KK 123 发表于 2010-4-6 16:19:35

Thank you very much for your comment.

I am actually a 大孩子, I just act like a kid as I am still young at heart.
"打不过还躲不过吗?”Good advice, I'll remember that. Don't worry about me though, 7 hao's arms are not long enough to reach me. He is up there, I am down here, hundreds of miles away.
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 16:48 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 16:28:51


本帖最后由 和者盖寡 于 2010-4-6 17:58 编辑

smilngangel 发表于 2010-4-6 16:55 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif





和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 16:31:51


I understand. That's the reason why I do not wish similar things happen to the people who are still there. We are just exploring different routes, that's all. I really bear no long lasting ill feeling towards 7 hao. I know deep down everyone has his/her own stories to tell. Thank you for your kind words.
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 16:41 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 16:32:52


本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-6 18:38 编辑

爱国华侨 发表于 2010-4-6 15:19 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

"没有了7号,上网就没有了动力啊" You are watching the fire from a safe distance too? Thanks a lot !! :rolleyes:

Actually, 7号 is my inspiration. 没有了7号, 就没有了我的昵称,就没有了我的 signature tagline and I would not have gotten promoted from 新手上路 to 注册会员 in a matter of days. I am shooting for becoming 中级会员 anytime soon.

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 16:39:11

Oh, my pity boy! Don't be so sad, don't ...
drag 发表于 2010-4-6 11:53 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Hey, stay out of it. Who asked you? :laugh:

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 19:55:16

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-6 19:28 编辑

受虐狂 (masochist)!!!!!!!


Masochist不是亂用的,有学术定义,也有DSM IV 定义,而且一定和性行为有关的,我没有鞭打过你啊!!!!!

你想说的是social masochism。
7 hao 发表于 2010-4-6 13:54 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

There, there, aren't we a little overly sensitive again? I already knew you were a walking, talking dictionary and encyclopedia all rolled into one tightly-bound-buy-one-get-one-free collector's platinum volume. That is already a known fact, no need to rub it into my face every chance you've got. There is hardly anything you do not know in the whole wide world. My thought process is an open book to you, no doubt about it. :O
Truth be told, being a dumb person that I am, I am not always too sure if my Chinese translation is always correct. If I wrote the Chinese wrong, for sure you would pound on me for not knowing any Chinese and pretending to be an ABC. That's the only reason why I included that English word just to make sure I have that covered as well, no more, no less. If that greatly offended your fragile sensitivity and caused you great grief and agony, I am so sorry. Will you find it in your heart to give this ignoramus a pass? Please grap a Whiteout and mask it off for me, will ya ? :D

p.s. I have to give it to you 7 hao. You can always find fragments of bones in any eggs you could find. Good job, how doyou do that? Care to share your little trade secret with me ? :O Please don't nag your wife thusly though or she will kick you out of the house in no time flat!

smilngangel 发表于 2010-4-6 20:22:40

本帖最后由 smilngangel 于 2010-4-6 21:26 编辑




和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 17:28 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif



香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 20:35:18

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-6 22:31 编辑


smilngangel 发表于 2010-4-6 19:22 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Re: 順便問一句,你從我的回帖里讀出了我質問你的口氣了?生活中除了“证方和反方”就沒有第三方嗎?請千萬別說我又在質問你。

The trouble with quite a few posters around here is that there are too many postings they have to go through. They make a comment then quickly move on to the next. They do not take the time or don't have the time to read through each one and often just react to their first impression of the poster's perceived intention. This has led to a lot of unhealthy, unproductive yellings and screamings at each other. Please do not take that to heart though, just roll with the punches, tighten your seat belt and enjoy your ride. It can be fun if you want it too.

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-6 20:52:55


本帖最后由 和者盖寡 于 2010-4-6 22:02 编辑


smilngangel 发表于 2010-4-6 21:22 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif



【ZDIC.NET 汉 典 网】

(1).竞赛或斗争的对方。 唐 苏鹗 《杜阳杂编》卷下:“王子善围棋,上敕 顾师言 待詔为对手。” 郭小川 《矿工不怕鬼》诗:“我们既不怠慢,也不轻敌,因而每次交锋必使对手崩溃。”

(2).泛指对方。 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·阿长与<山海经>》: “最讨厌的是常喜欢切切察察,向人们低声絮说些什么事。还竖起第二个手指,在空中上下摇动,或者点着对手或自己的鼻尖。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》十六:“一种书体有一种格式……写一封信,对手和自己的名号都有一定的地位。”

(3).谓势均力敌的人。《三国演义》第九四回:“ 达 ( 孟达 )非 司马懿 对手,必被所擒。” 清 赵翼 《陔馀丛考·对手》:“凡相角技艺,彼此均者曰对手。”

(4).对弈;交锋。 宋 陶穀 《清异录·器具·方亭侯》: “上喜,呼将方亭侯来。二宫人以玉界局进,遂与王对手。”《英烈传》第六七回:“只是不曾逢着敌手,天下那有常胜的。可恨我不曾与他们对手。”

知道我是谁 发表于 2010-4-6 22:56:23

Hey, stay out of it. Who asked you? :laugh:
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010/4/6 17:39 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 23:11:18

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-6 22:20 编辑

drag 发表于 2010-4-6 21:56 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

救命啊,救命! 俺不敢啦!
手下留情! :eyebrows:

I give up. Typing in Chinese is a pain in the you know where. It took me a couple minutes to find and type the 13 characters above. A very poor return for my time. I will never be able to defend myself quick enough against the onslaught from that certain person who shall remain nameless. :no:

知道我是谁 发表于 2010-4-6 23:31:45

救命啊,救命! 俺不敢啦!

I give up. Typing in Chinese is a pain in the you know where. It took me a couple minutes to find and type the 13 characters above. A very poor return for my time. I will never be able to defend myself quick enough against the onslaught from that certain person who shall remain nameless.
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010/4/7 00:11 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-6 23:42:07

drag 发表于 2010-4-6 22:31 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

What a big fat pain in the butt!!

知道我是谁 发表于 2010-4-6 23:54:06

A very poor return for my time. I will never be able to defend myself quick enough against the onslaught from that certain person who shall remain nameless.
香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010/4/7 00:11 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif




香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-7 00:01:18

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-14 22:30 编辑



drag 发表于 2010-4-6 22:54 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Good points, well taken at my end.
My original intent was to provide a different point of view to that certain person who writes mainly in English. Then I got 耍了 and sidetracked.
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