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发表于 2006-12-30 09:27:02 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


上星期我在总结“2006年影响加国华社10件大事”时,将“长城平台落地加国”排在第3位,那时我还不知道“长城平台”已获得加拿大电台电视广播局(CRTC)的批准,所以该段回顾的结束语是:“支持与反对‘长城平台’落 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2006-12-30
发表于 2006-12-30 17:22:22 | 只看该作者

How many people 鼓掌?

发表于 2006-12-30 18:10:09 | 只看该作者
不写了, 这种事还是不去说吧
发表于 2006-12-30 20:09:19 | 只看该作者
This time I agree with this article completely even though now and the near future I will not have time to watch any TV program.

  (1) "“名”于我来说, “出”与“不出”都无所谓。因为“出了”不能给我带来什么好处(坏处就不罗列了),不出也不见得给我带来坏处(好处就不罗列了)。我读这么多年书,多少算是有自知之明,知道“木秀于林”的道理;"

  (2) "作为记者,我的报道应该中立;作为评论员,我的文字应该有个性,观点鲜明;作为总编,我知道我的上帝是读者。"

  (3) "16家媒体支持“长城平台”落地的签名活动,实质只是开通了一个投票站,令意欲表达意见的支持者有个聚合的场所;与此同时,16家媒体鼓励反对者继续表达他们反对的理由。"

  (4)  "对于老百姓来说,他们在中国参与“圣诞节”狂欢,以及在加拿大收看“长城平台”,大部分都只是找“乐”,是享受生活的节目之一,远不必赋予如此深层次的文化意义与政治谋略。"

  (5) "2007年,居住在中国的老百姓可以在圣诞节到来时,或火锅或红酒地狂欢,与居住在加拿大的华人,或电视或电台或互联网沈迷,这都是我们的福气。进入信息爆炸的今日,老百姓知道什么是好,什么是不好,轮不到那些“高智商者”指手划脚地这般担心那般说教,道理就这么简单。"

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发表于 2006-12-30 21:09:24 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-1-1 22:34:28 | 只看该作者

“长城平台” celebration party

Went to this party at the Bond College on the 31st, this is absolutely the WORST party i went to in 2006.

First off, it was 45 minutes late starting, there were only a few "show" followed by a lot of dull, brain washing speeches by "famous" people with special purpose in mind.

With all the "professional" associations, "talents" and the sponsor of approved telesvision station behind the event, that's the best they can do?

99% of the people never clapped, they just kept on talking while they gave their speeches; the whole evening was very badly oganized and poorly presented.

I even brought along 4 of mine friends to support the event, it was a total disappointment and a total waste of time and they have the nerve to charge $10. I won't even go if they give me $10, all our friends vowed never to attend their events again.

It was a terrible way to end the year  :mad:
发表于 2007-1-1 23:17:47 | 只看该作者

回复:“长城平台” celebration party

“长城平台” celebration party

Went to this party at the Bond College on the 31st, this is absolutely the WORST party i went to in 2006.

First off, it was 45 minutes late starting, there were only a few "show" followed by a lot of dull, brain washing speeches by "famous" people with special purpose in mind.

With all the "professional" associations, "talents" and the sponsor of approved telesvision station behind the event, that's the best they can do?

99% of the people never clapped, they just kept on talking while they gave their speeches; the whole evening was very badly oganized and poorly presented.

I even brought along 4 of mine friends to support the event, it was a total disappointment and a total waste of time and they have the nerve to charge $10. I won't even go if they give me $10, all our friends vowed never to attend their events again.

It was a terrible way to end the year  :mad:
发表于 2007-1-1 23:32:52 | 只看该作者

回复:“长城平台” celebration party

“长城平台” celebration party

Went to this party at the Bond College on the 31st, this is absolutely the WORST party i went to in 2006.

First off, it was 45 minutes late starting, there were only a few "show" followed by a lot of dull, brain washing speeches by "famous" people with special purpose in mind.

With all the "professional" associations, "talents" and the sponsor of approved telesvision station behind the event, that's the best they can do?

99% of the people never clapped, they just kept on talking while they gave their speeches; the whole evening was very badly oganized and poorly presented.

I even brought along 4 of mine friends to support the event, it was a total disappointment and a total waste of time and they have the nerve to charge $10. I won't even go if they give me $10, all our friends vowed never to attend their events again.

It was a terrible way to end the year  :mad:

可以谈谈有些什么brain washing speeches 吗?谢谢
发表于 2007-1-2 13:11:12 | 只看该作者
We were there to have a great time as promoted by the organizer, not to hear propaganda speeches and crappy music; in most other places people would have asked for a REFUND!

"不会是恶意中伤吧?" - who's posting some 6/4 posters here?
Talk about "thief yelling for thief"  

Mine is just a honest feedback because i was misled and didn't have a good time and i let my friends down  :mad:
发表于 2007-1-2 13:33:58 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-1-2 14:27:56 | 只看该作者
We were there to have a great time as promoted by the organizer, not to hear propaganda speeches and crappy music; in most other places people would have asked for a REFUND!

"不会是恶意中伤吧?" - who's posting some 6/4 posters here?
Talk about "thief yelling for thief"  

Mine is just a honest feedback because i was misled and didn't have a good time and i let my friends down  :mad:


发表于 2007-1-2 18:28:41 | 只看该作者
oh i don't mind the $10 at all, but i do mind that i wasted my new year's eve at a dump like this and i disappointed my friends who also had high hope for a crazy party (狂欢) as advertised.

why, should i not trust anything they put out?
May be that's why chinese are always skeptical of everything.

"这个party准备的很仓促,节目少、晚场可以理解", if they knew they are going out to put out a substandard show then they shouldn't promote it at all. Do you ask your employer for more money becasue you are new? There's no excuse for making inferior products, charging more than what it should be and expect people to "understand".

i think some people totally missed the point :rolleyes:
发表于 2007-1-2 20:16:14 | 只看该作者
oh i don't mind the $10 at all, but i do mind that i wasted my new year's eve at a dump like this and i disappointed my friends who also had high hope for a crazy party (狂欢) as advertised.

why, should i not trust anything they put out?
May be that's why chinese are always skeptical of everything.

"这个party准备的很仓促,节目少、晚场可以理解", if they knew they are going out to put out a substandard show then they shouldn't promote it at all. Do you ask your employer for more money becasue you are new? There's no excuse for making inferior products, charging more than what it should be and expect people to "understand".

i think some people totally missed the point :rolleyes:

发表于 2007-1-2 21:34:09 | 只看该作者

回复:“长城平台” celebration party

“长城平台” celebration party

Went to this party at the Bond College on the 31st, this is absolutely the WORST party i went to in 2006.

First off, it was 45 minutes late starting, there were only a few "show" followed by a lot of dull, brain washing speeches by "famous" people with special purpose in mind.

With all the "professional" associations, "talents" and the sponsor of approved telesvision station behind the event, that's the best they can do?

99% of the people never clapped, they just kept on talking while they gave their speeches; the whole evening was very badly oganized and poorly presented.

I even brought along 4 of mine friends to support the event, it was a total disappointment and a total waste of time and they have the nerve to charge $10. I won't even go if they give me $10, all our friends vowed never to attend their events again.

It was a terrible way to end the year  :mad:


发表于 2007-1-2 22:10:40 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:“长城平台” celebration party

回复:“长城平台” celebration party



哈哈。。。 有的人看了会不舒服的。
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