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楼主: dlstbwzg007
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戈尔巴乔夫20年后醒悟 西方在愚弄俄

发表于 2009-10-26 15:12:00 | 只看该作者
美国才是公认的邪恶轴心 -- Of course, your beloved Chinese government does not agree this view, otherwise, why does China give US billions of $ every year to expand its military operations all over the world? why does it use up all its resources to supply cheap products for American consumers? why does it condemn and agree to sanction North Korea and Iran for their nuclear programs? why was it one of the first governments that recognise the new Iraqi and Afgan governments installed by US military? There's only one explanation, US and China are both in this axis of evil.   

你所引用的话,是Martin Luther King所说过的最错的一句。这是一个借口,好让自称为公正的人合法地攻击一个被称为不公正的人。现实情况也是如此,强权总是以最大的声音自称为公正,正如美国界定别国是邪恶轴心一样,其实美国才是公认的邪恶轴心。如果世界各国都向美国看齐,人类就自取灭亡了。

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发表于 2009-10-27 17:14:08 | 只看该作者
美国才是公认的邪恶轴心 -- Of course, your beloved Chinese government does not agree this view, otherwise, why does China give US billions of $ every year to expand its military operations all over the world? why does it use up all its resources to supply cheap products for American consumers? why does it condemn and agree to sanction North Korea and Iran for their nuclear programs? why was it one of the first governments that recognise the new Iraqi and Afgan governments installed by US military? There's only one explanation, US and China are both in this axis of evil.   


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发表于 2009-10-27 19:57:43 | 只看该作者
So you agreed: US and China need each other. Also on the personal level, most of the leaders in China have family and properties in the US and western countries, their children receive education in the west, so they don't have the slightest interest to see the US fail. Their only demand is for the US to not help change CCP's dictatorship ruling in China which the American appear to be complying, because they need China too.


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发表于 2009-10-27 21:20:12 | 只看该作者
So you agreed: US and China need each other. Also on the personal level, most of the leaders in China have family and properties in the US and western countries, their children receive education in the west, so they don't have the slightest interest to see the US fail. Their only demand is for the US to not help change CCP's dictatorship ruling in China which the American appear to be complying, because they need China too.

你的英语真的很烂,什么叫on the personal level?从前会手痒痒的改正过来,今天不会咯!!!

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发表于 2009-10-27 22:02:57 | 只看该作者
I'm glad I can give you this confidence. I admit my English is extremely poor, I think 'on the personal level' is a proper English phrase, but maybe it's not. Anyway, I think this forum is for discussing political topics, not how poor my English is. But if my terrible English can offer you guys some laughing material and also boost your confidence, I think I better continue, thanks.


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发表于 2009-10-28 12:58:54 | 只看该作者
So you agreed: US and China need each other. Also on the personal level, most of the leaders in China have family and properties in the US and western countries, their children receive education in the west, so they don't have the slightest interest to see the US fail. Their only demand is for the US to not help change CCP's dictatorship ruling in China which the American appear to be complying, because they need China too.

你真是蠢到了家,中共领导人的子女在美国接受教育难道就是“so they don't have the slightest interest to see the US fail.”。正相反,他们希望明天一醒来美国就从地球消失,可实际上美国并不会主动消失,其他国家也没有能力让美国消失,于是只好利用一下,算是没有办法的办法。中美互相需要是现实利益的结果,也是冠冕堂皇的话,实际是各自都能独立生存,虽然没有共存的益处更大。要知道,美国独立之前中国就独自生存了几千年。

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发表于 2009-10-28 19:34:09 | 只看该作者
What are you talking about? If the US disappears, all China's foreign reserve, its largest market, biggest investor also disappear. Hundreds of millions Chinese workers producing export goods lose their jobs and go on the streets to confront the communist regime. Can the CCP afford this consequence?  The Chinese leaders and the American politicians, capitalists are already wearing the same pants, they are in honeymoon, working hand-in-hand to exploit poor workers in both countries and the world, and further enrich themselves.  Only short-sighted little guys like you still dream of seeing them fighting someday.

你真是蠢到了家,中共领导人的子女在美国接受教育难道就是“so they don't have the slightest interest to see the US fail.”。正相反,他们希望明天一醒来美国就从地球消失,可实际上美国并不会主动消失,其他国家也没有能力让美国消失,于是只好利用一下,算是没有办法的办法。中美互相需要是现实利益的结果,也是冠冕堂皇的话,实际是各自都能独立生存,虽然没有共存的益处更大。要知道,美国独立之前中国就独自生存了几千年。

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发表于 2009-10-29 16:45:41 | 只看该作者
What are you talking about? If the US disappears, all China's foreign reserve, its largest market, biggest investor also disappear. Hundreds of millions Chinese workers producing export goods lose their jobs and go on the streets to confront the communist regime. Can the CCP afford this consequence?  The Chinese leaders and the American politicians, capitalists are already wearing the same pants, they are in honeymoon, working hand-in-hand to exploit poor workers in both countries and the world, and further enrich themselves.  Only short-sighted little guys like you still dream of seeing them fighting someday.


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