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发表于 2007-2-12 08:56:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


加拿大与中国关于一名加拿大籍维吾尔族人士身份的执拗继续升级。加拿大总理哈珀表示,如果这一执拗损害两国经贸关系,那么中国会损失更大。 加拿大总理哈珀星期五在回应中国官员有关过于强调人权可能损害两国经贸关 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2007-2-12
发表于 2007-2-12 09:15:30 | 只看该作者

发表于 2007-2-12 09:48:45 | 只看该作者

Choose Your Battle

Choose your battle is a very popular Canadian saying.  In office politics, we choose our battle to maximize our benefits, so sometimes we have to let go un-critical clash with others.

Why does Harper choose the battle with China?  I don't see any financial gains.  I also can't recall in my 20 years or so living in Canada any Canadian government fought for a Canadian citizen in such a vigorous manner.  I don't see any benefit the Harper government will be getting from this battle.  Human rights in the past 20 years in Canada is slightly better than lip service.

Don't forget PC originated from the former Reformer Party, which was anti-immigrant, anti-China, anti-poverty but very pro USA.

I am afraid Harper chooses the battle with China because of their hardline philosophy; otherwise, I can't find anything to justify their behaviour.

I gave my vote to PC last time hoping they will cut the tax down which apparently is going to happen.  I won't though next time if the battle reflects their philosophy.

Where is the media from the Chinese community?  Where are CTTV, Singtao and Ming Pao?  I am very disappointed that the media chooses the battle on a restaurant business license which is hardly the government fault.  This battle affects every Chinese Canadian and Canadian.

Our media can clarify and provide more factual information for the Chinese community to judge this case, review the asylum process and the potential of allowing terrors in, confront the Harper government's pre-mature strategy in an international trade war and asssess the negative impact on Chinese community.  

Both our media and the Harper government don't know how to choose their battle.
发表于 2007-2-12 10:04:07 | 只看该作者


他和他的主子都是:gangster / rogue / varlet /  blackguard / rascal
发表于 2007-2-12 11:07:35 | 只看该作者
横行霸道! 狂妄自大!
It's comment like this from a diplomat (is he a diplomat? sounded more like a gangster) that degraded the chinese.

North America have had a very liberating trade policy with China for the last 30 years in the hope that economic activity will help to liberalize its political grip, unfortunately it has not happened.

China as a country is very ungratious considering all the help they received from North America, besides a huge trade deficit years after years there are also numerous humanitaron programs in China funded by the western world.

May be all these foreign companies should set up factories in vietnam, indonesia, etc. instead.
发表于 2007-2-12 11:20:58 | 只看该作者
横行霸道! 狂妄自大!

North America have had a very liberating trade policy with China for the last 30 years in the hope that economic activity will help to liberalize its political grip, unfortunately it has not happened.

What are you talking about?  In international trade and business, the only goal is profit making.  There is no agenda whatsoever for non-economic purpose.  Even politcal and social agenda are driven for economic reasons.

China as a country is very ungratious considering all the help they received from North America, besides a huge trade deficit years after years there are also numerous humanitaron programs in China funded by the western world.   

Lots of 51ers know it I am a big Canada fans, but I won't twist my faith and judgement because I don't like China.  In international relationship, there is no such a thing as help.  Every country operates to pursue and maximize their best interest.

Trade deficit is a result of competition.  That's economics 101.
发表于 2007-2-12 11:56:34 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-2-12 12:28:18 | 只看该作者

Lots of 51ers know it I am a big Canada fans, but I won't twist my faith and judgement because I don't like China.  In international relationship, there is no such a thing as help.  Every country operates to pursue and maximize their best interest.

Trade deficit is a result of competition.  That's economics 101.

Good commnet. Can't agree more.

China existed for 5 thousand years and never needs anybody's help.
发表于 2007-2-12 13:10:23 | 只看该作者
That's just show how ignorant many of you are.

China has claimed to be a 3rd world developing country for many years and had received international assistance in many areas for a long time.
Even now it still claimed to be a 3rd world country and have no money to spend on environmental clean up, as a matter of fact 8 of the world's most polluted cities are located in china.
Most of you have been brain washed to kill the America Captialist for years, after 911 the comment you read most often on the chinese internet is a good example.
That's right most of you won't even buy stuff that's made in china becasue you know what's involved.
If people can only manage to pass economic 101, may be that's the reason why someone cannot understand the larger context of history 201, international trade 301 and so forth.
The world will wake up to this one sided trade like they did with the tea trade couple hundreds years ago, history is repeating itself. Chinese never learn from history and it'll pay for its price again.
5,000 years of culture you said? That was all destroyed during the "dump the old 4 stuff" period and in the 10 years cultural revolution, unfortunately.
发表于 2007-2-12 13:29:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-2-12 13:42:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-2-12 15:24:01 | 只看该作者


总理哈珀(Stephen Harper)周五警告中国﹐不要用经济问题威胁加拿大﹐箝制它的行动。加拿大关注中国人权纪录﹐也要维护国外加拿大公民的权益﹐它要不断提人权问题。
他在接受《环球邮报》(Globe and Mail)访问时说﹕「经济关係与政治关係息息相关﹐我不能说﹐加拿大糟塌(这段关係)﹐事实上﹐加拿大与中国的关係是落后的。」
而何亚飞在接受访问时补充,玉山江在成為加国公民之前,已是遭国际刑警发出「红色通缉令」(Red Notice)的国际通缉犯。根据国际刑警成员国的共识,「红色通缉令」发出后,成员国的执法人员需协助追寻被通缉者,而红色通缉令亦要求被通缉者需要遭到遣返。
【明报温哥华专讯】总理哈珀及其核心决策小圈子的灵魂人物肯尼(Jason Kenney)在对华立场上,只有愈来愈强硬,令人不免猜想,除哈珀及肯尼一向关注中国人权状况外,究竟有没有其他军师?经过多番追查,本报发现一名加国西藏活跃分子、通道直达达赖喇嘛的藏人,先受聘於总理办公室「高级顾问」,在肯尼当上多元文化国务部长后,近日更成為他的幕僚长,这些关係,难免惹人有所臆测。
该名藏族加人是丹增达吉坎萨(Tenzin Dargyal Khangsar,小图),中文刊物称呼他為丹增达吉,目前担任「多元文化及国民意识」国务部长肯尼的幕僚长(chief of staff),在此之前,他给本报的名片上,印
发表于 2007-2-12 16:07:56 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-2-12 16:52:29 | 只看该作者
右派们睁开眼睛四下看看。“Made in China"无所不在。不进口中国的东西,仅仅是"dollar"店关门么?有没有搞错啊!Walmart,Sears,Bay,Zellers,Future Shop,Canadian Tire,BestBuy,Gift Shop,Payless, Sportek,OfficeDepot,大小Mall里,随便一个什么店进去看看,有多少不是"Made in China"?由得你喜欢还是不喜欢?特别是有些人拿政府的EI,买得起“Made in America"?

说心里话,有时真搞不懂,为什么加拿大什么都不生产?特别是日常用品,天天要用的。核电站,飞机,毕竟离老百姓远。回国时,想买点"made in Canada"的东西,好在亲朋好友中显显,还就是买不到。也就西洋参,鱼油什么的。
发表于 2007-2-12 17:07:58 | 只看该作者


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