磨磨蹭蹭 发表于 2011-4-27 10:30
1. She will never get the "要求他们或诊所写一纸证明,保证你女儿终身不会因为这次被抓被咬得狂犬病,或者得病由他们负赔偿责任"。 If the owner can provide rabies vaccine record from veterinary. What happen to her daughter have nothing to do with this bite.
2. 如果你再报警,就只强调这次是万幸,但确定这条狗对人有威胁。你非常害怕碰到这条狗,你女儿已经有心理恐惧,不敢出门. Make sure this would not conflict with her comment that she made first time to the police Based on the article I understand she should said something nice to police, after the dog owner promised her that would be financial compension if she help the owner keep the dog. It would be big, big, big trouble, if you make different comments in same case. |