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发表于 2007-5-27 22:26:12 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


对于平权会,现在不是你应不应该给社区一个答复的问题,而是你必须向社区有个答复,民众有权要求你必须面对,不得推卸。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2007-5-28

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发表于 2007-5-31 06:51:52 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-27 22:33:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2007-5-27 23:20:08 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-5-27 23:42:29 | 只看该作者






发表于 2007-5-28 08:07:10 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-5-28 08:48:26 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-5-28 09:24:58 | 只看该作者
I too have listened to the programs on both Sundays.  Below is some of my thoughts:

1. Definition of abuse.

Abuse happens in a relationship with parties in different power hierarchy.  Those with power abuses the relationship and the less unfortunate vulnerable groups suffer.  The vulnerable groups include seniors, women, children, employees and racial minorities, for examples.

Those with power may also suffer from harm in a conflictual relationship, but the degree of suffer cannot match that by the vulnerable group.

In senior abuse, for instance, we know our old parents sometimes are extremely unreasonable, and we suffer.  So what!  We have the knowledge, skills and resources to deal with the harm caused by them to us.  When we abuse the seniors, they are too old to protect themselves.  The vulnerables need state intervention and protection.

The same principle extends to all vulnerable groups, which is the foundation of the anti-oppression framework.

2. Concept of violence

I was surprised one of the guests quoted an example that the man was angry and did not mean to harm his wife.  Violence comes in all forms: physical, verbal and emotional.  The theme is breach of trust.

Uttering death threat is not only violent behaviour  but also a breach of trust.  When we say "I'll kill you", we will be arrested by police and charged with criminal offense.  Your real motive doesn't matter.

We can't threaten to kill our colleagues at work; otherwise we will be terminated.  We can't threaten to kill other shoppers in the grocery store; otherwise, we will be arrested. We can't threaten to kill 木然, because we don't agree with him.

Why do we allow a man to threaten to kill his wife, at home? It is because he has power and control over his wife and his children, in a patriarchal society where males dominate.

木然 never talked about these definition of abuse and concept of violence on air.
发表于 2007-5-28 09:40:46 | 只看该作者
3. Sex by consent only

I was annoyed by 木然 when he talked about rape within a marriage.  He asked the question what if a man needs it.

Anyone who respects a female will agree a marriage does not entitle a man unlimited sex with (may I use the word against) a woman, without consent.

Sex without consent within or outside of a marriage is a violent behaviour and a criminal act.

I don't have no doubt 木然 still has his patriarchal DNA in his system.

4. Misleading legal information

木然 repeatedly in both programs challenged if it would be fair to a male that the male will be detained by police because of allegations by the female without visible evidence.

First, we don't want physical evidence, because once we find physical evidence, we may find a dead body.

Second, a man cannot be detained because of an allegation.  He must have been prosecuted. After the charges, he will be released on a bail or an undertaking.

In Canada, a defendant will not be allowed a bail because of 2 principles: flight risk and risk (to the nation, the community or the victims).  Lai, Gao and Zhang (the baby's mother) are not being detained.  Lai was detained for some time, because of flight risk, but since he is having his judicial review, the risk is minimal, so he is free.

Tony Lee was released for the first time, despite the knife in his hand.  He was detained the second time because he breached the no contact order, so he was considered a risk to the victims.  Mr. Lee did not respect the law, to begin with.

5. Separation is the most effective means to protect

A violent family needs help, which is a long process.  Separation cannot guarantee a happy ending, but allowing them to live together cannot do it either.

In a violent incident at home, at work or on the street, the first thing we have to do is to separate all parties.  They will seek help until they are ready for the reunion.

Putting them inside the same house and under the same roof without effective intervention is fostering fatal tragedy.
发表于 2007-5-28 09:51:29 | 只看该作者
Mr. Lee, I am sorry to tell you that you fit the profile of a male abuser in a scenario of violence against women, based on what you have written in 51 and talked at the radio.

Refer to the following links to see the picture of VAW and the profiles of a male abuser and the victims:



http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/alt ... /facts_violence.pdf


As a man, I feel your behaviour exposing your daughter to the media disgusting.
发表于 2007-5-28 10:02:24 | 只看该作者




大家应该知道,多伦多警方披露,在华人社区,最大的犯罪竟然是家庭暴力!大家应该知道, 是啊,最提倡男女平等的鹬们,听说公猴子关起门来揍母猴子,会觉得多么诧异啊!

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发表于 2007-5-28 10:18:54 | 只看该作者

words have to say

I read Mr. Mu Ran's article from his Blog last night, but did not comment since it was too late. However, I have a few words to say just like Sedona.


How Mr. Mu Ran is able to judge that Mr. Lee was wronged? Should his judgement be predominant to the court order?

If so, where does he get the authority and least of all, sufficient eveidence and principles based on which he is able to be so sure?

If he disagrees with the court order Mr. Lee gets, please go to the court and appeal!

His criticism is based on Mr. Lee's perspective only as he disclosed, Amanda refused to talk over his program. How could he conclude that Mr. Lee was wronged by not listening to Amanda's story as he criticized the documentary film not having listened to MR. Lee's story.


In another piece of his artile, he wrote that Canadian Justice System favors women in Domestic Violence cases.

I wondered how did Mr. Mu concluded so definitely about this statement? How many cases have you dealt with or how much do you know Justice System?


Domestic violence is an issue to be seriously treated and studied. It is far more from what you are able to tell, understand and conclude from your past HIERARCHY EXPERIENCE taken from China.

Domestic Violence should not be an eye-ball attraction in an Internet Age. With conscience, this should be further discussed, clarified and accepted on the Forum rather than satisfying audience curiosity and confusing the public.


I would rather a honest and conscientious man in Chinese community just say whatever you know; don't say whatever you don't know about, especially, don't jump to conclusions easily.
发表于 2007-5-28 11:22:19 | 只看该作者

Forms of Woman Abuse



Any unwanted contact. May include hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, burning, choking, locking her in her room, standing too close, restraining her in any way, picking her up, holding or hugging when it is unwanted, pointing a finger, poking her, hitting her with objects, using a weapon, murder, etc.


Insults, yelling, name calling, verbal threats (Ex: ‘I will kill myself if you..’) starting arguments, falsely accusing her of sleeping around, overly sarcastic or critical, trying to get the last word in, woman hating jokes or putdowns, including fear, intimidation, manipulation, humiliation, harassment, inappropriate expression of jealousy, brainwashing, dominance, laughing in her face, ignoring her, refusing to do things with or for her, abusing the children, getting his own way, not coming home, coming home drunk, real or suggested involvement with other women, comparing her with other women, taking away her responsibilities, treating her like a child, not keeping commitments, being rude, lack of consideration for her opinion, disbelieving her, ect.


Rape, forcing unwanted acts, inflicting pain during intercourse, denying birth control, lack of intimacy, having affairs, hounding her for sex, refusing sex, treating her as a sex object, being rough, pornography, using sex as a basis for arguments, etc.


Denying money for wants or needs, denying information about couple’s financial situation, making all financial decisions, spending money foolishly or beyond means, not spending money on special occasions (Ex: birthdays), etc.


Isolating her, denying access to a telephone, not taking responsibility for the children, embarrassment or insults in front of others, not letting her see her friends or family, not being nice to her friends or family, choosing his friends or family over her, not taking her out, keeping her busy in the kitchen at a party, change of personality with others, making a ‘scene’, etc.


Locking her in, taking the phones, slamming doors, breaking things, throwing objects, turning up the stereo or TV too loud, harming or threatening to harm pets, throwing out her clothes, driving recklessly with her, etc.
发表于 2007-5-28 11:39:04 | 只看该作者





发表于 2007-5-28 12:05:28 | 只看该作者





一部用于宣传教育的片子,受到当事人投诉,这部片的原意还在吗? 平 权 会 不 是 居 委 会 !拍 这 部 片 子 是为 了 谴 责家 庭 暴 力 而 不 是 调 解 家 庭 纠 纷 !  
      当 平 权 会 认 为 手 中 的 资 料 真 实 而 可 信 时 , 为 什 么 非 要 在 拍 摄  之 前 与 老 李 接 触 呢 ? 为 什 么 非 要 征 得 他 的 同 意 呢 ? 当 事 人 不 同 意 , 就 不 合 理 ? 这 是 多 么 荒 诞 而 可 笑 的 逻 辑 啊 ?      试 问 , 哪 个 人 愿 意 以 反 面 角 色 出 现 在这 样 的 宣 传 片 中 ? ? ? ?
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