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发表于 2006-6-28 15:06:13 | 只看该作者

News for today

Relation of girls who killed mother charged

Relative arrested, charged with sexually assaulting Mississauga sisters
Jun. 28, 2006. 03:16 PM

A young relative of two Mississauga sisters convicted of murdering their mother in a sensational trial last year has now been charged with sexually assaulting them.
The identity of the accused isn’t being revealed because his name might identify the females, now 20 and 19, whose names remain protected by Canadian law.

Justice Bruce Duncan is expected to decide on Friday whether to sentence the convicted killers under the Youth Criminal Justice Act as adults or youths.

They face entirely different sentences for each classification, ranging from life in prison with no parole for a minimum 10 years to a maximum 10 years in custody.

Peel Police confirmed today that a relative of the girls had been arrested last Thursday. He was charged with two counts of sexual assault in connection with multiple incidents of unconsensual fondling of the two girls between 1997 and 2005.

The allegations don’t involve sexual intercourse, police said.

Both girls told social workers preparing their pre-sentence reports that they had been sexually assaulted by the accused. The oldest girl also claimed the same thing during a series of sexually explicit Internet conversations with the operator of an American-based website before and during their trial.

Justice Duncan convicted both girls on Dec. 15, 2005, of first-degree murder in a sensational trial that attracted international attention and packed the Brampton courtroom for eight weeks.

The oldest girl also sent several nude pictures of herself to the website, including one photograph sent about 4 a.m. on the day she and her younger sister were convicted of killing their 44-year-alcoholic mother.

The teens, then 16 and 15, got their mother drunk and nearly unconscious with Tylenol-3 pills before drowning her in their bathtub on Jan. 18, 2003. Their crime went undetected for almost a year before they were arrested Jan. 21, 2004.

The girls had gotten away with the grisly crime until a friend went to Peel Police with startling information that suggested their mother’s death wasn’t accidental as had been ruled by a coroner but a carefully planned murder that was both talked about in person and in a series of disturbing Internet chats with a close group of friends.

The girls admitted for the first time in their pre-sentence reports, released last week, that they deliberately killed their mother. They had pleaded not guilty during the judge alone trial, a landmark case that legal experts said was the first time in Canada where such young daughters were accused of matricide.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-28 16:29:06 | 只看该作者

回复:News for today

News for today

Relation of girls who killed mother charged

Relative arrested, charged with sexually assaulting Mississauga sisters
Jun. 28, 2006. 03:16 PM

A young relative of two Mississauga sisters convicted of murdering their mother in a sensational trial   last year has now been charged with sexually assaulting them.
The identity of the accused isn’t being revealed because his name might identify the females, now 20 and 19, whose names remain protected by Canadian law.

Justice Bruce Duncan is expected to decide on Friday whether to sentence the convicted killers under the Youth Criminal Justice Act as adults or youths.

They face entirely different sentences for each classification, ranging from life in prison with no parole   for a minimum 10 years to a maximum 10 years in custody.   
Peel Police confirmed today that a relative of the girls had been arrested last Thursday. He was charged with two counts of sexual assault in connection with multiple incidents of unconsensual fondling of the two girls   between 1997 and 2005. (这句话该怎样翻译?)

The allegations don’t involve sexual intercourse, police said.

Both girls told social workers preparing their pre-sentence reports that they had been sexually assaulted by the accused. The oldest girl also claimed the same thing during a series of sexually explicit  Internet conversations with the operator of an American-based website before and during their trial.

Justice Duncan convicted both girls on Dec. 15, 2005, of first-degree murder in a sensational trial that attracted international attention and packed the Brampton courtroom for eight weeks.

The oldest girl also sent several nude pictures of herself to the website, including one photograph sent about 4 a.m. on the day she and her younger sister were convicted of killing their 44-year-alcoholic mother.

The teens, then 16 and 15, got their mother drunk and nearly unconscious with Tylenol-3 pills before drowning  her in their bathtub  on Jan. 18, 2003. Their crime went undetected for almost a year before they were arrested Jan. 21, 2004.

The girls had gotten away with the grisly crime until a friend went to Peel Police with startling information   that suggested their mother’s death wasn’t accidental as had been ruled by a coroner  but a carefully planned murder that was both talked about in person and in a series of disturbing Internet chats with a close group of friends.

The girls admitted for the first time in their pre-sentence reports, released last week, that they deliberately killed their mother. They had pleaded not guilty during the judge alone trial, a landmark case that legal experts said was the first time in Canada where such young daughters were accused of matricide .
Relation of girls who killed mother charged

发表于 2006-6-28 21:43:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-6-29 17:32:25 | 只看该作者


回复:News for today

Relation of girls who killed mother charged

Relation of girls who killed mother charged  

He was charged with two counts of sexual assault in connection with multiple incidents of unconsensual fondling of the two girls between 1997 and 2005.

matricide  弑母
patricide   弑父
发表于 2006-6-29 17:48:22 | 只看该作者

News for today

Ottawa to spend $8.3B on military aircraft Jun. 29, 2006. 02:33 PM

CFB TRENTON, Ont. — Ottawa is spending $8.3 billion on 21 new aircraft and maintenance costs   in an effort to expand the long-range strategic-lift capacity   of the Canadian Forces, Defence Minister Gordon O’Connor announced today.

O’Connor said the 20-year investment will allow Canada to be more autonomous in deploying  its forces for military and humanitarian missions .

Four of the planes are strategic-lift aircraft  that can carry heavy cargo or large groups of people quickly over large distances.

The planes, which are usually rented or borrowed from other countries, will cost a combined $1.8 billion.

The other 17 tactical lift planes , costing $3.2 billion, will eventually replace the aging Hercules fleet used for transporting troops and search and rescue missions.

“The geography of Canada demands that we take to the air,” said O’Connor, who unveiled the plan at CFB Trenton in eastern Ontario — a staging point for many Canadian airlift operations.

“Our east coast and west coast are separated by a continent, and every time the Canadian Forces deploy outside the continent, they have to cross either the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean.”

Today’s announcement came amid accusations that the Conservatives have already chosen the Boeing C-17 for its strategical airlift planes, despite claims of an open bidding process .

O’Connor was tight-lipped about   the potential supplier, pointing to the government’s Advanced Contract Award Notice (ACAN), which allows the government to announce its intention to buy from one supplier, while leaving time for other companies to put in a bid   showing they can also meet the necessary requirements.

But when pressed by reporters, O’Connor couldn’t name any aircraft other than the Boeing C-17 that meets the requirements.

Despite the fact O’Connor refused to confirm that the C-17 had been chosen, Airbus Military issued a statement today expressing regret that the government had ruled out   its own airlifter, the A400M, which the company said would have saved Ottawa $2 billion.

“We are disappointed the government did not respond to the recent proposal we submitted to meet the Canadian military’s airlift needs using our new 21st-century versatile airlifter, the A400M,” said Richard Thompson, Airbus Military’s senior vice-president, commercial.

“We will be reviewing all our options in the wake of   today’s announcement.”

Liberal defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh said the strategic-lift aircraft are unnecessary, and suggested their purchase would be a blow to Canadian sovereignty .

“Despite the fact they say there will be accountability, these are essentially sole-source purchases with no competition ,” said Dosanjh. “If you define the requirements as leading to only one conclusion, and that’s the C-17, where is the competition?”

Dosanjh said the Liberals fear the planes will be housed and maintained in the United States.

Chief of Defence Staff Rick Hillier said the planes in Canada’s Hercules fleet have endured more wear than any tactical aircraft in the world and need to be ”put out to pasture .”

The country owns 32 Hercules, but two are permanently grounded and three more are expected to be pulled from service  by the end of the year.

The rest will reach the end of their useful life in 2010, which is about the same time the new tactical aircraft will be introduced.

“If we hadn’t moved on this project, and moved now, the capacity of the Canadian Forces to provide tactical airlift beyond the year 2010 would have been almost eliminated,” said O’Connor.

That would have jeopardized Canada’s ability to support its forces on domestic and international operations, he added.

The $8.3-billion is the fourth funding announcement this week for the Canadian military.

Wednesday in Edmonton, O’Connor said at least $2 billion would be spent to purchase 16 military helicopters . On Tuesday, he outlined plans to purchase 2,300 new high-tech trucks, and on Monday, unveiled a $2.1-billion plan to build three navy supply ships .
发表于 2006-6-29 18:32:06 | 只看该作者


景物描写  -- 摘自美国著名作家John Steinbeck(1902-1968)小说《Of Mice and Men》。

A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green. The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight before reaching the narrow pool. On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong and rocky Gabilan mountains, but on the valley side the water is lined with trees - willows fresh and green with every spring, carrying in their lower leaf junctures the debris of the water's flooding; and sycamores with mottled, white, recumbent limbs and branches that arch over the pool. On the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them. Rabbits come out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening, and the damp flats are covered with the night tracks of 'coons, and with the spread pads of dogs from the ranches, and with the split-wedge tracks of deer that come to drink in the dark.

There is a path through the willows and among the sycamores, a path beaten hard by boys coming down from the ranches to swim in the deep pool, and beaten hard by tramps who come wearily down from the high-way in the evening to jungle-up near water. In front of the low horizontal limb of a giant sycamore there is an ash pile made by many fires; the limb is worn smooth by men who have sat on it.

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-30 14:50:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-6-30 21:11:28 | 只看该作者

News for today

10 years in mother's murder   

Jun. 30, 2006. 05:37 PM

Two sisters convicted  in the drowning death of their mother have been sentenced to   a maximum 10 years after a judge ruled today they should be treated as youth offenders . At least six of those years will be served in custody and the remaining four in community service.

Had the judge decided to sentence them as adults, the pair faced life sentences . The 18 months they have already spent in custody will be subtracted.

As youth offenders, their identity remains protected by law.

The older sister will serve her sentence in an adult facility because she is now 20 years old.

“I am satisfied that the available sentences under the (Youth Criminal Justice Act) have sufficient length to hold” both sisters accountable, Ontario Court Justice Bruce Duncan said in passing sentence.

The older sister will serve her sentence in an adult facility because she is now 20 years old.

“We’re very happy that it is a youth sentence,” defence lawyer Rob Jagielski, who represented the younger sister, said outside the court.

“I think it is a just sentence.”

The sisters were convicted Dec. 15 of first-degree murder in the Jan. 18, 2003, drowning of their 44-year-old alcoholic mother.

The girls were just 16 and 15 when they got their mother drunk and nearly unconscious with Tylenol-3 pills , helped her into the bathtub of their Mississauga townhome and then drowned her.

They got away with the crime for more than a year until a friend went to police with information suggesting their mother’s death wasn’t an accidental drowning due to alcohol consumption but a planned murder discussed with a close group of friends, both in person and through Internet conversations.

Dramatic court testimony  was produced during a sensational eight-week trial. The online chats not only showed the girls had talked about the murder but had planned it for weeks, partly because they were fed up with   their alcoholic mother and partly because they stood to inherit $200,000 in life insurance.   

In March, Justice Bruce Duncan said the burden would be placed squarely on the shoulders of Crown prosecutors Mike Cantlon and Brian McGuire to prove why the convicted teenage killers should receive an adult sentence.

Dr. Phil Klassen, who wrote a psychiatric assessment of the older sister, released Thursday by Justice Bruce Duncan, said the murder of her mother “met many of her needs” and that the planning and carrying out of the crime was “intoxicating”  for her.

Her mother’s murder also met her need for “status, attention and power” and gave her “a sense of control over her environment,” Klassen wrote in his report.

Klassen said that one of the most “striking” aspects of the case was the fact that all of the sisters’ academically gifted close friends not only did nothing to stop them but also encouraged them to go through with their grisly plan.

( With files from Tamara Cherry and The Canadian Press )
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-30 21:58:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-7-1 03:48:37 | 只看该作者

Germans up to the test

by JOHN DOYLE (Globe and Mail)

Berlin — Germany 1 Argentina 1
(Germany wins 4-2 on penalties)

Germany rode its luck and used a lot of tenacity to win this tense, nail-biter quarter-final game against a favoured Argentina.

It was an important game and win for the host country. Although Germany has done well — surprising many — the game against a very talented and tough Argentine team was gong to be the real test of its quality. In the end when it came to a penalty shoot-out, Germany was showing Argentina how it's done.

The game was tense from the start, as Argentina seemed intent on rattling the host county with tough tackling and theatrics. Argentina dominated possession for the first half but proved unable to break down a very disciplined and self-believing German back four

Four minutes into the second half, Ayala scored for Argentina from a corner kick. That totally changed the rhythm of the game as it opened up while Germany fought desperately to equalize.

Then Argentine goalkeeper Roberto Abbondanzieri was injured after some jostling on a corner kick. The German fans reacted with scorn, but the keeper was truly injured and had to be replaced by the nervous Leonardo Franco.

Minutes later, the German captain Michael Ballack supplied a superb ball from the left. It was nodded on by Tim Borowski and Klose headed home his fifth goal of the tournament. The game was tied.

Extra time failed to provide and winner, so it went to penalty kicks. The Germans, as always, were superb in this situation. Jens Lehmann saved two of Argentina's attempts, while every German was cool, calm and collected in taking their kicks.

Now Germany is a game away from a World Cup Final in Berlin. They play Italy game. Argentina's coach, Jose Pekerman, said he was resigning immediately.
发表于 2006-7-1 16:25:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-7-1 16:51:41 | 只看该作者
Extra time failed to provide and  winner, so it went to penalty kicks.  
and 可能是打字错误,应该是 any ?

Germany rode its luck and used a lot of tenacity to win this tense, nail-biter quarter-final game against a favoured Argentina.
The game was tense from the start, as Argentina seemed intent on rattling the host country with tough tackling and theatrics.

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-1 18:36:31 | 只看该作者

and 可能是打字错误,应该是 any ?

哈,这些句子都很优美。 能读明白这些句子就觉得很高兴了
发表于 2006-7-2 00:04:36 | 只看该作者

Canada Day

Happy 139th birthday, Canada!   

Harper, Michaelle Jean, ordinary Canadians mark country’s birthday from coast-to-coast
Jul. 1, 2006. 10:38 PM

Canadian soldiers were the focus Saturday as thousands took part in Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa.

Military veterans, medal-winning Olympic athletes and some of Canada’s biggest names in music were part of the events on Parliament Hill, where some 25,000 marked the country’s 139th birthday.

The crowd responded with prolonged applause when Prime Minister Stephen Harper urged Canadians to pay tribute to the soldiers and aid workers in Afghanistan and other world hotspots.

“Let’s show our appreciation, today and every day, to those who do it best for us in Afghanistan and around the world,” Harper said.

“Our diplomats, our development workers and brave men and women of the Canadian Forces.”

Canadian soldiers had a painful reminder of the dangers they face in Afghanistan’s volatile southern region on Friday as they were preparing for Canada Day when two rockets fired into the coalition base in Kandahar wounded 10 people, including two Canadians.

Harper’s words on Afghanistan were met with praise by many in the Ottawa crowd.

“I grew up with the traditions of this country, and it means everything to me,” said Louise Zawada of Alexandria, Ont.

“I’m very, very proud to hear Harper talk.”

Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean noted Canada’s prosperity, including in her remarks a thank-you to the people who toil to provide the country with a safe and plentiful food supply.

“Ours is a country of great wealth from its plains, forests and mountains that nourish us to the crystal clear waters of our abundant lakes and rivers,” she said.

Along with the usual Snowbirds fly-past, the crowd enjoyed performances by Susan Aglukark and Colin James — all a prelude to an evening fireworks display.

Earlier, a few blocks away, Harper and Jean took part in a wreath-laying at the National War Memorial at an event marking the 90th anniversary of the Battles of the Somme and Beaumont-Hamel in France.

It was the first time a remembrance ceremony was conducted at the National War Memorial on July 1.

Opposition leader Bill Graham released a statement describing Canada as being like no other country, “made up of individuals, representing all ethnicities and all religions, bound together by our shared values of family, community, tolerance and freedom.”

At 55-degrees C, one of the hottest locales for a Canada Day party was the Kandahar base.

Along with barbecued burgers and cold beer, Canadians played a few games of volleyball and staged a 10-km charity run.

In Montreal, thousands lined downtown Ste.-Catharine Street to watch a parade that featured the usual eclectic fare from the city’s various ethnic communities, along with the perennial Shriners riding their signature miniature cars.

“It’s about fun,” said Jason Cole, 18. “You know, get out and enjoy — see the people that do right for us.”

Hundreds gathered under sunny skies in Halifax at historic Citadel Hill for official Canada Day ceremonies, which included a performance by a military band and a 21-gun salute.

Ron Heffernan, a warrant officer in the navy, draped a Canadian flag over his shoulders and wore a foam hat in the shape of a maple leaf.

“Canada Day to me is just coming together, a celebration of family,” said the 38-year-old Ottawa man, who is stationed in Halifax. “Not just family as in husband and wife, mother and father, but family as in Canadians.”

In Toronto, 27 people from 18 countries took the oath of citizenship as part of celebrations at Queen’s Park, the Ontario legislature.

Citizenship judge Sarkis Assadourian reminded the new Canadians of their potential, noting the Governor General and her predecessor, Adrienne Clarkson, came to this country as immigrants.

“I don’t think there’s a country in the world that allows new refugees or new immigrants to become commander-in-chief, head of state, representing our nation all over the world,” he said.

Toronto residents by the thousands flocked to the lakeshore to celebrate – parking on just about every spare blade of grass. The median separating the east and westbound lanes of Lake Shore Blvd. West was jammed with automobiles because all the parking lots were full.

The Toronto Blue Jays and visiting Philadelphia Phillies sported Canadian flag patches on their caps — the first time both the home and visiting team had the Maple Leaf sewn on their hats.

And Jays’ players had the word Canada stitched on the back of their jerseys instead of their names. Toronto won, 5-2.

In Edmonton, the grounds of the Alberta legislature were packed with Canada Day revellers, many decked out entirely in red and white, including retiree Rose Saunders, 68.

“I’ve come here every Canada Day for the last 20 years, and I’ll still be coming here when I’m in a wheelchair,” laughed Saunders, who was with her daughter and grandchildren.

In St. John’s, N.L., a large crowd turned out for a party on Confederation Hill.

At the other end of the country, about 300 people gathered in front of Vancouver’s art gallery to celebrate Cannabis Day.

David Maimo-Levine, one of the event’s organizers, said Cannabis Day is celebrated on Canada’s birthday to emphasize the fact that Canada has a relatively lenient stance toward the drug.

“We just want to celebrate that fact and point out how free and wonderful Canada can be sometimes.”
发表于 2006-7-3 02:02:37 | 只看该作者

An interesting article (Part 1)

How 'liberalism' became a bad word   
Jul. 2, 2006. 07:01 AM

Since the black day of September 11, 2001, liberalism has become a dirty word in the United States, and liberal values have come under attack  in Canada and other Western countries.

So it’s not surprising that, with congressional elections in the offing, plans are afoot to rescue America’s liberals from the wilderness where they have been wandering for most of the 21st century, beset by an identity crisis   of mammoth proportions .

One of the first to gird for   battle is Peter Beinart, a former Rhodes Scholar and now editor-at-large   of The New Republic.

In his new book, The Good Fight: Why Liberals — and only Liberals — Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again, Beinart sets out a plan to ready the fractious faction for the struggle that lies ahead. But to some less-than-grateful  liberals, it is a blueprint for surrender to the hawkish values of the neoconservatives .

“There’s been a great void in American politics since Vietnam,” Beinart says in an interview in Toronto. “Bill Clinton filled some of it, but only on the domestic side. After 9/11, it was exposed again. It seemed to me that something would have to emerge to overcome the divisions that (Ronald) Reagan began and (George W.) Bush brought to fruition

Liberalism, he admits, is “not a popular topic,” in spite of polls showing some of the bedrock of the Bush administration’s neoconservative policies is cracking under its feet. The latest blow was from the Supreme Court, which rejected military tribunals  for terrorism suspects, forcing Bush to accept the constitutional limits of his presidency.

But in the U.S., liberals are still routinely cast as the foes of “patriotic values,” and those who question the “war on terror” as enemies of the state.

Human rights and civil liberties have been rolled back in the name of national security, and their defenders ridiculed. Liberal academics have been pressured and purged from universities, and secular thinkers targeted by the Christian right. The Republican Party is in control of the Congress, and the Supreme Court has increasing numbers of right-wing appointees .

Beinart’s prescription is for a resurgent muscular liberalism that centres on national security, and never forgets who the enemy is. But it has further split a liberal camp already riven by the Iraq war and its failure to produce a stable democracy in the Middle East.

American liberalism  as defined by its activist organizations remains largely what it was in the 1990s,” Beinart wrote in an essay in The New Republic, “a collection of domestic interests and concerns ..... But there is little liberal passion to win the struggle against Al Qaeda — even though totalitarian Islam   has killed thousands of Americans and aims to kill millions.”

Beinart, who was once a vigorous supporter of the Iraq war and has since recanted , says that liberals could learn from the post-World War II period before America developed a schizoid policy   of publicly embracing liberal democratic values at home while denigrating  them in other countries.

x By going back to Cold War liberalism’s support for internationalism, containment  of an implacable enemy, economic aid for allies, and strong sense of national purpose, he says those values can not only be rejuvenated  but emerge victorious.

And by rejecting the left wing of the liberal faction, including muckraking documentarian   Michael Moore and others who blame America for helping to create its own enemies through imperialist ambitions, Beinart believes the Democratic Party could emerge leaner, meaner and braced for a winning fight.

Like the Cold War liberals, he says, the new cadre could win back international respect for America’s restraint and co-operative spirit, while leading a tough-minded fight against terrorism. Instead of dwelling on what America does wrong, they would stand up and tell voters what was right with the country.

Some who despaired of a positive vision for liberalism have cheered Beinart. But left-leaning liberals   see it as a revival of old criticisms from the right, which labelled them “nattering nabobs of negativism ,” a phrase coined by conservative speechwriter and columnist William Safire in 1970. Then too, it was used to decry intellectuals who took issue with the Republican administration’s hard-line policies. Beinart defines the “tough love” approach to 21st century liberalism.

But, says Anatol Lieven, a senior research fellow of the New America Foundation, and author of America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism, his bootstrapping   vision may be part of the problem.

“Too many Democrats have no real differences with the neocons,” he says. “There’s a long list of Democratic intellectuals who believe in higher military spending. The neocons, after all, seized on values that were ancient parts of American culture — national messianism , liberal imperialism and defence of values. They just gave them a radical new twist after 9/11.”

Imperialistic values already go unchallenged by many liberals, Lieven says. And sooner or later they will “lead America into real disaster,” unless they are open to a debate that clears the way for basic change.

But, says political writer Ari Berman in The Nation, while public opinion is shrinking from military adventures in foreign countries, even in the name of freedom and democracy, a majority of Democratic members of Congress continue to support the Iraq war and reject a timetable for pulling out the troops.

“The possibility that America’s military presence in Iraq may be doing more harm than good is considered beyond the pale of `sophisticated’ debate.”

In the slash-and-burn   environment of American politics, however, few liberals will raise their heads far enough above the parapet  to launch such a debate.

“Politics are so degraded now that politicians have lost respect for the system,” frets Earl Reitan, a historian and author of Liberalism: Time-Tested Principles for the Twenty-First Century. “They would rather abuse it for their own advantage.”
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