VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 09:29:36


“under” 這個詞的變化

under 在...之下,低於

under arms 在備戰狀態中

under construction 正在施工之中

under control 處於控制之下

under favorable conditions 在有利的情形下

under pressure 在壓力之下

under sb's directions 在...的指示下

under the charge of 在…掌管(或看管)之下

under the heel of 在…統治下,被…踐踏

under the order of 受…指揮

under way 在進行中,前進著

underact 不充份地表演,不賣力地演

underage 缺乏,不足 未成年的

underbelly 下腹部的,易受攻擊的地帶

underbid 出較低的價錢,投標低於他人,以低價提供

underbidder 出較低價錢的人,低價投標者,低價提供者

underbred 教養不良的,沒教養的,下流的

underbrush 樹林下的草叢,叢林

undercapitalize 投入資金不足的

undercarriage 車盤,著陸裝置

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 10:34:04


“out” 這個詞的變化

out 外面的,熄減的,結束的; 在外,熄減,出現; 出自,離去,向

out of breath 上氣不接下氣

out of control 失去控制

out of danger 脫離危險

out of date 過時的,陳舊的

out of debt 不欠債

out of doors 在戶外

out of favour 失寵;不受歡迎

out of focus 焦點沒有對準;模糊

out of one's reach 夠不著

out of order 不整齊;發生故障

out of place 不相稱;不合適

out of practice 久不練習,荒疏

out of proportion 不成比例;不相稱

out of question 毫無疑問

out of sight 看不見

out of step 和…步調不一致

out of the question 不可能的;不必談的

out of touch 不聯繫,不接触

out of work 失業

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 10:37:11


“after” 這個詞的變化

after 在...之後 在...之後,依照 在...之後

after a little 過了一會兒

after a time 過了一段時間

after a while 過了一會兒;不久

after all 畢竟;終究;別忘了

after class 下課後

after school 放學後

afterbirth 衣胞,胎胞

afterbrain 後腦

afterburner 噴射引擎等的再燃裝置

aftercare 疾病治療後的照顧調養

aftercrop 二期作,第二次的收獲

afterdamp 爆發後的毒氣,餘留的毒氣

afterdeck 後甲板

afterdinner 正餐後的,晚餐後的

aftereffect 餘波,後效,後果

afterglow 晚霞,夕照

aftergrass 刈割後再生的草

aftergrowth 二期農作物

afterimage 餘像

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 10:38:57


“before” 這個詞的變化

before 以前 在...之前 在...之前

before long 不久以後

beforehand 預先

beforetime 以前,從前

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 18:04:17




1.What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T?

2.What’s it that is always coming but never arrives?

3.What has four legs in the morning , two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?

4.What can you get between sunrise and sunset?   

5.What has four legs and only 1 foot?

6.What word starts with e, ends with e and contains only one letter?

7.Who can stop a truck with one hand?

8.I jump into the water. Who am I?

9. What is the longest word in English?

10.What word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it?

11.What is greater than God
   More evil than the devil
   The poor have it
   The rich need it
   And if you eat it,
   You’ll die.

12.What clothing does a house wear?

13. What goes up and never comes down?

14.Take away my first letter, I would remain the same.
Take away my last letter, I would remain the same.
Take away all of my letters, I would remain the same.

缥缈 发表于 2004-9-10 20:51:38





1.What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T?

2.What’s it that is always coming but never arrives?

3.What has four legs in the morning , two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?

4.What can you get between sunrise and sunset?   

5.What has four legs and only 1 foot?

6.What word starts with e, ends with e and contains only one letter?

7.Who can stop a truck with one hand?

8.I jump into the water. Who am I?

9. What is the longest word in English?

10.What word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it?

11.What is greater than God
   More evil than the devil
   The poor have it
   The rich need it
   And if you eat it,
   You’ll die.

12.What clothing does a house wear?

13. What goes up and never comes down?

14.Take away my first letter, I would remain the same.
Take away my last letter, I would remain the same.
Take away all of my letters, I would remain the same.

Vic 老师,我只猜出其中几个,而且也不确定是否正确,请您把答案告诉我们吧。
2. tomorrow
4.a day
7 police
10 short
11 nothing

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 21:00:44



Vic 老师,我只猜出其中几个,而且也不确定是否正确,请您把答案告诉我们吧。
2. tomorrow
4.a day
7 police
10 short
11 nothing


VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 22:18:50



(with one's) feet foremost   

躺在棺材裡,死 ( feet first; foot 習語 ) be carried feet foremost 裝進棺材運走.

at sb's feet   

在某人的腳[支配]下;拜倒在某人腳下 sit at sb's feet 拜某人為師;崇拜某人
lay sth at sb's feet 把某物獻在某人腳下.

at the foot of   

在(山)腳下;在(印刷頁)的下端;在…足部;在(某人)之下 throw oneself at the feet of sb (cf. foot ) (習語).

begin (...) on the right foot   

Best foot forward!   


carry sb off his feet   


catch sb on the wrong foot   


change one's feet   

【口】 換鞋

dead on one's feet   

【口】 疲勞得幾乎站不住[走不動],筋疲力盡

die on one's feet   


dig one's feet in   

drag one's feet   

feel one's feet   

feet first    


【俚】 入殮 ( go home feet first; foot 習語 )

feet of clay   

find the length of sb's fo   


find one's feet   


foot by foot   


foot it   


foot the bill   

foot up   

結帳,結算 foot up to... 共計…,加起來共…

get (...) off on the right foot   

get a foot in (the door) = get   

【口】 順利加入(組織等);獲得參與的機會

get one's feet up   

get one's feet wet   


give sb the foot   

【美‧俚】 踢某人

go home feet first   

【俚】 死,見鬼去 ( 指死 )

have cold feet   

have a foot in both camps   


have both feet (set ) (fir   


have one foot in the grave   

【口】 一隻腳巳踏進墳墓,死到臨頭

keep one's foot    


kick with the wrong foot   

【蘇格蘭‧愛爾蘭】 與說話者的宗教[宗派]不一樣;宗旨不一樣

knock sb off his feet   


land on one's feet = land on both fee   



measure sb's foot by one's own last   


miss one's foot   


My foot!   


not put a foot right   


off one's feet   


on foot   


on one's feet   

起立;(病後)復原;(經濟上)獨立;即興地,無準備地 light on one's feet
get on one's feet (為發言等而)起立;恢復;站直
stand on one's own feet (cf. foot 習語)
keep on one's feet 保持站立,不倒;【拳擊】未被擊倒
put sb on his feet 使某人(病後)復原;使(某公司度過難關後)恢復元氣
keep...on his feet 使站起來;使(公司等)向前發展
think on one's feet 頭腦靈活.

on the wrong foot   


put one's feet up   


put a foot wrong   


put one's best foot forward    

【英】 盡快地跑[走];竭盡全力;給人以盡可能好的印象

put one's foot down   


【口】 果斷行動;態度堅決;反對

【英‧口】 踩油門,加快車速

put one's foot in it = put one's foot in on   

【口】 因處理不妥而招惹麻煩,闖禍;出錯

【口】 失言

put one's foot on it   

【口】 加快車速

run sb (clean) off his feet   

set one's foot on the neck of...   


set foot in ...   

進入;到達 As soon as we set foot in the hotel,... 我們剛一邁進旅館大門.

set...on foot   

開始 set a plan on foot 開始實施計劃.

stamp one's foot   


stand on one's own (two) feet    


start (...) (off) on   


step off on the wrong foot   


sweep sb off his feet   


throw one's feet   

【美‧俚】 乞討,要飯[錢];找(臨時的)工作

throw oneself at the feet of sb    


to one's feet   

起來 come to one's feet 站起來
jump to one's feet 突然站起,躍起
raise sb to his feet 扶起某人
take to one's feet 走出;走開.

under foot   

阻礙,妨礙;在地面[板]上 trample under foot =tread under foot
be damp under foot 地面潮濕.


under sb's feet   


under sb's foot   


vote with one's feet   


walk sb off his feet   

with a foot in both camps   


with both feet   

堅決地;強烈地 jump in ...with both feet 熱情[急忙]參加.

with one foot in the grave   

【口】 一隻腳巳踏進墳墓,死到臨頭

with one's feet (set ) (firmly) on   


with one's feet up   


with one's foot on the neck of...   


VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 22:41:46


1. “高個子全走開”,猜英文字母一

2. “QUEEN”,猜潮劇目一

3. “剪頭髮”,猜英文字一

4. “有始無終”,猜英文字一

5. “顛倒邪見”,猜英文字一

红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-10 22:46:45





VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 23:24:21

最初由[红 树 林]发布




红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-10 23:40:18





1.What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T?

2.What’s it that is always coming but never arrives?

3.What has four legs in the morning , two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?

4.What can you get between sunrise and sunset?   

5.What has four legs and only 1 foot?

6.What word starts with e, ends with e and contains only one letter?

7.Who can stop a truck with one hand?

8.I jump into the water. Who am I?

9. What is the longest word in English?

10.What word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it?

11.What is greater than God
   More evil than the devil
   The poor have it
   The rich need it
   And if you eat it,
   You’ll die.

12.What clothing does a house wear?

13. What goes up and never comes down?

14.Take away my first letter, I would remain the same.
Take away my last letter, I would remain the same.
Take away all of my letters, I would remain the same.

1 T
6 e
7 trucker
13 age

红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-10 23:43:56



请 您 发 个 过 来 , 看 我 能 收 到 否 ?

VicChu 发表于 2004-9-10 23:49:42





1.What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T?

2.What’s it that is always coming but never arrives?Ans:tomorrow

3.What has four legs in the morning , two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?
Ans: human being

4.What can you get between sunrise and sunset?   
Ans: sunburn

5.What has four legs and only 1 foot?
Ans: bed

6.What word starts with e, ends with e and contains only one letter?
Ans: envelope

7.Who can stop a truck with one hand?
Ans: police officer

8.I jump into the water. (猜職業)
Ans: waiter

9. What is the longest word in English?
Ans: smiles

10.What word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it?
Ans: short

11.What is greater than God
   More evil than the devil
   The poor have it
   The rich need it
   And if you eat it,
   You’ll die.

Ans: nothing

12. What clothing does a house wear?
Ans: address

13. What goes up and never comes down?
Ans: age

14.Take away my first letter, I would remain the same.
Take away my last letter, I would remain the same.
Take away all of my letters, I would remain the same.
Ans: postman

红 树 林 发表于 2004-9-10 23:53:22

V老 师 , ok了 , thanka   lot.
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