即将被移民部门遣返回中国的单亲母亲张虹,其在加拿大出生的女儿雪莉(Sherry)到底是中国公民还是加拿大公民?目前媒体都报导她是加拿大公民,回中国会受到外国公民待遇,但根据“中华人民共和国国籍法”,雪莉是中国 ... [ 查看全文 ]
§ 发表于 2007-4-20
This is such an exciting news and I can't help responding to it. I am so happy that she doesn't need to worry about her Canadian passport anymore, and she shouldn't worry about her daughter's status in China anymore. Now both of them can go back as the First Class citizens! Thank God! Thank you, Chinese Officials!
However, there is one more thing to remember, lady!!! You need to get ready to live on yourself because you know that you can't expect to live on welfare in China. But no worries, because from my knowledge of the universe, as long as you want to work, in today's China , you can definitely make a living. And think about how many people are moving back to China from oversea, I bet you are actually on the right way of living with dignity ! Hope you don't need to wait long to be on board! |