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发表于 2015-12-23 11:12:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 唐炜臻 于 2015-12-24 10:38 编辑



















发表于 2015-12-23 11:47:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 华人岛主 于 2015-12-23 12:30 编辑


老唐, 这事儿呀, 您得辩证地去看待. 我觉得主要是大家内心深处受我们的传统影响, 还有顾虑. 怕株连九卒, 怕被您赤脚的人, 不小心跺一跺脚, 溅人家一身泥.

另外, 这边的法制系统特别繁杂, 没人能都弄明白. 所以他们作为普通老百姓, 也无能为力, 不可能真能做点儿什么, 帮上您. 再说了, 这里的人, 家家都有本难念的经, 恐怕有的人家, 自身还顾不上呢.

实际上有些顾虑在资本主义制度的加拿大是多余地. 不是说这里的制度好, 我是说这种制度的特点是就事论事, 一人做事一人担当, 基本上牵涉不上他人. 在您家最困难的时候, 他们应该出手帮您, 即便看在上帝的份儿上... ...

我等八竿子打不到的陌生人, 现在不好意思出面. 按规矩是要排在后面等侯地.

另外, 劝你诉苦公事时, 尽量以事论事, 避免搀杂个人情绪及恩怨. 这样, 外人才好从维护正义的角度出手相助.


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发表于 2015-12-23 12:28:45 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2015-12-23 12:41:23 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-12-23 13:17:09 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-23 13:19:43 | 只看该作者
华人岛主 发表于 2015-12-23 11:47

老唐, 这事儿呀, 您得辩证地去看待. 我觉得主要是大家内心深处受我们的传统 ...




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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-23 13:20:11 | 只看该作者
五十曲艺 发表于 2015-12-23 12:28

怨只怨加拿大监狱饲养太 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-23 13:24:57 | 只看该作者


我是2013年的2月,一个非常寒冷的星期天走进我们国语华人基督教会的。当时正值寒冬腊月,外面飘着大雪,不仅外面天气冷,我的心更冷,多十倍百倍的冷, 我与大家的情况都不一样,非常的特别。2012年年底我最尊敬的父亲因胆结石,更主要是因为我先生生意遇到的官司, 他非常担心我的一家人而积忧成疾,仅70岁就离开了我们。

我怀着一颗极其悲痛和内疚的心情送走了父亲后,2013的一月初我从中国返回加拿大。屋漏偏又遭霜打, 紧接着2月1号,先生的官司因为没有律师加上他是华人,司法程序对他极端不公平,他受到极大的迫害,被严重误判有罪含冤入狱,这个打击对我们来说如五雷轰顶,灭顶之灾。更有甚者,在这么艰难的时候,在这冰雪交加的冬天, 银行还天天喊着要卖我的房子,赶我出家门,使我整天生活在恐惧之中。

这接二连三的遭遇和求助无门的现实让我伤心难过到了极点。痛苦,愤怒和绝望让我每日以泪洗面,感觉当时人生已无路可走。这时我的好朋友秋衡姊妹跟我说:"走, 到教堂去, 神一定会给你开启另一扇大门”,就这样我怀着一颗破碎冰冷又渴望的心跟着秋衡来到了教会。

我很清楚地记得那天牧师讲的那段圣经里有这么一句——在神的面前我们都是罪人,这段经文让我心理得到很大的安慰,印象非常深刻,有罪的人在上帝面前都能得到宽恕,何况还没有罪呢?在我们华人眼里,谁吃了官司坐牢,那是一件名誉面子扫地,极端不光彩的事。自我先生被判入狱,一时间我们一家人好像被当成当年中国的地主,走资派,异教徒和反革命分子,被人鄙视, 个个离我们而去,谁都不敢站出来,生怕会被连累。

我们自己也被这横来之祸,愈加之罪弄得不知所措,非常恐惧害怕,不敢出门,我连买菜也不敢,进教会都是带着帽子的,怕别人看见 。自那天听了一段圣经,我心里的紧张马上得到舒缓, 是啊,我和大家没有什么不同,在上帝面前,个个都是罪人,何况先生还是被冤枉的(他的案子没完,还在上诉,定会还他清白)。这段经文给了我启发和鼓励,也极大地激发了我对圣经的兴趣。随着参加一个又一个的主日崇拜和团契查经学习,神的话语象一把金钥匙打开了我心里一个个心结,渐渐地我心里有了平安,也恢复了自己原有的自信和勇气。


神的恩典和荣耀还通过一个个热心的基督徒兄弟姐妹传递给我。记得我第一天到教会,看到一张张灿烂的笑脸和温暖的双手,象冬天里的一把火,温暖我这颗冰冷的心, 顿时让我感觉到大家的热情,感觉到基督徒的不一样。大家不仅没有另眼相看我排斥我并且在我没地方住的时候,在我经济十分困难的时候,体弱多病的时候,在我家小狗无处安生的时候,教会的兄弟姐妹们纷纷伸出援助之手,也包括不在这个教会的一些耶稣崇拜者和USANA健康家园的基督姐妹们,给了我许多许多无私的爱和帮助,我感激万分。每当我谢谢他们时,个个都说应该感谢神, 一切都是神的恩典!

2013 年2月10号的主日崇拜上,教会邀请了一位外面的牧师讲道,这位牧师用自己的亲身经历和体会将神的话语诠悉得淋漓尽致,听得我泪流满面,非常激动,就在那一刻我毫不犹豫决志了。

教会就象一个大家庭,在这个大家庭里没有歧视只有平等,没有恨只有爱,我们一个个子民 在至高无上的天父的看顾下,领受生命活水泉源永不枯竭!


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发表于 2015-12-23 13:50:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 华人岛主 于 2015-12-23 14:08 编辑
唐炜臻 发表于 2015-12-23 13:24


老唐, 看到您家的遭遇非常同情. 按此地的习惯讲, 与此案无关的家人不应当受牵连, 遭同样的罪 特别是您的孩子们和亲朋好友. 我理解, 在具体操作上, 有关部门肯定没处理好这件事, 犯了严重错误. 直接或间接地连带了您的家属. 在这方面, 有关部门应该负责. 不过, 我敢推测, 人们会反过来指责是您的过错, 这类指责既不全面, 也不客观.


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发表于 2015-12-23 13:54:39 | 只看该作者
唐炜臻 发表于 2015-12-23 13:20

不能这么理解. 一般人受传统思潮误导都会这么想.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-23 14:05:18 | 只看该作者
From: Vance Tang [[email protected]]
Sent: April 23, 2015 3:35 PM
To: Gonos, John
Cc: Collier, Esther; Lim, Esther
Subject: Sincere Letter of Gratitude

Dear Mr. Gonos, Mrs. Collier, and Mrs. Lim,

These past years, I honestly thought that I was "stupid." I did not understand why my teachers were so mean to me. My grade 9 french teacher made me cry in class. My dad was broke and put into jail. I did not have any friends that would look out for me, other than Carl. Many of my friends from Cummer Valley prioritized high school over me. Many of my parents' friends betrayed my parents and me, I was so paranoid who to trust. I had a stroke and brain surgery.

To be perfectly honest, I was suicidal. My mentality was, nobody really cared about me. My mom knew about this, but even she was so busy with my dad's court case that she couldn't sleep well and fell into a severe clinical depression herself. It was as if I left, nobody would notice I left. From failing classes because I was still unable to completely (100%) move my right side, having migraines all the time from lack of rest. I felt like a failure from asian stereotypes and being labeled as a failure by my high school teachers. I honestly felt like a burden for my parents, and wasting money for me to survive was meaningless. I acknowledge that my high school teachers just did not know about me that well, but this was my mentality when I was going through these hard times.

Over the past 6 years I was very unsure about everything, my teachers, how much they cared, who were my friends, how rough it was for my parents, if my romance was doing well, how well i was doing in school. I really just wanted to play games, the only place where I didn't need to think about my life. It wasn't until last year, 2014, that I realized it's not in the teachers job description to be nice to their students. I just thought I was stupid, and my teachers did not care about me in high school and University. Not once have I ever asked my mom to go into "Parent-Teacher Interviews" because I was afraid of what my teachers had to say about me. The way each one of you treated us as students, was definitely beyond your respective job description. I just wanted your current students to acknowledge that.

Never in my life have I ever realized what this quote mean't. "The people who are around you influence you." Each one of you did influence me. I imagined if middle school was a completely different way. Middle school could've been a much different experience, even if I came from another country. I was born here and just figured all these caring and passionate teachers were caring for our education.

Each one of you definitely influence me. It could've been a very different experience. I could've not done as much volunteering as I did in middle school. I probably wouldn't have done that well in class. You all individually changed me from what I could've been which is why I am thankful.

I am a very stubborn child. It took one grade 9 teacher, my dad's lawsuit to go crazy, my friends to forget about me, and my stroke to begin suicidal thoughts. Everyone has their own troubles, these were mine. It was Katherine Chen, Carl Zhao, my mom staying in Canada to watch over me, my grade 12 english teacher (which everyone thinks is a hard marker, strict and also taught for 20+ years in the Newtonbrook), my sister, quotes from Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Jack Layton, music and anime to reconsider my thoughts.

"You help nobody by giving up," because you honestly don't. I just wanted your current students to acknowledge that passionate and caring teachers are rare to come by. But even if you have hardships as long as you will try with a strong will, you can succeed high school/university and even graduate school. You, teachers from Lillian public school, even Mde Ionescu, Ms. Bushell, Mrs. Strauss, Mr. C, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. Antonowicsz, Mrs. Stacey and Mrs. Brown all supported me in their own unique way.

I sincerely thank all of you for the way you were 8 years ago until now, many of your previous students may seem like they do not appreciate it but I definitely do. When I had only negative thoughts all I can think of, was the great times I had when I was back in Cummer Valley and Lillian Public School. I hope your current students come back to show their appreciation. Whenever you want me to come back, even if I'm going through hardships in law school, I will still come down. I am more comfortable with what I had to experience, then I was while experiencing it. I don't exactly know how tiring being a teacher is but I sincerely appreciate it. "Only when one experiences it, can one understand the consequences of it." All of you will always be very special to me.

Vance Tang

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发表于 2015-12-23 14:06:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 华人岛主 于 2015-12-23 15:38 编辑


这才是大家眼皮底下有血有肉的 真正难民

从对事不对人的人性角度出发, 湖南同乡会应该带头帮助老唐一家人.

老唐只不过在生意上出事了, 他别的方面不应该受歧视. 家庭成员更不应该受牵连.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-23 14:18:23 | 只看该作者
From: "Collier, Esther" <[email protected]>
Date: April 23, 2015 at 7:53:44 PM EDT
To: Vance Tang <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Sincere Letter of Gratitude

Thank you.  You have brought a smile to my face and to my heart.  This is my payment - money has nothing to do with it for me.

I am working to change the way teachers view students and school - could I share some of your experiences, anonymously, with others in presentations that I do?  Sometimes we need to know how what we do affects our students.

Looking forward to meeting you again next year,

Esther Collier
Cummer Valley Middle School

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发表于 2015-12-23 14:19:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 华人岛主 于 2015-12-23 15:01 编辑
唐炜臻 发表于 2015-12-23 14:05
From: Vance Tang []
Sent: April 23, 2015 3:35 PM
To: Gonos, John

These past years, I honestly thought that I was "stupid." I did not understand why my teachers were so mean to me. My grade 9 french teacher made me cry in class. My dad was broke and put into jail. I did not have any friends that would look out for me, other than Carl. Many of my friends from Cummer Valley prioritized high school over me. Many of my parents' friends betrayed my parents and me, I was so paranoid who to trust. I had a stroke and brain surgery.

To be perfectly honest, I was suicidal. My mentality was, nobody really cared about me. My mom knew about this, but even she was so busy with my dad's court case that she couldn't sleep well and fell into a severe clinical depression herself. It was as if I left, nobody would notice I left. From failing classes because I was still unable to completely (100%) move my right side, having migraines all the time from lack of rest. I felt like a failure from asian stereotypes and being labeled as a failure by my high school teachers. I honestly felt like a burden for my parents, and wasting money for me to survive was meaningless. I acknowledge that my high school teachers just did not know about me that well, but this was my mentality when I was going through these hard times.

Over the past 6 years I was very unsure about everything, my teachers, how much they cared, who were my friends, how rough it was for my parents, if my romance was doing well, how well i was doing in school. I really just wanted to play games, the only place where I didn't need to think about my life. It wasn't until last year, 2014, that I realized it's not in the teachers job description to be nice to their students. I just thought I was stupid, and my teachers did not care about me in high school and University. Not once have I ever asked my mom to go into Parent-Teacher Interviews" because I was afraid of what my teachers had to say about me. The way each one of you treated us as students, was definitely beyond your respective job description. I just wanted your current students to acknowledge that.

Never in my life have I ever realized what this quote mean't. "The people who are around you influence you." Each one of you did influence me. I imagined if middle school was a completely different way. Middle school could've been a much different experience, even if I came from another country. I was born here and just figured all these caring and passionate teachers were caring for our education.

Each one of you definitely influence me. It could've been a very different experience. I could've not done as much volunteering as I did in middle school. I probably wouldn't have done that well in class. You all individually changed me from what I could've been which is why I am thankful.

I am a very stubborn child. It took one grade 9 teacher, my dad's lawsuit to go crazy, my friends to forget about me, and my stroke to begin suicidal thoughts. Everyone has their own troubles, these were mine. It was Katherine Chen, Carl Zhao, my mom staying in Canada to watch over me, my grade 12 english teacher (which everyone thinks is a hard marker, strict and also taught for 20+ years in the Newtonbrook), my sister, quotes from Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Jack Layton, music and anime to reconsider my thoughts.

"You help nobody by giving up," because you honestly don't. I just wanted your current students to acknowledge that passionate and caring teachers are rare to come by. But even if you have hardships as long as you will try with a strong will, you can succeed high school/university and even graduate school. You, teachers from Lillian public school, even Mde Ionescu, Ms. Bushell, Mrs. Strauss, Mr. C, Mrs. Schneider, Mr. Antonowicsz, Mrs. Stacey and Mrs. Brown all supported me in their own unique way.

I sincerely thank all of you for the way you were 8 years ago until now, many of your previous students may seem like they do not appreciate it but I definitely do. When I had only negative thoughts all I can think of, was the great times I had when I was back in Cummer Valley and Lillian Public School. I hope your current students come back to show their appreciation. Whenever you want me to come back, even if I'm going through hardships in law school, I will still come down. I am more comfortable with what I had to experience, then I was while experiencing it. I don't exactly know how tiring being a teacher is but I sincerely appreciate it. "Only when one experiences it, can one understand the consequences of it." All of you will always be very special to me.

Vance Tang


应该出自一个无辜的, 本不该受牵连的孩子之口. 这孩子太可怜了, 太让人心酸了  


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-23 14:24:37 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 唐炜臻 于 2015-12-24 10:38 编辑




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