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匿名  发表于 2001-11-21 10:54:51 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
7. That sucks !这是美国年轻人对不好的事情表示不欢迎、不同意或不要。 (something is bad; a sign of unwelcome, disapproval or unwanted)
  suck 这个字,通常只指事物,不指人。主词  that 也可以用  it 或  this 代替。假如人家没把事情做好,就可以说:  

When he could not finish his assignment, he said to me, “ It sucks! ”  
这句「口头禅」,主词通常只用第三人称单数,动词也只用现在简单式。 (suck 是动词,是令人讨厌的意思) (sucker 则是指容易受骗的人)  

8. It's neat !这也是年轻人的一种表达方式( a form of expression )意思是:「很棒!」「不错!」「满有意思的!」也就是: good, fine or interesting 的意思。如果从云霄飞车下来,觉得很棒,就可以说:  

After I came out from the roller coaster, I said, “ That was neat!"
It will be neat to see you again! ( 再见你,该多好! )
所以主词  it ,也可用  that 或  this 代替,动词也能用其他的时态。不过,这句「口头禅」多半是用单数,是指事物,而且用在肯定句。假如说:  

You are neat. 则是指你的外表很整齐,或你是一位有条理的人。 (refer to a person's appearance; a well-organized person)

9. 下面再谈些一般人的口头禅:  

Don't play me !意思是:不要把我当傻瓜看待,或不要愚弄我。( don't treat me like a fool; don't take me for a fool; don't make a fool of me !)也就是表示一种吩咐或告示 (a form of instruction) 。 Play 後面,也可用其他人称代名词  (him, her,them,us 等 ) ,动词也可用其他时态。  

但是如果说:「 stop play me !」是指人家玩弄你的行为已在进行  (action already going on) ,你要对方停止玩弄。但是「 don't play me 」是指玩弄的行动还未开始,只是预先向对方发出「警告」而已。所以可以说:  

He will play me if I am not careful.

10. Count your blessings !意思是说,对你现在所有的一切,要有感恩之心;不可身在福中不知福;要满足。 (to be thankful for what you have) 所以遇到有人常常埋怨,你就可以说:  

Count your blessings !  (blessings 要用多数 ) 或  
We all should count blessings for what we have. 或  
I should count my blessings for a happy family.

Mr. Chen should not complain too much; he needs to count his blessings ! ( 陈先生不要有太多的埋怨;他应该有感恩之心,知足常乐。 )

11. You are in for a treat :这句「口头禅」的意思是:我预先知道你将有美好的事情发生。 (I know in advance that something good will happen to you.) (treat 就是指  something good ;而且说话的人必须预知  something good will happen) 主词可用其他的人称代名词,我们可以说:  

He is in for a treat because I know he will be receiving a promotion. (我知道他将有升级的好消息)  
The students are in for a treat today because a VIP will be guest speaker in their school.
但是「 for a treat 」,有时也指「应得的报酬」,要看上下文的意义而定。如果说:  

We are due for a treat because we have been working very hard. ( 我们工作很努力,应该有些酬报了。 )
不过这句口语,通常不用在否定句,所以不说: You are not in for a treat.

12. If the shoe fits 意思是说,假如你觉得这件事适合你,你就去试吧!本来後面跟著「 wear it 」,但通常都省去。  ( 照字面说:如果鞋子适合的话,就穿吧! ) 也就是说: If something is suitable for you, go ahead and pursue it. (shoe 通常只用单数,而且动词用现在简单式第三人称後加  s) 我们可以说:  

If she insists on becoming a movie star, I will tell her, “ If the shoe fits! ” ( 假如她坚持要当影星,我会告诉她:只要你觉得适合,你就去试试吧! )
When my friend told me he would take a jungle adventure, I said, “ Well, if the shoe fits! ” ( 当我朋友告诉我他要去作丛林地区的探险,我说,「只要你认为适合你,你就去试吧!」 )

13. Poor me !这句口头禅,有点「自我怜悯」的味道  (self-pity) ,为了取得别人的同情  (try to get sympathy from others) 似乎在对别人说:「我好可怜啊!」「我好惨啊!」所以可以说:  

Poor me, I have to pay another 20,000 dollars! ( 好惨啊!我还要再付两万元! )
Poor me, my sweetheart will leave me for her new boyfriend. ( 真可怜!我的心肝宝贝要离开我,去找她的新男友了。 )
Poor me, I have to put up all night with my cranky baby. ( 真惨,我要整个晚上忍受吵吵闹闹的婴孩! )

Poor Mr. Chen, he had to get two jobs in order to pay the mortgage. ( 陈先生真惨,为了付房子贷款,他要干两个工作。 )
注意: I am poor. 是我没有钱。与  poor me 意义不同。  

14. Has the cat got your tongue ?这是指一个人不吭声,或因紧张,一时不知该说什么。也就是「你为什 不吭声呢?」 (One can not think what to say or one's mind goes blank at a particular time) 所以美国人有时会问:  

What is the matter? Has the cat got your tongue? ( 你不吭声,怎么回事? )
At the meeting, has the cat got his tongue ? ( 开会时,他怎么不吭声? )
(tongue 的前面可用其他人称代名词  (his, her, their 等 ) 但「 cat 」和「 tongue 」通常只用单数。同时,动词也可用其他不同的  tense) 。  

Will the cat get your tongue before your speech ? ( 在你演讲前,你会因为紧张而不知该说些什么吗? )
You did not say anything this morning ; was the cat getting your tongue ?
发表于 2001-11-21 10:59:09 | 只看该作者
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