Fruits: The common fig bears a first crop, called the breba crop, in the spring on last season's growth. The second crop is borne in the fall on the new growth and is known as the main crop. In cold climates the breba crop is often destroyed by spring frosts. The matured "fruit" has a tough peel (pure green, green suffused with brown, brown or purple), often cracking upon ripeness, and exposing the pulp beneath. The interior is a white inner rind containing a seed mass bound with jelly-like flesh. The edible seeds are numerous and generally hollow, unless pollinated. Pollinated seeds provide the characteristic nutty taste of dried figs.
中东的在春天的初熟果都是先果后叶的。骑马海, 你看到的真是无花果吗?
TorontoRCMP2 发表于 2013-10-28 07:02
去耍了两天,回来一看又热闹了!老费说我中了多伦多什么的计,算不了啥!理亏的人总是这款,他无法答辩耶穌无辜咒死无花果树的错误,当然扯歪到无花果春天先果后叶上去遮羞,倒霉的是我刚巧种过无花果,又碰了个鼻子灰,于是又搬出一大堆洋文来做挡箭牌,我今天一看,竟连一个叶字也没有,却骗人说“中东的在春天的初熟果都是先果后叶的”!两段英文里那一句是说先果后叶的?佛家不打诳语,你们基督徒却专门“车大炮”,是耶穌教你这样骗人的吗?你这巴掌摑到那个抬头看的脸上去啦!抬起头的姿态是最好扇耳括子的呀!多谢合作!哈哈! |