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楼主: 广告管理员
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发表于 2007-5-28 12:07:21 | 只看该作者


如果觉得不对, 可以象李先生一样站出来嘛........


发表于 2007-5-28 12:08:54 | 只看该作者







发表于 2007-5-28 12:11:38 | 只看该作者






Mr. Lee didn't say it.  Based on his own submission, I bet he must have a bargain with the Crown Attorney.  He agreed to a no contact order for an exchange from the Crown not to proceed to a trial.  If Mr. Lee believes he is innocent, he could have fought the case at court.

A court order is a court order.  Mr. Lee failed to observe the first no contact court order, resulting in his detention for 2 months.  That's his own submission.

Don't mislead the community that a man will be jailed because of verbal altercation.  Even Lai is walking freely on the street.

Law related to confidentiality:

In accordance with s181 of the Child and Family Services Act, a service provider may disclose the record of a person who is sixteen years of age or older with that person's written consent.

This part of the law has not been proclaimed, meaning the practice is based on precedence and thus is applicable to similar scenarios.

The service provider is 平权会 and the person is Amanda Wu. 平权会 needs consent from Ms. Wu, as long as they will not disclose identifying information of Mr. Lee.  That's it.  I doubt it if Mr. Lee's name is mentioned.  If so, congratulations to Mr. Lee that he can sue 平权会 for 50 millions.

It is not the first time in child welfare, for example, a live case with real names is used, without the consent from the parents.  These kids are older (over 16) who can give out consent.  What they say in the video may not be liked by their parents, but it is absolutely legal.

I agree 平权会 could have done better:

1. they can choose not to use real names;

2. they should have done a better job to locate Mr. Lee, as a courtesy, not a legal requirement.

3. the project manager (Lilida????) should have hold a more assertive role that the society in general has a zero tolerance toward violence against women.  She was not assertive enough, in my humble opinion.

受到当事人投诉?????  Who is the client?  Amanda is, not Tony.

如果事情发生在你、我、他任何一个家庭,?????? Oh boy.  Are you a professional?  In any intellectual debate, never ever use 你、我、他任何一个家庭.

Listen: zero tolerance toward child abuse, woman abuse and senior abuse.
发表于 2007-5-28 12:44:02 | 只看该作者

老 李 已 经 输 了

前 前 后 后共 10几 贴 ,  老 李 在 51讲 述 其 家 庭 纠 纷的  一 些 事 情 。 给 我 印 象 最 深 的 一 件 事 是 他 在 与 其 妻 争 吵 时 抄 起 菜 刀 , 理 由 是 怕 女 方 拿 刀 对 他 行 凶 。 。 。
      那 么 俺 想 问 问 那 些 替 老 李 辩 护 的 人 , 这 个 理 由 能 站 住 脚 吗 ? 警 察, 法 官  能 相 信 这 个 理 由 吗 ?
      夫 妻 争 吵 时 , 刀 都 敢 拿 , 这 不 是 家 庭 暴 力 又 是 什 么 ? 就 这 件 事 , 老 李 上 宣 传 片 一 点 都 不 怨 !
发表于 2007-5-28 13:10:44 | 只看该作者
清官难断家务事, 李向东 needs help, but not against 平权会. He needs 律师, if 平权会 is doing something illegally against him; or 心理辅导, if he feels too upset for his family's problem. I don't think 平权会 is doing wrong, including issuing the film, suggesting 李向东 for 律师 or 心理辅导, and more important, not involving too much in this 新闻chao作, which might create a Yang Li Juan tragedy in Canada.
发表于 2007-5-28 13:19:18 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-5-28 14:06:50 | 只看该作者


Further reflection on what Mr. Mu Ran just commented:
I believe it is legal that Mr. Lee's real name is used in the film for the following reasons:
1.  The court has already passed a verdict on Mr. Lee,i.e. according to Canadian's law, he IS quilty of a crime. His criminal case, just like any other, is opened to the public and can be subject to public scrutiny. The media or anyone has the right to talk about it as a matter of facts.
2.  This is a film about how Amanda is being abused, not about how Mr. Lee's moans and groans and how he fights hard to continue to be a loser. Amanda's consent is obtained.

It is as simple as that. Unfortunately Mr. Lee makes his own image worse 。Mr. Mu Ran, the editor of 51.ca, and 现代日报 are showing off their ignorance and degrading their status in this community by taking a stand with Mr. Lee. Previously I was never interested in expressing myself much thro the web, but this time I seriously could not bear to see the pathetic baby cry of Mr. Lee to decide to speak up. Men, admit it, he is an abuser, and is one who is cunning and unrependent. If Mr. Lee doesnt shut up, I think he should go to jail because sly man like him will cause problems to this society. What sickens me is how he tries to beautify his own heart and actions. Really I am not here to speak up because I dislike him , he is not worth my attention. Nevertheless, I dislike people like him who tries to exploit naive  handsome man such as Mr. Mu Ran and the editor to fight for him and for a cause detrimental to the integrity of the people of Canada. Put it simply, if any man is abused , they have exactly the same legal right and responsibility to call the police. Too bad, Mr. Lee, if you did not do it earlier than Amanda.
And frankly, I am also disgusted that平权会和 Chinese Family Services  are so so weak on their stand, the way they tackle Mr. Lee and Mr. Mu Ran is blurry too, all in gray. This handling is very much the Chinese 'Way of the Middle'中庸之道'. In this issue concerned, the middle way philosophy is totally incompetent and unprofessional. According to the law, there is only black and white, never gray. I do believe, in this respect, 平枚会和 Chinese Family Services must take a stronger stand to protect our society.
Finally, I respect 'Sedona' and 'Daydreaming' and those who speak with conscience. Dont ever forget, we need to protect the less fortunate. Mr. Lee, be a man, 不要死鸡撑饭盖!Wasting our time and your own .
发表于 2007-5-28 14:48:40 | 只看该作者

you've already taken a standpoint







From all your articles related to this incidence, you've already taken a standpoint, until the latest one, even more evident.

Some of the information given from your artilces are more likely to mislead the public about awareness of Domestic Violence, let alone how much children and women were affected in the Domestic Violence.

A message about Domestic Violence has to be conveyed clearly " Domestic Violence in any form is not justified in any language! " in terms of publicity.

Their child was mostly ignored person in the whole process. How much was she suffering from the conflicts she was put into choosing who to be loyal to or have affections for?

Did anybody think of helping her to cope with the conflicts and change in the family?
发表于 2007-5-28 16:52:06 | 只看该作者




大放厥词的人,你们把法院的判决书公布出来,也好成为你们的根据,不然,你有资格判定李  在此案中就有罪吗?
第一次虽然刀都在李 的手中,但是法官都能判死亡威胁罪名不能成立,你们又是什么东西,凌驾于法官之上吗!你们那一位参加了庭审,知道事情发生的经过吗,你们的理论根据又是什么,你有资格认定李 有罪吗,如果都没有,也只能编造什么猴子呀污七八糟的东西来凑热闹,岂不是可笑。
发表于 2007-5-28 17:02:56 | 只看该作者

回复:老 李 已 经 输 了

老 李 已 经 输 了

前 前 后 后共 10几 贴 ,  老 李 在 51讲 述 其 家 庭 纠 纷的  一 些 事 情 。 给 我 印 象 最 深 的 一 件 事 是 他 在 与 其 妻 争 吵 时 抄 起 菜 刀 , 理 由 是 怕 女 方 拿 刀 对 他 行 凶 。 。 。
      那 么 俺 想 问 问 那 些 替 老 李 辩 护 的 人 , 这 个 理 由 能 站 住 脚 吗 ? 警 察, 法 官  能 相 信 这 个 理 由 吗 ?
      夫 妻 争 吵 时 , 刀 都 敢 拿 , 这 不 是 家 庭 暴 力 又 是 什 么 ? 就 这 件 事 , 老 李 上 宣 传 片 一 点 都 不 怨 !

你有没有脑子,法官如果象你一样笨,岂不早已宣判李 有罪,还用的着你来操心。
发表于 2007-5-28 17:59:00 | 只看该作者


you've already taken a standpoint

From all your articles related to this incidence, you've already taken a standpoint, until the latest one, even more evident.

Some of the information given from your artilces are more likely to mislead the public about awareness of Domestic Violence, let alone how much children and women were affected in the Domestic Violence.

A message about Domestic Violence has to be conveyed clearly " Domestic Violence in any form is not justified in any language! " in terms of publicity.

Their child was mostly ignored person in the whole process. How much was she suffering from the conflicts she was put into choosing who to be loyal to or have affections for?

Did anybody think of helping her to cope with the conflicts and change in the family?



发表于 2007-5-28 18:13:34 | 只看该作者


首先你平权会凭什么认为Amanda就是家暴的受害者,前面讲的Amanda在家中的行为,已经是严重的施暴者了,你们有什么根据认定老李是施暴者,只有一个可能,是听了Amanda的一面之词,又把法院的限制令,作为对老李有罪的判决,有法律根据吗 ?

平权会对《破 》片及《冬》的宣传上都是这样说:“两位受害者勇敢的面对镜头,亲自讲述自己的遭遇,并把当时受虐的情景重演。   ”   
发表于 2007-5-28 18:55:13 | 只看该作者



Further reflection on what Mr. Mu Ran just commented:
I believe it is legal that Mr. Lee's real name is used in the film for the following reasons:
1.  The court has already passed a verdict on Mr. Lee,i.e. according to Canadian's law, he IS quilty of a crime. His criminal case, just like any other, is opened to the public and can be subject to public scrutiny. The media or anyone has the right to talk about it as a matter of facts.
2.  This is a film about how Amanda is being abused, not about how Mr. Lee's moans and groans and how he fights hard to continue to be a loser. Amanda's consent is obtained.

It is as simple as that. Unfortunately Mr. Lee makes his own image worse 。Mr. Mu Ran, the editor of 51.ca, and 现代日报 are showing off their ignorance and degrading their status in this community by taking a stand with Mr. Lee. Previously I

was never interested in expressing myself much thro the web, but this time I seriously could not bear to see the pathetic baby cry of Mr. Lee to decide to speak up. Men, admit it, he is an abuser, and is one who is cunning and unrependent. If Mr. Lee doesnt shut up, I think he should go to jail because sly man like him will cause problems to this society. What sickens me is how he tries to beautify his own heart and actions. Really I am not here to speak up because I dislike him , he is not worth my attention. Nevertheless, I dislike people like him who tries to exploit naive  handsome man such as Mr. Mu Ran and the editor to fight for him and for a cause detrimental to the integrity of the people of Canada. Put it simply, if any man is abused , they have exactly the same legal right and responsibility to call the police. Too bad, Mr. Lee, if you did not do it earlier than Amanda.
And frankly, I am also disgusted that平权会和 Chinese Family Services  are so so weak on their stand, the way they tackle Mr. Lee and Mr. Mu Ran is blurry too, all in gray. This handling is very much the Chinese 'Way of the Middle'中庸之道'. In this issue concerned, the middle way philosophy is totally incompetent and unprofessional. According to the law, there is only black and white, never gray. I do believe, in this respect, 平枚会和 Chinese Family Services must take a stronger stand to protect our society.
Finally, I respect 'Sedona' and 'Daydreaming' and those who speak with conscience. Dont ever forget, we need to protect the less fortunate. Mr. Lee, be a man, 不要死鸡撑饭盖!Wasting our time and your own .

发表于 2007-5-28 19:09:36 | 只看该作者










Those with power abuses the relationship and the less unfortunate vulnerable groups suffer. The vulnerable groups include seniors, women, children, employees and racial minorities, for examples.

我相信老人、儿童是弱势群体,因为体力和经济地位所决定;我也相信妇女是弱势群体,大部分 女性是受伤害的一方。但是“大部分”就能肯定所有家庭冲突中,百分之百都是男方的错,百分之百女性都是正义的吗?进一步说,如果男方有错,就肯定女方没有伤害他人吗?



Any unwanted contact. May include hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, burning, choking, locking her in her room, standing too close, restraining her in any way, picking her up, holding or hugging when it is unwanted, pointing a finger, poking her, hitting her with objects, using a weapon, murder, etc.


Insults, yelling, name calling, verbal threats (Ex: ‘I will kill myself if you..’) starting arguments, falsely accusing her of sleeping around, overly sarcastic or critical, trying to get the last word in, woman hating jokes or putdowns, including fear, intimidation, manipulation, humiliation, harassment, inappropriate expression of jealousy, brainwashing, dominance, laughing in her face, ignoring her, refusing to do things with or for her, abusing the children, getting his own way, not coming home, coming home drunk, real or suggested involvement with other women, comparing her with other women, taking away her responsibilities, treating her like a child, not keeping commitments, being rude, lack of consideration for her opinion, disbelieving her, ect.


Rape, forcing unwanted acts, inflicting pain during intercourse, denying birth control, lack of intimacy, having affairs, hounding her for sex, refusing sex, treating her as a sex object, being rough, pornography, using sex as a basis for arguments, etc.


Denying money for wants or needs, denying information about couple’s financial situation, making all financial decisions, spending money foolishly or beyond means, not spending money on special occasions (Ex: birthdays), etc.


Isolating her, denying access to a telephone, not taking responsibility for the children, embarrassment or insults in front of others, not letting her see her friends or family, not being nice to her friends or family, choosing his friends or family over her, not taking her out, keeping her busy in the kitchen at a party, change of personality with others, making a ‘scene’, etc.


还有,在上面“SEXUAL”部分,“forcing unwanted acts”和“ refusing sex”都算"Abuse"。听说过“以子之矛,功子之盾”吗?

发表于 2007-5-28 19:32:22 | 只看该作者
,动不动报911。以前我们店里也有一个女的围了吆喝她的老公离婚,老找事吵架。还报警,警擦来了,把她的老公管起来了,上法庭搞了几个月,最后女的后悔了,花了些钱,才把事情搞定。这敏敏是女的为了自己的目的可是有时候恶人先告状事态来了便易,有些女得知道加拿大是保护女的, 在家里比男的还凶动不动威吓老公,下的老公连大气都不敢出,这到底是谁怕谁。但是不管咋样,我们要本着实事求是,不能为了某些的原因,助长不良风气。
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