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楼主: 佳弘
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发表于 2005-1-28 10:50:37 | 只看该作者

Dont come to Canada

I lived in Japan for 3 years, before I came to Canada. Japan is really really nice country, as long as you dont feel too much pressure on the job. Dont come to Cananada unless you assure you can find a job very quickly.  I have been canada for 4 years, but still feel want to go back to Japan.

The only thing in canada better than japan is woman can find better job. When I was in Japan, my wife cant work, because of Visa, but here, since both of us are working, household incoming can easily go over 100k/year. For a family, income are better than japan.

By the way, "派驻回国" is the best solution for chinese people who live abroad. What are you waiting for ?? "按本社社员待遇" get japanese salary, spend in china.  You will feel like rich man. Dont come to Canada, you have to start from very beginning. It's not good idea anayway
发表于 2005-4-18 22:56:31 | 只看该作者

佳弘 决定去加拿大了吗?

佳弘 决定去加拿大了吗?还是已经去了?
发表于 2005-4-21 22:28:38 | 只看该作者
I've been living in Canada more than 5 years, before this I've lived in some most developed countries in Asia, such as Japan, Sigapore and Hong Kong, among all these places, I believe I've made the right decision not only for myself but also for my kids.
In my opinion, Canada is the BEST place in this planet to live compare to any other countries in the world.
The conclusion I drew are based on the following:
We all know to evaluate the quality of living for a place really involved numerous factors, among them I would say the social system, government, environment, culture and ideaology etc are the most important ones.
1) I agree that you have some big money to earn, but as one of the comments mentioned living is not all about money, many things you simple can not get using that fucking Yen.
Besides, take look at the country ranking in terms of quality of living rated by some autorizative orgs. Japan is FAR behind Canada and most European countries.
2). Autralia seems a good option, but hold on, look at their unemployment rate, it is just isolated huge island left behind in the Pacific Ocean. Look back at the geographical location of Canada.
3). United States is the ONLY country in the world on the same leve with Canada and compete with her in terms of quality of living. If you've evern been to United States, you will find there are surprisingly so many nice and quite places for a human being to live in there happily.
发表于 2005-4-22 11:21:22 | 只看该作者
Hi, You did not really give us detail reason why you said "Canada is the BEST place". You cant just generally say canada is better than japan. Organization's opinion doent mean anything to specific individual. But one thing you may be right, money is not about everything. In canada, even you are rich man, you cant enjoy as good service as Japan.For example, government employee, they dont care who you are, they are just working slow. when you call bank, cable company, you always have to wait a long time to get answer.

I've been living in Canada more than 5 years, before this I've lived in some most developed countries in Asia, such as Japan, Sigapore and Hong Kong, among all these places, I believe I've made the right decision not only for myself but also for my kids.
In my opinion, Canada is the BEST place in this planet to live compare to any other countries in the world.
The conclusion I drew are based on the following:
We all know to evaluate the quality of living for a place really involved numerous factors, among them I would say the social system, government, environment, culture and ideaology etc are the most important ones.
1) I agree that you have some big money to earn, but as one of the comments mentioned living is not all about money, many things you simple can not get using that fucking Yen.
Besides, take look at the country ranking in terms of quality of living rated by some autorizative orgs. Japan is FAR behind Canada and most European countries.
2). Autralia seems a good option, but hold on, look at their unemployment rate, it is just isolated huge island left behind in the Pacific Ocean. Look back at the geographical location of Canada.
3). United States is the ONLY country in the world on the same leve with Canada and compete with her in terms of quality of living. If you've evern been to United States, you will find there are surprisingly so many nice and quite places for a human being to live in there happily.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-26 12:37:32 | 只看该作者


佳弘 决定去加拿大了吗?

佳弘 决定去加拿大了吗?还是已经去了?

怎么下的最后决心? 每个人的人生目标都不一样,我们是反复思量了很久,确定了我们最想要的东西,然后决定的.我建议你最好去一趟加国,亲身体验一下,再下定论.
但是, 在加拿大的生活有一点要比日本好得多, 就是自由. 我们可以选择自己的生活方式, 自由选择工作,不用老公每天上班12个小时,老婆每天象单身母亲一样担起全部家务. 现在老公的工资虽然不低,但好像卖给了公司一样,日本人一切以工作优先,家庭永远第二的精神,我还是学不到.我们向往夫妇一起上班,然后一到五点,准时下班,一个接孩子,一个买菜做饭,晚饭后全家聚在一起看书聊天的生活, 这在日本是不可能的.一句话, 我们期望着在加拿大能有更多的家庭生活时间.
发表于 2005-4-26 20:45:51 | 只看该作者







发表于 2005-4-27 20:06:31 | 只看该作者



怎么下的最后决心? 每个人的人生目标都不一样,我们是反复思量了很久,确定了我们最想要的东西,然后决定的.我建议你最好去一趟加国,亲身体验一下,再下定论.
但是, 在加拿大的生活有一点要比日本好得多, 就是自由. 我们可以选择自己的生活方式, 自由选择工作,不用老公每天上班12个小时,老婆每天象单身母亲一样担起全部家务. 现在老公的工资虽然不低,但好像卖给了公司一样,日本人一切以工作优先,家庭永远第二的精神,我还是学不到.我们向往夫妇一起上班,然后一到五点,准时下班,一个接孩子,一个买菜做饭,晚饭后全家聚在一起看书聊天的生活, 这在日本是不可能的.一句话, 我们期望着在加拿大能有更多的家庭生活时间.
发表于 2005-5-8 18:15:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-5-8 22:08:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-2-24 08:38:39 | 只看该作者
Hi, You did not really give us detail reason why you said "Canada is the BEST place". You cant just generally say canada is better than japan. Organization's opinion doent mean anything to specific individual. But one thing you may be right, money is not about everything. In canada, even you are rich man, you cant enjoy as good service as Japan.For example, government employee, they dont care who you are, they are just working slow. when you call bank, cable company, you always have to wait a long time to get answer.

Cannot agree with you any more..
发表于 2008-2-24 08:52:49 | 只看该作者
I've been living in Canada more than 5 years, before this I've lived in some most developed countries in Asia, such as Japan, Sigapore and Hong Kong, among all these places, I believe I've made the right decision not only for myself but also for my kids.
In my opinion, Canada is the BEST place in this planet to live compare to any other countries in the world.
The conclusion I drew are based on the following:
We all know to evaluate the quality of living for a place really involved numerous factors, among them I would say the social system, government, environment, culture and ideaology etc are the most important ones.
1) I agree that you have some big money to earn, but as one of the comments mentioned living is not all about money, many things you simple can not get using that fucking Yen.
Besides, take look at the country ranking in terms of quality of living rated by some autorizative orgs. Japan is FAR behind Canada and most European countries.
2). Autralia seems a good option, but hold on, look at their unemployment rate, it is just isolated huge island left behind in the Pacific Ocean. Look back at the geographical location of Canada.
3). United States is the ONLY country in the world on the same leve with Canada and compete with her in terms of quality of living. If you've evern been to United States, you will find there are surprisingly so many nice and quite places for a human being to live in there happily.

看了长篇累牍的 chinglish,我也没看出你嘴里说出来哪里加拿大比日本好得多的证据。你住过的地方我都住过,工作过,还有几个你没提到的我也混过。我在加拿大快4年了,刚入籍,在做回去中国日本混的打算。发现这里适合追求安逸的家庭,老人和孩子,包括你这样的受过打击的不实事求是者或者loser。小日本的优点你一个也没说,所以说法放P一样。如果说你是loser 错了的话,抱歉,你骂fucking JY给人的第一直觉就是或者你外汇亏得一塌糊涂。只怪你学艺不精。多看TA的书吧。
发表于 2008-2-24 11:21:50 | 只看该作者


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