香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-4 14:12:33

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-4 13:19 编辑

回复 15# 7 hao

7 hao, 7 hao, 夏虫不可以语于冰者,笃于时也!

Sigh ! I am dumbfounded by your ignorance. :D

As soon as the weather gets warmer, you see swarms of insects coming out en masse, but will they stay alive past Summer? What do they know about cold weather, snow and ice ?

You do have a good explanation on the meaning of "If you have no regrets", don't you?

Maybe you will get some much needed inspiration by revisiting the following treatise:



7 hao 发表于 2010-4-4 16:17:10

7 hao 发表于 2010-4-4 16:27:04

人生犹如随想曲 发表于 2010-4-4 17:10:29

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-4 12:51

谢谢. 我很认同你的解释. 只是身在他他乡, 不熟悉他们的文化和特殊状况,怕闹出笑话来.

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-4 17:23:55

谢谢. 我很认同你的解释. 只是身在他他乡, 不熟悉他们的文化和特殊状况,怕闹出笑话来.
一世人生 发表于 2010-4-4 18:10

人生犹如随想曲 发表于 2010-4-4 17:34:55

回复 15# 7 hao

    谢谢 7好 好和 你的好意. 我知道这里是藏龙卧虎的地方, 许多高人藏身此中, 所以我喜欢这个版块,从阅读人们的贴子到人们的观点,我可以收益良多.再次谢谢.

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-4 18:14:33

Check out this:

本帖最后由 和者盖寡 于 2010-4-4 19:38 编辑
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Today was not all that exciting, but tomorrow is gonna be busy. First I have to go to the orthodontist to get Jordans wires removed, then to the dentist to have her last baby tooth pulled, then back to the ortho for the wire to be put back onto her braces, then around lunch time I'm going up to church to help Danielle the rest of the day with the 318 school of ministry stuff. Then at 7, we have our first 318 class, then at 9pm, Marty's coming over to watch the Spurs game.

on a whole other topic..
I have this sign in my study that reads.."If you have no regrets, you need to get out more"
I used to think that I had alot of regrets, now I'm wondering if I really would change anything. Even the bad has brought me to where I am today. Then again, without the things I regret , maybe I'd be miles ahead of where I am..

在我书房里有这样的一幅字帖:"If you have no regrets, you need to get out more"。

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-4 20:10:20

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-14 22:14 编辑

你老母化X,错就是错,把GET OUT无知地当成COME OUT,51卧虎臧龙,LZ已经说你错了,还是要带个老母上51给别人操一下才安心。人贱最无敌,你已是天下无敌!!!!
7 hao 发表于 2010-4-4 15:17


7 hao 发表于 2010-4-4 15:27

Tsk, tsk. Such temper!!

Relax 7 hao, this is just a forum and everyone is just having fun with each other to pass the time. You are taking it too personally. I am not trying to take over your scent marked territory here. Take it easy so you don't get a heart attack. I would feel awful. :eyebrows:

卧虎 ? It does not take much to make 7 hao wimper in pain like an injured kitten for all to see now, does it? The problem with people like yourself is they are so quick to insult someone's defenseless mother. Aren't you man enough to try another plan of attack? Mine is truly defenseless now, sleeping 6 feet under, God bless her soul. She would have whooped your sorry little behind had she heard you; she was one tough woman.

Were you a little Red Guard in your previous life? Good thing the likes of you did not gain control of China while you had a chance or China would be in deeper doo doo than they are in now.:thumbd:

Despite your violent outbursts and rage, I don't think all 大陆人 are like that. There are only a few bad apples like yourself who hang around here, taking out whatever is bothering them and their frustration by abusing people over very minor perceived slights. Sad isn't it?

Your deep seated anger towards people from Hong Kong is very puzzling, did you have a bad boss who was from HK ? I suggest you might want to go see a shrink as soon as possible or you can get yourself in to a heap of trouble one of these days.

Perhaps a little of this will help cleanse your dirty mouth ? :laugh:It's on sale for 49 cents plus tax a bar at No Frills, make sure you get one with lavender scent.

Nightie night for now. Leave me your angry tirades again if you like, and if that makes you feel better about yourself, I am game.

人生犹如随想曲 发表于 2010-4-4 20:13:40

本帖最后由 一世人生 于 2010-4-4 21:14 编辑

回复 22# 和者盖寡
if   n(infml) uncertainty:
if he wins - and it's a big if - he'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years.
假使他赢了 -- 是否能赢还是一大疑问 -- 他将是二十年来第一个获胜的英国人.
所以我想也许If you have no regrets, youneed to get out more.可翻译为:
无论有没有遗憾(懊悔),你都需要经常的打破旧框框(常规) 或.....就象 7好 说的"想过读万卷书不如行万里路,爱过痛过恨过,天长地久曾经拥有。不是文字不对,就是文化或意境有问题。" 我明白他的意思.是错也好对也好都是一种感受,人应该多经历,多见识多...
Today was not all that exciting, but tomorrow is gonna be busy. First Ihave to go to the orthodontist to get Jordans wires removed, then tothe dentist to have her last baby tooth pulled, then back to the orthofor the wire to be put back onto her braces, then around lunch time I'mgoing up to church to help Danielle the rest of the day with the 318school of ministry stuff. Then at 7, we have our first 318 class, thenat 9pm, Marty's coming over to watch the Spurs game.对上了.

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-4 20:23:20

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-4 19:24 编辑

回复 22# 和者盖寡

I have picked up this one as well. I did not bring it up because I tried to dig deeper into the source of the saying as I did see a similar saying posted in the gay community once. It could very well be that they were using a 警世名言 like you said. A case of chicken and egg, which came first, kind of thing. Thanks for providing another point of view without getting into a lot of yellings and cussings.:yes:

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-4 20:46:18

回复 24# 一世人生

This is unsolicited, but your signature tagline is a little hard to understand.

You wrote "I know what I am and how did people feel me. this is enough for me."

I can guess what you are trying to convey but it is not quite idiomatic.

Why don't you ask everyone to reword it a little for you to make it easier for people to understand. I could be a good learning experience.

和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-4 21:11:06

Know Yourself and Know Others

老子:知人者智 知己者明。“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” Lao Tzu quote

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-4 21:15:20

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-4 20:17 编辑

Know Yourself and Know Others

老子:知人者智 知己者明。“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” Lao Tzu quote
和者盖寡 发表于 2010-4-4 20:11

It's a good start. What about his/her "this is enough for me" ? you need to work that in somehow.

How about something like this, somewhat along the line of that tagline:
'I know what I am and how people feel about me. That is good enough for me." ?

Not as philosphical as yours, but pretty close to the intent of the tagline.

7 hao 发表于 2010-4-4 21:37:15



COME OUT 等于GET OUT,你真懂开玩笑,还给别人上课????

香港来的鸟人 发表于 2010-4-4 21:41:16

本帖最后由 香港来的鸟人 于 2010-4-4 20:45 编辑



COME OUT 等于GET OUT,你真懂开玩笑,还给别人上课????
7 hao 发表于 2010-4-4 20:37

Whatever. I am speechless. You are the best there is, OK ? You can quote me on that. Now go back to sleep. :aplain:

Some people can dish it out but have no stomach to take it in.

Time to get out of the closetBy: Subhash K JhaDate:2009-07-03

Mumbai:Section 377 of the IPC, which declared homosexuality to be illegal, has been repealed. Bollywood rejoices...

Homosexuality is not a phenomenon restricted to one country, culture or community, All over the world, some the finest minds are inclined towards same-sex relationships. What is wrong with that, as long as two people are happy?

Shatrughan Sinha: "Old rusty laws are like useless politicians. They should be thrown out. I'm glad Section 377 has been repealed. What two people do in the privacy of their bedroom is nobody's business, certainly not the government's. Abbas Tyrewala: I'm amazed and delighted. It's a step I thought we wouldn't be ready to take for another twenty years. Now if only we showed the same maturity in providing the right to freedom and option in marriage, religion, censorship, etc.Sanjay Suri: Criminalisation of gay sex among consenting adults was a violation of fundamental human rights. It's a progressive judgement. The law should have been done away with ages ago.John Abraham: I think the right to personal choice is a fundamental right. Thank God the law against homosexuals has been repealed. Yes, I've a lot gay fans. Even if I hadn't, I'd still be very happy if the gay community gets a voice and a choice. I've been brought up in liberal Parsi-Catholic household. I believe minorities don't exist any longer. Every community (including homo- sexuals) has a majority voice.Rituparno Ghosh: Better late than never!

Raima Sen: Good for democracy.

Manisha Koirala: Some of my closest friends are gay, and they are among the best human beings I know. I think such an ancient law needed to be repealed long ago. We live in contemporary times when people of all genders and sexual preferences must be looked at in the same line of vision.

Celina Jaitly: I'm overwhelmed. It's a turning point in the history of human rights in the world's largest democracy. It's also a personal victory for me since I've been fighting for gay rights. Now they can walk with their heads held high. A new beginning.Irrfan Khan: It's a sign of a system adopting a viewpoint that indicates openness. This will rid the guilt that gays live with and stop police exploitation of the community. I played a gay character in Mira Nair's short film directed by Zoya Akhtar. I researched on their anguish. It was terrifying.Tarun Mansukhani: It's a huge achievement and I'm proud to have been part of this movement through my film Dostana. The repeal of this outdated law gives homosexuals an identity and a legal recognition. Today they've the right to their freedom.Kunal Kohli: Freedom of choice is very important in a democracy. That should not be cramped when it comes to sexual preferences. This is a progressive step by a progressive government."Neha Dhupia: I think it is great. We're a free country. And the biggest freedom is the freedom of choice. I fully support the judgement. It's a very progressive step.Rajeev Khandelwal: I believe in, to each his own. That article 377 has been repealed reveals a very mature attitude to a universal issue.Mahesh Bhatt: This is a defining moment in the history of free India. No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love. The only 'queer' people are those who propagate hate.Chitrangada singh: I think it's great. Every individual has the right to self-expression. Homosexuality didn't stop existing just because we all denied it. I'm all for it.Amrita Arora: It's high time we treated gay couples like any normal heterosexual pair. I've a lot of gay friends and I'm very happy for them. In our society, legal acceptance is equivalent to social acceptance.Neil Nitin Mukesh: Thank God people realised homosexuals are human beings with deep emotions and urges for which they were being punished for years. Now they can live peacefully without the law breathing down their necks. This change was long overdue.

Riya Sen: Most of my closest friends are homosexuals. I'm very happy for the gay community.Subhash Ghai: I'm always receptive to the changing world and the truth about human nature being revealed. Since the inner truth is always more real than the social truth the reality within takes time to come out and be accepted by society.Madhur Bhandarkar: I fully support the Delhi High Court's decision. A progressive move.Sonu Sood: Better late than never. It's good to see our Constitution has finally grown. Everyone has the right to live and love the way he wants. Upen Patel: I think it's a great move forward by the government and for Indian society. Everyone should have the right to choose whom they want to be without the fear of being labelled a criminal.Neetu Chandra: It's a great move to understand and provide rights to those who were long denied the freedom to be themselves.Purab Kohli: Super. It's a giant step ahead in the image India is building globally.Shekhar Kapoor: This should've been done long agoApoorva Lakhia: May the force be with them. About time. A right step in the right direction for the New India.Sushmita Sen: I always salute decisions that celebrate an individual's right to choose. I could never understand any form of love or any kind of relationship being 'criminal'. I'm very proud of the government for finally recognising that homosexuality can't be judged. Mugdha Godse: I welcome this decision with open arms. I'm happy a man now has as much right to love a man as he has the right to love a woman. Gays no longer need to hide their feelings. I'm happy for many of my friends. Rensil D'Silva: About time we got out of the dark ages.

Related Stories from Bollywood HC legalises gay sex's gay community hails Delhi HC judgement our city ready for a gay parade? mulls at repealing anti-gay law

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