter. 小孩子可愛之處就在這裏, 就算她明知父母今天要很晚才回來, 她還是希望等他們回來之後要親她一下.

6. She is my sweetheart.
這種說法常見於父母稱自己小孩, 或是男女朋友, 夫妻之間, 或是可愛一點的講法, 他們也會用 sweetie 來代替 sweetheart.

7. You'll receive a whipping if you keep doing that.
父母打小孩屁股, 或是其他輕微的處罰用 whipping 這個字, 或是俚語的講法, whippin,千萬不可用 beat. 記得我就是跟老外說, "Parents in Hong Kong beat their children." 結果老外眼睛瞪的大大的.   為什麼呢? 原因是 beat 在英語是有點毒打, 凌虐的意思, 聽來好像香港的父母都在凌虐小孩似的, 所以記得不要再用錯了.

8. Behave.
這句話日常生活中常聽到. 只要有人作出什麼不禮貌或是不雅的動作的話, 你都可以跟他說 behave! 比如說有人吃完飯就拿袖子擦嘴, 你就可以這麼跟他說, Hey!Behave.

9. If you can't do better than that, go back to your room.
如果你不能表現的好一點的話, 你就回房去.
凡是二三歲的小孩都皮的很.要是不乖,家長都是這樣教訓她, "If you can't do better than that, you go back to your room."   像這樣的句子可以用在許多場合, 例如吃飯時食物掉的滿地都是, 或是跟其他小朋友玩的時候吵起來的,都是要這麼跟小孩子說的.

10. He wet his cloth.
小孩子在很小的時候還不會控制自己的排泄, 這時最麻煩了, 還得隨時記得幫他們換尿布 (diaper) 不然的話, 他就直接給你尿在衣服上, 這個尿在衣服上就是 wet his cloth.
記得在小學時候老師都會一再強調 cloth 指的是布, clothing 才是衣服. 但事實上在北美洲衣服都是說 cloth, 我還很少聽到有人說 clothing 的. 另外, 也許有人會問尿床要怎麼說, 尿床就是 wet one's bed.
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