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coverage of the FUT 18 Coins

发表于 2017-3-8 01:17:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
have contracted over 5% from the same point in 2010 and FIFA 18 Coins almost 24% from the same point in 2008. In absolute terms, year-to-date retail content sales are down approximately $1.6 billion from the peak three years ago.According to a recent video posted by the NPD Group to its YouTube channel, the decline in retail has coincided with the proliferation of alternative means for consumers to find gaming content. In the video Anita Frazier, an analyst for the NPD Group, goes on to say

the company has ?seen through [its] expanded coverage of the FUT 18 Coins market that the sales to consumers of content through these other ways of acquiring content is actually making up for the decline in retail sales.?While it isn't an absolute statement ? Frazier doesn't say specifically that the other segments are completely making up for losses at retail ? hers is as informed an opinion as one is likely to see on the growth of the market. If the industry appears to be contracting, then at the

least new sources of revenue are stepping into the breach.The NPD Group produces a quarterly report entitled Games Industry: Total Consumer Spend which outlines the company's estimates for the entire video game content market. In addition to the segments already mentioned, the company also estimates sales of used video games, for example by GameStop, and video game rentals.In its latest public release about consumer content purchases during the second quarter of 2011, the

stated that $1.44 billion was spent on u2fifa. traditional new content (console, handheld, and PC games at retail) while $1.74 billion was spent on all other channels combined. That follows an earlier report that $2.03 billion was spent at retail on traditional content during the first quarter of 2011 while $1.85 billion was spent on content through other means.While the NPD Group is well-positioned to measure these markets as well as any other company, a longer view of these figures

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