和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 12:38:12

I don't know what had gotten into him.

I had never said "”这是本地人说话方式,是你们不懂,是你们不对,所以你们没有话语权." He is very good at finding hidden messages in everything I wrote. I just explained to him people in the U.S. speak a little differently than people Canada, that's all, nothing more, nothing less.
I never said my English was better than annone else, just that I don't know how to work the Chinese word processor. On top of that, I can only read Chinese, I can no longer write it fluently anymore.

He is very good at twisting and turning my words. Putting words in my mouth is his strength. Anyone reading only his Chinese postings, you would get an impression that I am the worse person ever existed doing all the bad things he said I have been doing here.

He used a lot of horrible curse words on me and even stooped so low as to insult my dead mother; now that is very, very low and unmanly.

I have seen lot of his postings attacking and laughing at people using all sorts of curse words. If you ask me, he is the biggest cowardly bully these pages have ever seen.

Maybe he has lots of regrets in his closet.

Let it go 7 hao. Take a deep breath, you will feel better afterward. Peace brother.
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 12:35 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


Chinese Input Method Editor

?Mouse? Chinese Input Method


香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 12:47:20

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-6 11:50 编辑


Chinese Input Method Editor

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 11:38 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

"你的英文是不是比你的中文好?" .....弱弱地说, 是 :sad:

The only chance I get to speak Chinese is when I see my wife after a long day in the office. Everyone who works for me in the office speaks English in different accents :sad:

My Chinese is no longer idiomatic anymore, stuck somewhere in the last century. So even if I learned how to write it using your software you would not understand. Thank you very much for your suggestion though. I will check them out.

7 hao 发表于 2010-4-6 12:51:28

鸟人,不是我裁赃啊,以下是你写的: A couple more things. The younger generation in the U.S. do not use the word allow much anymore. They use let mostly。美国年轻一代说的是英语,我们说的不是英语,我没时间去翻帖由头到尾指出你的大英语霸权主义。

可能你在美国呆了太久,学懂他们说I is,我们仍然说I am。我离开中国25年,中文字忘了一大半,普通话是我第三语言,英语第四,我也没有学过中文字输入法。在51,我是一个个字学,一个个字打进去,很多人也是来加拿大多年后才学输入法,你没有借口,再不行可以去太古买个手写板。




知道我是谁 发表于 2010-4-6 12:53:33

"你的英文是不是比你的中文好?" .....弱弱地说, 是

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010/4/6 13:47 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Oh, my pity boy! Don't be so sad, don't ... :no:

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 13:07:48


本帖最后由 和者盖寡 于 2010-4-6 14:12 编辑

"你的英文是不是比你的中文好?" .....弱弱地说, 是

The only chance I get to speak Chinese is when I see my wife after a long day in the office. Everyone who works for me in the office speaks English in different accents

My Chinese is no longer idiomatic anymore, stuck somewhere in the last century. So even if I learned how to write it using your software you would not understand. Thank you very much for your suggestion though. I will check them out.
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 13:47 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif



香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 13:28:25

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-6 12:29 编辑


和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 12:07 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Thanks for your encouragement. I might give it a try. The only thing that prevented me from learning a Chinese word processor is my fear of how fast could I type to input the Chinese characters. I write a lot of memos and documents at work and I am used to just type, type, type, without looking the keepboard. I am used to typing directly of what comes out of my train of thought, sometime much to my regrets of course. With a Chinese word processor software, I have to learn typing all over again and I might have to switch back and forth between English and Chinese. It would be rather painful initially I imagine.
Again, I do appreciate your going out of the way to pass along the suggestion.
Muchos Gracias, Se?or (pardon my Spanish, my wife works with Spanish speaking people all day long :eyebrows:)

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 13:40:06

本帖最后由 和者盖寡 于 2010-4-6 14:42 编辑

Thanks for your encouragement. I might give it a try. The only thing that prevented me from learning a Chinese word processor is my fear of how fast could I type to input the Chinese characters. I write a lot of memos and documents at work and I am used to just type, type, type, without looking the keepboard. I am used to typing directly of what comes out of my train of thought, sometime much to my regrets of course. With a Chinese word processor software, I have to learn typing all over again and I might have to switch back and forth between English and Chinese. It would be rather painful initially I imagine.
Again, I do appreciate your going out of the way to pass along the suggestion.
Muchos Gracias, Se?or (pardon my Spanish, my wife works with Spanish speaking people all day long )
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 14:28 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif




香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 13:51:36

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-6 12:56 编辑

鸟人,不是我裁赃啊,以下是你写的: A couple more things. The younger generation in the U.S. do not use the word allow much anymore. They use let mostly。美国年轻一代说的是英语,我们说的不是英语,我没时间去翻帖由头到尾指出你的大英语霸权主义。

可能你在美国呆了太久,学懂他们说I is,我们仍然说I am。我离开中国25年,中文字忘了一大半,普通话是我第三语言,英语第四,我也没有学过中文字输入法。在51,我是一个个字学,一个个字打进去,很多人也是来加拿大多年后才学输入法,你没有借口,再不行可以去太古买个手写板。



7 hao 发表于 2010-4-6 11:51 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Most of what I said was in defense of an attack. Instead of using curse words, I just tried to explain why I wrote something in a certain way. I guess both of us should agree that Canadian English is somewhat different from American English.
In the above sentence, in the U.S. people sometimes say different than, instead of different from. You folks up North might raise your eyebrows when you see someone using a THAN instead of FROM in that context. Other examples are COLOR vs COLOUR, etc. Here I am not trying to give you a lesson, I am just pointing out the nuances between the two dialects of the English languages. We both need to be sensitive to things like that and just take them with a grin instead of getting all roused up.

As I said more than once before. My original intent in joining this forum was to provide a rebuttal to Weinberger's opinion to present a different point of view. Showing off of anything is the farthest thing on my mind. Please do not read too much into what I have to say. Sometimes I poke fun at people to get a cheap laugh to lighten things up instead of cursing people off to make a point. I guess most people who have read my postings would agree with that. I never had any ill wishes towards anyone here. Even after your most recent outbursts, I still am not overly upset with you. I was more concerned about you and trying to figure out where had I gone wrong to get to be at the receiving end of your outrage.

This is a place where everyone gets together, argue with each other over sports or politics, just like what you would do in a neigborhood bar. We each have our own opinions which we hold dear to. At the end of day, we are not going to walk out of the bar a changed man with a completely different outlook in life. Of course, if you punched me in my mouth, that could change real fast.;)Let's don't make that happen now, shall we?

7 hao 发表于 2010-4-6 14:02:56

有趣,我们哪个在主流机构工作的不是写英文快过中文,我们输入英文时哪个要看电脑,打字慢就是选择用英语理由吗???这个理由很自私,把自己的方便建于别人的痛苦,还大大声叫别人体谅,有趣有趣!!! 还有,我们不是住在唐人街,工作在唐人街,我工作地方也只有我说中文,回家后,那个上海婆说上海话我只懂那句擦什么的粗话,她说广东话时我也只明一半,是不是我们两口子又要说英语。 做人废话连篇没关系,只要你够胆说出口就成。说到够胆,点首歌先”好胆你就来”,差点忘记,我第二语言是闽南语。 阿妹A MEI/阿密特 A MIT - 好膽你就來 完整 MV


7 hao 发表于 2010-4-6 14:18:56



香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 14:21:52

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-6 13:24 编辑



和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 12:40 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

"我有个好奇的问题,你为什么喜欢上了51?别人挖苦你,你还是喜欢来?" Good question. I am glad you asked. Would you belief I am a 受虐狂 (masochist) ? No, not really.

I don't much mind all these 挖苦, as long as I know I could make at least one friend here, make one person nod in agreement with me, or make that person smile, that would make it all worthwhile. In my younger age, I was a fiery community activist in the city I now call home, ready to take down the old establishment. Before that, I was a student activist in college in another state. Those days are long gone. Now I am more introspective.
This forum gives me a good place to read up on what's happening in China, good or bad. These much needed news bits are not available in the English newspaper I read everyday on my train ride to work. I am too busy or too cheap to install a Chinese language TV channel. This place gives me free entertainment watching all the fireworks, when I am bored with work.
I have been away from China for a long time, but I still have a strong feeling about a country where I was born and spent my early childhood in. I am very keenly aware of all the problems there, but like I have stated elsewhere, I am ever an optimist. I see a half filled bottle as half full, not half empty. I am confident that China is moving in the right direction, despite all its shortcomings. People just need to be patient and wait it out.
You and I probably have pretty different political opinions, but I think we can learn to respect each others differences. Thanks for listening.

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 14:32:04

本帖最后由 和者盖寡 于 2010-4-6 15:36 编辑

This forum gives me a good place to read up on what's happening in China, good or bad. These much needed news bits are not available in the English newspaper I read everyday on my train ride to work. I am too busy or too cheap to install a Chinese language TV channel. This place gives me free entertainment watching all the fireworks, when I am bored with work.

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 15:21 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif




7 hao 发表于 2010-4-6 14:54:12

受虐狂 (masochist)!!!!!!!


Masochist不是亂用的,有学术定义,也有DSM IV 定义,而且一定和性行为有关的,我没有鞭打过你啊!!!!!

你想说的是social masochism。

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 14:56:23



和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 13:32 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

"你是否真的了解中国大陆". Probably not, I am just watching the fire from a safe distance across the riverbank. Had I suffered through the same turmoils and hardship you and other people here no doubt lived through, I probably would have a different opion.
One of the reasons I come here is to read all the agruments, pros and cons. I think I am mature enough to be able to objectively weigh both sides of the coins to form my own opinion.

smilngangel 发表于 2010-4-6 14:57:41

本帖最后由 smilngangel 于 2010-4-6 15:59 编辑

同胞们,是不是懂英语香港人就可以在51放P,是不是懂英语白人就可以玩弄中华女儿???? 我看到的现实世界似乎如此。

鸟人利用英语趁势高高在上的指指点点,楼主要求翻译If you have no regrets, youneed to get out more.是翻译啊,既是把英语变成汉语,不是叫我们去吹牛。


鸟人(7楼)带出COME OUT 和LGBT。同胞们,无论你的英语有多好或多坏,这句说话哪里和同性恋拉上那门关系,不要鸟人说英语他就可以在51放屁。

鸟人再在8楼评论之前两人的跟帖,原文是see 7# above,原来世界有7#,不是#7,长知识了,在9楼对Masoncarbo指点,活像个领导,鸟人说英语就指挥你们去翻译,他可笑不过国人可怜。

楼主是第一个反击的,他用字是you are ridiculous,直指鸟人荒谬,楼主要的是Be More Social,也引经据典说他的理由。楼住是个很有礼貌的人,他谢谢每一个跟帖,包括鸟人。

鸟人在12楼大言不惭地问楼主有没有读过他写地帖子,GET OUT和LGBT才是only sensible interpretation,他也会挑战不同意他的人。这种高高在上语气,是因为他说英语,所以楼主要但鸟人不用不用引经据典。最后再来一句,你们不听话,拉倒啦下课了(OK, end of my English lesson for the day) 。鸟人说的,他来51是替你们上英语课。真的他说英语就可以在51放屁,白人说英语也如何,是不是我们要送上女儿。



7 号在15楼出现,同胞们你们可以又1楼看到15楼,用你们的英语水平自己看这句和同性恋有啥关系,再看看鸟人的嘴脸。我就是那句,是不是说英语就可以放屁,就可以高高在上????
7 hao 发表于 2010-4-5 08:56 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

7 hao, 你不要逼人太甚,不要有理变无理。你说你是大陆人,如果属实,我真感为你感到脸红,你说的那些脏话实在是污染环境。香港来的鸟人比你有风度、有气节的多,尽管他/她比你也许要年轻。
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