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IELTS 雅思口语~~喜好类话题 必备词汇 + 例句 30句

发表于 2020-5-2 16:10:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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                                              喜好类话题 的必备词汇 + 例句 30句

1. I've always liked snacking on a chocolate bar in the mid-afternoon, yet I've never put on any weight because of this.
snack on sth ...(零食)
put on weight 增肥
2. I don't quite like reading newspapers.  Magazines appeal to me more.
appeal to ... ...有吸引力
3. The feeling of walking around a museum with many historic artifacts on display
really appeals to me.   
artifact 手工艺品(尤指有历史或文化价值的)
on display 陈列、展出
4. What I major in doesn’t quite appeal to me. I regret choosing this major.
major in ... 主修...
regret doing 后悔做过某事
5. I absolutely adore picnicking and I do it every weekend.
adore doing sth.  热爱...
6. I quite enjoy traveling during public holidays. It’s a great opportunity to
recharge my batteries.   
recharge my batteries 放松、休整
7. I know it sounds weird, but I quite enjoy gazing at the sky for a while every night
before hitting the hay.
gaze at ... 注视...、盯着...
hit the hay 上床睡觉
8. Reading is my biggest passion. I can’t go a day without reading a few pages of a book.
I can’t go a day without ... 每天必须...
9. I’m not a fan of countryside life. I can’t stand not having shopping centers
within easy reach.
a big fan of ... 非常喜欢...的人
can't stand 忍受不了...
within easy reach 很近、靠近
10. I’m a people person. I can’t stand being alone for more than three hours,
except when I’m sleeping of course.
a people person 喜欢/擅长交际的人
11. I’m a huge fan of Weibo, the most popular social networking site in China.
I’m on it 24/7.
social networking site 社交网站
24/7 每时每刻(每周七天,每天二十四小时)
12.  It gives me great pleasure when I hang out with friends.
13. My sister is crazy about swimming and I guess this is part of the reason why
she has an hourglass figure.
be crazy about ... ...迷恋、对...狂热
hourglass 沙漏
an hourglass figure  凹凸有致的身材
14. I used to be crazy about watching romcoms. I’ve changed a great deal over the years.
romcom=romantic comedy 浪漫喜剧
a great deal 很多、大量
15. The girl that I have a crush on is crazy about photography, so I’m thinking of buying
her a camera.
have a crush on ... 对某人迷恋

16. Both my dad and I have a penchant for skiing from which we derive a lot of pleasure.
penchant for sth ...的喜爱
derive pleasure from ... ...中获得乐趣
17. I had a penchant for math when I was growing up and I was even called a genius
by many people.
when I was growing up 在我小的时候
genius 天才
18. I have a penchant for buying shoes. It gives me the greatest pleasure.
19. All my friends have told me that I have a good voice and I should try to become a
singer.  I’m just not that into singing.
be into ... 喜欢...
20. It’s common for girls to be into shopping. I'm no exception.
no exception 也不例外
21. My younger brother spends most of his spare time watching TV, whereas I just
can’t seem to take any interest in it.
22. I’m passionate about music, especially hip-hop. Wilber Pan is my all-time favorite singer.
all-time favorite 一直以来最喜欢的
23. Those people who are passionate about learning history seem to be more articulate.
articulate 善于表达的、能言善道的
24. Reading newspapers is not my thing. I prefer to get updated on what’s going on in the world through social media.
not my thing 并非我所好
get/be updated on ... 了解...的最新消息
25. Going to parks is not my thing. I prefer to stay home and play the guitar in my downtime.
in my downtime 在我休息的时间
26. Science has never been my cup of tea. It’s too complex for me.
not my cup of tea 并非我所好
complex 复杂的
27. Cycling is not my cup of tea, especially in the summertime, as riding a bike for even ten minutes could make me all sweaty.
sweaty 大汗淋漓的、汗流浃背的
28. I’m a computer buff. My friends always come to me if their computers need to be fixed.
a ... buff ...的爱好者
29. I may not look like it, but I’m actually a dance fiend. I specialize in ballet.
a ... fiend ...的迷/爱好者
specialize in ... 专门研究/从事...、专攻...
30. My roommate is a crossword fiend. It takes up almost half of her spare time.
take up ... ...(时间、空间...
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