告诉你一个小秘密:这家什么"Canadian Center for Policy Alternative" 最大的捐款来源是工会. 所以我说这种"研究"不看也罢。?
First of all, this the first time I know an individual pays Corporate Income Tax. What a genius.
Secondly, that is exactly what I meant why the graph is misleading. It tries to mix payroll tax (CPP, EI), sales tax, property tax and "FEES" with income tax, and then use fuzzy math to conduct their calculation. When you believe this country is unjustified, you can find all the ways with your "NUMBERS AND GRAPHS". The bottom line is this: you can spread the wealth, is this going to benefit the regular people in long run? We did this in China, it's called 打土豪分田地, how was that turned out?
?One little secret: "Canadian Center for Policy Alternative" 最大的捐款来源是工会. That is why I say don't waste your time on such "researches".
Last, remember the subject of this whole discussion. I would not use the words in your post. Life moves on no matter who wins.
loneshepherd 发表于 2011-4-26 13:00 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
Points taken. Thank for your participation of discussion.
one thing to be clarified, I did not mean the corporate tax would be considered as personal taxes. It might be a misunderstanding there or mis-expression here.
I wish you can come up with some concrete study or research conclusion on Tax Policy to support your dispute on the total tax rate issue. You don't have to do it yourself. You can use the studay/research by others from reputable institutes/organizations, right, centre, or left.
I don't have expertise myself on tax policy. That's why I quote the others who I think is trustworth.
As to that you said their biggest donation is from Trade Unions, I have no ideas if it's true. On CCPA website, it seems they would accept donation from anybody.
即使我们把公企工人的工资拖到我们一样的低工资,谁能保证私企老板会提高私企工人的工资?也许我们说我们可以少交税,但目前的税收政策是加税加在穷人头上,减税减给富人,我们穷人能减税多少? |