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发表于 2006-6-24 17:21:37 | 只看该作者

I checked the web of answer.com.
explains below:
Slang. To expose oneself in an indecent manner.

one example from the article says:
Like Ms. Fairley, the actress. "All of a sudden," she said, "this man moved into my frame of reference, and I was staring at a penis. I couldn't believe it ."

看来,answer.com 很好用了,它的完整网址是哪个?我试了 http://www.answer.com/http://answer.com/ 都打不开。
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-24 22:06:10 | 只看该作者


看来,answer.com 很好用了,它的完整网址是哪个?我试了 http://www.answer.com/http://answer.com/ 都打不开。
I use answer.com everyday. please check below for details.hope they are helpful.




发表于 2006-6-24 22:37:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-6-24 22:59:51 | 只看该作者


Homeless census finds 5,052
That's how many the spring study found on living on the streets

This data will be used to help city find long-term solutions
Jun. 24, 2006. 07:42 AM

The results from Toronto's first-ever homeless census   are in.

And one of the key findings from the spring study is that more of those living on the streets and in shelters need to be put on waiting lists for housing, says a city councillor   who heads the committee responsible for the issue.

Councillor Joe Mihevc, who chairs the community services committee, said a finding that nine out of 10 respondents want permanent housing, yet only 37 per cent are on waiting lists, highlights a glaring problem .

"Each and every individual who is homeless needs to be on the housing waiting lists that (are) out there. That's something that came out very clearly in the study," he told reporters yesterday at city hall.

The report says work must be done to keep tabs on the status of those applications for housing. It also identified key areas where support is needed, including transportation to enable people to view apartments, assistance in filling out housing applications and help obtaining identification paperwork.

One of the study's disturbing findings is that the aboriginal community is overrepresented  among the homeless. Aboriginals account for about 1 per cent of Toronto's population but comprise 26 per cent of the homeless living outdoors, the study found. They were also homeless longer — five years compared to about three years for the homeless population as a whole.

The survey, which cost almost $90,000, does manage to settle one controversial issue: the actual number of homeless in Toronto.

It estimates that on the night of April 19, when the study was done, there were at least 5,052 homeless people in Toronto — 3,649 in 66 homeless shelters (72 per cent), 818 (16.2 per cent) on the streets, and others staying in such facilities as correctional centres , hospitals and abused women's shelters.

The survey actually counted 566 homeless staying outdoors that night, but that number was adjusted to 818 to account for those people likely missed.

Fifty-one per cent of the homeless on the street that night responded to the survey, while it was answered by 43 per cent of the overall homeless population. The survey was conducted by 750 volunteers and 336 team leaders who were divided up into groups.

The methodology was derived from a number of sources, including outdoor population studies done in New York City, and data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The 5,052 figure is fairly close to what experts who work with the homeless in Toronto had estimated, but the number gives a good "baseline" estimate that wasn't available before, said Phil Brown, general manager of Toronto's Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, which oversaw the study.

"We used to spend a lot of time debating what the number was and what the range was. Now we have a minimum estimate.... Now we can move on to solutions," Brown said.

The Toronto Disaster Relief Committee, which advocates for the city's homeless, voiced some skepticism  about the number.

"It is simply not believable" that the number of street homeless in Toronto is less than the numbers reported for Edmonton or Vancouver, which have smaller populations, said committee member Michael Shapcott.

But the survey provides important "qualitative data," Mihevc said, adding there's now a much better picture of the state of homelessness in the city.

"There are many stats in the document. The task now is to analyze the data and to start to tease out what can be done to develop the analysis further and (come up with) an action strategy."

What to do with the information is expected to generate debate in the coming weeks and months, especially with a municipal election in November.

Toronto spends $160 million a year to deal with homelessness — $130 million from the province and city, and $30 million from Ottawa.

Mihevc (Ward 21, St. Paul's) said keeping people housed is cheaper in the long run, pointing to the findings of a high usage among the homeless of hospital emergency rooms and ambulances.

Councillors Denzil Minnan-Wong and Jane Pitfield, the latter a mayoral candidate, say the report raises some important questions about how the $160 million budget for homelessness should be spent.

"What would happen if we gave them (the homeless) supplements to rent their own apartments. Do we have to spend $160 million to get there?," Minnan-Wong (Ward 34, Don Valley East) said, adding that kind of debate has been facilitated by the study.

Pitfield (Ward 26, Don Valley West) said the city's 5 per cent apartment vacancy rate could provide an opportunity to close shelter beds.

The report goes to the city's community services committee in early July and city council later that month. It calls for another homeless survey to be done in 2008, but it would have to be approved by council.
发表于 2006-6-25 00:28:30 | 只看该作者



Homeless census finds 5,052
That's how many the spring study found on living on the streets

This data will be used to help city find long-term solutions
Jun. 24, 2006. 07:42 AM

first-ever homeless census   首次进行的无家可归者人数/人口调查
a city councillor   市议员
highlights a glaring problem (这个发现向人们)提出了一个十分醒目的问题
overrepresented  比例过高
correctional centres 惩教中心(相当于国内的劳教所)
skepticism  怀疑



发表于 2006-6-25 11:49:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-6-25 11:49:54 | 只看该作者


Pair shot at downtown convenience store
Jun. 25, 2006. 11:33 AM

A shooting outside a 7-11 store in the downtown core sent two men to St. Michael's Hospital early this morning, police said.

At approximately 12:15 a.m., officers were called to the corner of College St. and Spadina Ave. after reports of gunfire.

One man was shot in the neck and treated for non life-threatening injuries. The other man underwent surgery after being shot five times in the chest. He is listed in stable condition, police said.

The shooting occurred outside the store. It was not a robbery, according to police.

Police are asking any witnesses to call 416-808-5204 or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-8477.
发表于 2006-6-25 21:40:38 | 只看该作者


Separatists can't claim 'Fete nationale': Harper

Canadian Press

St-Joseph-de-Beauce, Que. — Prime Minister Stephen Harper challenged Quebec sovereigntists' right to claim the Fete nationale holiday as their own political event.

"This St-Jean day reminds us all of the riches and greatness of the Quebec and francophone Canadian experience," he told a rural crowd Saturday. "This Fete nationale was being celebrated long before the Quiet Revolution (in the 1960s) — and even before Confederation."

Mr. Harper attended an event far away from the much larger and more nationalist ceremonies in Montreal and Quebec.

Instead of wading through throngs of thousands of flag-waving, slogan-chanting revellers, Mr. Harper took in a quiet country festival among the cow pastures and rolling hills of Quebec's federalist heartland.

Mr. Harper said from the time of Georges-Etienne Cartier to Brian Mulroney, Conservatives have always understood that Canada's diversity is what makes Canada special.

He said Quebec pride is in no way, shape or form contrary to Canadian values.

Mr. Harper has refused to describe Quebec as a nation, saying it's a semantic debate that doesn't serve any purpose.
发表于 2006-6-25 21:56:17 | 只看该作者
Instead of wading through throngs of thousands of flag-waving, slogan-chanting revellers, Mr. Harper took in a quiet country festival among the cow pastures and rolling hills of Quebec's federalist heartland.

Mr. Harper has refused to describe Quebec as a nation, saying it's a semantic debate that doesn't serve any purpose.
that doesn't serve any purpose 这个表达多地道呢,对吧?
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-25 22:00:36 | 只看该作者
顶64楼 和 68楼 的好贴!
census: 人口普查


发表于 2006-6-25 22:13:26 | 只看该作者
我个人觉得  sensors 与 censers 读音一样,区别的时候要看语境、上下文; sensors & censers 与 census, senses 读音具有细微的区别。
发表于 2006-6-26 00:42:07 | 只看该作者

that doesn't serve any purpose 这个表达多地道呢,对吧?

。。。flag-waving, slogan-chanting。。。



发表于 2006-6-26 19:43:34 | 只看该作者


Animal feed rules tightened
Jun. 26, 2006. 03:03 PM

OTTAWA — Canada is moving to expand its ban on  cattle tissue in animal feed to include all feed, pet food and fertilizers.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency  says the new ban goes much further than the 1997 rules that kept cows from eating feed made using cattle parts.

Canada has had five cases of cattle infected with mad cow disease, or BSE , including two this year.

Those cows were found to have been born after the 1997 feed ban came into effect, but were infected by contaminated feed .

The agency says the newest rules will greatly reduce the risk of accidental contamination.
发表于 2006-6-26 20:01:55 | 只看该作者


Billionaire's gift to boost Gates charity
Buffett to begin annual donations of stock
Says Microsoft owner's work impressed him
Jun. 26, 2006. 08:08 AM

OMAHA, Neb. - The world's second-richest man, Warren Buffett, became one of the world's biggest philanthropists yesterday with the announcement that he would bequeath  the bulk of his roughly $44 billion (U.S.) fortune to the foundation established by billionaire Bill Gates and his wife.

The decision to start giving next month through annual stock donations represents a reversal for the investment wizard, who for years had said his wealth would be pledged to philanthropies  after his death.

Buffett's gift will radically boost the resources of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is already the world's largest philanthropy with assets of more than $29 billion.

Gates, the world's richest man and Microsoft Corp. co-founder, decided this month to give up his daily duties at the software company in 2008 to spend more time at his foundation, which is considered a leader in international public health, particularly in the fight against HIV, malaria and tuberculosis.

Gates also serves as a board member of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Buffett's investment conglomerate, and the men socialize regularly.

Buffett, the 75-year-old Berkshire chairman and CEO, had been expected to leave his vast holdings of Berkshire stock largely to the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation. The foundation, which he and his late wife started, has given millions of dollars to hospitals, universities and teachers, as well as to Planned Parenthood and other abortion rights groups.

Buffett said he plans to give away 12,050,000 Class B shares of Berkshire Hathaway stock to the foundations, but he will have to convert some of his 474,998 Class A shares to complete the gifts. One Class A share, which sold for $92,100 on Friday, can be converted into 30 Class B shares, which sold for $3,071 Friday. The gifts would be worth nearly $37 billion based on Friday's closing share price.

Buffett's assistant, Debbie Bosanek, said Buffett would not be available to comment yesterday. But letters outlining the gifts were posted on the company's website, and Buffett explained his decision in an interview with Fortune.

Buffett told Fortune that he decided to start giving his money away now because he has been impressed with Bill and Melinda Gates and the work they've done through their foundation. He also decided it would be easier to give to a large foundation instead of trying to expand his own foundation.

"What can be more logical, in whatever you want done, than finding someone better equipped than you are to do it?" Buffett told Fortune. "Who wouldn't select Tiger Woods to take his place in a high-stakes golf game? That's how I feel about this decision."

Buffett has long said limiting the spread of nuclear weapons is the greatest challenge facing mankind. And stockbroker Andy Kilpatrick, who wrote a biography of Buffett, said Buffett probably agrees with the Gateses' concerns about population control, disease and education.

In a statement, Bill and Melinda Gates applauded Buffett's decision. "We are awed by our friend Warren Buffett's decision." Berkshire owns a diverse mix of more than 60 companies, including insurance, furniture, carpet, jewellery, restaurants and utility firms. It has major investments in H&R Block Inc., Anheuser-Busch Cos. and Coca-Cola Co.
发表于 2006-6-27 20:33:17 | 只看该作者


Israeli troops invade Gaza
Electricity knocked out to most of coastal area in bid to get soldier, 19, back
Jun. 27, 2006. 08:47 PM

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Israeli troops entered southern Gaza and planes attacked two bridges and a power station, knocking out electricity in most of the coastal strip early Wednesday and stepping up pressure on Palestinian militants holding captive a 19-year-old Israeli soldier.
Israeli troops began taking up positions in two locations east of the Gaza town Rafah under the cover of tank shelling, said witnesses and Palestinian security officials. Palestinians dug in behind mounds of dirt, bracing for a major Israeli offensive.

The Israeli strikes came amid intensive diplomatic efforts in the Arab world and by the United Nations.

Trying to defuse building tension, negotiators from the Hamas movement said Tuesday they had accepted a document implicitly recognizing Israel. But two Syrian-based Hamas leaders denied a final deal had been reached. Israel said only freedom for the captive soldier, Cpl. Gilad Shalit, could defuse the crisis, not a political agreement.

Israeli armoured vehicles wait near Kibbutz Mefalsi
southern Israel, June 27, awaiting orders about
a possible invasion of Palestinian territories.

The Israeli military said in a statement the object of the attacks on the bridges late Tuesday and early Wednesday was “to impair the ability of the terrorists to transfer the kidnapped soldier.”

Knocking down the bridges would cut Gaza in two, Palestinian security officials said.

Early Wednesday, Israeli planes fired at least nine missiles at Gaza’s only power station, cutting electricity to much of the Gaza Strip, Palestinian security officials said. The station’s three funtioning turbines and a gasoline reservoir were engulfed in enormous flames that firefighters were unable to control.

The attack raised the spectre of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as water pumps in the strip are powered by electricity.

Israeli military officials said Prime Minister Ehud Olmert approved a “limited operation” for southern Gaza, aimed at ``terrorist infrastructure.” The officials spoke on condition of anonymity.

Palestinian security forces said Israeli tanks were on the move near the Israeli village Nahal Oz, a main Israeli staging area just outside Gaza.

Some Israeli troops crossed the border into southern Gaza, near the site of Sunday’s militant attack in which Shalit was abducted. It was not immediately clear how many soldiers entered Gaza, though the army confirmed its soldiers were crossing the border. A number of Israeli soldiers had been in Gaza since Sunday’s assault.

In the Shajaiyeh neighbourhood of Gaza City, not far from the fence, armed militants took up positions across from the blaring headlights of Israeli vehicles, and Israeli attack helicopters hovered overhead. The roar of Israeli fighter planes reverberated throughout Gaza City.

The militants told residents to leave the area. They piled gasoline-soaked tires in the streets. Earlier, bulldozers blocked some of the main roads with piles of sand and dirt to try to slow down Israeli tanks.

There were no reports of casualties in the Israeli strikes.

Palestinian TV showed pictures of the first bridge hit, with fallen concrete blocks, twisted metal and protruding water pipes. Children walked in the wreckage.

Shalit’s abduction Sunday by Hamas’s military wing and two other Hamas-linked groups has threatened to turn already devastated relations between Israel and the Hamas-led government into an all-out war. Hamas took over the Palestinian Authority after winning elections in January and has been under international pressure to renounce violence and recognize Israel.

Complicating matters was a new claim by the Hamas-linked Popular Resistance Committees, one of the three groups that carried out Sunday’s assault, that it had also kidnapped a Jewish settler on the West Bank of the Jordan River.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the report was being taken “very seriously” and military officials said there was ``rising fears” the claim was true.

The fate of the captured soldier has riveted Israelis, with Shalit’s face plastered on newspapers and callers to talk shows praying for his safety.

In an interview Tuesday, Noam Shalit begged the captors of his wounded son’s to provide medical care and asked “to hear his voice and to see his face.”

Olmert rejected the kidnappers’ demands to free Palestinian prisoners and instead approved plans for a military push into Gaza.

Hamas’s website said there were “back channel” negotiations with Israel over a prisoner release.

Israeli military officials said a negotiating team has been activated but declined to release further information.

The kidnappers did not say where Shalit was being held or release any photos of him. Israeli officials said they believed the soldier suffered light wounds to his stomach and was being held in southern Gaza.

On Tuesday, for the first time since Sunday’s assault, in which two Israeli soldiers and two militants were killed, militants acknowledged they were holding Shalit and said he was alive.

“The soldier is in a secure place that the Zionists cannot reach,” said Mohammed Abdel Al, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees. He said his group also took a West Bank settler hostage.

Mohammad Nazal, a Damascus-based member of the Hamas politburo, said the militant group would not agree to free the Israeli soldier ``without a deal.”

“No release without something in return.”

“This is the popular demand and we cannot let down our people.”

Israel’s Channel 2 TV reported international mediators involved in talks with the kidnappers had given up, saying negotiations were going nowhere. An Egyptian official concurred talks with Hamas officials in Gaza were “on hold” but insisted negotiations were still taking place with Hamas leaders in Syria.

Egyptian officials said their government asked Hamas to release the soldier and deployed 2,500 extra soldiers along the border with Gaza to prevent an influx of Palestinians if Israel invaded. Egypt also imposed a nighttime curfew on residents along the border.

Egypt’s intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, urged Hamas’s Syria-based leader, Khaled Mashaal, to push for Shalit’s release, the officials said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.

The crisis touched off by the soldier’s capture has caused widespread alarm among Arab countries worried about a flare-up in Israeli-Palestinian tensions.

Arab countries, worried about Hamas’s ascendancy and especially the actions of its more militant wings, appeared to be trying to support Abbas as he worked to isolate the more militant arm of Hamas and forge ties with the political wing of Hamas.

Abbas has been in touch with Arab leaders, including Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, King Abdullah of Jordan and Saudi King Abdullah to discuss the latest crisis, said his aide, Nabil Abu Rdeneh.
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