本帖最后由 weinberger 于 2014-4-5 16:17 编辑
Of course, that's only your personal feeling, not a fact. Seeing the same 'evidences' that you see, other people may reach a completely different conclusion. Because evolution is not something we can observe or prove. If it's happening today, it's going too slow for us to observe. If it happened in the past, we can't return to the past to see. It may be a fact of history, but how would we know? I can show everybody why 2+2=4 and they will all agree because it is a fact, but you can't show an evolution and get them to all agree.
How do you know 始祖鸟 is something happened during an evolution, maybe it's just an ancient bird that is exinct today.
酒中仙 发表于 2014-4-5 15:53 |