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楼主: sguj
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发表于 2005-11-30 10:47:30 | 只看该作者

where I am is where i am

just like business or investment.
you can't find a richman who has never lose money in business or investment, but total they win.

immigration is just one of those ways to improve your life. if doesn't work for you, just try another way , like testing.
but make sure you are serious at those tries.

don't focus on your mistakes, consider how to learn from you mistakes and others.

all successful guys made big mistakes before they were succeed .
发表于 2005-11-30 14:21:01 | 只看该作者
[I]We were not born native, we sometimes offend your culture by fault, we short your experience, and we are color…BUT
Maybe we have world wide experience, we are improving every day to practice as a good manner man, the professional experience will be more useful than only English fluent, and we can richer you multi-cultural[/I] …

Who is WE? you? I don't think you have too much experience for working with the English speakers, especially you are saying "I and my wife", that is so Chin-English.  Besides, "THE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WILL BE MORE USEFUL THAN ONLY ENGLISH FLUENT", so following your theory, you do think that bullet could kill people without a gun?

Don't too proud of what you did in China, you are only the tallest from the shorters.  Everyone had a shining and proudful past in China, that is why we have no fear to immigrate to Canada.  What happened in the past is the confidence to progress your future, I think you are away too young to sit in the couch with saying: "When I was like your age......"
发表于 2005-11-30 17:14:59 | 只看该作者


(When you are reading this article, you will say: look, how funny the English writing is, this is the reason why you have no job here. But if you have opportunity to live in China, three years passed, you maybe can not write a short essay. Nevertheless when you can write down only several beautiful Chinese characters, peoples will praise you truly that: Oh, how great are you! Is this different?)
发表于 2005-11-30 19:49:13 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-12-1 15:47:57 | 只看该作者
Terrible English! You're right. You can't find a job with your English level.
发表于 2005-12-1 17:22:57 | 只看该作者

Don't give up so easily!

You know one of the reasons that you have been so successful in China not because you are the elite, because China is growing up so quickly, the demand exceeds the supplies. In the job market, if demand exceed supply over 30%, 50% fit will be considered good candidate. If supply exceeds demand, the employer will ask for 90% above fit.

Canada is tough for job searching. We are all in the same boat. Last year, I spent almost one year to get my current job, I almost lost my confidence and began to question myself. I had been to so many interviews, after 3 rounds intensive interview, including computer test and presentations, I didn't get the offer because someone from internal took the position. I almost gave up and went back to China.

Believe or not, if you will get the job if you keep trying. I got my current job through ACCOUNTEMP. It was a temporary placement for one month, and it turned to a 6-month contract, finally led to a full-time job.

Be patient and don't be too aggressive. Image you are the boss, and ask yourself if you will hire someone can't communicate with you, someone without reference and ask for high salary...
发表于 2005-12-1 19:29:58 | 只看该作者
So what, nobody force you stay here! Just go somewhere you think it's good for you!
发表于 2005-12-1 21:58:28 | 只看该作者
Don't give up. Just 3 years. It's not so long. After receiving the citizenship, then you can go back China and continue to make money. When you are too old to make money, you come to Canada again and enjoy the money given by Ca gov. Think of it. Is it excited?
发表于 2005-12-1 22:30:54 | 只看该作者


Too many "I"s may indicate the answer.
发表于 2005-12-2 05:23:27 | 只看该作者
why only this article can be read in China?
发表于 2005-12-2 12:41:32 | 只看该作者


这位上海朋友的英文文章我是耐着性子读完了. 主要是怕误解了作者的意思.

我觉得他的英文还可以. 虽然不如洋人, 但表达自己的意思足够了. 除非找靠嘴皮子吃饭的工作.

当然, 在实际中, 口语比写更重要.


既然他在上海这么成功, 那到多伦多来干什么? 总有他离开上海的目的, 和在这里一呆三年不肯走的目的吧?


那好, 现在他回上海, 是否当初促使他离开的理由不再存在了? 我没看见他这三年中做了任何事能帮助这一点, 既没有读个学位, 也没有做过专业工作, 也谈不上提高了英语. 如果说唯一有的变化, 我认为可能是一本新的护照而已. 所以, 无论如何苦熬三年, 也得把这个正果修到. 不知道我是否小人之心?

我想他真正后悔的可能是, 这本护照的代价太大了. 假如象他描述的在上海那么成功, 这三年的损失至少几百万. 有这几百万, 搞个投资移民过来, 又轻松又舒服.

找什么labor工, 受资本家的闲气, 不就是看在每小时几块加刀的份上吗? 如果, 在国内(或任何地方)把钱挣够了, 也不用多, 只要年利息数(或稳健投资收益)可以达到一份专业工作的工资数, 算5万吧. 那还找个屁专业工? 从他的描述中, 受的洋气还不少. 有钱还是最重要的. 在有钱的情况下, 加拿大比哪儿都更象天堂.

所以, 我更倾向于认为, 他在上海并没有那么成功. 或者发生了什么事使得他的"成功职业"出现了危机.



他主动上门给人家做报告(应聘性质的), 又不是人家哭着喊着请你来的. 凭什么要对方对你特别热情? 礼节性的接待就可以了.

加拿大政府招移民过来, 并不包工作. 这点常识都没有? 说起来, 加拿大对新移民的各种设施算多的了. 主要就是那975元的安家费闹的. 各种团体老拿这个钱说事. 其实这笔钱从政府角度花了不少, 但移民们又没有得到太实在的帮助, 大部分便宜了那些吃新移民饭的机构. 比如work shop之类.

在社会上混, 还有一个常识: 就是努力和回报不一定是成比例的. 哭诉自己付出了多大的努力, 却没有得到什么成就. 那等于是自己把"loser"这个字往自己脸上写.

越是这样的, 越要打碎了牙往肚子里咽. 一个还没有取得成功的人是没有资格诉苦的. 你看看那些诉苦的人, 都是现在混得风生水起的人, 志得意满之余, 说几句"我当年也是苦出身, 我吃的苦怎么怎么大, 我当时只带着500元登陆, 还被偷走100多"之类.

等这位上海朋友回到上海, 再创辉煌之后, 相信我们还会有机会怀着崇拜的心情读到他的新文章:"我毅然扔下在国内的好机会, 移民多伦多, 三年吃了数不尽的苦, blah blah. 等护照到手, 我按计划杀回国内淘金. 才有了今天, 云云."
发表于 2005-12-2 13:20:36 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-12-2 22:14:13 | 只看该作者
Terrible English! You're right. You can't find a job with your English level.

I don't think so. His english is OK. It may be better than I. I have some  problem for successful my job but no problems to keep it or find another preofessional job.  I completly understand him. Sometimes failure is not bad things. you still could find some good from it. Coming to Canada is just one kind of exploreing life. it is excited and don't care the result but process. do believe your choosing. hope you everything will be OK .
发表于 2005-12-3 00:09:38 | 只看该作者

Check www.notcanada.com

Please take a look at www.notcanada.com
you will find the answer
发表于 2005-12-3 01:56:13 | 只看该作者
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