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楼主: 费事傾
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用圣經証 "三位一体"之謬

发表于 2013-11-21 13:14:31 | 只看该作者

第十一章 论称义







1. 罗八30,三24。
2. 罗四5-8,三22、24-25、27-28,五17-19;林后五19、21;多三5、7;弗一7;耶廿三6;林前一30-31。
3. 徒十44,十三38-39;加二16;腓三9;弗二7-8。
4. 约一12;罗三28,五1。
5. 雅二17、22、26;加五6。
6. 罗五8-10、19;提前二5-6;希十10、14;但九24、26;赛五十三4-6、10-12。
7. 罗八32。
8. 林后五21;太三17;弗五2。
9. 罗三24;弗一7。
10. 罗三26;弗二7。
11. 加三8;彼前一2、19-20;罗八30。
12. 加四4;提前二6;罗四25。
13. 西一21-22;加二16;多三4-7。
14. 太六12;约壹一7、9,二1-2。
15. 路廿二32;约十28;来十14。
16. 诗八十九31-33,五十一7-12,卅二5;太廿六75;林前十一30、32;路一20。
17. 加三9、13-14;罗四22-24;来十三8。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-21 14:15:38 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-21 22:20:13 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-21 22:26:45 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 骑马海 于 2013-11-21 22:28 编辑




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发表于 2013-11-22 16:00:24 | 只看该作者


骑马海 发表于 2013-11-21 22:26



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-26 12:32:52 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 费事傾 于 2013-11-30 11:42 编辑

Mesopotamian religion refers to the religious beliefs and practices followed by the Sumerian and East Semitic Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Chaldean peoples living in Mesopotamia (approximately the area of modern Iraq and north east Syria) that dominated the region for a period of 4,200 years from the fourth millennium BCE throughout Mesopotamia to approximately the 10th century CE in Assyria.[1]

Polytheism was the only religion in ancient Mesopotamia for thousands of years before entering a period of gradual decline beginning in the 1st century CE. This decline happened in the face of the introduction of native Eastern Rite forms of Christianity, as well as Manicheanism and Gnosticism, and continued for approximately three to four centuries, until most of the original religious traditions of the area died out, with the final traces existing among some Assyrian communities until the 10th century CE.[1]
As with most dead religions, many aspects of the common practices and intricacies of the doctrine have been lost and forgotten over time. Fortunately, much of the information and knowledge has survived, and great work has been done by historians and scientists, with the help of religious scholars and translators, to re-construct a working knowledge of the religious history, customs, and the role these beliefs played in everyday life in Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia during this time. Mesopotamian religion is thought to have been a major influence on subsequent religions throughout the world, including Canaanite, Aramean, ancient Greek, and Phoenician religions, and also monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

It is known that the god Ashur was still worshipped in Assyria as late as the 4th century CE and it is rumoured that Ashurism was still practiced by tiny indigenous Assyrian minorities in northern Assyria (around Harran) until the 10th century CE.
Mesopotamian religion was polytheistic, worshipping over 2,100 different deities,[2] many of which were associated with a specific city or state within Mesopotamia such as Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Assur, Nineveh, Ur, Uruk, Mari and Babylon. Some of the most significant of these deities were Anu, Ea, Enlil, Ishtar (Astarte), Ashur, Shamash, Shulmanu, Tammuz, Adad/Hadad, Sin (Nanna), Dagan, Ninurta, Nisroch, Nergal, Tiamat, Bel and Marduk.

Some historians, such as Jean Bottéro, have made the claim that Mesopotamian religion is the world's oldest religion,[3] although there are several other claims to that title. However, as writing was invented in Mesopotamia it is certainly the oldest in written history. What we know about Mesopotamian religion comes from archaeological evidence uncovered in the region, particularly literary sources, which are usually written in cuneiform on clay tablets and which describe both mythology and cultic practices. Other artifacts can also be useful when reconstructing Mesopotamian religion. As is common with most ancient civilizations, the objects made of the most durable and precious materials, and thus more likely to survive, were associated with religious beliefs and practices. This has prompted one scholar to make the claim that the Mesopotamians' "entire existence was infused by their religiosity, just about everything they have passed on to us can be used as a source of knowledge about their religion. "[4]
Although it mostly died out 1,600 to 1,700 years ago, Mesopotamian religion has still had an influence on the modern world, predominantly because Biblical mythology that is today found in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mandeanism shares some overlapping consistency with ancient Mesopotamian myths, in particular the Creation Myth, the Garden of Eden, The Great Flood, Tower of Babel and figures such as Nimrod and Lilith (the Assyrian Lilitu). In addition the story of Moses' origins shares a similarity with that of Sargon of Akkad, and the Ten Commandments mirror Assyrian-Babylonian legal codes to some degree. It has also inspired various contemporary neopagan groups to begin worshipping the Mesopotamian deities once more, albeit in a way often different from that of the Mesopotamian people.

上列文章是从維基百科抄下來的, 最後一段說明, 猶太人的創世記是抄襲美索不达米亞的神話。
美索不达米亞人信奉多神, 而以色列人信奉一神, 竟然抄襲多神教的神話, 一不小心, 就會自打嘴巴。以色列人口口声声說耶和華是獨一無二的真神, 但看看創世記:

Gen 1:26  神說、我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人、使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜、和全地、並地上所爬的一切昆蟲。
神只有一位, 就是耶和華, 何來 “我們”?

这節經文跟一神信仰有矛盾, 要修改。改不得, 圣經是神的話語, 一字不能改, 咋办?
神話是可以天馬行空的。耶和華是獨一無二的真神, 卻有三个 “位格”, 可以一分為三, 又可以三合一, 所以, 創世記的 “我們”, 是指圣父, 圣子, 圣灵, 三位一体。

哈! 咁都得? 為什麼不得? 齊天大圣只有一个, 卻可以拔出一撮毛,變成一群, 於是一声号令, “我們”一起打妖精。这样一來, 一个齊天大圣都可以說”我們”了。

正是信不信由你, 信者得救, 不信就要下地獄, 你敢不信?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-26 22:40:08 | 只看该作者
上列文章是从維基百科抄下來的, 最後一段說明, 猶太人的創世記是抄襲美索文米的神話。
美索不大米亞人信奉多神, 而以色列人信奉一神, 竟然抄襲多神教的神話, 一不小心, 就會自打嘴巴。以色列人口口声声說耶和華是獨一無二的真神, 但看看創世記:

Gen 1:26  神說、我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人、使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜、和全地、並地上所爬的一切昆蟲。
神只有一位, 就是耶和華, 何來 “我們”?

这節經文跟一神信仰有矛盾, 要修改。改不得, 圣經是神的話語, 一字不能改, 咋办?
神話是可以天馬行空的。耶和華是獨一無二的真神, 卻有三个 “位格”, 可以一分為三, 又可以三合一, 所以, 創世記的 “我們”, 是指圣父, 圣子, 圣灵, 三位一体。

哈! 咁都得? 為什麼不得? 齊天大圣只有一个, 卻可以拔出一撮毛,變成一群, 於是一声号令, “我們”一起打妖精。这样一來, 一个齊天大圣都可以說”我們”了。

正是信不信由你, 信者得救, 不信就要下地獄, 你敢不信?
费事傾 发表于 2013-11-26 12:32


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-28 11:45:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 费事傾 于 2013-11-28 14:47 编辑

請注意, 創世紀第一章只說 “神” , 沒有提到 “耶和華”, 而耶和華的名字是第二章第四節出現的。

說到造人, 26節和27節就前後矛盾, 26節說 “我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人”, 这样合情合理, 因為众神有男有女, 各自按照自己的形像造人, 造出來就有男有女。

27節卻說 “神就照著自己的形像造人、乃是照著他的形像造男造女”。神究竟是男还是女, 照着他的形像(his own image)怎可以又造男又造女?

这完全是因為寫書的人一時抄多神教的神話, 一時又想着只有一神, 所以前後矛盾。

Gen 1:26  神說、我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人、使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜、和全地、並地上所爬的一切昆蟲。
Gen:1:26: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.~

Gen 1:27  神就照著自己的形像造人、乃是照著他的形像造男造女。
Gen:1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.~

Gen 1:28  神就賜福給他們、又對他們說、要生養眾多、遍滿地面、治理這地.也要管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥.和地上各樣行動的活物。
Gen:1:28: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.~

Gen 1:29  神說、看哪、我將遍地上一切結種子的菜蔬、和一切樹上所結有核的果子、全賜給你們作食物。
Gen:1:29: And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.~

Gen 1:30 至於地上的走獸、和空中的飛鳥、並各樣爬在地上有生命的物、我將青草賜給他們作食物.事就這樣成了。
Gen:1:30: And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.~

創世記第一章至第二章第三節都沒有提耶和華的名字, 至第四節, 耶和華出現了。第七節, 第十節, 第21至25節則是另一个版本的造人过程:

Gen 2:7 耶和華 神用地上的塵土造人、將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡、他就成了有靈的活人、名叫亞當。
Gen 2:18 耶和華 神說、那人獨居不好、我要為他造一個配偶幫助他。
Gen 2:21 耶和華 神使他沉睡、他就睡了.於是取下他的一條肋骨、又把肉合起來。
Gen 2:22 耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨、造成一個女人、領他到那人跟前。
Gen 2:23 那人說、這是我骨中的骨、肉中的肉、可以稱他為女人、因為他是從男人身上取出來的。
Gen 2:24 因此、人要離開父母、與妻子連合、二人成為一體。
Gen 2:25 當時夫妻二人、赤身露體、並不羞恥。

可以看出, 从第二章第四節開始是另一个人寫的, 因為一個神按照自己的形像造男造女說不通, 說神先造男的, 然後从那人的身体抽出一條肋骨再造女的, 这样就可以自完圓其說。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-30 13:21:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 费事傾 于 2013-11-30 13:25 编辑


第一日: 造天地, 造光
Gen 1:1 起初 神創造天地。
Gen:1:1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.~
Gen 1:2 地是空虛混沌.淵面黑暗. 神的靈運行在水面上。
Gen:1:2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.~
Gen 1:3  神說、要有光、就有了光。
Gen 1:4  神看光是好的、就把光暗分開了。
Gen 1:5  神稱光為晝、稱暗為夜.有晚上、有早晨、這是頭一日。
Gen 1:6  神說、諸水之間要有空氣、將水分為上下。
Gen 1:7  神就造出空氣、將空氣以下的水、空氣以上的水分開了.事就這樣成了。
Gen 1:8  神稱空氣為天.有晚上、有早晨、是第二日。
第三日: 分開水陸, 造植物
Gen 1:9  神說、天下的水要聚在一處、使旱地露出來.事就這樣成了。
Gen 1:10  神稱旱地為地、稱水的聚處為海. 神看著是好的。
Gen 1:11  神說、地要發生青草、和結種子的菜蔬、並結果子的樹木、各從其類、果子都包著核.事就這樣成了。
Gen 1:12 於是地發生了青草、和結種子的菜蔬、各從其類、並結果子的樹木、各從其類、果子都包著核。 神看著是好的.
Gen 1:13 有晚上、有早晨、是第三日。
第四日: 造日月众星
Gen 1:14  神說、天上要有光體、可以分晝夜、作記號、定節令、日子、年歲.
Gen 1:15 並要發光在天空、普照在地上.事就這樣成了。
Gen 1:16 於是 神造了兩個大光、大的管晝、小的管夜.又造眾星。
Gen 1:17 就把這些光擺列在天空、普照在地上、
Gen 1:18 管理晝夜、分別明暗. 神看著是好的.
Gen 1:19 有晚上、有早晨、是第四日。

第五日: 造飞鳥和水族
Gen 1:20  神說、水要多多滋生有生命的物.要有雀鳥飛在地面以上、天空之中。
Gen 1:21  神就造出大魚、和水中所滋生各樣有生命的動物、各從其類.又造出各樣飛鳥、各從其類. 神看著是好的。
Gen 1:22  神就賜福給這一切、說、滋生繁多、充滿海中的水.雀鳥也要多生在地上。
Gen 1:23 有晚上、有早晨、是第五日。

第六日: 造野獸、 牲畜、昆蟲, 最後造人
Gen 1:24  神說、地要生出活物來、各從其類.牲畜、昆蟲、野獸、各從其類.事就這樣成了。
Gen 1:25 於是 神造出野獸、各從其類.牲畜、各從其類.地上一切昆蟲、各從其類. 神看著是好的。
Gen 1:26  神說、我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人、使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜、和全地、並地上所爬的一切昆蟲。
Gen:1:26: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.~
Gen 1:27  神就照著自己的形像造人、乃是照著他的形像造男造女。
Gen:1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.~
Gen 1:28  神就賜福給他們、又對他們說、要生養眾多、遍滿地面、治理這地.也要管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥.和地上各樣行動的活物。

“空虛混沌.淵面黑暗”用來形容太空就可以, 怎可用來形容地? 沒有提到神造水, 卻說 “神的靈運行在水面上”。
神說 “要有光、就有了光”, 但光从何來?

到了第四日,神才說 “天上要有光體”, 於是 “造了兩個大光、大的管晝、小的管夜.又造眾星”。

这 “小的管夜”, 顯然指月亮, 但月亮不是光体, 只是像鏡子一样反射太阳的光, 古人沒有天文學知識, 錯了不奇, 但教徒們說圣經是神的話語, 不応有錯。

太阳, 月亮各众星都是第四造的, 第一日又何來有光?

為什麼會有晩上, 有早晨?是因為地球自轉, 轉到開始見太阳時就是早晨, 轉到開始背着太阳時就是晩上。神是第四日才造太阳的, 那么, 前三日怎會有晚上, 有早晨?

这是最基本的科學知識,連小生都応該知道, 教徒卻好高鶩遠, 基本知識不講, 卻大談霍金理論, 用來唬人。

說到造人, 26節和27節就前後矛盾, 現在重覆上次講过的:

26節說 “我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人”, 这样合情合理, 因為众神有男有女, 各自按照自己的形像造人, 造出來就有男有女。
27節卻說 “神就照著自己的形像造人、乃是照著他的形像造男造女”。神究竟是男还是女, 照着他的形像(his own image)怎可以又造男又造女?

这完全是因為寫書的人一時抄多神教的神話, 一時又想着只有一神, 所以前後矛盾。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-12-1 13:37:47 | 只看该作者
最近在不同地方看到关于下面圣经章节的讨论, 应该是三位一体的另一证据。
John14:9 - Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father '?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-1 13:43:14 | 只看该作者
最近在不同地方看到关于下面圣经章节的讨论, 应该是三位一体的另一证据。
John14:9 - Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father '?
加拿大矿工 发表于 2013-12-1 13:37

想起一首打油詩, 外甥嘲笑舅父單眼, 其詩如下:

携手上河梁, 見舅如見娘, 兩人同流淚, 三行。

He who has seen Me has seen the Father, 跟見舅如見娘有什麼分別?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-12-1 14:38:04 | 只看该作者
回复 296# 费事傾
然而,耶稣在此并不是说相似性,如果看前一节John14:8 Philip 的问题, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-12-1 19:48:19 | 只看该作者


骑马海 发表于 2013-11-21 22:26 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-12-1 19:50:02 | 只看该作者



基督徒贝天牧夫妇,把孤儿院开到了首都大门口,咱们富裕起来的国人去了哪里?没有信仰的结果,或者只信钱的结果,是不是可怕? 大家为何故意违背良心,故意捂上耳朵,故意不想呢?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-12-1 19:51:00 | 只看该作者
这就是那个美国基督徒弟兄 贝天牧与中国被遗弃的孩子们:


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