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★★加拿大儿童保护组织的 合法绑架勒索★★

发表于 2008-11-21 09:54:30 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
加拿大儿童保护组织(CAS,Children's Aid Society)是一个通过合法绑架儿童,威胁勒索父母,以向纳税人收取保护费为目的的组织。他们的主要工作是通过密集的审问儿童,寻找机会使儿童说对儿童父母不利的话。然后以此勒索父母和他们签订合同接受他们的辅导。父母若不同意,他们就对父母进行恶意法律攻击(malicious legal attack)他们的另一个目标是把儿童带走领养。他们这样做是因为利益驱使。仅安大略一个省每年CAS就从纳税人手中拿走12.4亿(安大略省人口1200万)
在CAS的帮助下36%的孩子需要毕业于行为纠正系统(corrections system),只有24%的儿童可以高中毕业


发表于 2008-11-21 11:44:24 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-21 11:41:43 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 14:06:31 | 只看该作者
过度用药: (被收养儿童成为药品试验品和市场)


YOUTUBE上的一段录像说, 一位为CAS提供咨询的31年的医生Dr. Marty McKay说: 90%CAS保护的孩子被过度用药。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 16:31:26 | 只看该作者
The Dufferin Children's Aid Society (CAS) has terrorized the parents of Dufferin by removing, or threatening to remove, their children.达弗林儿童援助协会(CAS)恐吓父母带走,或威胁带走,他们的孩子。 We have hundreds of families involved with Children's Aid, and can report the patterns in the most common cases.我们有数百个家庭参与儿童的援助,并可以报告最常见案件的模式。

About half of the cases are single mothers.大约有一半的案件是单身母亲。 Most have little or nothing in support, such a employment income, support from the father, or family members who can contribute to the care of their children and defense against CAS.大多数人很少或几乎没有支持,这样的就业收入,父亲的经济支持,或家庭成员谁可以有助于对子女的照顾和防御儿童援助协会。 CAS views them as sitting ducks who can be bullied without fear of oversight by a judge.儿童援助协会把他们看成坐着的鸭子谁可以被欺负,而不必担心监督的法官。

Another common type of case is the shotgun divorce, in which a caseworker induces a couple to separate or divorce against the will of both parties.另一种常见的例子是劝离婚,其中的个案诱导一对夫妇以分居或离婚的违背双方意愿。 Should an intact family come before a judge, he is unlikely to order the children removed, so CAS must separate the parents to get control of the kids.如果一个完整的家庭来到法官面前,他是不可能为了带走孩子,所以CAS必须单独的父母得到控制的孩子。 Some methods are to suggest to one parent that prospects of keeping your children would be improved by getting a separation, advice that is more compelling when the children are already in foster care.有些方法是建议父母一方的前景,使您的孩子将得到改善得到分离,意见,是更具吸引力的时候,孩子已经在寄养。 Another starts with a domestic disturbance call.另一个开始,国内动乱呼吁。 If the police arrest the father, as current policies encourage, he is released on condition that he avoid contact with his family until trial, giving CAS over a year to bully the now-single mother. We also know a case in which a woman fled from a fight with her husband to the shelter of Family Transition Place.如果警察逮捕的父亲,因为目前的政策鼓励,他被释放的情况下,他避免接触他的家人,直到审判,使儿童援助协会一年多来欺压现在单身母亲。我们也知道,案中一名女子逃离从斗争与丈夫的家庭住房过渡场所。 Social workers coached her for weeks to get her to file criminal charges against her husband.社会工作者执教星期她获得她的档案刑事指控她的丈夫。 On emerging from the shelter, she wanted to return home but could not because of the legal injunctions that followed the charges.对出现的住房,她想回家,但不能因为法律禁令之后的费用。 One father reported several nights when an occupied car parked outside his home for two hours, hoping to catch him with his wife.一位父亲汇报时,几个夜晚一个被占领的汽车停在他家两个小时,希望能追上他与他的妻子。

Yet another common case is the family already divorced.另一种常见的情况是已经离婚的家庭。 One parent may notice a child return from visitation suffering some form of injury.一位家长可能会发现一个孩子回来看望遭受某种形式的伤害。 CAS often ignores this kind of complaint.儿童援助协会往往忽略这样的投诉。 But when persistent complaints annoy CAS, they permanently remove the child from the complaining parent.但是,当持续的烦扰儿童援助协会投诉,他们永久删除的儿童从父母抱怨。 CAS authority in this kind of case cannot be challenged.儿童援助协会权威在这种情况下不能受到质疑。 CAS told one parent to disregard court-ordered visitation with the other.儿童援助协会告诉父母一方无视法院下令探视与其他。 When in due course the police arrived to enforce visitation, they acted on the word of the CAS worker in preference to the court order.当在适当的时候警察赶到强制执行探视,他们采取行动的话,儿童援助协会工人优先于法院的命令。

Children's Aid puts a big effort into separating children from their parents.儿童的援助提出了很大的努力到分离的儿童及其家长。 Since this requires court approval, they need all the help they can get.因为这需要法院的批准,他们需要的所有帮助他们能得到。 They use distorted reports by social workers, harassment of parents, psychiatric reports and assistance from foster parents.他们使用歪曲报道的社会工作者,性骚扰的父母,精神科报告,并协助养父母。 CAS pays foster parents $800 per month for each child, preferring impecunious foster parents who out of necessity stay onside in the struggle with the natural parents.儿童援助协会支付寄养父母每月800美元为每名子女,宁愿impecunious寄养父母谁出于必要越位住宿的斗争中与亲生父母。 We have found upscale families rebuffed as foster or adoptive parents.我们发现高档家庭拒绝作为促进或养父母。 Some foster parents aspire to adopt the children in their care, yet CAS is as brutal to them as to natural parents.有些寄养父母希望通过儿童在他们的照顾,但CAS是残酷的,以他们为亲生父母。

Psychiatric reports always favor the CAS. Psychiatrists get most of their income through referrals by agencies with police power, so opinions hostile to that power imperil their livelihood.精神科报告总是青睐儿童援助协会。精神病医生获得其大部分收入通过推介的机构与警察权力,使敌对的意见,权力危及他们的生计。 In a Dufferin case psychiatrist Diane Benoit testified that a family is unfit if a parent smokes, the family income is under sixty thousand dollars a year, there has been a death in the family, or either parent has previously had a failed romantic relationship.在案件达弗林精神病戴安伯努瓦作证说,一个家庭不宜如果父母抽烟,家庭收入是60000美元一年,出现了死亡的家庭,或父母任何一方以前有没有浪漫关系。 Are you that perfect?你是完美?

Recourse to the courts is futile for most parents because they cannot afford a lawyer.诉诸法院是徒劳的大多数家长,因为他们付不起律师。 Legal Aid for families runs out in a few months, while CAS legal funding is unbounded.法律援助的家庭中运行几个月,而CAS的法律资金是无限的。 In Dufferin the judges are not corrupted, and parents presenting an adequate case see their children returned.在达弗林法官没有损坏的情况,和家长提出适当的情况下看到自己的孩子回来了。 In some other jurisdictions there is an arms-length relationship between the police and the child-protection agency, but not here.在一些其他司法管辖区有一个武器长度之间的关系警察和儿童保护机构,但这里不是。 In Dufferin, Children's Aid and the police are in bed with each other - in addition to the metaphor, there are a number of marriages between social workers and policemen.在达弗林,儿童的援助和警察在床上彼此-除了隐喻,有许多婚姻的社会工作者和警察。

One effect of CAS intervention is the loss of parental authority.一位CAS的影响干预是丧失父母的权威。 Families with teenage children have reported that after CAS intervention, children reject parental supervision, threatening a report to CAS in lieu of proper behavior.家中有十几岁的孩子报告说,在儿童援助协会的干预,儿童父母拒绝监督,威胁到了一份报告,儿童援助协会代替适当的行为。

In several cases CAS intervened for cause, yet on rebuttal of that cause continued its intervention.在一些情况下干预的儿童援助协会事业,但在反驳这一事业继续干预。 In one case a doctor found a broken bone that had healed without treatment, alerting CAS.在一个案例中医生发现骨折愈合了未经处理,提醒儿童援助协会。 Later medical examination showed that the bone had never been broken, but CAS intervention with the family continued.后来的体检表明,骨从来没有被打破,但CAS的干预与家庭仍在继续。

CAS follows the maxim that a past abuser is a future abuser.儿童援助协会如下的格言说,过去的施暴者是一个未来的施虐者。 This makes sense for deliberate harm only.这是有道理的故意伤害只。 Once you lose a child to CAS, they take all future children. Before legal abortions, teenaged girls suffering an unwanted pregnancy sometimes lost the ability to have a family through incompetent abortion.一旦你失去一个孩子CAS,他们采取一切将来的子女。合法堕胎之前,女孩的痛苦少女意外怀孕有时失去的能力,有一个不称职的家庭通过人工流产。 Now when a teenage pregnancy runs to term and the child is seized, the woman still loses her ability to have a family.现在,当一个少女怀孕的运行,以长期和儿童的处理,该名女子仍然失去她的能力有一个家庭。 VOCA has found an abortion motivated by avoidance of a second abduction. Persons convicted of an offense, even fairly minor ones, also cannot have a family.职业已经发现了人工流产的动机避免第二次被绑架。定罪的人的进攻,甚至相当轻微的,也不可能有一个家庭。

We have found four cases of women sheltered at Family Transition Place who had their children seized and placed in foster care.我们已经发现4例妇女在家庭庇护场所转变了谁抓住他们的孩子放在寄养。

Statscan says in 1996 Dufferin had 45,657 inhabitants and 685 births, with an expected 4 infant deaths. According to its own annual report CAS intervenes in some way in the lives of 1353 families in one year, far above any possible level of child abuse.统计局说,在1996年达弗林了45657居民和685产,预计第4婴儿死亡。根据自己的年度报告儿童援助协会干预以某种方式生活的家庭在1353年一年,远远超过任何可能的水平虐待儿童。 The reported number of days care shows that at any one time they have 83 children in foster care.据报道天数的照顾表明,在任何一个时候,他们有83名儿童寄养。 The same report shows 76 children admitted to care per year.同样的报告显示, 76名儿童住院照顾左右。 CAS does not define its terms, but this appears to be the number of children taken against the will of the family.CAS没有界定其职权,但是这似乎是儿童的人数采取的意愿的家庭。 CAS threatens to remove children in almost every case.儿童援助协会威胁消除儿童几乎在每一个案件。 One child in nine will eventually get into foster care.一名儿童在九个最终将进入寄养。

We must point out one abuse in other areas that has not been seen in Dufferin.我们必须指出一个滥用在其他领域,一直没有达弗林。 No children have suffered serious bodily harm while in foster care.没有孩子遭受严重身体伤害的,而在寄养。

Bear in mind that court records are secret, so much of this material comes from interviews with victims.记住,法院记录是秘密,所以大部分材料来自采访的受害者。 On factual refutation by CAS, we will be glad to correct the occasional error that may have come from interviews.事实驳斥了儿童援助协会,我们将高兴地正确的,偶尔的错误,可能来自面谈。

Many parents have reported that Dufferin Children's Aid seized their children.许多家长报告说,达弗林儿童的援助没收他们的孩子。 Below we summarize the reasons they gave justifying the seizure.以下我们总结了原因,他们的理由扣押。

    * altercation between mom and dad (two cases)争吵之间的妈妈和爸爸(两宗)
    * boy burned himself by accident, CAS blamed mom男孩自焚的意外,儿童援助协会指责妈妈
    * boy hid coat from classmates to avoid teasing, treated as neglect男孩躲在大衣从同学,以避免逗弄,视为忽视
    * boy refused to go to school男孩拒绝去学校
    * bruise on child's arm上挫伤孩子的手臂
    * child coached to make incriminating statements on tape儿童执教作出的陈述磁带
    * child is self-destructive儿童是自我毁灭
    * child threatened younger kids儿童威胁孩子们
    * chronic misbehavior by child (lying, stealing)慢性不端行为的儿童(说谎,偷窃)
    * dad asked CAS for help爸爸问CAS的帮助
    * dad committed assault on public street爸爸犯下侵犯公众街道
    * dad fined $150 for cocaine possession爸爸被罚款150美元的可卡因藏
    * dad had a sexual offense conviction before marriage爸爸有进攻性的信念婚前
    * dad got in fight with son在得到父亲与儿子作斗争
    * dad's alleged drinking父亲的指控饮用水
    * dad's new girlfriend calls cas to get mom out of kids life爸爸的新女友要求获得儿童援助协会妈妈的孩子们的生活
    * daughter complained about mom (two cases)女儿抱怨妈妈(两宗)
    * death of father (kids taken from widow)去世的父亲(孩子从寡妇)
    * diaper rash尿布疹
    * discussing masturbation讨论自慰
    * farm animals in the home农场动物在家里
    * girl complained of abuse by dad女孩抱怨虐待的爸爸
    * girl nearing puberty noticed dads touch felt different接近青春期女孩发现爸爸触摸感觉不同
    * girl's sheets dirty from menstruation女孩的肮脏的床单从月经
    * girl whispered to dad during supervised visit女孩低声对爸爸访问期间监督
    * home remodeling家庭重塑
    * inappropriate touching of daughter感人的不适当的女儿
    * kids engage in sex play孩子们从事色情发挥
    * kids had to make their own breakfast.孩子们不得不作出自己的早餐。
    * kids poorly dressed in school孩子们穿着很差学校
    * kids slept on the floor孩子睡在地板上
    * marijuana use by parent (two cases)大麻使用的母公司(两宗)
    * mom (poor cook) fed daughter instant food妈妈(穷人厨师)喂女儿即食食品
    * mom deemed incompetent to care for boy with heart surgery.被认为不称职的妈妈照顾孩子的心脏手术。
    * mom fondled son妈妈摸摸儿子
    * mom refused to allow therapist to examine child妈妈拒绝让检查治疗儿童
    * mom tested positive for drugs during childbirth药检呈阳性妈妈对毒品分娩
    * mom went to women's shelter (three cases)妈妈去妇女收容所( 3件)
    * mother alleged to be suicidal母亲据称是自杀
    * moving furniture between rooms in progress搬运家具的房间进展
    * neighbor accused dad of sexual harassment of daughter邻居被告的父亲的性骚扰女儿
    * neighbors claimed boy was left unattended邻居声称男童被独留
    * not sterilizing a bottle (used once a day to supplement breast-feeding)没有消毒瓶(用于每天一次,以补充母乳哺育)
    * nude photos of mom found on internet裸照的妈妈发现互联网上
    * parent yelled at child (four cases)父母在孩子大叫( 4例)
    * parents engaged in sexual relations after forcibly separated家长参与性关系后,强行分开
    * parents reunited after forcibly separated父母团聚后,强行分开
    * physical violence between parents (two cases)身体暴力,父母之间(两宗)
    * post-partum depression产后忧郁症
    * refusal to return child placed voluntarily拒绝归还孩子放在自愿
    * runaway teenager离家出走少女
    * school found bruises on boy学校发现伤痕的男孩
    * school lunch inadequate学校午餐不足
    * scratch on boy从零开始的男孩
    * smelled alcohol on mom's breath during delivery闻酒精对妈妈的分娩期间呼吸
    * spanking (five cases)打屁股( 5例)
    * swearing in public在公共宣誓就职
    * taped boy's mouth录音男孩的嘴
    * teenager attacked mom少年攻击妈妈
    * there was a lock on the kitchen door, CAS wanted individual locks on all kitchen appliances and doors instead有一个锁的厨房门,CAS希望个别锁在所有厨房用具和门不是
    * too many complaints to cas about ex-spouse (three cases)太多的投诉,CAS有关的前配偶( 3件)
    * vindictive neighbor报复邻居
    * watering the baby's formula because of poverty.浇水婴儿的公式,因为贫穷。
    * women's shelter persuaded mom to file charges against husband妇女收容所说服母亲控告丈夫。
原文见 (http://fixcas.com/find.htm) 由Google自动翻译

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-21 17:52:47 | 只看该作者


Canadian Rights And Freedoms Are At Risk
An Important Notice Regarding Bill C-51
(Posted: 29 April 2008)

On April 8th, 2008, the Canadian Minister of Health introduced Bill C-51 into the House of Commons. This Bill proposes significant changes to the current Food and Drugs Act that will have wide-ranging negative implications for Canadians.

Bill C-51 will:

* Remove democratic oversight, bypassing elected officials to vote in laws and allow bureaucrats to adopt laws from other countries without our consent.

* Remove 70% of Natural Health Products from Canadians and many others will be available by prescription only.

* Restrict research and development of safe natural alternatives in favor of high risk drugs.

* Punish Canadians with little or no opportunity for protection or recourse for simply speaking about or giving a natural product without the approval of government. More than 70% of people in Canada use a Natural Health Product. The new law goes so far as to warrant action against a person who would give another person an *unapproved* amount of garlic on the recommendation that it would improve that person*s health.

Proposed New Enforcement Powers:

* Inspectors will enter private property without a warrant

* Inspectors will take your property at their discretion

* Inspectors will dispose of your property at will

* Inspectors will not reimburse you for your losses

* Inspectors will seize your bank accounts

* Inspectors will charge owners shipping and storage charges for seized property

* Inspectors will be empowered to store your property indefinitely

* Inspectors will levy fines of up to $5,000,000.00 and/or seek 2 years in jail per incident

With your assets and money under their control will you be able to defend yourself in Court?

Can you trust government with this new law and enforcement power?

Would our government really ever turn this law against us? Read the following account.


In 2003 Health Canada launched an attack on a group of mentally ill patients and the company who supported them naturally. They seized shipments of a safe natural therapy required by the patients and stormed the support center with 17 armed officers and agents. The company (Truehope) reported that they lost contact with more than 300 of their Canadian participants. The Canadian Mental Health Association told of suicides as a result of government action.

Health Canada then charged the not for profit company, burdening them with heavy legal costs. Truehope was found innocent by necessity and instructed by the judge to continue under legal and moral responsibility. Although the agents admitted knowing they were injuring people through their actions, they stated under oath they care only about policy and directive. And what happened to the more than 300 mentally ill Canadians that became unreachable? In the months and years following, reports of hospitalizations and suicides during the seizures have surfaced. No Health Canada agent has ever been charged.

Here's what you can do to protect your rights:

Educate Yourself

* Go to http://www.stopc51.com/

* Read a legal discussion on Bill C-51

* Read bill C-51 on www.parl.gc.ca Tell others a

* Talk to your local Press

* Contact your local MP Click Here

* Ask the leaders in your community to get involved

* Contact your MLA

* Tell your Friends

Print or Photocopy this fact sheet and hand it out in your neighbourhood.

Attend our rally at the Calgary Federal Court on May 9th 2008. Call 1-888-878-3467 for Details

Federal Court Rally Information
Where: 635 8 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Canada Federal Court (View In Google Maps)
When: 11:45 AM Friday May 9th

This is a peaceful rally, after which a hearing will be held asking the judge to place restraints on our government*s

ability to seize property without a warrant. Taking place on the 4th floor at 1:00pm.

Forward this email to all of your concerned friends, family and community leaders.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 18:40:52 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-21 21:52:33 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-22 09:07:28 | 只看该作者
请大家看以下网站:http://suncanaa.com/in_memory_ 看看这些被纳税人的血汗钱不幸滥用所害死的可爱的小天使们。
CAS腐败,而且至今无机构有权监督他们。独立审计署已连续两年揭露他们的贪污问题。安省督察员已连续几年要求督察CAS,但就是得不到批准。现在又有省议员提交BILL 93 --省督察员监督CAS,不知能否通过。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-22 10:46:40 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-22 10:50:01 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-22 11:03:27 | 只看该作者
还以为是进入了法轮功网站,相信这个网站,还不如相信法轮功,可能是法轮功的海外英文版     :O

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-22 11:37:05 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-22 19:12:23 | 只看该作者

Foster Care Horror: Toddler Killed, Incinerated by Foster Parents

Three Year Old Boy Killed by Foster Mother's Teenage Son

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-22 19:31:46 | 只看该作者

A report from the Attorney General is expected Monday which details some major family justice reforms.

The changes were sparked in part by the murder this summer of Katelynn Sampson.

Her body was found in the apartment she shared with a couple granted custody of her while her mother battled a drug addiction.

The couple has been charged with first degree murder.

The Toronto Star reports the plan will include new regulations for anyone who wants custody of a child.

Some of those things include having any non-parents get a letter from Children's Aid that shows they are capable of taking care of children.

Another one for non-parents is having to submit to a police check so that any issues can be flagged and both parents and non-parents will have to submit an outlined plan for the child's care before they are granted custody.

10 per cent of all custody applications are filed by non-parents.

Ontario's Attorney General says the new regulations are in an effort to make sure that judges have all the information possible when dealing with custody cases.

New rules on enforcing restraining orders will also be announced on Monday, in an effort to provide more protection for women and children.

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