Chinese, who sells poisonous baby formulas, poisonous food and poisonous industrial products. Some of those products are now available in Canada, and as Canadians and Chinese Canadians, we are all using or eating those harmful products.
克 飞, if you are blaming others for criticizing Canadian Chinese instead of trying to find out the reason behind those criticism or the so-called hate attitude, Canadian Chinese will be hated even more and those hate-attitude situation will live on forever.
Say no to China crap. They poisoned their own people for profit.
上一句说的China crap,就是下一句的“they",就是为了利益毒害了”自己的人民“的那些人。那”they"是谁呢?是贪官、是奸商、是那些没有良知的中国人,这个标题骂的是crap,不是骂全体中国人,我是这么看的。
那些移民你为什么愤怒?难道你干了poison your own people for profit这件事?