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发表于 2004-5-25 16:39:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2004-5-27 09:09:09 | 只看该作者
I have a sister who's studying master now, so I guess I can answer your questions....


It depends.  If you are only applying for couse based master, you proberly don't have to talk to a professor first.  You only need to have high GPA, and have a few reference letters that speak in favour of you.  However, if you are applying for research based master, you should speak to a professor of your choice first.  The professors won't be interested in taking you as a student unless you want to do something that has to do with their research.  High GPA is not good enough..... and my sister's professor actually has taken a master student whose has a lower GPA, but intrested in what the professor is doing.


My sister is doing a Computer Science research based master at the University of Western Ontario.  When the acceptance letter comes, the offer of scholarship and TA-ship also come along.  My sister says as long as you have mantained a at least 80% average during your undergrad years, you should  have no problem getting a scholarship.  

However, that sort of scholarship and TA-ship won't be offered to course based master student.  I'm not sure what sort of scholarship you can apply for as a course based student.

Is it a little bit too late to think about master degrees?  I
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-27 13:28:25 | 只看该作者
Thank you very much WingYin. I really appreciate that. Just one more question.

Keeping grade average 80% is involving only major courses or it is overall the undergradute courses? Since some student take  more elective to boost their GPA. Does better university  student  have more chance to get offer?

Why it is too late?? you mean too bad??

By the way, my major is also Computer Science. :smile:
发表于 2004-5-27 15:14:26 | 只看该作者

I don't know how to answer your question.  I think it depends on which university you are applying to.  And, as I've said before, some profs would overlook your GPA if you are really intrested in what they are doing....

Perhaps I should tell you how come my sister would become a master student.  She worked for that prof. as a research student between the 3rd and 4th year of university.  That prof told her he would like to be her advisor if she chose to study for a master degree.  That happened before Christmas.  So she applied.  She asked another prof. to write a reference letter for her.  In March, she followed up her application.  The school official told her she'd already been accepted, but the school was waiting for the reference letter from her prof., and his e-mail saying yes, he would take my sister as a student.

So, she received her official offer in the end of April.

You really have to check the deadline for applying for master degrees.  I believe most of the schools stop accepting application by the end of June.
发表于 2004-5-27 23:26:01 | 只看该作者
两位讨论的话题也是我所关心的, 虽然不是我自己申请, 但也差不多, 照WINGYIN 所说, 奖学金需要申请吗, 还是申请学校的时候自动申请的? COURSE BASED 和 RESEARCH BASED MASTER比起来将来前途如何? 有没有冬季开学的MASTER, 现在申请还来得及吗? 因为现在申请九月开学的已经太晚了, 我还有一大堆问题, 这两天忙着搬家, 等我忙完了还望两位不吝赐教,谢谢!
发表于 2004-5-28 11:59:25 | 只看该作者

If you are still asking those questions, I would suggest that you put off your plan to study for Master for a year.  

I think I better not act as an expert on this topic.  After all, it's my sister, not myself, who's studying for the master degree.  Also, every school has different policies.  You should check with the school regarding scholarships and TA-ships.  

I'm only sure of one thing: it might be too late to apply for September entry Master program.
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