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★★加拿大儿童保护组织的 合法绑架勒索★★

发表于 2008-11-26 21:12:16 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 05:39:19 | 只看该作者



Wounded Innocents: The Real Victims of the War Against Child Abuse (Paperback)


From Publishers Weekly 出版商周刊
"The war against child abuse has become a war against children," charges Wexler, a reporter for the Albany, NY, Times Union , in a well-argued, in-depth study of the "child protection system" in the US and the politics that enmesh it. “战争反对虐待儿童已经成为一个针对儿童的战争” ,收费准确,有记者在纽约州奥尔巴尼,时代联盟,在良好的主张,深入学习了“儿童保护系统”在美国和政治,缠绕它。 He maintains that even more alarming than the alleged abuses suffered by children at the hands of their parents are the disruption of home life and the long-lasting trauma of minors assigned to institutions and foster homes that are either as bad as or worse than their own families.他坚持认为,更令人震惊的不是所谓所受的虐待儿童的手中他们的父母是破坏家庭生活和长久的创伤的未成年人分配给机构和寄养家庭是不是一样糟糕或不如自己的家庭。 He asserts also that "witch-hunts" of foster parents suspected of improper conduct and harried supporting care system administrators, at times involving false accusations of sexual abuse, are all too common.他还声称“巫捕鲸”的养父母涉嫌不正当行为和harried支持照顾系统管理员,有时涉及诬告的性虐待,都是司空见惯。 While crediting competent, dedicated caseworkers who struggle in an overloaded welfare system, Wexler deplores what he considers misleading statistics and the presumption of parental guilt that underlie much child protection work.虽然入主管,谁专门个案斗争中超载的福利制度,韦克斯勒表示遗憾,他认为什么误导的统计数据和推定的父母有罪所依据的儿童保护工作。 Preventive programs, legal measures and financial incentives meant to preserve original families figure in his detailed recommendations for reform.预防程序,法律措施和财政奖励意味着保持原有家庭的数字在他详细的改革建议。
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.版权所有1990年里德商业信息公司 -此文字是指绝版或无法版这个名称。

From Library Journal 从图书馆期刊
The author, a journalist for the Times Union (Albany, NY), charges that Americans have surrendered their most fundamental liberties to a too-powerful child-protective system that turns everyone dealing with children into an informer and encourages the public to do the same.作者,记者的时代联盟(纽约州奥尔巴尼) ,收费,美国人已经放弃其最根本的自由,一个过于强大的儿童保护制度,把每个人都处理儿童成为一个告密者,并鼓励市民做同样。 As a result, Wexler reports, each year one out of every 30 children nationwide is reported to Child Protective Services as allegedly abused; most cases are dismissed as unsubstantiated, but not before the accusations have wreaked emotional havoc with a million innocent families.因此,准确的报告,每年一次,每30名儿童报全国儿童保护服务的虐待;大多数情况下,被解雇的证明,但在此之前的指控造成了严重破坏感情万无辜的家庭。 Meanwhile, some abused children are overlooked by a system whose resources are wasted on unfounded cases.同时,一些受虐待的儿童被忽视了系统的资源被浪费在毫无根据的案件。 Wexler substantiates his charges with numerous print sources and personal interviews; he offers 35 recommendations for the overhaul of the system.韦克斯勒证实他的指控与众多打印的来源和个人访谈,他提供了35个建议,供检修制度。 This extensively researched volume deserves to be read by anyone concerned with child abuse.这种广泛研究货量值得任何人宣读了有关虐待儿童的行为。 Recommended for all academic, public, and institutional libraries.建议所有的学术,公共图书馆和体制。
- Christy Zlatos, Northeastern Univ. -克里斯蒂Z latos,东北大学。 Libs., Boston 库。波士顿
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.版权所有1990年里德商业信息公司 -此文字是指绝版或无法版这个名称。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 05:54:55 | 只看该作者



Elusive Innocence: Survival Guide for the Falsely Accused (Paperback) 逃离天真:诬陷生存指南(平装)



Review 评论
"Dean Tong's Elusive Innocence should be a wake-up call to child advocates and lawmakers." “院长佟的难以捉摸纯真应敲响了警钟,以儿童权利倡导者和国会议员。 ” -- Kathleen Parker, Nationally Syndicated Columnist -凯瑟琳帕克,全国专栏作家

"Required reading for any parent, lawyer, or social worker in divorces and child custody disputes." “必读的任何父母,律师,社会工作者或在离婚和孩子的监护权纠纷。 ” -- Roy Black, Criminal Defense Attorney -罗伊黑色,刑事辩护律师

Product Description 产品描述
With the rise in divorce and child custody battles, child abuse charges have become a weapon of choice, often times false, and it is these accusations that are tearing apart lives, affecting all involved.随着离婚和子女监护的战斗,虐待儿童的指控已成为核武器的选择,往往虚假的,是这些指控是四分五裂的生活,影响到所有参与。 The Child Welfare system supposedly designed to help children is actually helping children to destroy their lives.儿童福利制度理应旨在帮助儿童实际上是帮助儿童摧毁他们的生活。 This book affords those falsely accused and their defence attorneys, who often find themselves in a 3-ring circus...juvenile, family and/or criminal courts, a vehicle for countering and defeating abuse allegations.这本书使那些虚假的指控和辩护律师,谁经常发现自己中了3环马戏团...少年,家庭和/或刑事法院,车辆的打击和挫败性虐待指控。 The book is a life jacket for the falsely accused parent and inexperienced attorney.这本书是救生衣的诬告家长和经验的律师。 Dean Tong is an internationally known forensic consultant on related child abuse, domestic violence and child custody cases.院长佟是一个国际知名的法医顾问的有关虐待儿童,家庭暴力和儿童监护案件。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-27 08:59:44 | 只看该作者


恩 ,不错!还连着点皮,没完全掉下来。



使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-27 09:37:03 | 只看该作者

Bill 93 proposes a complaint mechanism through the Ombudsman.

Ombudsman watches all government organizations in Canada, and they are trying to reach their hand (read expanding their power) to non government organizations (NGOs) which receive government funding.

Bill 93 did not receive too much attention because it overlaps too much with the Bill 210 in 2006, which has been proclaimed and become the Child and Family Services Amendment Act.

The Bill 210 provides a complaint mechanism through a tribunal, i.e. the Child and Family Services Review Board which covers s68, s61 and s141.  The Board is a tribunal (read a law court) so their findings and rulings are binding and almost final (there still is a higher process called judicial review).

The disadvantage of Ombudsman complaint is their findings and rulings are not binding.

In addition to the Child and Family Services Review Board, there are too many watching and monitoring systems in place, for examples:

1. Ministry of Child and Youth Services;
2. The Paediatric Death Review Committee and their Under 6 Committee, reviewing all fatality cases involving CAS
3. The Children's Lawyers Office providing independent legal representation for all children in CAS care.
4. All MPs.
5. The last and the most important is the child welfare law court.  All apprehension must reach the child welfare court within 5 calendar days for the judge to determine whether child is at risk subject to the Child and Family Services Act s37 a to l, and whether there is a lesser intrusive course of action (i.e. no other relatives or member of the community to provide alternate care).

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 11:46:51 | 只看该作者
Bill 93 proposes a complaint mechanism through the Ombudsman.
In addition to the Child and Family Services Review Board, there are too many watching and monitoring systems in place, for examples:

1. Ministry of Child and Youth Services;
2. The Paediatric Death Review Committee and their Under 6 Committee, reviewing all fatality cases involving CAS
3. The Children's Lawyers Office providing independent legal representation for all children in CAS care.
4. All MPs.
5. The last and the most important is the child welfare law court.  All apprehension must reach the child welfare court within 5 calendar days for the judge to determine whether child is at risk subject to the Child and Family Services Act s37 a to l, and whether there is a lesser intrusive course of action (i.e. no other relatives or member of the community to provide alternate care).

CAS并不关心如何使孩子将来幸福快乐,他们只关心证据[Evidence],因为证据可以使他们得到更多“被保护(in care)”儿童,从而使他们从纳税人手中拿更多的钱。他们用得最多的词是 有风险(risk)。其实,孩子遇到的最大风险就是被CAS盯上。正如第一贴的一个连接中指出的那样,CAS in care 儿童中只有24%的能高中毕业。



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 13:38:55 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-27 14:41:14 | 只看该作者
在俺看来, 孩子遇到的最大风险就是被楼主盯上

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 17:01:17 | 只看该作者

若遇不测,如何应对儿童保护组织(CAS) (2)




来自: “                         " “
To: [email protected] 到: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 7:10 AM 发送:星期五,二○○二年十月十一日上午7时10分

Dear Leonard: 亲爱的伦纳德:

.... .... unfortunately it is ironic that the American people can get terribly  excited about the sociopaths in the middle east but not about the destruction of children and families here at home. 不幸的是,具有讽刺意味的是,美国人民能感到兴奋可怕的反社会的人在中东而不是在国内对儿童和家庭的摧毁。 Americans like their illusions- not only on the big screen but in everyday life.  A very frustrating state of affairs for both of us. 美国人喜欢他们的幻想,不仅在大屏幕上,但在日常生活中。一个非常令人沮丧的状况对于我们两个来说都是。

I worked for Child Welfare, State of Michigan for over 23 years . 我从事儿童福利,密执安州超过23年。 During that time I was generally fighting with supervisors and others about how to handle cases. 在此期间,我经常与主管和其他人员争论有关如何处理案件问题。 Anyway, here is the way I see it. 总之,这里就是我看到的。

In one word, Evidence. 一句话,证据。

Despite  your constitutional rights, the judiciary has both jury and bench trial powers.  If something entails a prison term, then a citizen has a right to a trial by jury (and the rule of evidence is clear and convincing ) . 尽管你的宪法权利,司法机关既陪审团和法官的审判权力。如果有需要的徒刑,那么一个公民都有权要求由陪审团审判(和法治的证据是明确和令人信服的 ) 。

If the punishment does not entail prison for the alleged perpetrator,  then a bench trial is perfectly constitutional (is it? I don't think so ) and the rules of evidence change to preponderance . The judge becomes jury and judge at once. 如果处罚不涉及监狱被指控犯罪人,然后一条长凳审判,是完全合宪(是什么? 我不这么认为 )和证据规则的改变优势 。法官成为陪审团和法官在一次。 In this situation, your freedom is never threatened. 在这种情况下,你的自由是从来没有威胁。 The child is removed, a fine like in a traffic court (!) ,  but the alleged perpetrator will not go to jail. 孩子被带走, 就像在交通法庭罚款一样 ( ! ) ,但被指控犯罪人不会去坐牢。

This word Preponderance , a legal precept, is your enemy . 这个字优势 ,法律观念,是你的敌人 。

Preponderance of the evidence means that in the good judgment of the judge, the evidence presented indicates that a child has been harmed. 优势的证据意味着,在良好的判断力的法官,所提交的证据表明,一个孩子受到伤害。 Unfortunately, It is the PS worker who writes up a list of pieces of evidence that is called a petition . Often this evidence is presented ex parte 不幸的是,这是社工写了一个清单件的证据表明,被称为了一份请愿书。往往这方面的证据是单方面 meaning the alleged perpetrator is not present to defend him or herself. 这意味着被指控人没有为自己抗辩。

A lot of this so called evidence is the PS worker stating that they have seen or heard or whatever. 很多这样的所谓证据是社工指出,他们看到或听到或者别的什么东西。

It is very important that you advise your parents to get this petition . Go to the courthouse and ask the Court Clerk for a copy ~please~. It is public record. 这是非常重要的,你提醒你的父母得到这个请愿书。 转到法院,要求法院办事员的一份〜请〜 。这是公开的纪录。

They should read it themselves and respond to it in writing immediately and I cannot stress this word "immediately" enough. Time is the critical factor here. 他们应该阅读它本身和回答它立即以书面形式与我不能强调这个词“立即”不够的。时间是在这里的关键因素。

A person does not need an attorney to do this.  If they feel they are not good writers, then finding an English major will do them more good than an attorney . 一个人并不需要律师这样做。如果他们感到他们是不是好作家,然后找到一个英语专业将尽他们更良好的比律师。 If they have a witness or other document to show that the petition is wrong, they should get this and show up in court with this stuff or the witness. 如果他们有证人或其他文件表明,请愿是错误的,他们应该得到这一点,并显示在法院这个东西或证人。

If they have actually done the deed like leaving a child alone they should still respond in writing with an explanation. 如果他们确实做了,像把孩子一个人留下,他们仍应书面答复与解释。

Most parent's first reaction is to find the PS worker so they can find their child. 大多数家长的第一反应是要找到的社工,使他们能够找到他们的孩子。 Wrong move but understandably the one that a distraught parent would choose. 错误的举动,但可以理解的一个,一个发狂的家长会选择。 The hearing is held within a day or so. (called the 72 hour or dependency hearing) 听证会举行一天或如此。 (所谓的72小时或依赖听证会)

    The parent usually is so busy running around looking for help to get the child back that the allegations stand only because no one challenged them . Also the parent may miss this hearing or don't know about it. It is this hearing that is most crucial. 母公司通常是如此忙碌奔波寻求帮助让孩子回来,这些指控的立场不仅是因为没有人质疑他们。此外,母公司可能错过这次听证会或不知道。 正是这种听证会是最重要的。

The first hearing ex parte is also the problem. The PS worker and the judge are basically alone.   What constitutes harm to a child changes with each county, each social service office and each jurist. Preponderance of the evidence is arbitrary because there is no standard to compare the evidence at hand. 第一次听证会单方面的也是这个问题。工作者的PS和法官基本上是单独。什么构成伤害孩子的变化每个县,每个社会服务办公室和每一个法学家。 优势的证据是任意的,因为没有标准比较手头上的证据。

The polices and laws  are so vague that each county can decide what is and is not child abuse/neglect. 在政策和法律是如此含糊,每个县可以决定是什么,而不是儿童虐待/忽视。

Conversely,  some of the most pernicious child abuse does not leave any evidence, like situational sexual abuse where the perpetrator  does not penetrate the victim but touches them inappropriately or threatens them into oral sex or other frightening behaviors. 相反,一些最有害的虐待儿童不会留下任何证据,如情境性虐待的行为不会穿透的受害者,但他们不恰当地涉及或威胁到口交或其他可怕的行为。 This can go on for years and the statements of the child are suspect as a lie or fabrication. 这可以去多年和报表的儿童嫌疑人的谎言或捏造的。

Because sexual abuse is a criminal offense ,  a jury trial is available to the perpetrator. Prosecutors rarely have sufficient evidence--clear and convincing-- to prosecute . A child's statements comes down to their  word against their parent/stepparent or other adult (Guardian Ad Litim , CASA, medical or psych clinic worker) . 由于性虐待是一种犯罪行为 ,陪审团审判是提供给肇事者。 检察机关很少有足够的证据-明确和令人信服的-起诉。一个孩子的发言归结为他们的话对他们的父母/s t epparent或其他成人(卫广告Litim家,医疗或心理诊所的工人) 。

Emotional and psychological abuse of a child is the same--no real evidence by the court's standards. 情感和心理虐待儿童是相同的-没有真正的证据,法院的标准。

Under this system the nightmare is that a lot of benign events turn into events easily documented in (the extremely low) terms of evidence. 根据这一制度的恶梦是,很多良性的事件变成很容易的事件记录(极低)的证据。 Judges actually hide behind recommendations of FOC (Friend of the Court) counselors and PS workers because they (the judges) have no clue. They are lawyers not mental health professionals. 法官实际上躲在建议福州(友苑)辅导员和PS的工人,因为他们(法官)没有任何 线索。他们的律师没有心理卫生专业人员。

At the same time jurists and social workers enjoy immunity * under the law for their horrible mistakes. The bad guys get away with murder and good people  end up having children removed from school before they even know what is happening. * Fixed 1-24-2008 in BELTRAN v. 与此同时法学家和社会工作者享有豁免 * 根据法律的可怕的错误。坏人得逞谋杀和善良的人最终有孩子从学校前,他们甚至不知道所发生的事情。 * 固定1-24 - 2008年在贝尔诉 SANTA CLARA COUNTY 圣克拉拉县

The solution is legal in my opinion .  And organizations like JAIL and your organization need to come together and unite.  Although, education and support of parents is important, it is the law and judicial process that needs a big overhaul with regard to family matters. 解决的办法是合法的,我的看法。和组织像监禁和您的组织需要团结起来,团结起来。虽然,教育和家长的支持是很重要的, 它是法律和司法的过程,需要一个大检修方面的家庭问题。

    Quite Frankly, the law should be very specific with regard to the conditions under which children can be removed from their parent's care. 坦率地说,法律应该是非常具体的关于在何种条件下的儿童可以从他们父母的照顾。

For example, leaving a child alone is not a good idea but hardly warrants removal and foster care.  Cases like sexual  abuse should be reviewed by a tribunal of qualified persons who are elected into their positions and who are not in any way beholding to courts .  They should review the state's evidence (PS evidence)  and interview parents and others who are interested before a decision is made to remove a child . 例如,让孩子独自不是一个好主意,但几乎令取消和寄养。例喜欢性虐待应审查法庭的合格人员谁当选纳入自己的立场,谁是不以任何方式beholding向法院提出诉讼。他们应该检讨国家的证据(社工证据) 和面试家长及其他有兴趣谁作出决定前,移除一个孩子。

If a child has been horribly beaten or battered, they are usually in the hospital and the hospital can retain the child if this seems prudent to this tribunal. No one should be excluded in this process. 如果孩子已经一塌糊涂殴打或虐待,他们通常在医院和医院可以保留孩子,如果这似乎谨慎的这个法庭。 任何人都不应被排除在这一进程中。

Another problem with the law is that only the parties can come forth and only an attorney can represent you at the FOC (friend of the court) or in court. This seems to me a big violation of your civil rights. 另一个问题的法律是 ,只有当事方能够站出来 ,只有律师可以代表你在福州(朋友的法院) ,或在法庭上。 这似乎给我一个大侵犯了您的公民权利。

Most defense attorneys or attorneys at court come in minutes before the hearing and have no idea of what has occurred in the case,  but yet represent you.  A child advocate who is with a family for quite some time needs to be able to represent the family if they so choose in any context--tribunal or courtroom. They know what the hell is going on. 大多数辩护律师或律师在法庭来分钟的听证会举行前,而且不知道什么已经发生的情况,但尚未代表你 。一个孩子是谁主张与家人相当长的一段时间必须能够代表家庭如果他们愿意在任何情况下-庭或审判。他们知道地狱的一切。

Finally, the courts now hold jail over the custodial parent's head if the custodial parent does not comply with visitation orders.  Also the judge can remove a child not because the custodial parent is abusing the child but because the parent is complaining that the non custodial parent is abusing the child.   A complaint without a substantiated child abuse conviction is seen as false witness. So you  see the whole mess is a quagmire. 最后,法院现在持有的监狱羁押父母的头部,如果家长监护不符合探视订单。法官还可以带走一个孩子,不是因为羁押父母虐待儿童,而是因为父母抱怨说保管人虐待儿童。申诉未经证实的虐待儿童的信念被看作是虚假的证人。 所以你看到整个是一个泥潭。

On the one hand PS is taking children away for nothing and on the other a sexual  abuser gets away with damaging a child's well being for life. 一方面是社工无故把儿童带走,另一方面孩子可能给了一个其他性施虐者,这就损坏了孩子的幸福生活。 In custody matters the abuser can continue to abuse unfettered because if the other parent complains the judge can remove the child because of the complaint. 在羁押事项施暴者可以继续施暴不受约束的,因为如果另一个家长抱怨,法官因投诉可以带走儿童。

I think there are remedies to this whole mess, but the first thing to do is to get grass roots organizations talking and meeting and contacting legislators. Quite frankly this is a good time because there is recognition of this mess by professionals who wish to change it. 我觉得有补救措施,这整个烂摊子,但要做的第一件事就是让基层组织讨论和会议,并与立法会议员。坦白说这是一个很好的时间是因为认识到这一点混乱的专业人士,谁愿意改变它。

************************* *************************
Notes: 注:

Preponderance- the fact or quality of being preponderant; superiority in weight, power, numbers, etc.: The preponderance of votes is against the proposal. 优势,事实或质量优势正在;优势,重量,功率,数量等: 在优势票反对这一提议。

Petition- an application for a court order or for some judicial action. 请愿书,申请法院命令或对某些司法行动。
ex par·te - 当然杆特 -

   1. Law From or on one side only, with the other side absent or unrepresented: testified ex parte; an ex parte hearing. 法律或者只有一边,与对方缺席或任职: 单方面作证;单方面听证会。
   2. From a one-sided or strongly biased point of view.从片面或强烈偏见的观点。

Amendment VII 修订七

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars , the right of trial by jury shall be preserved , and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.在诉讼普通法,那里的价值争议不得超过21美元的权利, 由陪审团审判应予以保留 ,并没有事实审判的陪审团,否则应重新审查在任何法院,美国不是根据规则的普通法。

Is a child worth $20? 儿童是一个价值20美元?

benign - 良性 -
1. 1 。         having a kindly disposition; gracious: a benign king.有一个善意处分;亲切: 一种良性国王。
2. 2 。         showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness: a benign smile.展示或表达的温柔或善良: 一种良性的微笑。

represent - 代表 -

YOU have all the rights but when there is a representative on your name YOU are NOT THERE and the court acts as though there is no human there with rights, no parents, only slaves and the state says they are the parents.您拥有所有的权利,但如果有一个代表你的名字你不存在和法院的行为,好像没有人有权利,没有父母,只有奴隶和国家说,它们的父母。 It is insane but that is what they say literally.这是疯狂的,但那是他们所说字面。

People must learn the difference between "represented status" and "pro per" or "sui juris" status in the court.人们必须学会之间的差别“代表地位”和“亲为”或“特殊的法律”地位的法院。 The deception is that "pro se" means literally "represent myself" and you do NOT "represent" yourself - you ARE yourself.欺骗的是, “亲本身”是指字面“代表自己” ,你不“代表”你-你是你自己。 The difference is between living and being a non entity.两者之间的生活和作为一个非实体。 Do not believe anyone in the court who tells you there is no difference in what these terms mean in the court process.不要相信任何人在法庭上谁告诉你有没有差异这些名词的含义在法院的进程。 From Gaston's Taking over your case Sui Juris从迪奥的考虑你的情况下随法学

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 20:54:27 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 20:54:52 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 20:55:16 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:31:05 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:58:39 | 只看该作者

若遇不测,如何应对儿童保护组织(CAS) (3)




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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 08:04:14 | 只看该作者

回复:若遇不测,如何应对儿童保护组织(CAS) (3)


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