新省阿魁 发表于 2012-1-5 18:24
赫乔父子威廉(William Herschel)和约翰(John Herschel)都是大天文学家。威廉发现了双星和天王星,约翰发现了五百多个星云。宇宙的奇妙使他们敬畏神,他们常说宇宙是神精巧杰作的证据。证据是那样明显,以至威廉认为,不信神的天文学家的神经一定有点问题。
William Herschel was a Christian.(from http://creationwiki.org/William_Herschel#Christian_Beliefs)
William Herschel married at age 50 and had one son. John Frederick William Herschel in many respects surpassed his father. Though he did not make as many fundamental discoveries, he extended his famous father’s astronomical work enormously, and achieved excellence in other fields as well. Also, his Christian faith appeared to be deeper and more sincere. (from http://www.4thdayalliance.com/articles/creation-astronomy/creation-astronomers-in-history/john-herschel/) |