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楼主: 乐 乐
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发表于 2004-10-4 22:09:14 | 只看该作者



  晨起脾氣欠佳,美式英語中以get out of bed on the wrong side喻之。(亦作:get up on the wrong side of the bed。無緣無故,于是只好說下床時下錯了位置。John is in bad mood. He must have gotten out of bed on the wrong side this morning。阿尊脾氣欠佳。他一定是早起時心情不好。

  朋友說早起心情不好,有時原因不在沒有睡好,而在肚餓,沒有吃早餐。西諺有:Never work before breakfast; if you have to work before breakfast, get your breakfast。不要在早餐前工作﹔如果你必須在早餐前工作,先吃早餐。此語強調早餐的重要。朋友說怕體重增加的人,不吃早餐的話,會影響工作,予人以get up on the wrong side of the bed印象。他說不妨取歐陸早餐,即所謂continental breakfast,面包、咖啡(或紅茶)而已。我們上床睡覺,一夜不吃東西,是“守齋”(fast),早晨開禁進餐,break the fast,早餐也。
发表于 2004-10-4 22:18:53 | 只看该作者




  晨起脾氣欠佳,美式英語中以get out of bed on the wrong side喻之。(亦作:get up on the wrong side of the bed。無緣無故,于是只好說下床時下錯了位置。John is in bad mood. He must have gotten out of bed on the wrong side this morning。阿尊脾氣欠佳。他一定是早起時心情不好。

  朋友說早起心情不好,有時原因不在沒有睡好,而在肚餓,沒有吃早餐。西諺有:Never work before breakfast; if you have to work before breakfast, get your breakfast。不要在早餐前工作﹔如果你必須在早餐前工作,先吃早餐。此語強調早餐的重要。朋友說怕體重增加的人,不吃早餐的話,會影響工作,予人以get up on the wrong side of the bed印象。他說不妨取歐陸早餐,即所謂continental breakfast,面包、咖啡(或紅茶)而已。我們上床睡覺,一夜不吃東西,是“守齋”(fast),早晨開禁進餐,break the fast,早餐也。

妙。break the fast 看来宜早不宜迟呀。
平时还没有考据 breakfast  的来历呢。有趣。
发表于 2004-10-4 22:21:16 | 只看该作者
:smile:  :smile: 谢 谢 您 , Chu  Sir.

秀 才 有 空 多 来 逛 逛 。  :slobber:
发表于 2004-10-4 22:44:34 | 只看该作者
最初由[红 树 林]发布
:smile:  :smile: 谢 谢 您 , Chu  Sir.

秀 才 有 空 多 来 逛 逛 。  :slobber:

发表于 2004-10-5 06:52:35 | 只看该作者


Don't let your test score get you down. You will do better next time.       

I can't remember that actress's name! I am drawing a blank.

It drives me up the wall when someone is late for an appoint.

I was here at 9:00 on the dot, so you can't blame me for this meeting starting late.       

Why are you all dressed up?Are you going somewhere special?        

Whenever my friends are in a fight, I always get dragged into it.

The new traffic laws will go into effect this month.        

Don't dwell on the fact that you failed the test. It will just make you upset.       

I will get a job in due time. Right now I just want to have fun!

John loves to talk. When he is at a party he is in his element.

Thank you for being a good sport. It's not easy to have a good attitude after losing a game.       

This last piece of pizza is up for grabs. Does anyone want it?

I feel like I am finally getting a grasp on English. It is a very hard language.       

If you don't clean your room, you can kiss watching television goodbye.       

Can I give you a rain check for our lunch date today ? I have too many things to do.       

They usually spend this holiday with his family. Now they're breaking out of the mould and visiting her family instead.       

Don't just come over for snacks on Chinese New Year. Let's make a meal of it.       

I don't know why Denise is acting so strange. What's gotten into her?       

He always looks forward to this day each year. It's a red-letter day.       

Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on from time to time.       

With all bad news going around these days, no news is good news.       

Charles has asked Elaine to marry him 14 times. He just won't take no for an answer.       

As soon as Lisa touched the book, Richel yelled"Hands off!"

I think that Angus and Angela have put their teacher on a pedestal. They seem to think she is perfect.       

Sherry left John high and dry after the divorce. He didn't have any money left at all.       

I have other fish to fry today. My list of errands is at least two pages long.       

Don't make a long speech. Just keep it short and sweet.       

We need 10 copies of this page. Can you run them off for me?這一頁我們需要十份。你可以幫我印嗎?

I forgot to feed my parrot for two weeks. Now it's dead as a doornail.       

I think she likes you, even though she acts lik she doesn't. She's just playing hard to get.       

The restaurant ran out of chicken. So I had beef instead.       

I have a lot of homework to do. I'd better hit the books!       

We figured in plane tickets and hotel bills, but forgot to add the cost of meals.       

I love living with my best friend's family. It's my home away from home.       

Somehow he never measures up to the rest of class. His work is always substandard.       

This is hot, but soon summer will be here and we will have a series of heat waves.       
发表于 2004-10-5 07:57:14 | 只看该作者




发表于 2004-10-5 09:33:59 | 只看该作者




发表于 2004-10-5 19:06:45 | 只看该作者




发表于 2004-10-5 20:53:16 | 只看该作者




发表于 2004-10-5 20:53:24 | 只看该作者


  在英語里,介詞短語(prepositional phrases)數量之多,可以和片語動詞(phrasal verbs)互相比擬,不與它們親近也難。


1. At bay:(經常和keep或hold連用)使……不能接近

  One of the gangsters kept the police at bay until the rest escaped.

2. At bottom:實際上

  Judy said she was not jealous of her friends' success, but at bottom, she was.

3. At close quarters:逼近地

  The two rivals grappled at close quarters.

4. At cross purposes:互相誤解

  I think we are at cross purposes. When I said "J.C.", I meant "Jason Chen", not "John Chen".

5. At daggers drawn:勢不兩立

  Dan and Bob have been at daggers drawn for years. There is no evidence that they will make up.

6. At every turn:處處

  When you go downtown, you will see shops, big and small, at every turn.

7. At one fell swoop:一舉

  Which country can invade another country and conquer it at one fell swoop?

8. At issue:在討論中的

  The question asked was not relevant to the matter at issue .

9. At large:一般的﹔逍遙法外的。

  a. The people at large support the government's various policies.

  b. Some illegal immigrants were caught, but some others are still at large.

10. At length:詳細地

  Time did not allow the speaker to talk about the financial turmoil at length.

11. At loggerheads with...:經常和……爭吵

  Mr and Mrs Thang are often at loggerheads with each other. Why can't they get along well?

12. At a loss for words:不知說什么好

  The news came so surprisingly that she was at a loss for words.

13. At a low ebb:處于低潮

  Henry's mood seems to be at a low ebb now; let's cheer him up a bit.

14. At a price:付高代價

  Some people became successful at a price; their health and family life were adversely affected.

15. At random:隨意地

  One may choose things at random, but not the prospective life partner.

16. At the ready:處在准備狀態中

  At the news conference, news reporters gathered around, pens and notebooks at the ready.

17. At sea:茫然

  Those not interested in politics will be at sea when people discuss political issues.

18. At a stretch:連續地

  In order to earn money, some workers do overtime works for a few days at a stretch.

19. At will:任意地

  In a society like ours, one has to be law-abiding and not to do things at will.

20. At one's wits end:不知所措

  Chased by the enemy to an abyss, the man could not advance any more, nor could he retreat; he was at his wits end.

21. At heart:在內心里﹔本質上

  a. A good leader often has the people's interests at heart.

  b. Though Xiao Gan works in a city, he is a country boy at heart.

22. At sixes and sevens:亂七八糟

  When the maid returned to work after three days' leave, she found all the rooms at sixes and sevens.
发表于 2004-10-5 20:58:13 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-10-5 21:08:06 | 只看该作者


  動名詞就是帶“-ing”的動詞,具名詞功能。有些動名詞,用得久了, 漸漸失去動詞的作用,而轉化為完整的名詞。例如:

1. That painting is very impressive.

2. Are you working in that building.


  此外,有些轉化名詞具有動名詞沒有的特性。第一、有單復數﹔第二、有修飾語,如beautiful painting、big buildings。




3. Reading novels is a real joy.

4. Collecting stamps becomes a fashion.

5. We cannot help admiring such a kind-hearted person.

6. Not many people like giving public lectures.

  “Novels, stamps, such a kind-hearted person, public lectures”各有自己的動名詞“reading, collecting, admiring, giving”。如果動名詞沒有動詞的功能,怎能有上述賓語呢?帶“-ing”的名詞就沒有這種語法功能。

  其次,動名詞可以和動詞修飾語連用, 而且還可以有被動語態。帶“-ing”的名詞,就不可能如此。


7. Reading silently is eveyone's habit.

8. Some pupils were warned against talking loudly.

9. Jason would not mind working with female colleagues.

10. Being selected Chairman of the party made him feel proud.

11. Tony does not like being laughed at.



  最后,動名詞在多個動詞句型中出現,如下列的“go, come, get, set”等動詞就常和動名詞連用:

12. Noelle and her friends go swimming every week.

13. When do they usually go shopping?

14. Would you come skiing with the kids?

15. Isn't it time to get the plan going?

16. What sets them quarrelling from time to time?


17. The boy admitted stealing the book.

18. Don't forget handing in your homework in due course.

19. Would you mind taking me to the bus stop?

20. Jason cannot bear being cruel to the weak.

21. Nancy said that she regretted doing such a thing.

22. You must continue trying until you succeed.

23. Many young people enjoy watching sports and games.

24. Can't you avoid walking on my garden?

25. We all hate cheating, don't we?

发表于 2004-10-5 21:15:23 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-10-5 21:39:46 | 只看该作者



  (1) In the black 盈利:

Having paid off all the debts, the company is now in the black.

  (2) In the red 虧損﹔負債

On account of mismanagement and some unexpected bad debts, some financial companies are in the red.

  (3) Black and blue 青一塊紫一塊:

The shop-keeper quarrelled with a rascal and was beaten black and blue.

  (4)The black sheep of the family敗家子:

Among Mr Brown's Children, Alex did not behave himself and eventually became a social outcast. He was the black sheep of the family.

  (5) In black and white 寫出或印出:

I don't want a verbal promise but an agreement in black and white.

  ( 6 ) Not so/ as black as one is painted 不如所形容的壞:

Many people complained about Daniel's behaviour, but he was not as black as he was painted.

  (7) A bolt from the blue 睛天霹靂:

The woman was shocked at the bad news, which came like a bolt from the blue.

  ( 8 ) In a blue funk 驚恐萬狀:

Jenny has been in a blue funk since she failed in her first job interview.

  (9) Once in a blue moon 偶爾為之:

For lack of leisure, some working people went shopping once in a blue moon.

  (10) Disappear/Vanish into the blue 突然消失:

A bird was standing on a window sill. All at once, if flew away and disappeared into the blue.

  (11) Give ... greenlight to ... 批准……做……:

The authorities have given our department the greenlight to purchase the equipment required.

  (12) Green with envy 非常妒忌:

On hearing about Cathy's promotion, Jane is green with envy.

  (13) Catch ... red-handed 當場被捕:

The shop-lifter stole something valuable and was caught red-handed.

  (14) Roll out the red carpet 隆重歡迎:

When a foreign dignitary comes to visit the country, the government often rolls out the red carpet for him.

  (15) Cut the red tape 取消繁文縟節:

If the authorities concerned can cut the red tape, a lot of work can be more quickly done.

  (16) See red 突然發怒:

When Mrs Lin entered the guest room, it was in a mess; she saw red and scolded the maid for not tidying it up

  (17) Turn as white as a sheet 臉色變得很蒼白:

When the car driver received a traffic police's summons, he turned as white as a sheet.

  (18) A white lie 善意的謊言:

As Jenny did not want to go to Tom's party, she told him that she was busy. Such a white lie is better than hurting his feelings in other ways.

  (19) A white-collar worker 白領工人:

A secretary is a white-collar worker, while road repairing is a blue-collar job.

  (20) A grey area 含糊不清之處:

The motorists backed their cars and knocked against each other. Who was in the wrong? It's a grey area, isn't it?
发表于 2004-10-5 21:44:34 | 只看该作者


  曾介紹過由 "at" 引導的介詞短語。這里要舉些與 "in" 有關的,供大家參考。

  (1) In the air:尚未確定的

  Some neighbouring governments' concrete plans to alleviate their economic problems are still in the air.

  (2) In clover:(常和 "live"連用)生活舒適

  Those living in clover will not be able to understand the misery of the poor.

  (3) In deep water:深深陷入困境

  You had better get away from that business or you will be in deep water with no one to pull you out.

  (4) In low spirits:士氣低沉的

  What's wrong with you ? You looked fine a moment ago. Why are you now in low spirits?

  (5) In a fix:面臨困境

  Some newly-weds are in a fix now; when can they get their HDB flats and move in ?

  ( 6 ) In a flutter:處在緊張狀態中

  The news about the dignitary's visit put the staff in a flutter.

  (7) In full swing:如火如荼地

  The celebration for welcoming the victorious national team is already in full swing.

  ( 8 ) In the know:知道詳情的

  The manager has resigned. For further information, please see the secretary, who is in the know.

  (9) In limbo:處于不確定的狀態中

  The decision on the oversea project is in limbo, due to some indeterminate factors.

  (10) In a flash:瞬息間

  I don't know what happened to Grace, who went out and retuned in a flash.

  (11) In the limelight:眾人注意的焦點

  Once a person becomes famous, he will be in the limelight. all the time with very litte private time.

  (12) In a nutshell:簡而言之

  I have a lot to say about his latest book, but to put it in a nutshell, it is a good work.

  (13) In the offing:即將到來

  According to a newspaer report, a minor cabinet reshuffle is in the offing.

  (14) In the pipeline:在准備中

  The TV magazine indicates that some new TV serials are in the pipeline.

  (15) In the open:公開的

  The hearsay about a minister's resignation has now become a fact; everything is now in the open.

  (16) In the same boat:面臨同樣的不幸處境

  If a company cannot survive, many others will be in the same boat, and working people will be in for a hard life.

  (17) In step with:和……符合

  Is it possible to expect the opinion of every member to be in step with that of the party leaders?

  (18) In store for:即將發生﹔即將到來

  For every capable person, there is a promising future in store for him.

  (19) In the swim:通曉時務

  If you are to keep your information up to date, please see Jimmy, who is always in the swim.

  (20) In a tight squeeze:(財務等)緊縮

  When in a tight squeeze, a company has to resort to the bank for assistance.
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