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楼主: FBD
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发表于 2008-4-14 09:21:46 | 只看该作者

From Free Dominion

There are basically three types of Chinese in Canada: CBC (Canadian Born Chinese), FOB (Fresh Off the Boat)  and Hong Kong immigrants.

The CBC are culturally Canadian for most intents and purposes. The Hong Kong immigrants have generally been in Canada for a dozen years or more and many came here specifically out of a fear of a loss of the British political sensibilities due to the 1997 handover to Beijing.

However, the FOB are a wholly different group. Most are university students, many have good English skills, and many have been in Canada for several years, but that doesn't overcome 18 years of indoctrination by the communists .

They don't understand Canadian cultural values.  One said to me: "Democracy would never work in China: you can't have a billion people doing whatever they want!"

It's likely the pro-Chinese protesters sincerely believe the propaganda line that they have been told by the communists in Beijing over the courtse of their lifetime.
发表于 2008-4-14 09:23:46 | 只看该作者

回复:From Free Dominion

From Free Dominion

There are basically three types of Chinese in Canada: CBC (Canadian Born Chinese), FOB (Fresh Off the Boat)  and Hong Kong immigrants.

The CBC are culturally Canadian for most intents and purposes. The Hong Kong immigrants have generally been in Canada for a dozen years or more and many came here specifically out of a fear of a loss of the British political sensibilities due to the 1997 handover to Beijing.

However, the FOB are a wholly different group. Most are university students, many have good English skills, and many have been in Canada for several years, but that doesn't overcome 18 years of indoctrination by the communists .

They don't understand Canadian cultural values.  One said to me: "Democracy would never work in China: you can't have a billion people doing whatever they want!"

It's likely the pro-Chinese protesters sincerely believe the propaganda line that they have been told by the communists in Beijing over the courtse of their lifetime.

there will be another round of immigration control to Chinese
发表于 2008-4-14 09:26:32 | 只看该作者


A little additional information from Chinese immigrants forum I gathered. A small group of people keeps on spreading the words that the Western is behind Tibetans freedom movement by demonizing Chinese government. Therefore, everyone who loves China shall show “them”, the Western, the truth.

I spent sometime on the forum trying to do some fact checking with them. Soon I realized that they were not that interested in facts . They seemed to want to use this rally as a demonstration of the power of immigrants from PRC. Some of them might have political ambition in Canadian politics.   

That is a little concerning to me as if all the new immigrants from China hear whence they arrive is the Western media and politicians are biased and discriminatory, they might be more segregated from the rest of society.
发表于 2008-4-14 09:28:06 | 只看该作者


A. Hartshorn
I hope these Olympics are completely boycotted. China's human rights stink! They can't even feed and house their own people! They are a third world country and the stupid Olympic Committee should never have considered them for the games. Long Live Tibet (and Taiwan), and pray for freedom in China.

Richard N
I was at the demo. It was an ugly display of racial hatred. People brought some tibetans to tears telling them to "go home" and some said "we wish you were dead." Disgusting.

It's very interesting to notice some people put words like "third world country" in their comment, at same time west label China as next superpower who possiblely over take US in coming decades.

Murray Maccallum
If things are so marvelous in China, what are all these people doing here in Canada? I do not think of myself as recist, but they need to answer the question.

发表于 2008-4-14 09:30:47 | 只看该作者

Anti-Chinese Sentiment: Mainstream Forum

Biased and discriminatory? What in blazes are you muttering about?
These are people, some of them not the best and the brightest from the PRC , who have been indoctrinated by decades of Commie propaganda and disinformation . They believe that the Chinese are the superior race and culture and that the decadent West will in time be overwhelmed by Chinese ingenuity, persistence and numbers. Any segregation is strictly self imposed . Should we be allowing these people who don't wish to integrate into the prevailing culture to come here?
发表于 2008-4-14 09:31:31 | 只看该作者
"加拿大国会西藏之友会主席(Canadian Parliamentary Friends of Tibet)、参议员迪尼诺(Consiglio Di Nino)对CTV的记者表示,西藏事件其错误方为藏人而非中国政府的观点太过谬误。他表示:中国政府坚持西藏问题为中国内政的观点,在世界范围内广受争议。而且,内政也不是压迫藏人的借口,更不是否认自由和人权的理由,因自由和人权没有国界。"--------'自由和人权汉有国界“,他这岂不是鼓励中国人大可以提出议案对美国和加拿大的土著居民进行人权调查吗?亦或是鼓励华人也对美加的人权现象进行游行示威。
发表于 2008-4-14 09:34:03 | 只看该作者
西方的媒体不会有什么好的报道, 也别抱太多的幻想,我们表达我们想表达的,以后要经常这样,习惯了,然后再用选票教训他们, 他们才会学乖,向训练狗一样。。。。。。 任务艰巨而且长远哦。。。 。。。
发表于 2008-4-14 09:36:09 | 只看该作者

回复:From Free Dominion

From Free Dominion

There are basically three types of Chinese in Canada: CBC (Canadian Born Chinese), FOB (Fresh Off the Boat)  and Hong Kong immigrants.

The CBC are culturally Canadian for most intents and purposes. The Hong Kong immigrants have generally been in Canada for a dozen years or more and many came here specifically out of a fear of a loss of the British political sensibilities due to the 1997 handover to Beijing.

However, the FOB are a wholly different group. Most are university students, many have good English skills, and many have been in Canada for several years, but that doesn't overcome 18 years of indoctrination by the communists .

They don't understand Canadian cultural values.  One said to me: "Democracy would never work in China: you can't have a billion people doing whatever they want!"

It's likely the pro-Chinese protesters sincerely believe the propaganda line that they have been told by the communists in Beijing over the courtse of their lifetime.

Your citation reflects the thoughs of fresh off the BOAT, rather than of canadian.  Canada is called as "peaceful country" other than political country.
发表于 2008-4-14 09:41:42 | 只看该作者

回复:Anti-Chinese Sentiment: Mainstream Forum

Anti-Chinese Sentiment: Mainstream Forum

Biased and discriminatory? What in blazes are you muttering about?
These are people, some of them not the best and the brightest from the PRC , who have been indoctrinated by decades of Commie propaganda and disinformation . They believe that the Chinese are the superior race and culture and that the decadent West will in time be overwhelmed by Chinese ingenuity, persistence and numbers. Any segregation is strictly self imposed . Should we be allowing these people who don't wish to integrate into the prevailing culture to come here?

Canada was a second strong country just behind US. But Canada had been the first since CND appreciated and surpassed USD last year.  
发表于 2008-4-14 09:51:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-14 09:56:12 | 只看该作者

They are refugees and suffered bunch of pains. Please understand their emotions.
发表于 2008-4-14 10:00:14 | 只看该作者

但是,有一点应该注意是。我们华人在西方是少数,我们关于西藏的观点在西方也是少数,但是当我们选择上街,西方的政府没有禁止我们的游行和抗议,因为是基于民主社会的一个基本原则 “服从大多数,尊重少数”, 换句话说,虽然我们是不被认同的少数,但是西方社会的大多数并没有剥夺我们发声的权利。我们这群少数是西方的民主价值的受益者,可是我们有的同胞却在破坏这个民主规则。

大约15名藏独支持者曾到达国会广场,并一度和集会者对峙。但是他们随即被集会者“包围”,而他们的声音也被集会者的口号所淹没,一声声“骗子(liars)”让他们的“西藏要自由(free Tibet)”消灭得无影无踪。对此,参加对峙的“西藏之友(Friends of Tibet)”成员Nicole Demers很是郁闷,他对记者抱怨道:“在这个自由的国家,他们(集会者)居然不让我们说自己的观点!”




发表于 2008-4-14 10:00:25 | 只看该作者


发表于 2008-4-14 10:01:13 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:From Free Dominion

回复:From Free Dominion

Your citation reflects the thoughs of fresh off the BOAT, rather than of canadian.  Canada is called as "peaceful country" other than political country.

识字吗?他们 用这个歧视性词汇: segregation

在北美洲, segregation和黑奴有关的   

Racial segregation is characterized by separation of different racial groups in daily life, such as eating in a restaurant, drinking from a water fountain, using a rest room, attending school, going to the movies, or in the rental or purchase of a home.[1] Segregation may be mandated by law or exist through social norms. Segregation may be maintained by means ranging from discrimination in hiring and in the rental and sale of housing to certain races to vigilante violence such as lynchings; a situation that arises when members of different races mutually prefer to associate and do business with members of their own race would usually be described as separation or de facto separation' of the races rather than segregation. Legal segregation in both South Africa and the U.S. was required and came with "anti-miscegenation laws" (prohibitions against interracial marriage) and laws against hiring people of the race that is the object of discrimination in any but menial positions.

Segregation in hiring practices contributes to economic imbalance between the races. Segregation, however, often allowed close contact in hierarchical situations, such as allowing a person of one race to work as a servant for a member of another race. Segregation can involve spatial separation of the races, and/or mandatory use of different institutions, such as schools and hospitals by people of different races.

发表于 2008-4-14 10:13:14 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:From Free Dominion

回复:回复:From Free Dominion

识字吗?他们 用这个歧视性词汇: segregation

在北美洲, segregation和黑奴有关的   

Racial segregation is characterized by separation of different racial groups in daily life, such as eating in a restaurant, drinking from a water fountain, using a rest room, attending school, going to the movies, or in the rental or purchase of a home.[1] Segregation may be mandated by law or exist through social norms. Segregation may be maintained by means ranging from discrimination in hiring and in the rental and sale of housing to certain races to vigilante violence such as lynchings; a situation that arises when members of different races mutually prefer to associate and do business with members of their own race would usually be described as separation or de facto separation' of the races rather than segregation. Legal segregation in both South Africa and the U.S. was required and came with "anti-miscegenation laws" (prohibitions against interracial marriage) and laws against hiring people of the race that is the object of discrimination in any but menial positions.

Segregation in hiring practices contributes to economic imbalance between the races. Segregation, however, often allowed close contact in hierarchical situations, such as allowing a person of one race to work as a servant for a member of another race. Segregation can involve spatial separation of the races, and/or mandatory use of different institutions, such as schools and hospitals by people of different races.


I noticed this word. The perception you cited doesn't come from and represent Canadian value. Whether a civilized ppl likes this word? As far as I know, refugees like it.  

Am I wrong?
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