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楼主: 我党黨员
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发表于 2013-1-28 08:49:15 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 11:41:24 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 12:01:55 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 zeak 于 2013-1-28 12:04 编辑


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 12:05:39 | 只看该作者
GPS1 发表于 2013-1-28 08:49

真把唐炜臻逼急了, 带着中国政府发的最佳诚信奖状, 进入多伦多的中国领事馆! 王立军可以进入成都的美国领事馆, 老唐凭什么不敢进中国领事馆?!:laugh:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 13:01:47 | 只看该作者
For the sake of his family, he should get divorced.

Give the persons you loved some peace!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 14:22:12 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 16:32:20 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 16:39:55 | 只看该作者
桃木钉 发表于 2013-1-28 16:32

所以老唐在法庭上才那么牛气, 大不了坐几年牢, 钱算到手了. 出来后哪个债主再找老唐要钱, 就是骚扰.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 18:51:33 | 只看该作者


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 18:54:24 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 18:56:11 | 只看该作者
唐炜臻预备好的量刑陈词 My preparation for Feb. 1, 2013
Table of Contents
唐炜臻预备好的量刑陈词 My preparation for Feb. 1, 2013        1
可尊敬的法官奥玛华(Alfred O'Marra)大人,您好!The honourable  Justice Alfred O'Marra,        5
回答法官精神评估决定 My Response to Your last Decision on My Mental Health Assessment        5
答檢控官麥克唐納11月28日提出的问题My Response to the crown attorney, Mr. Gavin MacDonald submissions on last November 28, sentence hearing        6
Everything you, the crown attorney, Mr. Gavin MacDonald, said on November 28, will be used against you in court in the future and you were trying to crucified a self-represented, disabled, ordinary people, is that fair, what is your base and evidence?        6
加拿大政府不干预企业,司法部干预Government of Ontario does not interfere private business, but police and the crown attorney office do        6
唐炜臻的海外华人合伙人基金Weizhen Tang’s Oversea Chineses Fund Limited Partnership, a pioneer work of Chinese Financial Business in the open market        6
海外华人基金是华人在海外的一个开拓性的金融事业        6
海外华人基金是投资人的追求和需要The business of Oversea Chinese Fund Limited Partnership is investors’ dream work and demand        7
融资和营销的四大策略,不是欺诈手段Raising Fund and Marketing and 4 Selling Points, strategies, not means of fraud        7
没有任何欺诈的动机和证据No fraud motivation and evidence        7
<我的巴菲特财富之路>一书My book (Chinese Warren Buffett, the king of 1% ), my background and history, experience and dream and goal        7
连续稳定回报的历史记录,即时市场操作赢利能力My Real time Financial Market Trading show and demonstration to investors and the public, the ability and skills are real        7
给投资人的承诺和兑现My records of keeping promise, profitability, consistent return 1% weekly return of the past, true and feasible promises        8
社会活动,演讲和大规模大型社会活动的组织能力 My social high profile and public image and social skills        8
融资6000万是贡献,而不是欺诈60 million dollars was a contribution to the economy, to the country, nothing fraud        8
我没有检控官说的虚假承诺I never gave any false promises and all promises are real and provable        8
我没有检控官说的伪造报表I never falsified any statement or documents        10
我没有收取费用,从中获利 I did not pay myself wrongly from the investors’ fund and never enrich myself since I had no assets and gave my own money to investors when the ship was sinking        10
我的资金去向只有三个All money from investors went three places        10
我们没有政府帮助,却受政府的害We are private fund company, We never have any assistance from our Ontario government, but harm from OSC and police and crown attorney office        10
安省司法部司法不公平,蓄意迫害The crown attorney of Ontario is unfair and not honourable and persecution and discrimination on purpose        12
我多次提出并呼吁用我自己从银行借的钱请律师辩护,证券会冻结我用房屋贷款从银行借的钱不让我用,2012年高等法院法官Nordheimer 曾有意动用这笔资金并研究讨论,遭证券会和检控官反对和阻难我用这笔钱请律师辩护I asked many time to use my own money borrowed from the TD Canada trust Bank against my house, which has been frozen by OSC for 4 years and the Justice Nordheimer of the Superior Court of Ontario intended to use the fund for my defense and have court record, but the counsel from OSC and the crown attorney even opposed the motion        13
三次申请法律援助被拒绝 My three times legal applications denies since the year of2010        13
司法部拒绝提供法律辩护 The crown attorney office denied the Rawbotham Application        13
号称数千万的金融欺诈,没有钱请律师迫使我一个普通人跟一群法律专家在法庭自辩,政府一群人大量资源对付我一个被残害的人 The so-called 52 million dollars’ fraud, OSC and the crown attorney never show the court and public where is the money and forced me to defend my self in court without  a defense lawyer where was strange place and intimidating to me        13
检控官和法庭迫使和误导我用陪审团,用5000元以上(的投资损失)说成是欺诈误导陪审团给我定罪I saw injustice and I was forced and mislead to choose jury and the jury was mislead by the crown of over 5000 fraud or loss to investors, my real promise turned to crown’s deceit        13
檢控官麥克唐納 (Gavin MacDonald)欺诈的定义是什么?What is definition of fraud of the crown attorney? I still do not know and so does the public, Nortel is not a fraud, Bre-X is not a fraud?        13
究竟是5200万,6000万,1900万,284万,5000元还是1000元?或者是我答应,承诺5000万, 欠5000万,负5000万,我自己亏一两百万。自己的钱给投资人一两百万?        14
法庭证据显示我个人和我的公司:一,没有钱; 二,没有欺诈的钱,第三,没有任何资产,只有大量的债务Court documents prove that my companies and I :first, we did not have money; second, we no fraud money since there were no fraud, thirdly, only huge debts and unpaid bills and forced to live on welfare, Last, not the least I did not have any assets except the house which was heavily mortgaged from TD Canada Trust.        14
我和公众理解的欺骗The fraud of what public and I know and what is the misleading fraud concept of crown        14
一是拿投资人的钱Proves of Motivation and Evidence of Taking investors’ money in possession        15
二是拿投资人的钱不负责任,跑了 No responsibility to investors and run away from investors when there is loss or dispute        15
三是跟本不想负责 No intention to be responsible and no risk to him or herself, no promise and never keep promise        15
四是没有能力,负不了责Unable and Impossible to protect investors and return investors’ money and no records of compensation to investors        15
证券会颠倒黑白,却污蔑我是欺诈OSC and the crown attorney turned everything upside down and good character and behavior to bad and crime        15
我的情况不属于以上四点,而恰恰相反:My situation is opposite to the real fraud, everything is business and real        15
第一,我从没拿投资人的钱,只给投资人钱I never took investors’ money and only gave investors my own money        16
第二,对自始至终对投资人负责,不跑I always insisted to be responsible to my investors and never run        16
第三,坚持为投资人负责,乐意对投资人负责,要他们工作,兑现我的承诺 I am happy to be responsible and love to make money to pay my investors and reward their trust and cherish the relationship, I always put my investors’ interest first        16
第四,我有能力负责并且可以当场演示和检验我的能力I am capable and can prove to you and anybody anywhere and anytime how, my real time market timing and profitability        16
第五,我有大多数投资人的信任和支持Most of investors support me and wish me to return to work        16
檢控官的284万是什么,钱在哪里?What the crown talked about 2.84 million, I do not know what he was talking about and why?  he could not find any money, he used any  number to mislead the court and the public, where is the money? Did the crown find the money somewhere I did not know and why I could not use the money for my defense if there was any?        17
我个人投资,放进去海外华人合伙人公司基金的钱远远多于个人费用        17
检控官从不提我自己的钱,隐瞒我自己放进去的钱        17
怎么证明证券会和司法部门让我倾家荡产,无家可归,而不是欺诈        18
为什么说投资人的钱就是我的钱,我的钱就是投资人的?Why investors ‘ money is mine and mine is investors’        18
为投资人夺回损失一直是我的心愿和一贯行为 It is my desire and wish to pay back all my investors        18
禁止我永世不得管理别人财产,世界上有谁比我更有资格 Why the crown attorney, Mr. Gavin MacDonald and Robert Gattrel asked you to oder and ban me from        19
个别受害人报告,大多数是合伙人不是受害人        19
面对司法,加拿大没有民主 In front of Justice, no democracy, investors and the public have no rights and power, only be used. Why any crown could take all the power from investors and the public and strip them?        21
面对司法,加拿大投资人没有隐私, In  front of Justice, there is no privacy and nothing confidential        21
面对司法,名声和名誉就会被毁In front of Justice, name and reputation ruined and constructed for its own image and benefit        21
面对司法,钱在说话,有钱请律师想干什么就干什么,犯罪的人都可以判无罪In front of Justice, money talk, lawering  up and go free        21
面对司法,纳税人被强奸, In front of Justice, all tax payers are raped.        21
面对司法,法官绝对权威,绝对权力绝对崩溃 In front of Justice, Justice has the absolute power and absolute power collapse absolutely        21
欺诈导致唐炜臻倾家荡产还是政府的破坏?Did the Fraud force me to go broke or the crown fraud charges did force me to broke on purpose ?        21
检控官的量刑案例和唐炜臻的案例风马牛不相及不同        22
在法庭监控官的案例管用属于迫害,在社会唐炜臻的有价值The so-called crown case laws and authorities in court have nothing to do with me, but harm, my examples are classic and useful        22
我的量刑提议My sentence proposal        22
停止迫害和争论,用事实说话        22
我没有罪判刑,安省司法不公平,黑暗,残忍,蒙羞I am not guilt but falsely convicted and face sentence, it is the justice which failed like Nortel fraud case        23
金融欺诈? 我从没有拿别人的钱,从没有为自己谋利益,我没有钱,更没有罪,司法人员拖我,逼我和迫害我,误导投资人和公众强迫我认罪。        23

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 19:56:34 | 只看该作者
回复 6# zeak

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 20:02:53 | 只看该作者
回复 25# 唐炜臻


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 20:41:23 | 只看该作者



一个人品好,有理想和现实目标的人,一个有特殊的市场经验和追求连续稳定的回报的决心,意志和市场能力,一个坚持不懈的人。唐炜臻的庄家思想和每周1% 市场理论与实践不仅是操盘技术,而是一种思维方式,风险控制与连续稳定回报的措施,深受投资人的喜爱和欢迎。





200多位资深投资人没有维基解密说的中央政治局常委周永康,其中不乏企业家,公司总裁,成功人士,博士和高级管理人才。路小燕就是其中的一个,一个有胆量的一个生意人,她的名字被大家熟悉是在海外华人基金出事的前后。是她个人账户的100万投资吸引了投资人的眼球,唐炜臻把在她账户上仅有的100万从2009年1月到2月五个星期演变成了600万,净盈利500 万,她因此给了我100万的提成,后来又借了我20万美元,她帮过我,我把自己赚的所有的钱全部给了海外华人基金和投资人,自己一分没留,免费为投资人工作几年。

唐炜臻的庄家思想和每周1% 市场理论与实践不仅仅是操盘技术,而是一种思维方式,庄家位置,市场能力,追求的是社会知名度和资金规模,需要资金规模和市场的位置,是消除赌博性质和行为的经济行为和模式,风险控制与连续稳定回报的措施,深受投资人的喜爱和欢迎,目前受证券会和警察的迫害和限制暂时不能为投资人兑现,但一定能够成功的。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-28 21:37:07 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 zeak 于 2013-1-28 21:39 编辑


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