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楼主: 乐 乐
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发表于 2004-10-14 21:58:50 | 只看该作者
CHU  SIR   ,     请 再 来 一 些改 病 句 的 例 子 。 很 好 。  :smile:  :smile:

发表于 2004-10-14 22:09:39 | 只看该作者
最初由[红 树 林]发布
CHU  SIR   ,     请 再 来 一 些改 病 句 的 例 子 。 很 好 。  :smile:  :smile:


发表于 2004-10-14 23:32:03 | 只看该作者


I'm  sorry.how  about   at   noon.there  are   many   new  words
for  me.i  have  to  use  dictionary   to   finish   them.
发表于 2004-10-15 12:13:38 | 只看该作者
测 验 (2)题 意 不 很 明 , 句 中 没 有 划 线 词 。 胡 猜 交 卷 。 敬 请 指 教 。
1  D   2 D   3A   4C   5C   6C   7A    8A    9?  10 D   11D

发表于 2004-10-15 20:40:34 | 只看该作者

回复:測驗( 2 )

測驗( 2 )

  In the CONTEXTUAL VOCABULARY below, first read each sentence to understand the meaning of the underlined word and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to match it.
1.  As a methodical administrator, David has done his work in an organized and logical way.
  A. dull B. straightforward
  C. factual D. orderly
2. My elder brother's phobia about long-distance journey is that he will feel giddy if he travels by air.
  A. virtue B. headache
  C. concern D. fear
3. A worker may be ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support their movement.
  A. expelled B. criticized
  C. excluded D. exported
4. It is learnt that chronic illness forced the actress to retire from acting at an early life.
  A. severe B. constant
  C. deadly D. irregular
5. Two chemical elements can often be synthesized to produce another effective product.
  A. created B. controlled
  C. combined D. realized
6. I find it strange to see my friend's mania for eating unconventional animal meat.
  A. special entertainment B. odd behavior
  C. extreme excitement D. great cheerfulness 
7. When a country is badly run, it will be thrown into an anarchic condition.
  A. lawless B. frozen
  C. amazing D. stringent
8. The implementation of strict law and order is the best guarantee against illegal activities.
  A. effective practice B. proposal
  C. system D. ideal slogan
9. Politicians may be idealistic and ambitious, but it is important that they adopt a pragmatic approach to problems.
  A. productive B. practical
  C. individualistic D. systematic
10. Some countries have been in trouble; can their governments find a panacea for their multiple problems?
  A. magic B. savoir
  C. formula D. cure-all
11. It is not wrong to think that every leader is afraid of being usurped the role of leadership.
  A. bullied B. denied
  C. seized D. suspected
12. Pupils are often advised not to repeat their misdemeanor, which should be pointed out and corrected, if any.
  A. minor wrongdoing B. misunderstanding
  C. dishonesty D. strange behavior

ANSWERS: 1. D  2. D  3. C  4. B  5. C  6. C  7. A  8. A  9. B  10. D  11. C  12. A
发表于 2004-10-16 23:46:33 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:測驗( 2 )

回复:測驗( 2 )

ANSWERS: 1. D  2. D  3. C  4. B  5. C  6. C  7. A  8. A  9. B  10. D  11. C  12. A


看 来 我 们 的 校 园 门 可 罗 雀 , 怎 办 ? CHU SIR。
发表于 2004-10-19 10:06:53 | 只看该作者


1. Half an eye
─ a quick look 一看就明白

  Example: The new teacher could see with half an eye that Jim was going to have trouble with some boys who disagreed with him.

2. Half-and-half
  ─ as much one thing as the other
  ─ 不好也不壞﹔差強人意的

  Example: That much-publicised movie was neither good nor bad; it was just half-and-half.

3. Half-baked idea
  ─ an idea that has not been properly thought out
  ─ 考慮不周的念頭

  Example: I don't think it wise to adopt his half-baked idea unless it is further developed.

4. I would if I could but I can't
  ─ I would like to do something worthwhile, but I am unable to
  ─ 我很想做某事但不能

  Example: X: Marry me while there is still time.
      Y: I would if I could but I can't. I have a good boy friend.

5. I wouldn't say no
  ─ I would readily agree
  ─ 我一定同意/答應

  Example: - Have another cup of beer, OK?
  - Well, I wouldn't say no.

6. Jib at doing something
  ─ be unwilling to do something
  ─ 不肯做某事

  Example: I don't mind mopping the floor, but I jib at cleaning the walls.

7. Join/ combine forces (with someone)
  ─ come together for a common purpose
  ─ 與某人聯合以達到共同的目的

  Examples: 1. The two immediate neighbouring countries have joined forces to fight their common enemy.

       2. We must combine forces with the new friends to set up the tent.

8. Of high calibre
  ─ of top quality
  ─ 質量或能力高

  Example: A good government places only people of high calibre in key positions.

9. Of no/ little avail
  ─ of no/ little use
  ─ 沒有一點兒/只有小小用處

  Examples: 1. Janet tried hard, but her efforts were of little avail.

      2. The U.S. advised the two hostile countries not to use force, but the advice was of no avail.

10. Parting of the ways, a
  ─ the point where the road divides
  ─ 一分為二的地方﹔三岔路口

  Example: The two tourists stood undecided at a parting of the ways.

  ─ a deciding point

  ─ 須在兩者之間抉擇的關鍵

  Example: Kenneth has come to a parting of the ways: going to work or continuing with the study?

11. Pat someone on the back/ give someone a pat on the back
  ─ clap lightly on someone's back for praise, support, etc.
  ─ 輕拍某人表示贊揚、鼓勵等

  Examples: 1. The basketball coach patted every player on the back with a smile.

       2. Jason, our lecturer, gave each of us a pat on the back and uttered a few encouraging words.
发表于 2004-10-19 10:40:47 | 只看该作者

Test (3)

  Complete each sentence with a FAMILY WORD from the list. Be sure to use the correct word form.
  1. abhor (v) 憎惡痛恨; Abhorrence ( n ) 憎惡; abhorrent (adj) 嫌惡的
  (1) I am quite sure those who have seen the enemy's atrocities in the past will __________such cruel conduct.
  (2) I __________cruelty to animals which, like human beings, have the right to live a peaceful life.
  (3) Most of us have an __________of injustice and inequality, don't we?
  (4) Aren't you __________ of acts of insincerity and ingratitude?
  2. abolish (v) 廢除; abolition ( n ) 廢止; abolishable (adj) 可廢除的
  (1) If unfortunate man-made events, such as war, can be __________, the resources can be used to improve people's living conditions.
  (2) Can examinations be __________? If so, what are the other useful and reliable means of academic evaluation?
  (3) Some say examinations are ____________; others say they are indispensable. What really is the better way out?
  (4) When a law is outdated, it is time to consider its revision or even __________.
  (5) The __________ of feudalism enables a country to embark on all sorts of modernization projects.
  3. abort (v) 使失敗; abortion ( n ) 墮胎、挫敗 ; abortive (adj) 失敗的
  (1) From the Chinese history, we learn that Yuan Shih Kai made an ____________ attempt to become emperor.
  (2) Throughout the world, there are laws against illegal ___________.
  (3) Strong troops in the Qing Dynasty ___________ many uprisings against the government.
  (4) Some opposition parties tried to impeach the President in a neighboring country, but their attempt proved an ___________.
  4. apologize (v) 道歉; apology ( n ) 道歉; apologetic (adj) 表歉意的; apologetically (adv) 表歉意地
  (1) Tom __________ to the teacher for being late to class this morning.
  (2) Since you are in the wrong, you have to make an __________ to her.
  (3) Last week, I inadvertently hurt Su's feelings and sent her an _____________ e-mail, hoping that she would forgive and forget.
  (4) Jack was unable to attend the staff meeting and sent his __________ to the department's secretary.
  (5) “Sorry for stepping on your foot!” John said __________.
  ( 6 ) David was most __________ when he heard that I had been kept waiting in the lounge for more than 15 minutes.
发表于 2004-10-19 18:47:34 | 只看该作者


1. Add up to something:

  ( i ) make the total of the figure.總計

  Example: All the figures add up to 500.

  (ii) amount to something; mean something.等于

  Examples: 1. With a dinner included in the cost of the ticket, it all adds up to a really good evening entertainment. 2. His long answer added up to a refusal.

2. Addicted to something:

  like something very much.沉迷于

  Examples: 1. As Kelvin is addicted to smoking, he finds it difficult to work without some cigarettes. 2. Ali is addicted to alcoholic drinks.

3. Address oneself to something:

  give one's attention to something.注意到

  Example: Whenever I do something, I address myself to it with zest.

4. Beaten road is the safest, the:

  the path that is well used is safe for all to go past.多人走過的路最安全

  Example: Don't take unnecessary risks. Follow what the majority has done. The beaten road is the safest.

5. Beauty is but skin deep:

  beauty is superficial.膚淺

  Example: Don't judge people by outward looks alone. Beauty is but skin deep. It may be deceptive.

6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder:

  beauty is only a matter of opinion.美的觀念人人不同

  Example: There is no objective way of saying whether a person is beautiful or not.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

7. Carry out something:

  accomplish or finish something successfully.完成某事

  Example: With a strong will, you are sure to carry out your plan soon.

8. Carry someone/something through:

  help something to continue; bring someone safely out of difficulty.幫助完成某事、幫助某人渡過難關

  Examples: 1. Your support will carry me through. 2. They don't have enough money to carry through the big project.

9. Carry something too far:

  do something to too great a degree.做得過分

  Example: Don't make fun of the pitiable man; you have carried the joke too far.

10. Delegate someone to do something:

  appoint someone as a representative for something.委托某人做某事

  Example: The manager delegated his secretary to collect the money from the debtors.

11. Delete something from some place:

  strike something out.刪除

  Example: Please delete his name from the list of participants.

12. Deliberate on/upon something:

  think very carefully and seriously about something.仔細考慮

  Example: The committee deliberated on a number of new problems.

13. Eat someone out of house and home:

  eat more than one's host can provide.把某人吃窮

  Example: Those greedy kids have eaten Mr Lin out of house and home.

14. Eavesdrop on someone:

  overhear the conversation of someone. 竊聽

  Example: Some office staff have been eavesdropping on their manager.

15. Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves:

  it is not advisable to be too curious or inquisitive.偷聽話的人聽不到自己的好話

  Example: Don't be too interested in listening to people's conversations, as what you hear about yourselves will be uncomplimentary. Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves.
发表于 2004-10-20 10:17:04 | 只看该作者

jiao juan

test  3   交 卷
1 abhor  2  abhor  3  abhorence   4 abhorented
1 abolished  2 abolished  3 abolishable  4abolition  5abolish
1 abortive  2 abortion  3 were aborted  4aborttion
1 apologizd  2 apology   3  apologetic   4apology   5  apologetically    6   apologetic

赐 教 , 谢 谢 。  :smile:
发表于 2004-10-20 18:55:29 | 只看该作者

回复:Test (3)

Test (3)

  Complete each sentence with a FAMILY WORD from the list. Be sure to use the correct word form.
  1. abhor (v) 憎惡痛恨; Abhorrence ( n ) 憎惡; abhorrent (adj) 嫌惡的
  (1) I am quite sure those who have seen the enemy's atrocities in the past will __________such cruel conduct.
  (2) I __________cruelty to animals which, like human beings, have the right to live a peaceful life.
  (3) Most of us have an __________of injustice and inequality, don't we?
  (4) Aren't you __________ of acts of insincerity and ingratitude?
  2. abolish (v) 廢除; abolition ( n ) 廢止; abolishable (adj) 可廢除的
  (1) If unfortunate man-made events, such as war, can be __________, the resources can be used to improve people's living conditions.
  (2) Can examinations be __________? If so, what are the other useful and reliable means of academic evaluation?
  (3) Some say examinations are ____________; others say they are indispensable. What really is the better way out?
  (4) When a law is outdated, it is time to consider its revision or even __________.
  (5) The __________ of feudalism enables a country to embark on all sorts of modernization projects.
  3. abort (v) 使失敗; abortion ( n ) 墮胎、挫敗 ; abortive (adj) 失敗的
  (1) From the Chinese history, we learn that Yuan Shih Kai made an ____________ attempt to become emperor.
  (2) Throughout the world, there are laws against illegal ___________.
  (3) Strong troops in the Qing Dynasty ___________ many uprisings against the government.
  (4) Some opposition parties tried to impeach the President in a neighboring country, but their attempt proved an ___________.
  4. apologize (v) 道歉; apology ( n ) 道歉; apologetic (adj) 表歉意的; apologetically (adv) 表歉意地
  (1) Tom __________ to the teacher for being late to class this morning.
  (2) Since you are in the wrong, you have to make an __________ to her.
  (3) Last week, I inadvertently hurt Su's feelings and sent her an _____________ e-mail, hoping that she would forgive and forget.
  (4) Jack was unable to attend the staff meeting and sent his __________ to the department's secretary.
  (5) “Sorry for stepping on your foot!” John said __________.
  ( 6 ) David was most __________ when he heard that I had been kept waiting in the lounge for more than 15 minutes.

1 (1) abhor (2) abhor (3) abhorrence (4) abhorrent
2 (1) abolished (2) abolished (3) abolishable (4) abolition (5) abolition
3 (1) abortive (2) abortion (3) aborted (4) abortion
4 (1) apologized (2) apology (3) apologetic (4) apologies (5) apologetically ( 6 ) apologetic
发表于 2004-10-20 23:28:49 | 只看该作者

thank you

thank  you. :smile:
发表于 2004-10-21 22:31:09 | 只看该作者


  1. Above/over one's head: too difficult for someone to understand. 難以理解

  Example: What John had said was well above my head; he should have made his speech simpler and clearer.

  2. Above oneself: self-satisfied; conceited.


  Example: Peter was above himself after he was promoted to a higher position.

  3. Above/below par: at a price higher/lower than the original value. (價格) 在一般水平以上/以下

  Examples: (1) Most of the good shares are expensive and above par now.

  (2) When the market is bad, it is possible

  to purchase the stock at a price below par.

  4. Back-seat driver, a/the:

  ( i ) the bossy person in a car who always tells the driver what to do. 對司機胡亂指點的乘客

  Example: Most of us disliked the back-seat driver who was too arrogant.

  (ii) a person who repeatedly gives advice without being asked for it. 自動亂給勸告的人

  Example: Let the officer-in-charge handle the

  matter; don't be nosey like a back-seat driver.

  5. Backstairs influence/talk:secret or indirect influence/talk. 秘密或間接的影響或談話

  Examples: (1) I think his wife has backstairs influence on his decisions.

  (2) It is discourteous to have this type of backstairs talk about the new manager.

  6. Bad blood between one person and another: ill-feeling between two persons. 仇恨﹔厭惡

  Example: The unfair distribution of the father's assets caused the bad blood between the two siblings.

  7. Calculate on/upon (doing)something:depend on (doing)something. 指望﹔依靠

  Examples: (1) We calculate on making an early start in this matter.

  (2) Don't calculate upon the weather being fine for tomorrow's basketball match.

  8. Call a spade a spade: say exactly what you mean.直言不諱

  Example: I am a frank person often calling a spade a spade. Hope you don't mind.

  9. Cocoon someone from/against something:keep someone in a protective covering.蓋在保護層里

  Example: It may not be a good thing to cocoon one's child from the realities of a cruel life.

  10. Dark horse, a: a person of unknown abilities and may spring a surprise. 黑馬(有本事而深藏不露的人)

  Example: No one expected him to run very fast, but he proved to be a dark horse this time and won the race.

  11. Dash off: ( i ) write hurriedly. 匆匆地寫

  Example: Dan dashed off a letter to his friend while waiting for the plane at the airport.

  ( ii ) leave or move away in a hurry. 猛沖

  Example: It is late now; I must dash off to the bus stop before the last bus leaves.

  12. Half the battle: a large part of the work.


  Example: To know your faults and decide to correct them can be half the battle of self-improvement.

  13. Hallmark of something, a: a typical feature of something. 某事的特征

  Example: Conciseness in wording is a hallmark of good writing.

  14. Hammer away at something: keep working on something. 努力做某事

  Example: No matter how, we have to hammer away at the problem until we get it solved.

  15. Ideal for: very suitable for. 理想的﹔最合適的

  Example: Good picture dictionaries are ideal for preschool children.

  16. Identical to something:exactly alike.與某事相同

  Example: On the phone, your voice is almost identical to your elder sister's.

  17. Import something to someone/something: give something, usually a quality, to someone/something. 傳達

  Example: The pepper and the herbal spice have imported a special flavour to the soup.

  18. Join hands (with someone):

  ( i ) hold someone's hands, e.g. while dancing.攜手

  Example: Boys and girls joined hands and danced for 10 minutes.

  ( ii ) unite with someone. 聯合

  Example: The government has to join hands with the people to combat all forms of social injustice.

  19. Join in something: take part in something.


  Example: In the get-together last night, all of us joined in the sing-song.

  20. Of two evils choose the lesser: pick the evil that is less serious or harmful. 兩害取其小和輕的


  X: Do you want to walk to the shop which is not very far away or ask Su, who has just got her driving licence to give you a lift?

  Y: I choose to walk. Of two evils choose the lesser.

  21. Patch up: ( i )mend something quickly. 迅速修補

  Example: The worker patched up the roof with pieces of tiles and water-proof plastic.

  ( ii ) Settle a quarrel, etc. 解決紛爭

  Examples: (1) The two friends soon patched up their disagreement.

  (2) It is time we patch up our quarrel with our neighbours.

  22. Pave the way for something: make it easy or possible for something to happen. 為……鋪路

  Examples: (1) The peace treaty paves the way for lasting co-existence between the two countries concerned.

  (2) People's desire for freedom paved the way for a nation's struggle for independence and actual sovereignty.
发表于 2004-10-24 22:42:46 | 只看该作者
请 教 : C  to E  
1  i'm  not   a   label   fiend.
2  i  don't  understand   why   people   have   to   be   mean  for  
no  reason.
3  seeing  strangers  naked   creeps   me   out.

THANKS   A    LOT. :smile:
发表于 2004-10-25 11:45:50 | 只看该作者



1. A breath of fresh air: 帶來新氣象的人

  “Joelle is so lovely and lively that she is a breath of fresh air for the whole family.”

2. The calm before the storm: 暴風雨來臨前的寧靜

    “The serene atmosphere in the factory is just the calm before the storm. Once the new boss comes, things will radically change.”

3. A dose/ taste of one's own medicine: 嘗嘗自己的藥,即用同樣方法對待對方

    “Tony has smeared John's reputation. It is now time for Tony to have a dose of his own medicine.”

4. A drop in the ocean: 海洋中的一滴水,即滄海一粟

    “For a banker like Mr Huang, a donation of one million dollars is nothing but a drop in the ocean.”

5. Force of circumstances: 時勢所逼

    “Owing to force of circumstances, the man has to dispose of his house to settle all his debts.”

6. (All) grist to one's mill: 可利用之物

    “As a writer, social ills and problems are all grist to his mill.”

7. A home from home: 第二個家﹔賓至如歸之地

    “Many foreigners come to work and stay in Singapore; they regard this country as a home from home.”

8. A jack of all trades: 一個樣樣都懂的人

  “If you have any repairing work to do, just ask Xiao Li, who is a jack of all trades.”

9. A leap/ shot in the dark: 不顧后果的冒險行為﹔沒事實根據的猜測

    “To enter the hiding place of the gangsters is a leap in the dark. Don't do it!/ Tom's answer, though correct, was only a shot in the dark.”

10. The lesser of two evils: 兩害之較輕者

    “Employing a person who is loyal but not very capable is better than employing one who is very capable but disloyal; the former is the lesser of two evils.”

11. The life and soul of the party: 聚會的靈魂人物

    “Thanks to Helen, all had a good time at the get-together. Helen was really the life and soul of the party.”

12. The man in the street: 一個普通人

    “Such sophisticated music cannot appeal to the man in the street.”

13. The man of the hour: 風云人物

    “Jason achieved one success after another. No doubt, he is the man of the hour.”

14. A pack of lies: 一連串的謊言

    “Don't listen to him! What he has said is a pack of lies.”

15. Rule of thumb: 憑經驗而來的方法

    “Many people consider English verbs difficult. Is there a rule of thumb for mastering English verbs?/ As a rule of thumb, you have to pay $100 a month for every $1000 you borrow.”

16. The run of the mill: 例常的事

    “There is nothing special about my work; it is just the run of the mill.”

17. A shot in the arm: 一劑興奮劑

    “The favourable opinion poll gave the biggest opposition party a shot in the arm.”
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