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发表于 2001-11-22 00:53:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


  美国是个繁荣富裕之国,但不是家家户户都有钱。不少人还是所入仅足糊口:“ live from hand to mouth ”。  

  有些人善于从事煽动的勾当,喜欢把话语套在别人口里,这就是“ putting words into another person's mouth ”。还有些人刚好相反,喜欢把别人心中话透露出来:“ taking the words out of someone's mouth ”。更有些人乐于夸大其词,因为他们“ have a big mouth ”。那些好新奇事物的人便会竖起“ itching ears ”,在“ prick up their ears ”倾听之后,自然而然会把听到的口口相传:“ going from mouth to mouth ”,用意不外是在使道听途说的事能传播多远就多远:“ with an eye to spreading the hearsay far and wide ”。  

  从社会上许多人际关系不好的事件看来,喜欢乱说话是要不得的,因为口无遮拦者一开口:“ open his mouth ”,就得罪人。莫怪父母亲常教导孩子要多听:“ to be all ears ”,要多看:“ to be all eyes ”,更要守口如瓶:“ keep one's mouth shut ”,才不会出乱子。  

  当一个人受人影响或控制时,就是被拉着鼻子走:“ led by the nose ”。在现代社会里,有些人自视甚高,看轻别人,这种人难免鼻子朝天:“ turn their noses up ”,不屑与人为伍。除了轻视他人之外,有些人还喜欢打听人家的秘密或干涉别人的私事,这些人很“ nosy ”,爱“ nose into others' affairs ”。  

  如果你在倾听谈话就要“ all ears ”。如果学生不听教诲,老师会说他左耳进右耳出:“ in at one ear and out at the other ”。对一个有鉴赏音乐能力者,可以形容他为“ a person who has a good ear for music ”;音乐悦耳的话,就是“ pleasant to the ear ”;不好听或听来刺耳,就叫“ harsh/unpleasant to the ear ”。  

  一个人很忙时会说:“ up to my ears in work ”。不幸负债累累或债台高筑时,一定会喊说:“ over head and ears in debt ”。有时,掉入情网,难分难舍时,可形容为:“ head over heels in love with him or her ”。  

  完全同意一个人的看法或意见是“ see eye to eye with someone ”。当你向一个女人送秋波时,你“ make eyes at her ”。  

  当你不愿意注意一样东西时,你“ close your eyes to it ”。相反的,你要“ keep an eye on it ”。如果你要请人认清事实,可叫他“ open your eyes to the fact ”。  

  在英语里,“ an eye for an eye ”是报仇;方法之一是“ give him a black eye ”(打得眼圈发青)。  

  一旦看到不愉快的事,会觉得刺眼,视之为“ an eyesore ”,而要尽快把它排除在视线之外:“ out of eyeshot ”。看到稀奇或可疑的事,我们会瞠目吃惊而“ raise our eyebrows ”。
发表于 2001-11-22 19:37:28 | 只看该作者

where can I make my eye? :) sigh...

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