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发表于 2012-12-19 14:22:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

我是说救我, 您也可能有要救的时候,您为什么糊涂。您不愿被人欺负,您也不愿您的人被人欺负。救我就是救投资人,救自己。

很多人好坏不分,分不清, 大小不分,分不清,书读多了,看到问题就怕,太专业了看到规矩就怕。






我明白了西方社会两大武器,法宝2012-12-19 10:18:00 编辑 删除 阅读(114) 评论(1)
为什么我们在海外永世不得翻身,因为我们不是女王和女王陛下的人,我们是狱友。我们不是生活在真正的资本主义,而是万恶的资本主义和奴隶社会。西方富有是靠欺诈呵呵掠夺。这里的 欺诈是系统性的,制度性的,合法的,他们做就是合法的,但别人做就是非法的。
西方政治家都是打工的,CEO ,不是董事长,更不是老板,没有所有权,只有经营权并且权力非常有限,有没有CEO政府照样运行。
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1 条评论 发表在“我明白了西方社会两大武器,法宝”上
2012年12月19日于10:50 上午
唐炜臻 说:

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-24 19:49:38 | 只看该作者
Fighting against authorities

It isn’t exaggerating to say that Tang is a type of rarely encountered figure by Canadian financial authorities. Since being bailed out from Don Jail, Tang started his “one-man” battle with the authorities – including the OSC– by filing several motions against the cease trade order to “stop the OSC from defaming him and harming investors.”

“I’m fighting on my own now, ” says Tang. “I cannot afford a lawyer at all.”

In an open letter to the chairman of the OSC, Tang again avowed his innocence. “How could the OSC and the police charge someone like me for fraud?” he wrote. “I had not only been clean and honest my entire half-century of life, but also vocally and actively anti-fraud — a true business person with character and integrity.”

There are 25 reasons to stop the OSC cease trade order, claims Tang, including that he is “an extremely sophisticated trader, often proving to be one of the best in the world, that Tang, unlike traditional Ponzi schemers who do not choose to trade or know how to trade, are eager to trade, and that “the OSC protects banks and large financial institutions, while injuring individual investors.”

Tang also wrote an open letter to Dalton McGuinty, the Premier of Ontario. He congratulated him on his success in the recent election, and alleged that the Ontario securities watchdog lacks vision and good leadership, and thus is unable to prevent improper or fraudulent practices.

“Nobody in the OSC has the expertise and experience to realize the real financial fraud and improper fraudulent practices… Finding a wrong scapegoat like Chinese Warren Buffett makes it worse… If the Chinese Warren Buffett were the Chairman of the OSC, I would fix all those problems,” Tang wrote.

During an OSC hearing in Nov. which extended his temporary cease trade order to Sept.2012, in his attempt to have the OSC rescind its cease trade order, Tang, again, complained before the hearing chairman about the criminal process and the regulatory authorities of the OSC and accused the OSC of having falsified evidence.

“Mr. Tang is entitled to say what he feels he needs to say, but we take allegations such as that very seriously,” countered the OSC counsel at the hearing, who stated that after the preliminary hearing, Tang has been committed for a criminal trial at the Superior Court.

Tang seems to have lost, again, another motion to oppose the cease trade order. Having read all the documents Tang presented – including his mayoral speech, open letters to the OSC and the Premier, the hearing found that no satisfactory information was provided by Tang as to why the order should not be extended. As a result, the cease trade order was extended to Sept. 2012 by the hearing — after Tang’s criminal trial has begun.

But Tang’s complaints have not gone unattended, at least his open letter to the Premier has received a response from Mr. McGuinty on Nov. 21, in which, apart from some political rhetoric, the Premier wrote:

“你关于安省证监会的评论也会令我得到同事,尊敬的财政厅长Dwight Duncan的重视,我已经将你的来信的复印件转交给他阅读。”
“As your comments regarding the Ontario Securities Commission would also interest my colleague the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance, I have forwarded a copy of your correspondence to him for his information.”

Tang seems infatuated by the news flashing in his BlackBerry inbox: “They are the authorities who appoint the chair of the OSC!” said Tang to me, with cheeks flushing red and eyes glaring with excitement and hope.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-24 19:46:36 | 只看该作者
[email protected]
海外华人过节这个礼物最好:唐炜臻试与西方权利机构一争高低2012-12-24 15:57:15 编辑 删除 阅读(174) 评论(1)
大中公益网096.ca 2011年12月01日 17:54 来源:大中报记者南茜(Nancy Jin) [ 加大字体 | 缩小字体 ]
“I am fighting against authorities”: Weizhen Tang

Do all those facing fraud charges maintain their innocence? Do they believe that they were wrongly accused by the authorities, and are treated unfairly in the so-called open democratic society?

当FBI 调查员出现于Bernie Madoff(马道夫)住所逮捕他之前,他向两个儿子承认其投资者所获资金并非属其所有,并承认实施了庞氏骗局。他向调查员表示:“他无法解释自己自己为什么要这么干。”
Before FBI agents showed up at Bernie Madoff’s apartment to arrest him, he confessed to his sons that his business was merely a giant Ponzi scheme, as he paid investors money that wasn’t theirs. “There wasn’t any innocent explanation,” said Madoff to FBI agents.

But Weizhen Tang – the alleged Toronto’s own Bernie Madoff, is distinct and seems to deviate from all others who have been charged. Not only has he proclaimed his innocence, refuting the fraud charges and providing explanations for the financial loss incurred by his investors, he was even sought to run for mayor and to become OSC chairman while facing fraud charges.

唐对此慷慨陈词:“我与浪费挥霍投资者资金的马道夫不同,我是一心帮助投资者赚钱……他们的投资是丢给了金融风暴。证监会和警方是在浪费纳税人的资金,他们根本无法查出任何欺诈行为的证据, 我没有实施庞氏骗局,也没有欺诈。相反, 我是一名成功的企业家,是一名市长参选者…….自我竞选市长以来,我赢回了投资者和大众的信任和支持。”
“Rather than embezzling and squandering investors’ money like Madoff, I was helping my investors to make money…The investors’ money lost to the financial tsunami. The OSC and the police wasted millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money on my case, but are unable to uncover fraud in any of my actions — no Ponzi scheme, no deception, ” said Tang. “On the contrary to those charges, I am a successful entrepreneur and became a mayoral candidate for Toronto… Resulting from my running for mayor, I gained back the trust and support of investors and general public.”

The seemingly egotistical Tang constantly bragged about his ability to raise a stunning amount of $60 million dollars from investors.

“No one in Canada, including financial institutions is able to raise funds to this extent. …. I am a financial entrepreneur, and also a world famous hedge fund manager and portfolio manager… That is why I was running for Mayor… The fund of $60 million was raised legally, as hedge fund investments are not regulated by the OSC and not required to register.”

Living in poverty

11月份的多伦多虽略带凉意却分外美丽。唐在一个下午于他家附近的一家Harvey’s连锁店接受我的采访。身着Harry Rosen西装的唐,花白的头发梳于一侧,看起来精神不错,与2010年3月我到多伦多Don Jail监狱造访他时留下的形容枯槁并且疲惫不堪的形象相比,几乎判若两人。
On a beautiful November afternoon, Tang sat with me at a Harvey’s chain restaurant near his home for an interview. Dressed in a Harry Rosen suit, Tang, with his salt-and-pepper hair gathering on the side, looked energetic and in good shape, a sharp contrast with the haggard and tired image he left me in Don Jail, when I visited him in early March of 2010.

Only that his eyes looked more sunken and cheeks more hollow than a year earlier – attesting to an out-of-jail life in poverty and stress.

采访中,唐对加国法律系统充斥着不满,双颊因气愤而涨得通红。他们诋毁了我的形象,终止了我操盘,还毁了我的家,唐说。他激动地表示:“他们剥夺了我为投资客户赚钱的机会,无缘无故把我关在Don Jail中。加国权利机构怎么能这样对待我,一个开放的民主社会怎么能在这种邪恶的势力猖獗?”
“I was denied the opportunity to invest for my clients, and I was even held in Don Jail for no reason whatsoever. How could a government fight an innocent person like me? How could such evils flourish in an open, democratic society?” said Tang, cheeks flushed with the anger and frustration towards the Canadian legal system, which he claimed has destroyed his image, his securities trading business and his family.

After the OSC issued a temporary cease trade order against Tang in Mar. 2009, Tang was charged 3 months later with 11 counts of offences by the OSC, and in Nov., a criminal charge of fraud over $5000 was laid by the Toronto Police.

“These charges are ridiculous and have caused me to suffer an unfair, inhumane, illegal and vindictive punishment,” said Tang, with flames in his eyes. “It was, and is, a Kafka-esque nightmare for me, my clients, my community, and my family.”

Boasting himself as the “Chinese Warren Buffett”, Tang hates to be referred to as “Toronto’s Madoff”.

“I’m no Madoff who lived a lavish lifestyle using investors’ money, while I’ve lived a simple life. I didn’t take their money, but instead handed over my own money to pay them back.”

Tang said that his current living standard is below the poverty line – without a job to make income but carrying a heavy mortgage from the bank, he relies on welfare, some rental income and the support from his adult daughter in Hong Kong to make a living.

“I’ve got used to this type of lifestyle… The good thing is that I’ve never lived a luxury life,” said Tang.

Where did the raised funds go?

Tang says he made repayments to investors by coughing up funds from his own coffer – including his home mortgages and the bonuses offered to him by a client.

“I once made $5 million — 500% profits for one of my clients by trading for account at IB, who offered me $1.2 million as bonuses, but I forked out that money to investors in Jan. 2009.

“I also took out $200,000 from my home mortgage, which was included in the funds of $440,000 frozen by the OSC.”

但是即便唐再列举自己所做的善事,也很难从他的那些把血汗钱丢得一干二净的投资者那里赢得任何同情和感激。唐所收到的民事诉讼案从未间断。今年8月份,多伦多律师事务所Rochon Genova LLP代表唐的前投资者对唐发起集体诉讼。
But Tang’s claim of his good deeds could hardly earn any sympathy and gratitude from his investors who lost their hard earned investments and are suing over the missing funds. Tang has been hit by waves of civil lawsuits – including the class action suit filed by a Toronto law firm Rochon Genova LLP in Aug.

But Tang shows nothing but contempt towards the lawsuits against him. “They could hardly make out anything from it,” said Tang, leaning against his seat and smirking. “No money left in any of the accounts whatsoever, and they are wasting their time.”

But where did the investors’ funds go?

According to the report “Source and Application of Fund Analysis”, issued by an OSC senior forensic accountant in 2010, Tang’s Overseas Chinese Fund Limited Partnership received $52 million from Canadian and U.S. clients, about $27 million was disbursed to clients and spent on other investments, and about $19 million was lost in forex trading.

该报告为唐的数个公司的资金流向进行了分析,据该报告,唐和他的公司从Overseas Fund收到资金约$2800万元,其中$39万元用于支付公司开支,$14.7万元用于做广告,$1.8万元用于办公室租金,1.4万元捐赠给中国总领馆,$39.6万元用于支付唐及其同事的工资,$16.7万元用于支付唐妻子的信用卡账单,包括餐费、度假、电子产品、Holt Renfrew 和Harry Rosen的服装等。
The report, which provides a fund flow analysis on Tang’s several companies, indicates that Tang and his companies received about $2.8 million from Overseas Fund, among which $390K was spent on corporate expenses, $147K on advertising, $18K spent on office rent, $14K was donated to the Chinese, Consulate General, $396K was spent on the salary of Tang and his associates, and $167K on his wife’s credit card payments – including restaurant, vacations, electronics, Holt Renfrew and Harry Rosen clothing.

唐称:“$1000元的餐费账单,用于投资者的午餐会议。Harry Rosen和Holt Renfrew?我和我妻子需要业务服装。度假的开支全部都是用于参加国际会议。总之,为管理如此巨额的投资资金我理应得到报酬。 就2.5%的资金管理费来说,这点开支真是微不足道,微不足道。”
“The $1000 restaurant bill? It was for a meeting with investors. Harry Rosen and Holt Renfrew? Need some business attire for me and my wife. The vacation expenses were all for international meetings,” said Tang. “The bottom line is that I deserve to be paid for managing such a huge investment fund – considering 2.5% in management fees, those expenses were just peanuts, peanuts.”

Rosen & Associates Limited的法务会计师Alan T. Mak表示,这些数字似乎无法证明唐没有从计划中谋取个人利益,也无法证明唐未经营庞氏骗局。
The numbers seem unable to establish that Tang did not personally benefit from the scheme or that his scheme was not Ponzi, says Alan T. Mak, forensic accountant with Rosen & Associates Limited.

“It is evident that substantial funds were returned to investors. Given the lack of substantial investment income such as gains from trading activity, the repayments necessarily were made out of investor capital,” says Mak.

But Tang alleges that the OS|C report was wrong-headed and misleading. “It provided false evidence,” says Tang.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-19 16:18:44 | 只看该作者
大中公益网096.ca 2012年11月30日 08:48  来源:大中报记者南茜(Nancy Jin)  [ 加大字体 | 缩小字体 ]

“I bailed Weizhen Tang because he is innocent”


Weizhen Tang lost his freedom the day after he was convicted in a $52 million dollar fraud last month, since the judge cancelled Tang’s bail after a 45-year-old hairdresser withdrew herself as his surety.

但是在黄洪辉先生和另一名女士为唐提出新的保释计划后,唐再次获准保释。 黄先生愿意提供$35万元保释金,而最终法官在保释聆讯中判定两名担保人各提供$15万元的担保。
But Tang’s bail was renewed in a bail hearing after two new sureties, Mr. Hung Tai Wong and another Chinese woman arrived with a new surety plan. Wong offered to post $350,000 bail; the judge settled the bail hearing at $150,000 each.

In an exclusive interview with Chinese News, Mr. Wong said that he is willing to pledge his assets so that Tang could be released from jail.

“Tang promised not to escape, and would follow his bail conditions,” said Wong. “I trust him one hundred percent!”
The 60-year-old Mr. Wong, an old immigrant from Hong Kong, came to Canada in 1970, and currently works as a chef and the owner of a restaurant in Mississauga. Wearing a pair of dark framed spectacles on his lean face, Wong has a light build and is of average height. With a native Cantonese tongue, he speaks Mandarin and English.

But Wong has strong financial resources and is qualified to act as a surety for Tang.

“I have around $400,000 in total assets, with $80,000 in cash,” explained Wong.

When asked why he wants to be a surety for Tang – who has been convicted of fraud in the amount of $52million – Wong appeared infuriated, with his eyebrows twitching in anger:

“It’s a judicial persecution!”

The frustrated Wong says that Tang is a victim of the judicial system. In facing the powerful legal authorities, Wong claims, Tang could not even afford a legal counsel to protect his legal rights.

“I personally believe that the crown, the judge and the OSC colluded to persecute Tang… This is extremely unfair to Tang and it is unjustified.”

While admitting that he is not very familiar with Tang’s entire case, Wong told Chinese News that he firmly believes that Tang’s investors’ money was all lost during the financial meltdown, and that Tang is innocent of fraud.

“They (the prosecution) kept telling me during the bail hearing that the investors’ money was lost, but they could not answer my question as to where the money went… Apparently, the money was lost in the market, during the financial storm in 2008.”

“They made a simple case so complicated!”

Wong repeatedly stressed that the 28 “victims” were simply Tang’s clients and that Tang did not defraud them.

“Tang is innocent.”

According to Wong, he has been an active stock trader, with over 40 years of trading experience, mostly in options trading. “I’ve made money and I’ve lost money… over the years, my trading performance breaks even.”

Wong said it is unnecessary for him to review all the details of Tang’s case before reaching his personal conclusion. After he met with Tang, and talked to his wife Hong Xiao, he believes that Tang was framed for a crime he didn’t commit.

黄称:“在我从报纸上获悉唐被定罪后,我就主动联系唐的妻子。在我和唐的妻子交谈后,我感到非常气愤…… 唐并没有将这些钱装进自己的腰包。”
“I started to contact Tang’s wife after I learned from the newspapers about Tang’s conviction. After I talked to his wife, I got extremely frustrated,” said Wong. “Tang did not put the money into his own pocket.”

黄称, 他一个虔诚的宗教信徒,不能接受人类生活中的任何不公正现象。
Wong says he is a sincere religious believer, and doesn’t accept any injustice in human life.

黄称:“我的车里有藏有两本圣经,一本英文版,一本中文版。我相信上帝,我不信任人类制定的法律…… 上帝为所有遭到不公平待遇的人寻求公理,伸张正义。”
“I have two bibles in my car, one in English and one in Chinese. I believe in God, and I don’t trust the human made law,” said Wong. “The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly.”

Wong told Chinese News that he wants the whole world to know his opinions towards Tang’s case.

“I feel obligated to be his surety.”

According to media reports, Tang’s sentencing hearing started Wednesday, and he will remain free on bail until at least Jan. 9, when the sentencing hearing resumes.

在周三的刑期庭审间, 检控官向法庭申请要求判唐10年之刑期,而唐的法庭指定律师则要求5年以下。几名受害者向法庭提供了“受害人经历证词”。一名投资者说,她的投资损失殆尽后,她的家人唯一的选择就是在她死亡后领取她的人寿保险。
While the Crown attorney sought a 10-year sentence during Wednesday’s hearing, Tang’s court appointed lawyer was arguing for five years or less. Several victims delivered “victim impact statements” during the hearing. One investor stated that after the money was lost, the only option her family had was to claim the death benefit from her life insurance policy.

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发表于 2012-12-19 14:28:33 | 只看该作者
"而是警察,税务,想强奸谁就强奸谁?" 谁强奸唐炜臻了, 那叫鸡奸! 老唐老婆才是女,  这强奸犯的眼神是差点, 找错位置了.

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