Forms of Woman Abuse
Any unwanted contact. May include hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, burning, choking, locking her in her room, standing too close, restraining her in any way, picking her up, holding or hugging when it is unwanted, pointing a finger, poking her, hitting her with objects, using a weapon, murder, etc.
Insults, yelling, name calling, verbal threats (Ex: ‘I will kill myself if you..’) starting arguments, falsely accusing her of sleeping around, overly sarcastic or critical, trying to get the last word in, woman hating jokes or putdowns, including fear, intimidation, manipulation, humiliation, harassment, inappropriate expression of jealousy, brainwashing, dominance, laughing in her face, ignoring her, refusing to do things with or for her, abusing the children, getting his own way, not coming home, coming home drunk, real or suggested involvement with other women, comparing her with other women, taking away her responsibilities, treating her like a child, not keeping commitments, being rude, lack of consideration for her opinion, disbelieving her, ect.
Rape, forcing unwanted acts, inflicting pain during intercourse, denying birth control, lack of intimacy, having affairs, hounding her for sex, refusing sex, treating her as a sex object, being rough, pornography, using sex as a basis for arguments, etc.
Denying money for wants or needs, denying information about couple’s financial situation, making all financial decisions, spending money foolishly or beyond means, not spending money on special occasions (Ex: birthdays), etc.
Isolating her, denying access to a telephone, not taking responsibility for the children, embarrassment or insults in front of others, not letting her see her friends or family, not being nice to her friends or family, choosing his friends or family over her, not taking her out, keeping her busy in the kitchen at a party, change of personality with others, making a ‘scene’, etc.
Locking her in, taking the phones, slamming doors, breaking things, throwing objects, turning up the stereo or TV too loud, harming or threatening to harm pets, throwing out her clothes, driving recklessly with her, etc. |