VicChu 发表于 2005-8-23 21:17:02


先学习学习,然后有空再说嘛。嘿嘿。 :D






VicChu 发表于 2005-8-23 21:45:37

中文俗話英語表達 (一)

1. 愛理不理give the cold shoulder
I don't know why she gave me the cold shoulder.我不知道為什麼她對我愛理不理。

2. 擺架子put on airs
Don't put on airs with me.I don't buy it.別對我擺架子,我不吃那一套。

3. 白相go out and have fun
Let's go out and have fun on the weekend.咱們周末出去白相白相。

4. 白眼dirty look
People give him dirty looks wherever he goes. 他到處遭人白眼。

5. 抱粗腿 (結交權貴)get in with the rich ( powerful )
He got in with the powerful people to get promoted. 他抱粗腿得到升遷。

6. 避人耳目keep a low profile
Keep a low profile when you do this. 做這件事時,要避人耳目。

7. 變卦do an about face
Did she do an about face? 她變卦了嗎?

8. 兵荒馬亂the chaos of war
They lost contact with each other during the chaos of the war. 他們在兵荒馬亂中失去連絡。

9. 不管三七二十一despite the consequences
Despite the consequences, he drank the glass of wine. 他不管三七二十一喝下那杯酒。

10. 看不順眼rub one the wrong way
He really rubs me the wrong way. 我看他很不順眼。

spring3 发表于 2005-8-23 21:49:18


VicChu 是校长,飘飘是老师。我是一个学生。spring3 是我的学长呢。 :D

欢迎 luckyriver 学妹入学哈。 :D


请受在下三鞠躬! :p:p

spring3 发表于 2005-8-23 21:55:46

Chu   Sir,   please   tell   mewhat   does   it   mean---------

'There    is   no      solution       to   be      found   in    the       bottom       of       a       bottle.'

THANKS   A      LOT. :smile:

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-23 22:07:01

Chu   Sir,   please   tell   mewhat   does   it   mean---------

'There    is   no      solution       to   be      found   in    the       bottom       of       a       bottle.'

THANKS   A      LOT. :smile:

'There    is   no      solution       to   be      found   in    the       bottom       of       a       bottle.'


spring3 发表于 2005-8-23 22:11:58


'There    is   no      solution       to   be      found   in    the       bottom       of       a       bottle.'



VicChu 发表于 2005-8-23 22:19:02





VicChu 发表于 2005-8-23 22:26:37


VicChu 是校长,飘飘是老师。我是一个学生。spring3 是我的学长呢。 :D

欢迎 luckyriver 学妹入学哈。 :D

秀才點知 luckyriver 是女的?


VicChu 发表于 2005-8-23 22:45:26

中文俗話英語表達 (二)

11. 不痛不癢的話talk about the weather
You always talk about the weather. 你總是說些不痛不癢的話。

12. 不像話outrageous
She wears a miniskirt to her wedding.It's outrageous. 她結婚時竟穿了條迷你裙,太不像話了!

13. 不修邊幅not pay attention to one's appearance
He never pays attention to his appearance.

14. 不擇手段by any means available
He has won the game by any means available. 他不擇手段贏得比賽。

15. 不知所云mumbo-jumbo
That guy talks mumbo-jumbo. 那傢伙不知所云。

16. 不知天高地厚still wet behind the ears
This young man is still wet behind the ears. 這年輕人不知天高地厚。

17. 不著邊際dancing around the subject
He is nervous and dances around the subject when he talks. 他講話時因為緊張而不著邊際。

18. 太陽打西邊出來;才怪呢when pigs fly
He will come when pigs fly. 他會來才怪呢!

19. 參差不齊a mixed bag
The group of people is a mixed bag. 那群人水準參差不齊。

20. 插隊cut in front of
He always cuts in front of other people.他總是愛插隊。

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-23 23:25:06

中文俗話英語表達 (三)

21. 茶餘飯後dinner conversation
The baseball game has become fodder for dinner conversation. 棒球賽成了茶餘飯後的話題。

22. 拆東牆補西牆take from Peter to pay Paul
Taking money from your company would be like taking from Peter to pay Paul. 從你的公司拿錢是拆東牆補西牆。

23. 唱反調do the opposite
My son always does the opposite of what I say. 我兒子總是和我唱反調。

24. 超然rise above
People often have difficulties rising above material temptation. 人往往很難超然物外。

25. 徹頭徹尾out-and-out
What he said was an out-and-out lie. 他的話是徹頭徹尾的謊言。

26. 沈得住氣 one's feathers can't be ruffled
His feathers can't be ruffled even facing death. 即使面對死亡,他都沈得住氣。

27. 吃錯藥了 got up on the wrong side of the bed
He must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. 他一定是吃錯藥了。

28. 臭美 full of oneself
She's so full of herself that she often makes a bad impression. 她老愛臭美,給人留下壞印象。

29. 抽籤 draw straws
We have to make the decision by drawing straws. 我們只有抽籤決定了。

30. 出爾反爾 go back on one's word; break a promise
He is not one to break a promise. 他不是出爾反爾的人。

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 00:01:11

中文俗話英語表達 (四)

31. 湊齊 round up
Have you rounded up enough people? 人數湊齊了嗎?

32. 打盹 take a catnap
I sometimes take a catnap in the afternoon. 我下午偶爾打個盹。

33. 大海撈針 look for a needle in a haystack
To find him in such a big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack. 在這麼大的城市找他就像大海撈針。

34. 打退堂鼓 back out
Don't back out now.We will succeed soon. 不要打退堂鼓,我們快成功了。

35. 彈丸之地 a tiny place
It may be a tiny place but it is very important to our country. 雖然是彈丸之地,對我們國家而言卻很重要。

36. 當一天和尚撞一天鐘 trudge along
Don't be lazy, you must trudge along anyway. 不要偷懶,當一天和尚撞一天鐘。

37. 倒栽蔥 fall headfirst
He fell headfirst from the roof. 他倒栽蔥地從屋頂摔下來。

38. 刀子嘴豆腐心 one has a sharp tongue but means well
She has a sharp tongue, but she means well. 她是刀子嘴豆腐心。

39. 得了吧 Give me a break!
Give me a break!That's impossible. 得了吧!那是不可能的。

40. 得理不饒人 argue a point to death
He argues a point to death, even when his classmate apologizes. 他的同學道歉了,他還是得理不饒人。

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 00:11:58

中文俗話英語表達 (五)

41. 等閒視之brush off
This is something serious, it shouldn't be brushed off.此事非同小可,不能等閒視之。

42. 跌破眼鏡one's jaws dropped
Everyone's jaws dropped when she got married. 她結婚了,令大家跌破眼鏡。

43. 盯梢shadow
She hired a detective to shadow her husband. 她雇了私家偵探盯梢她丈夫。

44. 動不動就發火touchy
He's been touchy these days. 他這一陣子動不動就發火。

45. 東家長西家短spreading rumors
Women often spread rumors about others. 女人總愛東家長西家短。

46. 東山再起get back on one's feet
He has got back on his feet, better than before. 他東山再起,表現比從前更好。

47. 兜圈子beat around the bush
Tell the truth.Quit beating around the bush. 說實話,別兜圈子。

48. 對牛彈琴cast pearls before swine; preach to a deaf ear
It is like casting pearls before swine to talk about this to him. 和他談這個簡直是對牛彈琴。

49. 二百五jerk
Think before you do.Don't be a jerk. 做事之前先想一下,不要當二百五。

50. 耳目一新open the eye of
That picture has opened the eyes of all students. 那圖畫令學生們耳目一新。

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 10:25:27

中文俗話英語表達 (六)

51. 翻臉go off
He just went off all of a sudden. 他說翻臉就翻臉。

52. 飯桶airhead
You are such an airhead! 你真是個飯桶!

53. 風涼話insensitive remarks
She often makes insensitive remarks. 她常說風涼話。

54. 風馬牛不相及neither here nor there
All of this talking is neither here nor there. Let's get the point. 別淨扯風馬牛不相及的事,言歸正傳吧!

55. 蓋棺論定conclude a matter
It is too early to conclude this matter. 現在對這事蓋棺論定為時過早。

56. 乾瞪眼one's hands are tied
He is angry, but his hands are tied. 他很生氣,但也只有乾瞪眼。

57. 趕鴨子上架put someone on the spot
My boss put me on the spot to do the work. 老闆要我做這工作,真是趕鴨子上架。

58. 格格不入not fit in with
She feels she doesn't fit in with those people. 她覺得和那些人格格不入。

59. 個中老手no stranger to
I'm no stranger to English. 我是英文的個中老手。

60. 狗頭軍師buttinski
Don't listen to him.He's a buttinski. 別聽他的,他只是個狗頭軍師。

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 10:28:11

中文俗話英語表達 (七)

61. 古往今來throughout the ages
Throughout the ages, any beauty could hardly resist the temptation of money.古往今來,美人難過金錢關。

62. 灌迷湯sweet talk
Don't sweet-talk me into it.I won't give you money anymore. 別給我灌迷湯了,我不會再給你錢的。

63. 好自為之behave oneself
From now on, please behave yourself. 從現在起,請你好自為之。

64. 橫行霸道be a bear
Thatbad guy is such a bear. 那壞人橫行霸道。

65. 紅人golden boy
He's the company's golden boy. 他是公司裡的紅人。

66. 厚此薄彼play favorites
It's not right for parents to play favorites. 做父母的不能對孩子厚此薄彼。

67. 胡鬧horse around
Stop horsing around.Let's start to study.別胡鬧了,我們開始學習吧。

68. 胡謅cook up a wild story
Don't believe him.He is just cooking up a wild story. 不要聽他胡謅。

69. 話匣子chatterbox, motormouth
She is a chatterbox who never shuts up. 她一打開話匣子就停不了。

70. 貨比三家shop around
Shop around so you can get the best deal. 貨比三家不吃虧。

VicChu 发表于 2005-8-24 10:31:04

中文俗話英語表達 (八)

71. 激將法egg...on
He's just egging you on. 這不過是他的激將法。

72. 家喻戶曉be a household name
Coke is a household name. 可口可樂家喻戶曉。

73. 將心比心put oneself in someone's shoes
By putting yourself in her shoes, you will understand her feeling. 將心比心,你就能了解她的心情。

74. 焦頭爛額deeply troubled
He was deeply troubled by this problem. 他被這問題弄得焦頭爛額。

75. 節骨眼critical moment
At this critical moment, you must insist on. 在這個節骨眼,你必須堅持下去。

76. 潔身自愛keep your nose clean
You had better keep your nose clean. 你最好潔身自愛。

77. 今朝有酒今朝醉live for today
He lives for today and doesn't care anything. 他今朝有酒今朝醉,不顧一切。

78. 空頭支票empty promises
We want action, not empty promises. 我們要的是實際行動,不是空頭支票。

79. 扣人心弦touching
The music is really touching. 這音樂真是扣人心弦。

80. 來龍去脈entire scenario
We should get a clear idea of the entire scenario of this accident. 我們應該弄清楚這件意外的來龍去脈。
页: 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 [57] 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
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