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楼主: 于戎伟
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发表于 2004-1-15 02:01:29 | 只看该作者





发表于 2004-1-15 02:10:46 | 只看该作者



发表于 2004-1-15 11:04:36 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-1-15 11:18:09 | 只看该作者




发表于 2004-1-15 11:44:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-1-15 13:05:10 | 只看该作者
无聊的话题,无聊的辩驳。 入不入籍根本改变不了你是中国人的本质。 我入籍多年,还不是经常被称为“that Chinese girl/lady”,当然没有任何歧视的意思,人家叫不出我名字嘛,但他们为什么不称我为“Canadian Girl”呢 :)
这个国籍也就能在穷苦的国人面前show off一把,其他人才不稀罕呢,当然在加拿大就更没有人稀罕了,游水的难民迟早都能入籍的嘛。拿到美国去,还没有那边的绿卡有用
说白了,北美这个地方就好在成功与否都靠自己努力,那些以为入籍就怎么了或能改变什么的自慰者,不管别的方面如何,都是心理上的 “loser”
发表于 2004-1-15 14:54:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-1-15 22:29:12 | 只看该作者
Canadain people didn't invite you to come. It was your choice. I think that Canadian government is too generious to accept you to immigrate to this great country. It is a shame for you to stay in Canada. Go back to your motherland tomorrow or shut up. Don't ruin our Chinese immigrants' reputation.
发表于 2004-1-15 23:11:51 | 只看该作者
Hey dude! what were u thinking? stuck in ur little fantasies?
listen to my yo
1: China is a big country not even U.S. wanna invade it. But why does U.S. bother to invade China and start WWIII??? You know that world war 3 means nuclear wars don't you? that means the whole earth might be destroyed if world war came out.
Canada? Haven't you notice that Canada is NOT the servent of U.S., but it is the BROTHER of U.S.?

2: Who said Canadians are racists? Or you don't know the difference between local Canadians and Russians?

3: China has Chinese culture, Canada has Canadian culture, and One of Canadian culture is MULTICULTURISM, that mean Canada has cultures of all over the world, including chinese. Canada has no good buildings? What is CN Tower then? World tallest building is in TORONTO. Wake up. Canada only has U.S. TV shows/ Movies? Do you watch TV? Do you watch all the channels?  Or just Omni or some chinese channels? And are you saying that Canada has no artist? Then where did Celine Dion came from? Where did Avril Legvine came from? So it Shania Twian, Nickelback, Simple Plan etc. Or did you mean Hollywood movies heh? Well china has Hollywood movies too buddy.

4: Canada has good views, rivers, mountains, and whatever. Yeah, even a dumb@$$ knows that. That's the places where you can actually camp in it! China? Great many places? No doubt, you can look at it for hours, but too cold or too hot, you don't wanna go near it. People looking at you? Well yeah, at least they notice you are alive! Don't chinese people look at white people the same way in China? Canada is limited country? If you meant Canada has no freedom, then I doubt if any place else in this world has freedom. If you meant you don't have anything else to do except for earning money then...that's your problem.

5: China is developing country, yes, no doubt for that. But isn't Canada DEVELOPED country? That means they already been through developing part you know? And also, DUDE, U.S. is going down now!!! Canada is actually GOING UP (Except for the stupid health system)!

6: Yes passport, you can go to the same number of countries (or even more) beening a Chinese Canadian than only a Chinese. Many people in this world are racist, even chinese themselves, can't you admit that people will think that you are cooler as a Canadian Chinese than just a Chinese? I have to admit that. With Canadian passport, most chinese are gonna be more respectful to you cause you are different (except for the government cause they don't like people who thinks different).

7: If you love china that much, then why bother to come to Canada? No body ask u to come right? Yes if you have Canadian passport you are a Canadian officially. But do you care about what it says? Why do you care about what people said? If they say you are a b1tch are you really are? You can lie to everyone/ anyone but yourself. Do you know who you really are? Do you think if you become a Canadian citizen, then your skins are gonna become white? Showing off in china just because you are a Canadian citizen? That means you are racist! You should be proud of that you are a Chinese not Canadian! And you will never become Canadian you can only become Chinese Canadian! Respect everyone in this world. We are all the same, god created all humans. If you don't have a proper reason why you dislike, or unrespect someone, then don't do it!
By the way, no bodies are gonna laugh at you. Not many people really care about you except your families, friends, and yourself. If you think you are a crap yourself, then you are a crap.

Become a Chinese Canadian and learn more of this world, and then you will change your opinions like this. I don't call this non-sence because it is insane (more like lacking of knowledge).
发表于 2004-1-16 12:36:00 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2011-3-17 22:25:35 | 只看该作者

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