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发表于 2017-10-12 21:40:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2017-10-13 07:35 编辑

Lies Accepted By the Regie du logement if the Landlord is Quebecois

For the year 2014, the landlord claimed that there were 68apartments in the building and 67 of them were rented out : 房东声称在2014年, 整个楼有68个公寓,出租了67个:
For the year 2015, the landlord claimed that there were 69apartments in the building and 68 of them were rented out. Note that they declared one more apartment newly created in the building which is not true.
2015年, 整个楼有69个公寓,出租了68个:也就是说,2015年,这个楼里多出一个新公寓,当然不存在!

Furthermore, if there was only one apartment not leased for 2014 and 2015, how come we got this: 另外,如果说2014年、2015年这个楼里只有一个公寓未出租,为什么征租招牌是这样的显示(有两种不同大小的公寓出租):
2 types of apartment for rent:

and google map helped to catch this: 最妙的是,google map 帮我们抓到了不同年份的招租牌照片,都是这样的节奏:
2016: 2 types of apartment for rent:

2015: 3 types of apartment for rent:

2014:  3 types of apartment for rent:

When the judge asked if there was any parking lot rented out for people who did not live in the building, the landlord said “no”, turned out there were at least 3 parking lots leased to outsiders. 当法官问房东,地库的车位是否有出租给大楼以外的住户,房东说没有,事实上,至少有三个车位是出租给大楼以外的住户(有单租白天的,也有附近居民的车租用这个楼里的车位);
When the judge asked the landlord to prove the declared income generated by the laundry machines, the landlord said “we sell tokens to the tenants and there is no thing to prove the declared income number”. Turned out the machines take coins, not token but the judge accepted their statement no matter what. 当法官要求房东出具洗衣机部分的收入证据时,房东说,我们卖给住户洗衣机专用硬币,没有任何统计证据,而事实上,这个楼里的洗衣机是直接投币(加币)的,没有任何证据、与事实严重不符的说法,法官照样买单。

For 2014: they declared renovation expenses like this: 关于2014年的维护翻新成本,他们的申报是这个样式的,

For 2015: they declared renovation expenses like this: 到了2015年,就变成这种节奏,笃定法官要让他们赢,表面上的骗都可以随意来了!

Note that all of the supporting documents for the so-declared numbers merely appeared for a hour in the court and then disappeared from the court file. 注意,所有支持以上数字的所谓证据只在庭上虚晃一枪,给法官秀秀,庭后就拿走,不留痕迹!房客想验证证据?门儿都没有!
For the maintenance fees in 2014, they declared $0: 维护费的申报那也是随意来,2014年没有,2015年$84,139,只要把数字拼凑成他们要的涨幅就好;

whereas they declared $84,139.53 for 2015

The Landlord asked an increase of $16 for 2015(using data of 2014), after the deliberate calculation, the Regie du logement granted $15.88; 房东要16块,法官根据这些数字判15.88;
The Landlord asked an increase of $7.00 for 2016 (using data of 2015) , after carefully choosing the numbers, the Regie du logement granted $6:88.房东要7块,法官根据这些数字判6.88;

Number is a tool, works for a lie. As long as you’re Quebecois, the Regie du logement (Rental Board of Quebec) will buy whatsoever you say and make it look like “fair enough”. 数字只是工具,为谎言服务!只要你是魁瓜,法官就买你的帐,还会装门面“以示公正”!
After all, a law-abiding and rent-paying on time tenant who has been waiting for a judgement of appeal can be evicted in Quebec, Canada!  An arbitrary decision killed Robert Chu,  who is the next?  一个奉公守法、按时付房租,只是在等待一个上诉书面判决的房客(注:法院指定的法律服务中心律师证实,任何一个判决最终都会以书面方式提交),会被魁省租房委员会下令驱逐,华裔医学才子Robert Chu的悲剧,是这个弱肉强食、魁人至上、穆穆特权,华人则要享受“资本的藐视、文革的无情”双重特权!


 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-13 07:22:34 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-13 09:27:36 | 只看该作者
说到司法,蒙特利尔领事馆又开始走“高端”路线了,玩起两国的司法高层互动,互动单位是蒙特利尔法学院和中国社科院法学研究所。 司法互动当然是好事,最近中国通过的《民法总则》就是一个很好的范例,然而,蒙特利尔领事馆“P总”操刀下的司法合作,加拿大方面的主要负责人 Jean-Fran?ois Gaudreault-DesBiens,他的研究方向是宪法和联邦制 le droit constitutionnel et le fédéralisme,而中国方面的社科院,呵呵,都知道是意识形态多过学术的单位,两个意识形态绝然对立的群体,如同穆斯林 vs 基督教,自由党 vs 保守党,能合作出些什么?


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-13 09:35:14 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-13 11:30:43 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-14 22:08:26 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2017-10-14 22:10 编辑


在“民主”的魁北克,司法程序的诉讼为什么会被行政主管(Minister‘s office)审查? 不是三权分立吗?如果行政主管不是出于政治目的扼杀对自己不利的声音,后面的诉讼程序怎么会越来越荒唐不堪?!


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发表于 2018-2-14 14:27:08 | 只看该作者

为什么房东只declare 84139.53,而不是declare 841395.30。后者,房价就可以涨得更多?


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