美国国务院发言人哈夫女士说:say about us. No, I understand. Look, again, people are free to say what they want and they’re free to comment on things that happen in this country. I’m also free to disagree with the comparisons that some are making.
英文网站的链接我点进去看,一开头就说得很清——As of April 2014, more than 160 million Chinese people have declared their intention to quit the Party itself, or its affiliates, the Youth League, and/or the Young Pioneers
qutting ccp是网站上的一个栏目链接,名称就叫quitting ccp. 是一个正在进行的项目,鼓励大家点击进去。用Quitting CCP 做栏目链接的名称仅仅是因为在页面设计的原因,你不可能在一个侧栏链接写这么多字。英文里没有“三退”这种表达方式,就是用内容里最重要、最有代表性的部分做标题,所以就叫quitting ccp, 这就是英文的表达方式. 点击进去有正文内容,有明确的解释。
as of April 2014, more than 160 million Chinese people have declared their intention to quit the Party itself, or its affiliates, the Youth League, and/or the Young Pioneers
美国国务院发言人哈夫女士说:say about us. No, I understand. Look, again, people are free to say what they want and they’re free to comment on things that happen in this country. I’m also free to disagree with the comparisons that some are making.
美国国务院发言人哈夫女士说:say about us. No, I understand. Look, again, people are free to say what they want and they’re free to comment on things that happen in this country. I’m also free to disagree with the comparisons that some are making.
看我的帖了吗,hey, are you listening?
对不起,这些信息没有必要收集。三退,本来就不是做人口调查,也不是一个“组织程序”。就是simply把人们心中真实的想法反映出来,用英文来说,就是declare the intention. 把人们的真实态度用一种相对严肃的方式来表达。