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发表于 2015-10-18 17:50:25 | 只看该作者
Two tiered citizenship now in Canada
As a result of this new law, dual citizens and people who have immigrated to Canada can have their citizenship taken away while other Canadians cannot. Bill C-24 could easily be used against non-terrorists—for example, a journalist who is convicted of a “terrorism offence” in another country for reporting on human rights violations by the government. https://bccla.org/2015/06/its-of ... p-goes-into-effect/[49]
Harper turns 863,000 Canadians into second-class citizens. "Say you were born in the United Kingdom, like me and 126,000 other Canadians, and have dual citizenship. Even if you’ve never lived and never intend to live in the U.K., you can now be deported if government thinks it has cause. In fact, the new rules say that all you have to do to merit the asterisk is have a claim to citizenship elsewhere, so anybody with a grandparent born in the U.K. likely falls into this category. Overnight, we have some Canadians discovering they suddenly have fewer rights as citizens than, say, native-born career criminals."http://www.vancouversun.com/stephen+hume+harper+turns+canadians+into+second+class+citizens/11410121/story.html?__lsa=a606-1c0d[50]
I always knew I wasn’t an “old-stock” Canadian. But I was very shocked when one day I woke up and discovered that thanks to Bill C-24 I had somehow become a second-class Canadian. Old age security. All you have to do is look at the application form and you will see that for non-Canadian born citizens proof of our arrival and citizenship is not enough to qualify. Canadians born here are not asked to document every address they have ever lived at in order to get OAS. Are we assumed to be cheats? http://www.thestar.com/opinion/c ... class-canadian.html[51]
It means that government would reward them citizenship for “good behavior” and could take it away for “bad behavior”. This is a form of “punishment,” and in fact, an unnecessary punishment, especially when there are other avenues to deal with the so-called “bad behavior”. The introduction of citizenship as merely a privilege, and not a right comes from the negative perception that immigrants are cheaters. It constructs the idea that immigrants, refugees, foreign workers, and naturalized citizens are terrorists or criminals and need to be deported to their “home countries.” http://www.sfu.ca/education/cels ... rner/bill-c-24.html[52]

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发表于 2015-10-18 17:52:47 | 只看该作者
澳大利亚和加拿大以前是欧洲流放犯人的地方, 所以其白人种族的祖上大部分是定义中的需被遣返的对象。。。还好中国的技术移民和投资移民大部分还有良好的记录.

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发表于 2015-10-18 21:50:32 | 只看该作者

小特魯多和唐民凱試圖用一部實際上保護加拿大國民免受恐怖主義傷害的法律來進行一場欺騙的競選活動,以此來恐嚇加拿大的新移民。實際情況是:在斯蒂芬·哈珀保守黨政府執政期間,在2006年以來,有超過一百六十萬移民入籍成為公民。C - 24法案幫助加速處理公民入籍申請,同時打擊入籍欺詐,撤銷那些攻擊加拿大的暴力恐怖分子的加拿大國籍。

誤解:C - 24法案允許政府因為任何原因取消個人國籍,原因包括發表與政府相反言論和輕微犯罪行為。
事實:完全錯誤。C - 24法案僅允許取消已定罪的某些犯下對加拿大不忠的嚴重罪行的人之公民資格,其罪行包括諸如恐怖主義,叛國罪,或對加拿大發動戰爭。

誤解:C - 24法案產生了“二等公民”
事實:錯誤。在加拿大法律之下只有一類公民。因為國際法的緣故,加拿大不能使某人成為無國籍人士。這意味著在C - 24法案之下,只有那些同時擁有其他國家國籍的被定罪恐怖和叛國分子才能被撤銷加拿大國籍。

誤解:C - 24法案意味著入籍的移民很容易失去公民身份。
事實:完全錯誤。C - 24法案在入籍公民和土生公民之間沒有區別。一些土生公民選擇雙重國籍;然而許多入籍公民,例如中國和印度,不能持有雙重國籍,從這些國家來的移民不能夠適用C - 24法案 ,即使他們被判犯有恐怖主義罪行。

誤解:C - 24法案允許撤銷那些在腐敗的外國法院定罪為恐怖主義的人的公民身份。

誤解:C - 24法案會給予歸化公民和土生公民不同待遇。
事實:完全錯誤。加拿大公民法,包括基於C - 24法案進行的修改,對加拿大公民一視同仁,不管是土生公民還是歸化公民。

事實:完全錯誤。一份NGR對1000位國民的民調顯示,83%的公民和85%的移民都支持撤銷被定罪恐怖分子的國籍。國會議員Devinder Shory第一個建議撤銷被定罪恐怖分子的國籍。許多代表新移民和恐怖活動受害人的組織都表達了對C - 24法案的支持。

誤解:在C - 24法案之下,撤銷恐怖和叛國分子國籍的權力可能被濫用。


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