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楼主: edwin_yan
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发表于 2006-2-7 11:58:08 | 只看该作者


挺佩服老赵的仗义,但真是越来越讨厌你总好以终审法官的姿态出现。有话说话,你以为亮出你的招牌,你的评判就一定算公道了。没有人说曲先生过去表现如何,只是这次的表现太差劲。 他算什么大人物,做错了事还说不得了?
发表于 2006-2-7 12:24:36 | 只看该作者


你实在不聪明。 :thumbd:
发表于 2006-2-7 15:01:20 | 只看该作者

花子处的事情,可以另外在议论. 我接触过那里的人或者家伙, 没有感觉到值10万年薪的帮助和价值. 我想, 可能10万年薪的是那个什末"处长"或者自封的"总裁"吧!~ 如果是, 那末它也就是个骗钱赚全家吃喝又想名利双收的家伙.

--------对于这些机构, 我的逻辑是(也是这里几位仁兄谈到的):如果说自己是服务大众的"雷锋",那末就不要当婊子立牌坊!!!

CICS's ED (Full-time, paid position) for sure does NOT make $100,000, but would be more than CPAC's $50,000 for an ED. CICS's Chairman of the Board and all Board members are volunteers. Most of CICS 花子处 full-time employees would probably make between $30,000 to $40,000, which are not excessive in Canadian standard.

Some NGO, non-profit organizations do pay their top guys over $100,000 though, but most of these organizations are NOT run by Chinese. Even in these organizations, their board members including the Chairman do not get paid or only get a nominal allowance.
发表于 2006-2-7 16:04:16 | 只看该作者

CICS's ED (Full-time, paid position) for sure does NOT make $100,000, but would be more than CPAC's $50,000 for an ED. CICS's Chairman of the Board and all Board members are volunteers. Most of CICS 花子处 full-time employees would probably make between $30,000 to $40,000, which are not excessive in Canadian standard.

Some NGO, non-profit organizations do pay their top guys over $100,000 though, but most of these organizations are NOT run by Chinese. Even in these organizations, their board members including the Chairman do not get paid or only get a nominal allowance.

$30,000 to $40,000 is way more than new immigrate's average. The report just released indicates 67% of Chinese living in Vancouver have household income less than $25,000. That's Household!!! So compared with this, it is way more than average.

Don't talk about another NGO. If CICS or CPAC could do the same work, they deserve it, otherwise, they even don't deserve one cents.

If people from CICS or CPAC knows their salaries are coming from government to support new immigrates, don't give attitude to the people from your homeland.

With the service and attitude it provides right now, I would say min salary should be suitable for those kinds of NGO.
发表于 2006-2-7 22:32:18 | 只看该作者



发表于 2006-2-7 23:29:18 | 只看该作者



《咕咚来了》:早晨,湖边寂静无声。三只小兔快活 地扑蝴蝶。忽然湖中传来“咕咚”一 声,这奇怪的声音把小兔们吓了一大 跳。刚想去看个究竟,又听到“咕咚 ”一声,这可把小兔们吓坏了,“快 跑,咕咚来了,快逃呀!”它们转身 就跑。狐狸正在同小鸟跳舞,与跑来 的兔子碰了个满怀。狐狸一听“咕咚 来了!”也紧张起来,跟着就跑。它 们又惊醒了睡觉的小熊和树上的小猴 。小熊和小猴也不问青红皂白,跟着 它们跑起来。大象感到惊讶,拉住狐 狸问:“出了什么事?”狐狸气喘吁 吁地说:“咕咚来了,那是个三个脑 袋,八条腿的怪物……”于是一路上 跟着跑的动物越来越多,还有河马、 老虎、野猪……岸上这阵骚乱,使湖 中的青蛙感到十分惊奇,它拦住了这 群吓蒙了的伙伴们,问:“出了什么 事?”大家七嘴八舌地形容“咕咚” 是个多么可怕的怪物。青蛙问:“谁 见到了?”小熊推小猴,小猴推狐狸 ,狐狸推小兔,结果谁也没有亲眼看 见。大家决定回去看看明白再说。回 到湖边,又听见“咕咚”一声,仔细 一看,原来是木瓜掉进水里发出的声 音,众动物不禁大笑起来。
发表于 2006-2-8 11:33:07 | 只看该作者

$30,000 to $40,000 is way more than new immigrate's average. The report just released indicates 67% of Chinese living in Vancouver have household income less than $25,000. That's Household!!! So compared with this, it is way more than average.

Don't talk about another NGO. If CICS or CPAC could do the same work, they deserve it, otherwise, they even don't deserve one cents.

If people from CICS or CPAC knows their salaries are coming from government to support new immigrates, don't give attitude to the people from your homeland.

With the service and attitude it provides right now, I would say min salary should be suitable for those kinds of NGO.

Very funny - If youself get a job, do you want to get paid less than $30,000 as a professional? Many working for NGO including CICS do have a degree and some even have a Master in Social Work. CICS is a social service agency that has to pay their employees, fairly based on market value. Please do NOT compare it with CPAC which is a member association.

Rediculous - One side you want new immigrants to have higher pay; onthe other side you complain about your country men and women who make $30,000 are making too much (I know you would say they are not from Mainland. But that does not matter - They are still Chinese and more and more working for CICS are from Mainland now). Do you want all the Chinese making less than $25,000, to be the same or less than new immigrants and then you would be happy?
发表于 2006-2-8 15:30:28 | 只看该作者

Very funny - If youself get a job, do you want to get paid less than $30,000 as a professional? Many working for NGO including CICS do have a degree and some even have a Master in Social Work. CICS is a social service agency that has to pay their employees, fairly based on market value. Please do NOT compare it with CPAC which is a member association.

Rediculous - One side you want new immigrants to have higher pay; onthe other side you complain about your country men and women who make $30,000 are making too much (I know you would say they are not from Mainland. But that does not matter - They are still Chinese and more and more working for CICS are from Mainland now). Do you want all the Chinese making less than $25,000, to be the same or less than new immigrants and then you would be happy?

Either you are "educated" enough by not knowing what I mean or you would like to mislead my statement.

Okie, for someone who is slow to pick up, I repeat again. If a NGO organization is really doing great work, they worth $100,000 annual salaries.

HOWEVER, CICS doesn't worthy that based on the fund it received every year and the awful service it provided.

The employees in CICS treat people like people all owe them money. The customer services are so bad that it reminds you of Chinese government back.

Who cares who gets Master degree. Even they have it, so what, I won't respect them by their degree, I would only see what kind of services they are providing, that's it. So if they get master, they should realize they should show the quality of their work.
发表于 2006-2-8 15:56:44 | 只看该作者

Either you are "educated" enough by not knowing what I mean or you would like to mislead my statement.

Okie, for someone who is slow to pick up, I repeat again. If a NGO organization is really doing great work, they worth $100,000 annual salaries.

HOWEVER, CICS doesn't worthy that based on the fund it received every year and the awful service it provided.

The employees in CICS treat people like people all owe them money. The customer services are so bad that it reminds you of Chinese government back.

Who cares who gets Master degree. Even they have it, so what, I won't respect them by their degree, I would only see what kind of services they are providing, that's it. So if they get master, they should realize they should show the quality of their work.

AGREE! 不要以为Master degree如何如何! 没听说深圳上海海龟慢地爬吗?? 哪个都比花子处的学历高! 澳K(qt chairman yu)!
发表于 2006-2-8 16:33:57 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-2-9 14:10:34 | 只看该作者
这位赵老板今天替这个说公道话,明天替那个说公道话, 你以为你就公道吗。其实你不就是想叫网友都闭嘴吗!只想听好听的话是吗。回中国吧。在加拿大言论自由, 网友有权说出他们的意见。曲涛作为公众人物,就的经受得起这个, 否则,回家去。另外,你说的曲涛到美国可挣得多了,他的性格比较高调了,这个我们不管,跟我们没关系,象在同一首歌的现场的表现,我们就的批评。下次还这样,批评就更厉害。因为,这是加拿大。
发表于 2006-2-9 15:06:51 | 只看该作者



这位赵老板今天替这个说公道话,明天替那个说公道话, 你以为你就公道吗。其实你不就是想叫网友都闭嘴吗!只想听好听的话是吗。回中国吧。在加拿大言论自由, 网友有权说出他们的意见。曲涛作为公众人物,就的经受得起这个, 否则,回家去。另外,你说的曲涛到美国可挣得多了,他的性格比较高调了,这个我们不管,跟我们没关系,象在同一首歌的现场的表现,我们就的批评。下次还这样,批评就更厉害。因为,这是加拿大。
发表于 2006-2-9 19:32:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-2-9 23:19:25 | 只看该作者

Either you are "educated" enough by not knowing what I mean or you would like to mislead my statement.

Okie, for someone who is slow to pick up, I repeat again. If a NGO organization is really doing great work, they worth $100,000 annual salaries.

HOWEVER, CICS doesn't worthy that based on the fund it received every year and the awful service it provided.

The employees in CICS treat people like people all owe them money. The customer services are so bad that it reminds you of Chinese government back.

Who cares who gets Master degree. Even they have it, so what, I won't respect them by their degree, I would only see what kind of services they are providing, that's it. So if they get master, they should realize they should show the quality of their work.

Just curious how much does CICS receive per year. Do you know?

By the way, did you ever try to complain to CICS (its management or the borad) about the quality of its services?
发表于 2006-2-10 22:45:14 | 只看该作者

老赵的写作水平及思路, 建议采用笔名, 免遗笑.
曲先生留加是因为其太太在YORK UNIVERSITY 上法学太漫长, 并不是爱加拿大和大家, 其为太太拉生意的热情"那是相当壮观"(我说的是借会长的名义).
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