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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-9 22:06:44 | 只看该作者

I never watched that match again, and I never will. Notso much because of the pain, but simply because there is no point to it. I feelno need to watch it again. Now I think of the disaster of Istanbul as a losslike any other. My depression has lifted. Of all the players, Crespo isprobably the one who took it the hardest; he’d never won a European Cup, and thatevening in Turkey he thought his time had come—afeeling that only grew during the game, after he scored not one but two goals.For his effort and his gifts, he really deserved to go home with a major pieceof recognition. Even today, he lives with the regret that he was unable to hoistthat Champions League cup; he deserved it more than all the others.


Crespo had begun that season as a cadaver, and he endedit as a hero. He had improved vastly, and all credit was due to him. When weacquired him in the summer from Chelsea, he was another man: ungainly, slow,depressed, he no longer seemed like a soccer player at all. (I still don’tknow what they did to him.) He couldn’t even score; hedidn’t get his first goal until November, in the ItalianCup games. He worked like crazy to recover, and, in the end, he succeeded. It wasthe old Crespo again, the one I’d known from my time atParma. My prize student, my good close friend.

One step down, in the ranks of despair, was Gattuso, whowas ready to leave A. C. Milan after the match against Liverpool. Some kind ofpsychic sinkhole had opened up inside him, sucking him down into darkness.

Then, all together, we came to a conclusion, even thoughit took us some time: we would return in triumph precisely because of thatcrushing defeat. Just when that would be, we still couldn’tsay. We couldn’t possibly know. First, we had to gatherup all the shattered pieces of us, ourselves, and our team, and reassemble them.It was the most complicated puzzle I ever faced. It was in that period that Iwent back to find the thesis I had written for my master’s degreeat Coverciano to become a fully accredited, first-class soccer coach. I flippedthrough the pages, going directly to the chapter on psychology:




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