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发表于 2018-2-18 19:03:03 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 19:12:14 | 只看该作者
kefei 发表于 2018-2-18 18:22
同意楼上skylight的评论...幕后保守党原进步保守党与联盟党势力的斗争我也考虑过....这二个党的mission 是 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 19:13:14 | 只看该作者
kefei 发表于 2018-2-18 19:10
只要彭建邦能坚持以前进步保守党的党性, 不与联盟党徒同流合污, 我可以投他. ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 19:24:01 | 只看该作者
看着那些口是心非,  人走茶凉,  只会骂人说脏话,  不管黑白分分钟都在攻击自由党的!  51老报为什么能容任这些货在这里拉屎拉尿搞得乌烟障气!  好好讲理,  理性分析有多好!  而对类似于黑社会的人等如此叫好,  真是各有所好,  无可奈何!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 19:31:21 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 19:32:47 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2018-2-18 19:58:22 | 只看该作者
skylight 发表于 2018-2-18 17:52
Patrick Brown--彭建绑是当之无愧的党魁!

3 年多来, 保守党从来没有这么多的党员!3年来让穷的”揭不开 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 20:01:47 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 20:06:58 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 20:23:30 | 只看该作者
Globe investigation: The Ford family’s history with drug dealing

Toronto city councillor Doug Ford, photographed in his office at the family business in Etobicoke, Ont., in February, 2011.
Peter Power/The Globe and Mail
Greg McArthur

and Shannon Kari
Published May 25, 2013
Updated March 26, 2017
This investigative report reveals that:
Doug Ford, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s brother, sold hashish for several years in the 1980s.
Another brother, Randy, was also involved in the drug trade and was once charged in relation to a drug-related kidnapping.
Their sister, Kathy, has been the victim of drug-related gun violence.
In the 1980s, anyone wanting to buy hashish had to know where to go. And in central Etobicoke, the wealthy Toronto suburb where Mayor Rob Ford grew up, one of those places was James Gardens. In the evening, the sports cars often wound along Edenbridge Drive, past the gated homes and the lawn-bowling pitches, until they reached the U-shaped parking lot. By nightfall, the public park was a hash drive-thru. One former street dealer, whom we will call "Justin," described the scene as "an assembly line."
There were usually a number of dealers to choose from, some of them supplied by a mainstay at James Gardens – a young man with the hulk-like frame and mop of bright blond hair: Doug Ford. "Most people didn't approach Doug looking for product. You went to the guys that he supplied. Because if Doug didn't know you and trust you, he wouldn't even roll down his window," Justin said.

Today, Mr. Ford is a member of Toronto's city council – and no ordinary councillor. First elected in 2010 as his brother was swept into the mayor's office, he has emerged as a truly powerful figure at City Hall –– trying to overhaul plans for Toronto's waterfront less than a year after arriving. He also has higher aspirations, and has said he wants to follow in the footsteps of his father, Doug Ford Sr., by running in the next provincial election as a Conservative.
Meanwhile, he serves as his brother's de facto spokesman. As Toronto is gripped by allegations that its mayor was captured on a homemade video smoking what appears to be crack cocaine and his office descends into disarray – his chief of staff was fired on Thursday – Doug Ford has been the only person to mount a spirited public defence of his largely silent sibling. On Friday, after the Mayor finally made a statement about the accusation, he was the one who fielded questions from the press.

Well before the events of the past week, The Globe and Mail began to research the Ford brothers in an effort to chronicle their lives before rising to prominence in Canada's largest city. Over the past 18 months, it has sought out and interviewed dozens of people who knew them in their formative years.
What has emerged is a portrait of a family once deeply immersed in the illegal drug scene. All three of the mayor's older siblings – brother Randy, 51, and sister Kathy, 52, as well as Doug, 48 – have had ties to drug traffickers.
Ten people who grew up with Doug Ford – a group that includes two former hashish suppliers, three street-level drug dealers and a number of casual users of hash – have described in a series of interviews how for several years Mr. Ford was a go-to dealer of hash. These sources had varying degrees of knowledge of his activities: Some said they purchased hash directly from him, some said they supplied him, while others said they observed him handling large quantities of the drug.
The events they described took place years ago, but as mayor, Rob Ford has surrounded himself with people from his past. Most recently he hired someone for his office whose long history with the Fords, the sources said, includes selling hashish with the mayor's brother.
The Globe wrote to Doug Ford outlining what the sources said about him, and received a response from Gavin Tighe, his lawyer, who said the allegations were false. "Your references to unnamed alleged sources of information represent the height of irresponsible and unprofessional journalism given the gravely serious and specious allegations of substantial criminal conduct."

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 20:25:19 | 只看该作者
skylight 发表于 2018-2-18 19:58
彭建绑可以说是保守偏中,离左还远着呢!如果再右一点,真的赢不了大选的。福特当选党魁,保守党立刻完。 ...

"福特当选党魁,保守党立刻完。"同意此看法!  说适合市选也对,  但也必输无疑,  他自己也心知肚明,  如有胜算市选,  他也不会短时间内改变方向,  参选市长议员不是玩游戏,  说变就变即便选上又如何能胜任,  不是高喊几句口号,  迎合一部分民意就完事的!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 20:33:23 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 20:36:42 | 只看该作者
万里长城 发表于 2018-2-18 20:06
不知大家注意到没有,五一反对自由党的,基本都是各自发表各自的观点,而且也并非都是支持保守党的,而kefe ...

"而kefei,yongbing,叶公好龙等几个铁杆支持自由党反对保守党的确实相互呼应,一看就是一个团队的,受雇一个人"------"受雇一个人"-.....说这话有底气吗?  像这种手淫的事在被窝里自己做做想想还行!  千万别在公众场合显丑!   

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 20:39:48 | 只看该作者
yongbing 发表于 2018-2-18 20:36
"而kefei,yongbing,叶公好龙等几个铁杆支持自由党反对保守党的确实相互呼应,一看就是一个团队的,受雇一 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-2-18 21:31:00 | 只看该作者
yongbing 发表于 2018-2-18 19:03


使用道具 举报

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