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国会缺席投票政治官员名单:关于对是否扩大,延长对 ISIS战斗

发表于 2015-3-31 14:57:11 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

On this vote, Liberal MP Irwin Cotler indicated in advance he'd abstain on principle. It's unclear whether any other MPs who did not vote were abstaining, or just absent.

The reasons for the absences of MPs are not recorded, CBC News has compiled this list of those not recorded as either voting yea or nay:

Conservatives absent (19):

Keith Ashfield.
Leon Benoit.
Maxime Bernier.
Garry Breitkreuz.
Blaine Calkins.
Bob Dechert.
Nina Grewal.
Richard Harris.
Jim Hillyer.
Ryan Leef.
Larry Miller.
Gordon O'Connor.
Blake Richards.
Greg Rickford.
Gerry Ritz.
Kyle Seeback.
Mark Strahl.
Dave Van Kesteren.
John Weston.
New Democrats absent (5):

Dennis Bevington.
Libby Davies.
Carol Hughes.
Pierre Jacob.
Mike Sullivan.
Liberals absent (4) or abstaining (1):

Arnold Chan.
Irwin Cotler. *abstained
Kirsty Duncan.
Yvonne Jones.
David McGuinty.
Independent MPs absent (4):

Sana Hassainia
Jean-Francois Larose.
Massimo Pacetti.
Manon Perreault.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-31 14:59:13 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者
The motion to extend Canada's mission passed by a vote of 142-129, with Conservatives in favour and the opposition parties against.

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