VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 22:08:02


11. apple of one's eye掌上明珠
   (1) Helen is the apple of her mother's eye.


12. a ready pen有準備的筆 ~~ 文筆敏捷
   (1) The editor of that magazine is a ready pen.


13. a red tape紅色的帶 ~~ 繁文縟節
   (1) The rule set by the officer are all red tapes.


14. a short cut短的切斷 ~~ 捷徑
   (1) There is no short cut to knowledge.

15. a stop watch停了的錶 ~~ 碼錶
   (1) That teacher used a stop watch to check the student's record.


16. a walking library會走路的圖書館 ~~ 博學多聞的人
   (1) We call Jim a walking library because he knows a lot of things.


17. a wet blanket濕了的毯子 ~~ 殺風景的人
   (1) The boring old man was a wet blanket at the party.


18. a white lie白色謊言 ~~ 善意的假話
   (1) The doctor told a white lie to the patient.


19. a yellow boy黃孩兒 ~~ 金幣
   (1) Sometimes people would say "a yellow boy" instead of "a gold coin".


20. as good as gold和黃金一樣 ~~ 循規蹈矩的人
   (1) The poor man's children are as good as gold.

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 22:10:11


21. as green as grass像草一般綠 ~~ 脾氣不好的人
   (1) His father is as green as grass.


22. all ears (all eyes)所有的耳朵 ~~ 全神貫注
   (1) The students are all ears in class.


23. ants in one's pants螞蟻在褲子裡 ~~ 坐立不安
   (1) He has got ants in his pants.


24. apple polisher擦蘋果的人 ~~ 賄賂
   (1) An apple polisher is not exactly a bribe, but is close to it.


25. at sea在海上 ~~ 茫然
      (1) When I walked on the busy road, I was at sea.


26. as the crow flies烏鴉探路 ~~ 直線距離
      (1) It's only 10 km to the nearest school as the crow flies.


27. Achilles' heal阿奇里斯的腳跟 ~~ 致命弱點

28. apple of Sodom金玉其外,敗絮其中

29. at sixes and sevens亂七八糟
      (1) Everything in the house is at sixes and sevens.


30. ax to grind花言巧語騙人

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 23:22:04

給 luckyriver 的一個測驗

I. 在英文中,有許多利用動物來作比喻的有趣慣用語,試試看你能配對幾題。

bird(s)cat(s)   micedog(s)   sheep   fish   antselephant    goose    crocodile   pig   mule   horse   butterflies    lion monkeyleopard   snail

1.They were just crying _____ tears; indeed they were not sad at all.

2.It’s no use trying to change him. A _____ never changes its spots.

3.He’s a greedy man. He always takes the _____’s share when he shares something with others.

4.I’m so hungry that I could eat a _____.

5.In order to lose weight, she eats like a _____.

6.He complained that the project was undergoing at a _____’s pace.

7.The motorcycle Nick bought turns out to be a white _____; it uses a lot of gas and breaks down quite often.

8.Tom’s parents are both doctors, and his brother is a lawyer. People think Tom is the black _____ of the family because he is a high school dropout.

9.Mr. Smith was the dark _____ in the election. Few people expected he would win.

10.Bob is an excellent tennis player. His opponent is just a beginner. Bob will make a _____ out of him.

11.I always get _____ in my stomach before taking an exam.

12.When the _____ is away the _____ will play.

13.Although the twin brothers love each other very much, they often fight like _____ and _____.

14.Don’t try to change David’s mind—he’s as stubborn as a _____.

15.He made a _____ of himself at the dinner party and then he had a stomach.

16.It was raining _____ and _____ when I came home last night.

17.She plans to go shopping and visit her friend on her way home. She’ll kill two _____ with one stone.

18.He cooked his _____ when he had a quarrel with his boss.

19.He’s got _____ in his pants about the results of his entrance exam.

20.She felt like a _____ out of water when she just entered the new school.

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 23:34:42

Fun With Idioms 趣味成語

Time is money.時間就是金錢,一寸光陰一寸金。

Better late than never. 遲到好過不到。

There’s no time like the present.現今是最好時機。

The early bird gets the worm.   早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。

Time waits for no man.光陰不留人。

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-25 22:02:41


除了熟知的 (顏色)「綠色的;青蔥的」之外;
其它意義如:「未熟的;嫩的 ;無經驗的;容易上當的;妒忌的(+with);
(記憶) 清晰的、栩栩如生的; (臉色等)發青的」

green fruit 未成熟的果實
green grass 青草
green grave 新墓
green grey 灰綠色
green belt 綠化地帶
green from school 剛畢業;剛出學校
be green as grass 幼稚


1. be green in experience 新手;缺乏經驗

be green at/in one's job 對工作沒有經驗

If you are totally green in experience, you probably would want a beginning "Step-by-step" type of book first.

2. be green with envy/jealousy 十分妒忌;善忌

英文常用"the green-eyed monster"代表envy因此會有green with envy的結合

Tame your green-eyed monster.
It is the green-eyed monster that makes you hurt her.

3. in the green

光是"in the green"問得有點瓏統內~
(比如「什麼…in the green」或「in the green of 什麼」
例如:in the green of one's years 在……的青春時代

4. a green thumb 栽培植物的特殊才能
【例句】Do you have a green thumb? 你精於園藝嗎?

luckyriver 发表于 2005-8-26 16:43:27

回复:給 luckyriver 的一個測驗

給 luckyriver 的一個測驗

I. 在英文中,有許多利用動物來作比喻的有趣慣用語,試試看你能配對幾題。

bird(s)cat(s)   micedog(s)   sheep   fish   antselephant    goose    crocodile   pig   mule   horse   butterflies    lion monkeyleopard   snail

1.They were just crying crocodiletears; indeed they were not sad at all.

2.It’s no use trying to change him. A _____ never changes its spots.

3.He’s a greedy man. He always takes the lion ’s share when he shares something with others.

4.I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse .

5.In order to lose weight, she eats like a bird .

6.He complained that the project was undergoing at a snail ’s pace.

7.The motorcycle Nick bought turns out to be a white _____; it uses a lot of gas and breaks down quite often.

8.Tom’s parents are both doctors, and his brother is a lawyer. People think Tom is the black _____ of the family because he is a high school dropout.

9.Mr. Smith was the dark horsein the election. Few people expected he would win.

10.Bob is an excellent tennis player. His opponent is just a beginner. Bob will make a _____ out of him.

11.I always get butterfliesin my stomach before taking an exam.

12.When the _____ is away the _____ will play.

13.Although the twin brothers love each other very much, they often fight like _____ and _____.

14.Don’t try to change David’s mind—he’s as stubborn as a mule .

15.He made a _____ of himself at the dinner party and then he had a stomach.

16.It was raining catsand dogswhen I came home last night.

17.She plans to go shopping and visit her friend on her way home. She’ll kill two birdswith one stone.

18.He cooked his goosewhen he had a quarrel with his boss.

19.He’s got antsin his pants about the results of his entrance exam.

20.She felt like a fishout of water when she just entered the new school.

Tks chu sir....

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-26 20:38:36

回复:給 luckyriver 的一個測驗

給 luckyriver 的一個測驗

I. 在英文中,有許多利用動物來作比喻的有趣慣用語,試試看你能配對幾題。

bird(s)cat(s)   micedog(s)   sheep   fish   antselephant    goose    crocodile   pig   mule   horse   butterflies    lion monkeyleopard   snail

1.They were just crying _____ tears; indeed they were not sad at all.

2.It’s no use trying to change him. A _____ never changes its spots.

3.He’s a greedy man. He always takes the _____’s share when he shares something with others.

4.I’m so hungry that I could eat a _____.

5.In order to lose weight, she eats like a _____.

6.He complained that the project was undergoing at a _____’s pace.

7.The motorcycle Nick bought turns out to be a white _____; it uses a lot of gas and breaks down quite often.

8.Tom’s parents are both doctors, and his brother is a lawyer. People think Tom is the black _____ of the family because he is a high school dropout.

9.Mr. Smith was the dark _____ in the election. Few people expected he would win.

10.Bob is an excellent tennis player. His opponent is just a beginner. Bob will make a _____ out of him.

11.I always get _____ in my stomach before taking an exam.

12.When the _____ is away the _____ will play.

13.Although the twin brothers love each other very much, they often fight like _____ and _____.

14.Don’t try to change David’s mind—he’s as stubborn as a _____.

15.He made a _____ of himself at the dinner party and then he had a stomach.

16.It was raining _____ and _____ when I came home last night.

17.She plans to go shopping and visit her friend on her way home. She’ll kill two _____ with one stone.

18.He cooked his _____ when he had a quarrel with his boss.

19.He’s got _____ in his pants about the results of his entrance exam.

20.She felt like a _____ out of water when she just entered the new school.

luckyriver 都算幾勤力啦! 我會叫秀才老師表揚你!


1. crocodile tears (假悲傷)2. leopard (此句表本性難移)3. the lion’s share(最大的份額) (此句表餓極了)5. bird (喻食量小) 6. a snail’s pace(慢得像蝸牛爬行) 7. white elephant (費錢而又無用的東西)   8. black sheep (敗類;害群之馬)   9. dark horse (黑馬;實力難料的人)10. make a monkey out of (使某人出醜) 11. get butterflies in one’s stomach (緊張)12. cat; mice (此句喻上面的人不在,下面的人就可自在) 13. fight like cat and dog(經常激烈爭吵) stubborn as a mule(固執)15. make a pig out of oneself (大吃大喝) 16. rain cats and dogs(下傾盆大雨) 17. kill two birds with one stone(一石二鳥) 18. cook one’s goose (自毀前程) 19. get ants in one’s pants (坐立不安) 20. like a fish out of water (感到不自在)

南山秀才 发表于 2005-8-26 21:05:40

嗯,luckyriver 的确了不起哈,表扬!!! :thumbu:

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-26 22:00:18

Over 很好用



1. 在...之上,在正上方
We live over a small bookstore.
2. (覆蓋)在...上面
We spread a carpet over the floor.
3. 越過...
A plane flew over the house.
4. 從...邊緣上往下
5. 在...對面
6. 遍及,到處
7. (職位等)高於;支配;監督
He never tries to curry favor with those over him.
8. 超過,多餘
9. 在...期間
My grandchildren will stay over Christmas.
10. 一面...一面...
They chatted over a cup of coffee.
11. 通過...媒介
She told me over the telephone about it.
12. 關於;在...方面


1. 在上方;在上空
2. 倒下,翻倒
3. 從一邊至另一邊;越過
She stepped over to the other side to avoid meeting him.
4. 越出邊緣;溢出
The soup spilled over.
5. 從一人至另一人;從一方至另一方
6. 剩餘;更多,較大
Is there any cement over?
7. 過分,太
8. 遍及;全部地;處處
The river froze over.
9. 自始至終,從頭至尾
10. 再一次,重複地
He plans to do it over again.


1. 結束的,完了的
Summer is over. It is autumn now.
2. 上面的;上方的
3. (蛋)雙面煎的

luckyriver 发表于 2005-8-26 22:29:00


嗯,luckyriver 的确了不起哈,表扬!!! :thumbu:


VicChu 发表于 2005-8-26 22:47:00


 當考路考的考官說pull over時,你是否會不知所措?有人邀請你參加 Potluck
Party時,你會不會空手赴宴?速食店裡,店員問「for here or to go?」你是否
會丈二金剛摸不著頭腦,莫名其妙?Give me a ring! 可不是用來求婚的。 Drop
me a line. 更非要你排隊站好。老美說「Hi! What's up!」你可別說「I am
▲Potluck Party :一種聚餐方式,主人準備場地和餐具,參加的人必須帶一道菜
▲Pull over!把車子開到旁邊。
▲Drop me a line!寫封信給我。
▲Give me a ring. = Call me!來個電話吧!
▲For here or to go?堂食或外賣。
▲cool; That's cool! 等於台灣年輕人常用的口語「酷!」,表示不賴嘛!用於
▲What's up? = What's happening? = What's new? 見面時隨口問候的話「
最近在忙什麼?有什麼新鮮事嗎?一般的回答是「Nothing much!」 或「Nothing
▲Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it! 少來這一套!同學之間開玩笑
▲Don't give me a hard time! 別跟我過不去好不好!
▲Get yourself together! 振作點行不行!
▲Do you have "the" time? 現在幾點鐘?可別誤以為人家要約你出去。
▲Hang in there. = Don't give up. = Keep trying. 再撐一下。
▲Give me a break ! 你饒了我吧!(開玩笑的話)
▲Hang on. 請稍候。
▲Blow it. = Screw up. 搞砸了。
▲What a big hassle. 真是個麻煩事。
▲What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。
▲Go for it. 加油
▲You bet. = Of course. 當然;看我的!
▲Wishful thinking. 一廂情願的想法。
▲Don't be so fussy! 別那麼挑剔好不好。
▲It's a long story. 唉!說來話長。
▲How have you been? = How are you doing? 你過得如何?近來可好?
▲Take things for granted. 自以為理所當然。
▲Don't put on airs. 別擺架子。
▲Wishful thinking. 一廂情願的想法。
▲Don't be so fussy! 別那麼挑剔好不好!
▲Give me a lift! = Give me a ride! 送我一程吧!
▲Have a crush on someone. 迷戀某人。
▲What's the catch? 有什麼內幕?
▲Party animal. 開Party狂的人(喜歡參加舞會的人)。
▲Pain in the neck. =Pain in the ass. 討厭的東西、人或事。
▲Skeleton in the closet. 家醜
▲Don't get on my nerve! 別把我惹毛了!
▲Afat chance. =A poor chance. 機會很小。
▲Don't put on airs!別擺架子!
▲I am racking my brains. 我正在絞盡腦汁。
▲She's a real drag. 她真有點礙手礙腳。
▲Spacingout.=daydreaming. 做白日夢。
▲I am so fed up. 我受夠了!
▲It doesn't go with your dress. 跟你的衣服不配。
▲What's the point? = What are you trying to say? 你的重點是什麼?
▲By all means.=Definitely. 一定是。
▲ steam        蒸       poach                水煮
  boil        煮       toast                烤(麵包)
  grill        烤、煎     roast(duck)        烘烤、紅燒、(烤鴨)
  braise        油炸過用溫火燉 pure                煮成濃湯
  broil        燒、烤     season                加調味料
  panbroil        用淺鍋燒烤   seasoning        調味料
  fry                炸、炒     dressing        沙拉醬
  bake        烤       gravy                肉汁
  saute'        用溫火慢炒   appetizer        飯前菜、小菜
  stew        燉、燜、紅燒  entree                主菜
  simmer        慢燉、煨    snack                點心、小點
  stir fry        快炒、大火炒  marinate        醃、用滷汁泡,滷汁
  smoke        燻
▲Let's get a bite. = Let's go eat. 去吃點東西吧!
▲I'll buy you a lunch (a drink; a dinner). = It's on me. =
My treat. 我請客
▲Let's go dutch. 各付各的
▲My stomach is upset.        我的胃不舒服
▲diarrhea 拉肚子
▲吃牛排時,waitor 會問 "How would you like it ?" 就是問「要幾分熟?
」的意思,可以選擇 rare,medium 或 well-done。
▲I am under the weather. =I am not feeling well. 我不太舒服!
▲May I take a rain check? 可不可改到下次?(例如有人請你吃飯,你未能
▲I am not myself today.我今天什麼都不對勁!
▲Let's get it straight.咱們把事情弄清楚!
▲What's the rush!急什麼!
▲Such a fruitcake! 神經病!
▲I'll swing by later. =I'll stop by later. 待會兒,我會來轉一下。
▲I got the tip straight from the horse's mouth. 這個消息是千真萬
▲easy as pie = very easy = piece of cake 很容易。
▲flunk out 被當掉。
▲take french leave 不告而別。
▲I don't get the picture. =I don't understand. 我不明白。
▲You should give him a piece of your mind. 你應該向他表達你的不滿。
▲hit the road = take off = get on one's way 離開。
▲Now he is in the driver's seat =He is in control now.
▲Keep a low profile (or low key).採取低姿態。
▲Kinky =bizarre =wacky =weird古怪的。
▲klutz (=clutz) =idiot 白癡、笨蛋。
▲know one's way around 識途老馬。
▲lion's share 大部份。
▲tailgate 尾隨(尤其跟車跟得太近)。
▲take a back seat.讓步。
▲take a hike =leave me alone =get lost 滾開。
▲hit the hay =go to bed 睡覺。
▲Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 載我一程好嗎?
▲green hand 生手、沒有經驗的人。
▲moonshine = mountain dew 指私釀的烈酒(威士忌)或走私的酒。胡說八道也
可用moonshine。His story is plain moonshine.
▲chill out =calm down =relax(來自黑人英語)
▲rip off =steal;I was ripped off. 我被偷了;rip off 也常被用為「剝
奪」My right was ripped off. 權利被剝奪(來自黑人英語)。
▲我們稱美國大兵為G.I. (Government Issue) or GI Joe, 德國兵或德國佬為
Fritzor Kraut,稱英國佬為John Bull,日本人為Jap.或Nip,猶太人為Jew都是
▲mess around (with)瞎混;Get to work. Don't mess around.趕快工作,
▲sneak in,sneak out 偷偷溜進去,溜出來。sneakers 運動鞋。
▲She is such a brown-noser. 她是個馬屁精。
▲This is in way over my head. 對我而言這實在太難了。
▲I am an exam jitter and I always get a cramp in my stomach. 我
▲Keep your study (work) on track. 請按進度讀書(工作)。
▲Did you come up with any ideas? 有沒有想到什麼新的意見?
▲Don't get uptight !Take it easy. 別緊張,慢慢來!
▲Cheese ! It tastes like cardboard. Cheese吃起來味如嚼臘!
▲Get one's feet wet. 與中文裡的「涉足」或「下海」,寓意相同,表示初嘗某
事。I am going to try dancing for the very first time. Just to
get my feet wet.

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-26 23:21:44


A thousand times no! 絕對辦不到!
Don't mention it. 沒關係,別客氣。
Who knows! 天曉得!
It is not a big deal! 沒什麼了不起!
How come… 怎麼回事,怎麼搞的。
Easy does it. 慢慢來。
Don't push me. 別逼我。
Come on! 快點,振作起來!
Have a good of it. 玩得很高興。
It is urgent. 有急事。
What is the fuss? 吵什麼?
Still up? 還沒睡呀?
It doesn't make any differences.沒關係。
Don't let me down. 別讓我失望。
God works. 上帝的安排。
Don't take ill of me. 別生我氣。
Hope so. 希望如此。
Go down to business. 言歸正傳。
None of my business. 不關我事。
It doesn't work. 不管用。
I'm not going. 我不去了。
Does it serve your purpose? 對你有用嗎?
I don't care. 我不在乎。
Not so bad. 不錯。    
No way! 不可能!
Don't flatter me. 過獎了。  
Your are welcome. 你太客氣了。
It is a long story. 一言難盡。
Between us. 你知,我知。
Big mouth! 多嘴驢!
Sure thin! 當然!
I'm going to go. 我這就去。
Never mind. 不要緊。
Can-do. 能人。
Close-up. 特寫鏡頭。
Drop it! 停止!
Bottle it! 閉嘴!
Don't play possum! 別裝蒜!
Make it up! 不記前嫌!
Watch you mouth. 注意言辭。
Any urgent thing? 有急事嗎?
How about eating out? 外面吃飯怎樣?
Don't over do it. 別太過分了。
Can you dig it? 你搞明白了嗎?
I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。
You want a bet? 你想打賭嗎?
What if I go for you? 我替你去怎麼樣?
Who wants? 誰稀罕?
December heartbeat. 黃昏戀。
Follow my nose. 憑直覺做某事。
Cheap skate! 小氣鬼!
Go to hell! 去死吧!
Come seat here. 來這邊坐。
Good luck! 祝你好運!
Gild the lily. 畫蛇添足。
Make it. 達到目的,獲得成功。
I'll be seeing you. 再見。
He has an ax to grind. 他另有企圖。
I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能讓我搭一程嗎?
It is raining. 要下雨了。
Can I have this. 可以給我這個嗎?
I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂靜。
Why are you so sure? 怎麼這樣肯定?
Is that so? 是這樣嗎?
Don't get loaded. 別喝醉了。
Stay away from him. 別靠近他。
Don't get high hat. 別擺架子。
Right over there. 就在那裏。
Doggy bag. 打包袋。
That rings a bell. 聽起來耳熟。
Sleeping on both ears. 睡的香。
Play hooky. 曠工、曠課。
Do you have any money on you? 你身上帶錢了嗎?
What is you major? 你學什麼專業?
My girlfriend and I broke up. 我和我的女朋友吹了。
It was something that happens once in
the blue moon. 這是千載難逢的事。
It is a deal! 一言為定!
I'll kick you ass. 我將炒你魷魚。
Dinner is on me. 晚飯我請。
Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家問好。
Not precisely! 不見得,不一定!
That is unfair. 這不公平!
We have no way out. 我們沒辦法。
That is great! 太棒了!
You are welcome! 別客氣!
Blast! 媽的!
Boy! (表示驚奇,興奮等)哇!好傢夥!
Get out of here! 滾出去!
I can't make both ends meet. 我上個月接不到下個月,缺錢。
It can be a killer. 這是個傷腦筋的問題。
Dead end. 死衚同。
Take a seat! 請坐!
Here ye! 說得對!
You ask for it! 活該!
You don't say! 真想不到!
Fresh paint! 油漆未幹!
He pushes his luck. 他太貪心了。
I am the one wearing pants in the house.我當家。
It's up in the air. 尚未確定。
Side dish. 配菜。
I am all ears. 我洗耳恭聽。
Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。
Good for you! 好得很!
Go ahead. 繼續。
Help me out. 幫幫我。
Let's bag it. 先把它擱一邊。
Lose head. 喪失理智。
Talk truly. 有話直說。
He is the pain on neck. 他真讓人討厭。
Do you have straw? 你有吸管嗎?
You bet! 一定,當然!
That is a boy! 太好了,好極了!
It's up to you. 由你決定。
The line is engaged. 佔線。
My hands are full right now. 我現在很忙。
Don't make up a story. 不要捏造事實。
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.小別勝新婚。
She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊塗。
Get an eyeful. 看個夠。
He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很銳利。
Shoot the breeze. 閒談。
Tell me when! 隨時奉陪!
It is a small world! 世界真是小!
Not at all. 根本就不(用)。
Let's play it by ear. 讓我們隨興所至。
Wait and see. 等著瞧。
Why so blue? 怎麼垂頭喪氣?
What brought you here? 什麼風把你吹來了?
Hang on! 抓緊(別挂電話)!
Leave me alone. 別理我。
Chin up. 不氣 ,振作些。
You never know. 世事難料。
High jack! 舉起手來(搶劫)!
Why die she marry a man old enough to
be her father? 她為什麼要嫁給一個年齡與她父親相當的男人?
I stay at home a lot. 我多半在家裏。
She'll be along in a few minutes. 他馬上會過來。
I'm not it a good mood. 沒有心情(做某事)。
He is a fast talker. 他是個吹牛大王。
I'm bored to death. 我無聊死了。
Bottoms up! 乾杯!
Daring! 親愛的!
Here we are! 我們到了!
I lost my way. 我迷路了。
She is still mad at me. 她還在生我的氣。
I'll get even with him one day. 我總有一天跟他扯平。
Hit the ceiling. 大發雷霆。
She's got quite a wad. 她身懷鉅款。
I don't have anywhere to be. 沒地方可去。
I'm dying to see you. 我很想見你。
I swear by the god. 我對天發誓。
Nothing tricky. 別耍花招。
You might at least apologize. 你頂多道個歉就得了。
Price is soaring, if it goes on like this,we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.  物價直線上升,這樣子下去,我們鍋裏可沒什麼東西煮飯。
None of you keyhole. 不準偷看。
Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎麼不講道理。
When are you leaving? 你什麼時候走?
You don't say so. 未必吧,不至於這樣吧。
Don't get me wrong. 別誤會我。
You don't seem to be quite yourself today.你今天看起來不大對勁。
I have to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜歡遲到而讓別人久等。
Would you mind making less noise. 能不能小聲點。
It doesn't take much of you time. 這不花你好多時間。
Not in the long run. 從長遠來說不是這樣的。
It is of high quality. 它品質上乘。
There is nobody by that name working here.這裡沒有這個人。
He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽煙。
Break the rules. 違反規則。
How big of you! 你真棒!
Poor thing! 真可憐!
Nuts! 呸;胡說;混蛋

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-27 20:51:58


Keeping up with the Jones'.


Keep up with 是趕上、追隨的意思,Jones’ 泛指鄰人朋友或生活周遭的人,合起來看便是-當你看到生活周遭的人,不管在衣飾舉止上有什麼熱潮或流行,那熱潮流行已成為社會的表徵,是被你肯定的,因此別人有,你也要有,這就叫做 keeping up with Jones'。

這句的由來是一個真人真事的典故,在1913年的時候,有一個年輕人叫做Authur Momand ,當他約23歲時,他每個禮拜可以賺進美金125元,是一個蠻成功的年輕人,想住高級住宅區,或成功企業家所聚集的地方,所以他和妻子就搬到紐約市高級住宅區,搬進去之後,他們就看到鄰居有各種不同的高級休閒及設施等等。他們發現鄰居都參加country club,所以他也跟著參加各種社交活動,並舉辦晚宴,他的收入並不能負荷這些開銷,以致於搬離高級住宅區,1913年,他在報上連載一些幽默小品,他將自己的故事刊於報上,但將鄰居的名字改用較普偏的姓,就是用Jones’來代替,他用自己的故事幽自己一默,此小品共連載28年,很受大眾歡迎,於是這句話就流傳至今。

The real McCoy

The real McCoy這個詞,無論是指貨品或人都可以,如果用於貨品的話,就是指真貨或正牌商品,如果指人的話,就是指本人,而非替身,所以正牌的東西或人就叫做The real McCoy。

McCoy 是姓,他是十九世紀後半的一個拳擊手,這個拳擊手自稱Kid McCoy,某天在某個Bar裡,有個拳擊手喝醉了,他吹噓說:「我跟 Kid McCoy 對打的話,不管何時何地,我兩三下就可以輕易地打倒他。」此時,Kid McCoy 他也在 bar 裡,Kid McCoy過去揮了一拳,把那個吹噓的拳擊手狠狠地打倒在地上。後來引申出,不是冒牌的,是價真貨實的,或是本人,這種就叫做The real McCoy。

另一個說法是,本來不叫做 The real McCoy 而是叫做The real Mackay,聽說是從蘇格蘭來的,Mackay原是指很棒的人或很好的酒,但是後來因為大家很崇拜Kid McCoy,所以就把真正很棒的人的人或東西叫做 The real McCoy,但後人認為後面這個典故較牽強,所以前面的典故是大家較為相信的。

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-27 21:57:37

南山秀才 发表于 2005-10-21 19:44:50

嗯,不好了。VicChu 校长关闭学校了么?
怎么如此冷清呢? :p

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