本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-12 15:53 编辑
鸟人说他看过GET OUT是和LGBTQQ有关,他是权威因为他说英语,他的朋友说英语。
Hey XXX!
If this is language associated with the gay community, I have not heard it before. My guess is that this saying you have quoted is more a rhetorical comedic saying to indicate that those who say that they have no regrets in life, simply have not lived life to the fullest to have any. The quote indicates more so that folks who would be considered living a "sheltered life" would have no regrets. The saying, to my knowledge, does not refer to the gay community or queer culture.
Hope this is helpful.
连同性恋大头未听过这句说话和肯定这句和同性恋无关。有可能多伦多LGBTQQ社区无能不懂英语,我也写了个点邮去三藩市San Francisco Gay Pride Association问,正等待回复。
总之,就是那句,说英语的就是黄鼠狼,我们中国人不知道到什么时候才敢上前向英语人说句 – 你错了!!!!
7 hao 发表于 2010-4-12 07:40
Stop tormenting yourself, 七号. :no:
So sad, poor guy. He is going to have a nervous breakdown one of these days. What for ?? Sooooo Sad !! Let's hope he will pull through this thing and get well soon.
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